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Swamp Trek III: The Search for Ter-raen

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
re cap:
Gildrum has just been re-united with Karl and Weel and he called the villigers a bunch of sissy elf lasses . . .


Once the combatants have been separated, additional guards posted, and any immediately threatening injuries treated, Apikotoa draws you aside. "You begeen to see our dilemma. Our elders have been argueeng about what to do about these preesoners. They probably steel are argueeng. Eet would surely be eenjust to set them free. But eef we execute them, their keenfolk would come to seek revenge. We cannot survive another attack such as thees. But as you see, we cannot hold them much longer. Every guard watcheeng them ees another hunter not breengeeng food. We lost many hunters to thees tragedy, and our food stores are low."

[sblock=ooc]Hi, guys. Sorry for the lack of updates. I kind of wrote myself into a corner with this game. The social scenes with the lizardfolk didn't go the way I had pictured them. My original plot wasn't going to work, and I found myself lacking the mental energy to brainstorm my way out of it this time. I made up my mind to end the game, but then when I sat down to actually write up the ending, nothing happened, and I put it off until later. Once that happened two or three times, it fell of my radar. Part of the reason it's been hard is exactly the dilemma that Apikotoa articulates: what to do with the prisoners? I've dithered entirely too much over that.

Probably not coincidentally, I've been trying to reduce my involvement in these boards. I don't want to completely disappear, but I want to be spending minutes per day here, rather than hours per day.



Once the confrontation is done, Gildrim droops with tiredness. This day has been endless, and filled with disaster after disaster. Even his Dwarven accent almost falls away.

"Weel, then, justice disnae come into it. If anither attack would end the lizardfolk, then ye cannae provoke one. And if keepin' them leads tae ye starvin', then ye cannae keep them.

"Seems tae me, ye need to send them home. But if Ah remember richt, there's one, Corbin or Corvin or th' like, wha stirs up all th' trouble."

Gildrim sighs.

"Let th' others go hame, but chop his heid off, quick and easy. There's not sae many will miss him that they'll look for revenge, if these others speak agin it, home an' safe, wi' him nae there tae call for it."

He sighs again. "And fewer still, if Ah'm th' ane wha daes th' choppin'."

OOC: Gildrim shifts from CG to CN, I think.


First Post
Weel Naxel, human cleric

Weel blanches at the suggestion. "He's ... we can't just excommunicate ... execute. That," the cleric says, flustered.

"What about the halfling priestess? She's a neutral party. Take the case to her, and if she feels Corvin's brought his death upon himself, you won't have to fight off his kin since you didn't decide it."

[sblock=OOC]I have no pressing need to see Corvin kept alive, but it seems drastically out of character for Weel not to at least object to expedient executions ;)

As to ending things, it seems to me the three PC's aren't in a position to effect much change. They have no real standing with the humans, and Gildrim's only free due to Apikotoa vouching for him, so we're nearly as cloutless with the lizardfolk. We're largely just acting as witnesses to a story whose outcome we're largely unable to influence.

Given that, it seems reasonable to me that Apikotoa could / should just negotiate the PC's freedom, with an armed escort making sure we leave despite what protests the characters might make.

While it's troublesome and 'loose endy' to leave such a conflict unresolved, it could easily provide RP fodder for our developing characters (especially Gildrim, poor guy). I don't think it breaks ENWorld to allow that there is ongoing and escalating tension / violence between humans and lizardfolk in this region (and, in fact, it's a plot thread someone else might choose to pick up at a later date). And so long as we don't see whatever the eventual 'solution' is, you can leave it to that hypothetical 'next guy' to figure out what happened and what resulted from it.[/sblock]


"Mebbe they'd blame her too, an' she has a hame an' a life nearby, where Ah dinnae. An' she has a wee lassie wanderin' th' world tae think of, wha might return hame at any time. Ah'm willin' tae tak th' trouble oan mahsel'. Ah'm nae stayin', an' Ah've nae need tae cam this way again. Whit are the Craggers goin' tae dae? Set oot for Nurazak Farnore? That's a fair walk, if they could find oot where it wis."

"Well, leave it tae th' elders. If they ask me tae rid them ay Corvin, weel, Ah dinnae think much mair bad luck can stick tae me."[sblock=OOC]Yes, we're pulling the plug, somehow or other.

I don't think we'd make too much of a fuss about being forced to abandon the original missions of searching an abandoned house for an urn... and, for Gildrim, retrieving dead friends. That mission has become even more pointless since he left behind (most of) Richard's corpse.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Karl stands quietly until Gildrum suggests the immediate execution.

"are you daft?! Gildum, he should be given a trial. These people are more humane then that human is, I will concede to that. These human people were misled into an irrisponsible rampage. That too is true. I think we should bring all of the others home and let him stand trial as Weel suggests. he can defend himself as all actions are his responsibility. the Lizard folk can prosicute and ... er, uh, What's her name the halfling priestess and perhaps one elder from the lizard folk and one human elder from corbin's vilage all three can preside as judges.

What say you to that? "

Karl breaths after his sudden impromptu speach and then gives whatever leftover energy he has left he forms into a dak glare toward Corbin.

" I personally would prefer that he suffer the death of a hundred arrows, but that might be too kind"


"Och, Ah meant after a trial," Gildrim mutters, "but it's the lizardfowk's laws that rule here. If ye can convince th' elders here tae set up a court ay aw involvit, sae much th' better. But it's nae sae much tae dae wi' us that Ah'm willin' tae spend a breath oan arguin'."

Voidrunner's Codex

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