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Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn 2010-17


Ogrin asks the barkeep for a two bowls of meat stew, into which he pours the content of a small bottle. After feeding some of it to the dogs, they seem of much better health; in fact, the wounds have stopped bleeding and have mostly scabbed over. There are whispers in the crows, "Did that halfling just waste a healing potion on two dogs!?", which Ogrin ignores.

"Well, Razh, these certainly look like two stray mutts to me. Just like us, eh?" His face hardens again. "If i find whoever did this..."

He pets the one that seems the least flea-ridden. "I think I'll adopt this one. I must hink of a good name. Hm. Such things are always hard. Does he look like a 'Fluffy' to you?"

The dog doesn't appreciate the petting and nips his hand. "Ow! Stop that you mangy git". Razh and Ogrin share a look. "Alright. 'Mangy git' it is. It's as good as any name, I suppose."

When the dogs have finished the last of the stew, Ogrin plays around with them. "Who's a good boy? Are you a good boy? Would you like some more to eat? <BARK> Of course you do! How about we go and get some of Mr Edwyd's meat pies for you? He makes excellent pies! In fact, I just came from missus Edwyd, and she had the most delicious pie delivered from him earlier! I almost ate half of it, I think. I hope he won't mind?"

OOC: I hope Rae allows me to take a few liberties with his recent story =)

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Pendrake runs as fast as his newly acquired boots will let him to the temple of Halina. He sees one of the sisters feeding some children, so he stands nervously awaiting his turn.

Pendrake perchases 4 vials of healing and runs bak to the ' Dragon, only to see the dogs healed and heeling.

"Ah, dogs ist goot now. " he holds up a vial and says "Temple uf Halina sell me these."

Rae ArdGaoth

"Ogrin, mate, where've ye been?!" A tumult of emotions crosses Rasereit's scarred face, joy, worry, relief, pain, all mixing together in what ends up being a scowl. "These two, Ah don' know what 'appened to 'em, they need fixin' up s'all Ah know."

The scowl relaxes when Ogrin spikes the stew with healing potion. As the dogs recover consciousness and start to nip at Ogrin's fingers, Razh heaves a great sigh of relief.

When Pendrake's returns with the potions, Razh grins up at him "The Mutt looks out for 'is own, eh Pendrake?" he says, gesturing at the newly arrived halfling and the strays. "Ye're a bit late, but Ah'm sure Mongrel appreciates yer efforts, mate. 'Ave ye met me ol' friend Ogrin? The two of us, we go back a bit. Spared each other a scar or two, eh? Ogrin, this 'ere's Pendrake, a northman if Ah e'er met one."

"Nah, ye've got t'tell me, where've ye been?" Razh asks Ogrin as he scratches the dirtier, more flea-ridden dog behind the ears.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Pendrake smiles at the dwarvin barbarian. He sits down and asks for an ale while listening, waiting to hear of Ras' antics.


"Up and down the coast mate. Haven't been back to Orussus in, oh, a year, I think? Let's catch up in a bit, I just need a bit of food and drink first."

OOC: And I'm just about to go travelling without internet, so it'll be a while before I can update again, sadly. :(

"Ogrin, mate, where've ye been?!" A tumult of emotions crosses Rasereit's scarred face, joy, worry, relief, pain, all mixing together in what ends up being a scowl. "These two, Ah don' know what 'appened to 'em, they need fixin' up s'all Ah know."

The scowl relaxes when Ogrin spikes the stew with healing potion. As the dogs recover consciousness and start to nip at Ogrin's fingers, Razh heaves a great sigh of relief.

When Pendrake's returns with the potions, Razh grins up at him "The Mutt looks out for 'is own, eh Pendrake?" he says, gesturing at the newly arrived halfling and the strays. "Ye're a bit late, but Ah'm sure Mongrel appreciates yer efforts, mate. 'Ave ye met me ol' friend Ogrin? The two of us, we go back a bit. Spared each other a scar or two, eh? Ogrin, this 'ere's Pendrake, a northman if Ah e'er met one."

"Nah, ye've got t'tell me, where've ye been?" Razh asks Ogrin as he scratches the dirtier, more flea-ridden dog behind the ears.

Rae ArdGaoth

"Aye, o' course, drink up. Food's still free, that much hasn' changed, Razh says. "Joe, a mug o' Dragonsbreath for me, if ye would? And somethin' t' snack on?" The bartender acknowledges the order with a nod, but then points at the sign above the door and raises his eyebrows meaningfully at Ogrin.

OOC: No worries, it's been pretty quiet around here recently. =) Enjoy your trip!


Arthur Human Rogue 1

Arthur steps in, looking weary.

"*Sigh* For better or worse, Arthur returns..."

Someone who listens would detect a hint of sarcasm. He then scans the tavern.

"Has anyone brought in two wounded dogs?"

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Pendrake Utherman

A northman, by appearence, stands at Arthur's question and says, "Ja, ist here!" He used a mug in hand to indicate two mangy flea bitten scraggly currs, standing getting petted or scratched by two others, a halfling and a dwarf. Neither of the two 2-legged mangy flea bitten currs look scraggly, as in 'don't want to meet them in a dark ally' .


Arthur Human Rogue 1

Seeing that the two dogs are seemingly alive and well, Arthur lets out a sigh of relief.

"At least that's one problem solved...who is responsible for their recovery?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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