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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn II

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Jack Haggerty

First Post
Someone said:
The man (better said the boy) takes the meat -or attempts to- "I´ll take the tongue, sir." says "Since they say it brings, hmmm, peace of spirit to the hungry."

He leaves the map on the table and dissapears as quick as his legs allow him.

Jack tosses him the bit of meat with a parting benediction, "Well then, may St. Brentford grant you the strength to lighten your earthly burdens and the endurance travel the road for which you were destined."

Someone said:
Once you examine the map, you realice in a single glance that you could barely find a town with it, let alone a treasure: it´s so badly painted and has several enormous red crosses on it.

Jack shrugs, folding the map back up and stowing safely amongst his gear, "If nothing else," he remarks to no one in particular, "I can alway use it for kindling, or privy paper." He shrugs his back on, and retrieves his now mostly dry cloak from the hook near the fire and makes his way outside to the statue of the Red Dragon...

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Kahuna Burger

First Post
Jack Haggerty said:
Jack shrugs, folding the map back up and stowing safely amongst his gear, "If nothing else," he remarks to no one in particular, "I can alway use it for kindling, or privy paper." He shrugs his back on, and retrieves his now mostly dry cloak from the hook near the fire and makes his way outside to the statue of the Red Dragon...

OOC: jack, since Someone made it clear they were trying to start an adventure, taking the plot hook along (in a needlessly insulting way) is a little rude not just to him/her, but others who might have been interested in the adventure.

Jack Haggerty

First Post
Someone said:
"True treasure maps from the forest of Ar."

Kahuna Burger said:
OOC: jack, since Someone made it clear they were trying to start an adventure, taking the plot hook along (in a needlessly insulting way) is a little rude not just to him/her, but others who might have been interested in the adventure.

OOC: Not as much as you might think... First, "maps" certainly implies that the schill has more than one of them (it'd be a poor scam, if he only tried selling a single map). Second, the bartender said the map itself was useless (which was also painfully obvious just looking at it). And anyone standing nearby (in the entire barroom) to overhear would now know that the Forest of Ar is a good place to look for loot.

Someone didn't have to hand me that map, seeing as I made it quite clear that I was walking out the door into another adventure.

And as far as needlessly insulting rude little halflings are concerned... as others have said previously about their characters... that's just the way Jack is sometimes. Look at it from another point of view, and he knowingly and charitably gave that poor boy a free meal.

Besides, who says we won't stop by the Forest of Ar on the way home. And he hasn't left yet, so if anyone wants to make Jack an offer for the map, remember... He traded a bona fide holy relic for it. ;)
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The door to the Red Dragon slams open, and in the doorway stands a stout, grizzled dwarf, with but one leg - in the other's place is little more than a wooden peg. He stamps slowly into the inn, and takes a slow glance around, his aged eyes seemingly taking in everything.

"My name is Jericho." He says, folding his arms across his chest. His voice is deep and rumbling, and not a particularly pleasant sound. "I seek young fools who would be brave enough to dare the sea, in search of a pirate ship called the Cirya de Pietro."

He pauses, taking a moment to glare at the far wall. "I will be here for one hour. If in that time some decide to dare this journey, come sit with me, and I will tell you more." He takes a step back, and spits onto the ground outside of the inn. He then proceeds directly to a table near the bar, and seats himself.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Kahuna Burger said:
"I come to you from the village of RedOak, two days of swift riding north. We have been plauged by a gang of bandits who harrass our people and help themselves to the fruits of our labors. We need help. We are poor in coin, but have gathered a small collection of jewlery to help compensate any who would come to our aid. In addition, we will place the craftsmen of our vilage and all our resources at your disposal, to provide you whatever equipment you may need in this effort or the future. Finally, the carriage and horses which have brought me here and will take you back to my home will be given to you. The four horses are the fastest in our region and should serve you well or bring a better price than we can gather in cash. I beg of you to help us."

He stands akwardly for a moment then sits at a table, looking about the room hopefully.

After about an hour in which the only currently active heroes leave with a wizard, a human lad of maybe 16 years enters.He is tall and looks strong for his age, with a rapier at his side and a crossbow slung across his back. He glances around then goes directly to the man from RedOak. "er, hello, are you looking for, um heroes?"

The traveler repeats his offer and the young man's eyes light up. "Oh, well redoak is not far from my home village! My friends and I were planning on meeting soon after our year of seperate adventuring. I'm sure if you gave me a ride, we could easily convince them to come along and help you!" After some brief conversation, the two leave together...

Kahuna Burger

First Post
The door to the inn opens and a female gnome enters. Her weathered brown skin highlights the shocking brightness of her blue eyes and platnium hair. She wears armor and robes after the sytle of a cleric, but the wooden amulet she carries has the symbol of no god you are familiar with but rather a lighted candle. She glances around the mostly empty bar and anounces herself to the few late night customers.

"Hello there, I'm Kirin - I'm here to help." Then she aproaches the bar and orders a drink of hot cider. "And I'd like a room to accomadate myself and my dog. I assure you he's well house trained and has no more fleas than the average boarder."

Jack Haggerty said:
OOC: Not as much as you might think... First, "maps" certainly implies that the schill has more than one of them (it'd be a poor scam, if he only tried selling a single map). Second, the bartender said the map itself was useless (which was also painfully obvious just looking at it). And anyone standing nearby (in the entire barroom) to overhear would now know that the Forest of Ar is a good place to look for loot.

Someone didn't have to hand me that map, seeing as I made it quite clear that I was walking out the door into another adventure.

And as far as needlessly insulting rude little halflings are concerned... as others have said previously about their characters... that's just the way Jack is sometimes. Look at it from another point of view, and he knowingly and charitably gave that poor boy a free meal.

Besides, who says we won't stop by the Forest of Ar on the way home. And he hasn't left yet, so if anyone wants to make Jack an offer for the map, remember... He traded a bona fide holy relic for it. ;)

The Insult (and reference from Kahuna) was not to the Halfling, but to the DM who was trying to start an adventure. There are a few simple ettiquette rules that we must all follow in the Red Dragon, one of which is that you are either involved with an adventure or you aren't. If you aren't, then don't interfere with one when a Dm is trying to start one. Oh, the wonders of Sleight of Hand. Oh, and I picked your pocket in a legit manner, Jack, just so you know. Wonder what Rogues can do these days...

IC: As the smug man leaves the Inn, he fails to notice the sleightly too long moment that the passing merchant bumped against him for. As Jack exited, the merchant smiled and set the map down upon the table that it had been placed upon a few moments ago. 'Pity that, seems that fellow has a full plate already, perhaps a few of you lot?' The merchant orders a beer, drinks it quickly and then departs again, off into the night.
The Treasure Map to the Forest of Ar lies once more upon the table, waiting for any who wish to seek what it leads to.
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First Post
As he strides up to the Red Dragon Inn, Hallandor notes the gnome entering the establishment. Well on to a new life..... He enters in behind the gnome and notes with curiosity the introduction she makes. Greetings to one and all. I am Hallandor Canderson a Paladin of Grendath. And I also am seeking to aid those that need one to right wrongs,help those that find themselves helpless, provide courage to those bravery has fled, or even...to trim small hedges. He smiles to himself at the private joke...This half-elf is armoured in a chain shirt and shield, with several weapons (although curiously no bow)readily accessible. Hanging from his neck is the symbol of Grendath. His black hair hangs loosly about his shoulders, with a neatly trimmed beard about his chin. He makes his way to the bartender and asks for a whiskey as the trail has made him a little dry in the throat.
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Jack Haggerty

First Post
Living Enworld Judge said:
...Oh, the wonders of Sleight of Hand. Oh, and I picked your pocket in a legit manner, Jack, just so you know. Wonder what Rogues can do these days...

IC: As the smug man leaves the Inn, he fails to notice the sleightly too long moment that the passing merchant bumped against him for. As Jack exited, the merchant smiled and set the map down upon the table that it had been placed upon a few moments ago. 'Pity that, seems that fellow has a full plate already, perhaps a few of you lot?' The merchant orders a beer, drinks it quickly and then departs again, off into the night.
The Treasure Map to the Forest of Ar lies once more upon the table, waiting for any who wish to seek what it leads to.

OOC: As much as I understand what you are trying to do, this really bothers me. There are much better ways to accomplish the same results. However, this really isn't a very appropriate place to continue this sort of discussion. I've started another thread instead.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
ferretguy said:
Greetings to one and all. I am Hallandor Canderson a Paladin of Grendath. And I also am seeking to aid those that need one to right wrongs,help those that find themselves helpless, provide courage to those bravery has fled, or even...to trim small hedges. He smiles to himself at the private joke...This half-elf is armoured in a chain shirt and shield, with several weapons (although curiously no bow)readily accessible. Hanging from his neck is the symbol of Grendath. His black hair hangs loosly about his shoulders, with a neatly trimmed beard about his chin. He makes his way to the bartender and asks for a whiskey as the trail has made him a little dry in the throat.

OOC: put your ferret on a diet! :D the picture I mean, I don't know how you got that big an avatar in but its messing with at least my thread veiw...

The gnomish woman smiles at him accross the bar and comments "Well, I have no hedges to trim, but with any luck someone will soon need help of one sort or another. Tell me, do you restrict your company to those of Grendath, or do you associate with the genericly helpful?"

(Hallandor's knowlege religion would allow him to recognize the cleric's symbol as that of the group known as Mortalists [described fully in the general discussion thread, but basically enwordian secular humanists] though he might know little about them except that they abstain from the worship of any gods.)

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