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When I first read about Kobolds I thought they were awesome wicked jackal people, then in 3.5 I read they're anthropomorphic Yoshis... these were my original Kobolds. I did my first campaign with only a players handbook and a Sword and Sorcery Creature's Collection so I had to wing it with more mainstream stuff. These guys have stuck around and I've actually played a couple of these guys, Marius and Barkley, to high levels. Barkers this is for you. lol.

Canid, Kobolt, CR1

This dog like humanoid looks like a mix between a Beagle and a Human, he'd be adorable if it wasn't for the snarling muzzle, longsword and scale armor caked with blood, and eyes full of murderous intent.

XP: 300
N Medium Humanoid (Canid)
Init +2, Senses: Low Light Vision, Scent;

AC: 18 ( +1 Dex, +1 Natural, +4 Scale armor, +1 Dodge, +1 light wood shield) Touch: 12, Flat Footed: 16
Hit Dice: 1d10+3+3 ( 16 hp)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1
Resistances: +2 vs disease, +2 vs Cold Effects
Special Defense: Vigilance, Fur

Speed 40ft (30ft in armor)
Melee: Longsword +2 (1d8+1/ 19-20),or Dagger or Bite +2 (1d4+1)
Ranged: Longbow +2 (1d8 /x3), Dagger or Sling +2 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks: Bark

Str 12 +1
Dex 13 +1
Con 15 +2
Int 12 +1
Wis 12 +1
Cha 13 +1

Base attack+1; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats: Toughness, Dodge
Skills: Climb +5, Heal +2, Intimidate +5, Perception +8, Stealth +5, Survival +8, ; Racial Modifiers: +2 Perception, +2 Survival
Languages: Common, Canid, Sylvan
Special Qualities: Likable

Environment: Forest, Plains
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Hunting Party (3-5), Pack (6-20)

Treasure: NPC gear, Longsword, Longbow, Dagger, Scale Mail, Standard

Special Abilities
Bark (Ex): A Kobalt Canid when angered releases a stream of constant loud aggressive barking that can produce fear in weaker foes. Foes of less than 4 hd must make a DC 14 Fort save or be shaken until they land a blow on the Kobalt. This barking can be heard for some distance and is used to signal and to emphasize more than as an attack unto itself. This is a free action that can be used as part of another action.

Likable (Ex): Kobalts tend to make friends easily. They receive a +2 bonus to diplomacy checks.

(Alternate in place of Likable)
Second Wind (Ex): 1/day the Canid can recover an amount of health equal to their con modifier to a minimum of 1 as a free action.

Fur (Ex): Kobalts gain a +2 resistance against environmental cold based effects.

Vigilance (Ex): The senses of a Canid are sharper than a man's they gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Perception and a +1 bonus on Initiative and Ref Saves

Kobalt Canids are so named as the tactics they used made early human interactions mistake them for Kobolds. Canids are dog like humanoids who tend to be happy, excitable, loyal, capable, and genuine. They tend to be easy targets for the wicked who use their trusting natures against them, but are generally well loved by their communities and their neutral and good aligned allies.

Before human interaction, the Kobalts lived in communities that mirror wolf packs or packs of wild dogs largely, After the arrival of humans, the Kobalts flourished but largely in roles considered to be negative such as banditry and con artistry, not through some sort of natural evil, but by the necessity that the Canid mind must experience before it can truly understand, though their good nature and desire to be accepted make tasteful but evil work bitter honey for them and leaves them searching for a better path.


Kobalt Canids as Characters:

+2 Con
-2 Int
+2 Cha

Kobalts are tough, charismatic, and prone to mistakes.

Low Light Vision


Natural Attack: Bite (1d4 primary)





Racial Skills: +2 Survival, +2 Perception

Canid Traits: (Affected by any spell that can target an animal)
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Mavens are the hidden geniuses of the world, people with a lot of potential, a lot of focus, an absolute armory of technical know-how behind them, and little reason to actually use it to their full potential. The vast majority of Mavens use their abilities to hide in plain sight, surviving like kings off their communities whilst not raising an eyebrow and not paying a dime.

Sometimes referred to as 'Hobo Kings', Mavens initially learned their abilities from Brownies who taught the first Maven, a man who had been living in another man's home for over a year that he really should help around the house. They taught him to notice little things and quietly, secretly, taught him strange old magic and a way to see and interact with the world to use the fullest capacity of his abilities without compromising his position or his personal outlook.

Many times on the wrong side of the Law, Mavens have made dealing with and breaking out of prison an art.

Mavens tend to have technical outlooks and value the way things work and will have the urge to fix something, or to take in the more appreciative nature, vice what they can get or take from something, which is the vital difference between a Maven and a Rogue. An architect vice a grave robber.

BAB: ¾ as Rogue
Good Saves: Ref
HD: d8

Class Skills: 10+Int, Any 6 Class Skills of his Choice + Rogue Skills
Weapon Prof: As Rogue


1: Sneak Attack 1d6, Crafter, Trapfinding, Focus

2: Maven's Luck, Slyness, Mend

3: Sneak Attack 2d6

4: Luck Bonus +1

5: Sneak Attack 3d6, Silence 1/day

6: Iron Will, Evasion

7: Sneak Attack 4d6

8: Luck Bonus +2, Jack of All Trades

9: Sneak Attack 5d6, DR 1/-

10: Keen Senses, Vanish, Silence 2/day

11: Sneak Attack 6d6, Luck of Heroes

12: Luck Bonus +3, Grace

13: Sneak Attack 7d6, DR 2/-

14: Hide in Plain Sight

15: Sneak Attack 8d6, Silence 3/day

16: Flow, Improved Evasion, Luck Bonus +4

17: Sneak Attack 9d6, 3/-

18: Improved Invisibility 1/day

19: Sneak Attack 10d6

20: Master Maven, Luck Bonus +5, Silence 4/day, Truesight

Sneak Attack: As Rogue

Crafter: (Ex) Mavens are incredibly gifted in the fields of arts and crafts, from alchemy to woodworking, Mavens gain a circumstance bonus equal to ½ Class Level on all Craft Skill checks.

Maven's Luck: (Ex) Mavens seem to always be in the right place at the right time. Mavens gain a +1 Luck Bonus on all Saving Throws and AC, this AC and Save Bonus applies no matter what even if tied up unconscious and prone.

Slyness: (Sp) Tapping into subtle magic, much like a Monk, a Maven is able to sneak past even career rogues. Mavens gain a circumstance bonus equal to ½ Class level on all Stealth checks

Focus: (Su) By training their intention and focusing on a goal to exclusion, the Maven can attain a Flow State gaining a +1 Bonus to any one check, attack, or roll per round as a free action, the intent must be declared at beginning of round before rolls or damage is calculated. At 10th Level, this bonus increases by +1 and can be divided between several checks within a round, at 20th Level you gain an additional +1 bonus.

Trapfinding: As Rogue

Luck Bonus: (Sp) The Maven gains a Luck Bonus to AC equal to the number given.

Mend: Spell Like Ability, CL equal to Class Level, At Will

Silence: Spell Like Ability, CL equal to Class Level, 1/day at 5th level and every 5 levels after that

Luck of Heroes: (Sp) A Maven's luck grows to epic proportions, gain an additional +1 Luck bonus to AC and saves.

Iron Will: Bonus Feat

Evasion: As the Rogue ability

Damage Reduction: Mavens often find themselves on the wrong end of a beatdown, and eventually toughen to the point that they can shrug off blows reducing damage by 1/- this number increases by 1 point for every 4 levels beyond 9

Vanish: (Su) Masters of misdirection and the subtle magic of staying hidden, a Maven can seem to quite literally vanish 3+ Cha Mod rounds/day as the spell Invisibility as a swift action.

Jack of all Trades: (Ex) A focused dilettante, a Maven gains a smattering of all knowledge from his travels. All skills are treated as class skills, can roll even on unlearned, class specific, or trained only skills.

Keen Senses: (Ex) The constant focus of the Maven has increased his base senses, at least when compared to a normal man. Gain Low Light Vision (Or add 30 Darkvision if you already have Low Light Vision) and a +1 Circumstance Bonus to Perception checks. x2 base Visual/ Audible sensory range.

Grace: (Sp) The Maven's Focused state of Relaxation gives him uncanny mental and reflexive defense adding their Cha Bonus to Saves as they seem to effortlessly avoid attacks.

Hide in Plain Sight: (Su) A Maven's skill grows to the point that they can Hide while being observed as long as they touch a shadow. (not your own)

Flow: (Ex) A Maven's Incredible Luck and Undaunting focus come to a head as he gains his Cha Bonus as a Luck bonus to AC, and can gain his Charisma mod as a Luck bonus on all skill checks to a maximum of his level.

Improved Evasion: As the Rogue ability

Truesight: Spell-Like Ability. Constant effect, can be resumed or ended at will as an immediate action

Master Maven: (Sp) Never fail on a natural “1”, Sneak Attack range increases by 30ft, Can attack creatures behind cover with no penalty within 60ft, constantly under the effect of a Pass Without Trace and Misdirection spell.
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Reposting the Odine Gnoll here.

Gnoll, Odine, CR 3

This strong looking more animalistic gnoll stands almost a foot taller than it's lesser brethren, and appears as a more pure cross of hyena and humanoid, it's striking black and white fur stained with blood, it's two-toned mohawk raises as it sees you it's heavy jaw tensing slightly... with calculating eyes it lopes towards you with a measured and rolling gait, it's powerful body ripples with sinewy muscle.

XP: 800
N Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Gnoll)
Init +6, Senses: Low Light Vision, Darkvision 60, Scent; Perception +13

AC: 21 ( +2 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Hide armor, +1 Dodge) Touch: 13, Flat Footed: 18
Hit Dice: 4d10+16 ( 41 hp)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2
Immune: Disease, +10 Resistance to Ingested Poison
Defensive Abilities: Cast Iron Stomach

Speed 40ft (30ft in armor)
Melee: Spear +8 (1d8+6/ x3), or 2 Claws +8 (1d3+4), or Bite +8 (1d8+8)
Ranged: Spear +6 (1d8+6 /x3), Hunting bow or Sling +6 (1d4+4)
Special Attacks: Gnoll Butter +6, Die Biting the Throat

Str 18 +4
Dex 15 +2
Con 17 +3
Int 8 -1
Wis 13 +1
Cha 8 -1
Base attack+4; CMB +8; CMD 21

Feats: Toughness, Dodge (b), Skill Focus: Perception, Improved Initiative, Endurance (b)

Skills: Climb +9, Heal +6, Intimidate +10, Perception +13, Stealth +6, Survival +10,
Racial Modifiers: +2 Climb, +2 Heal, +2 Intimidate, +2 Perception, +2 Survival

Languages: Gnoll, Common
Special Qualities: Crushing Bite, Weapon Familiarity

Environment: Forest, Plains
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Hunting Party (3-5), Band (6-20), or Tribe (21-60)
Treasure: NPC gear (Hide armor, well balaced belt knife with various knocks and grooves (-1 to improvised tool penalty), sling, hunting bow (deals sling damage but deals piercing damage, applies str mod), spear, 10 balanced stones, 10 fire hardened wood arrows, flint and tinder, Red Frog Poison (DC:12 injury fort 1d3dex and reduces speed by 5 ft for 1d3 hours, primary, 1 str secondary 1/minute for 3 minutes), 1-10gp in semiprecious stones and gold pieces)

Special Abilities

Gnoll Butter (Ex): An Odine Gnoll can produce a thick, brown, gritty, foul smelling, extremely sticky grease from glands in their anus as a move action 3+ con mod/ per day. This substance though disgusting, is in fact a powerful antihemorrhagic, antibiotic, astringent, antiseptic, and healing agent. When applied to a wound it converts 1d8+ the gnoll's constitution modifier lethal damage into nonlethal damage for every 5 hit dice the gnoll possesses, and adds a +5 circumstance bonus on heal checks made to the recipient for 1 hour. Only 1 dose of Gnoll Butter may be applied in this fashion per hour.

Additionally, high quantities of naturally occurring alcohols in the substance make it extremely flammable. If ignited, the substance burns for 1d4 + the gnoll's constitution modifier rounds, dealing 1d6 fire damage per round. Gnoll Butter may be thrown as a ranged touch attack with a range of 10 feet dealing no initial damage, on a critical hit it blinds the target for 24 hours with no save. All non gnolls within 5 feet of the substance must make a DC 15 fort save to avoid being sickened for 1d4 rounds in either application, a successful save makes you immune to this effect for 24 hours.

1d4 doses of Gnoll Butter can be harvested from a gnoll via a DC 10 Craft Alchemy check.

Cast Iron Stomach (Ex): Gnoll's capability to eat just about anything is legendary. They can eat even the most horrid, putrid, rotten meat or food and never risk disease and also receive a +10 racial bonus to saves against ingested poisons.

Crushing Bite (Ex): Gnoll jaws are considered to be some of the strongest, size per size, in the world. Their bite deals damage as if the Gnoll was 2 size categories larger, deal x2 strength damage, and their bite is always considered a primary weapon.

Die Biting the Throat (Ex): When a gnoll takes enough damage to either knock the gnoll unconscious or kill it, they gain a single immediate attack at their highest attack bonus.

Scent (Ex): Gnolls can detect enemies by scent to a range of 30 ft, strong scents at double range, and overpowering scents at triple range. Pinpointing the location is a move equivalent action. Can track by smell.

Weapon Familiarity (Ex): All gnolls are drilled from birth to be trained in the art of hunting and war, all of a gnoll's natural attacks are considered primary attacks and all are trained with the use of Slings, Bows, Daggers, Spears, and improvised weapons of all types, they also do not suffer accidental risk of poisoning themselves on poisons and toxins found from their known local environment (including their frog poison) they are incredibly perceptive to the weaknesses of weapons and how to counter them and can find suitable items from their environment usually.

Odine Gnolls are powerfully built gnolls who stand considerably larger stronger and more imposingly than their cousins. Odine gnolls were simply a subset of normal gnolls until about 300 years ago when the gnolls becoming increasingly aware of the power and dominance of human kind and the loss of the influence of the Beastmen, Elves, and Goblinoids worldwide enacted a strategy to secure their independence, dominance, autonomy, and power in their environment and to secure the future of gnoll kind, if not world wide, at least for themselves and their neighbors.

The gnolls convened with other tribes in the area, but the Odine tribe so named as they lived in the human nation of Odine, spearheaded an initiative to strictly guard and regulate who could breed, when and with who, and control the attributes so desired. After three hundred years, the gnolls have become exceedingly strong, large, and efficient, dismissing most religious ideals, and living in simple harmony with the world around them, they have learned to adapt to humankind and their lessons are spreading...

Being driven by their curiosity and a greater sense of purpose, the Odine gnolls have made many leaps and bounds to bridge the gap of understanding between man and gnoll, living in close proximity and clashing with a powerful and prosperous human kingdom in it's prime, the gnolls have learned to face mounted knights, to avoid crossbow bolts, learn the common tongue and the power of written words and contracts (if not the very basics) and to use their land and their natural capabilities to their full advantage and when death seems certain they face their foe with a suicidal fury. They've learned the value of not needing supply lines and the value of tight knit groups, the gnolls... have become exceedingly powerful and mankind may need to start worrying...

Odine gnolls stand roughly a foot taller than their cousins, their hands are rough and black on the palms and covered in black fur up to the elbows, their bodies are covered in fur that ranges from black and brown or white striped to plain brown black or gray, or white and many will either have a bald ( basic fur covered) head or a crest of two toned black and white hair like a mo hawk that raises when they are angered or otherwise emotionally aroused.

They are simple, very intelligent in regards to what they know, sure of mind to the point of single mindedness, curious, predatory, and alert. They are just as likely to try and converse with you if they don't deem you a threat as they are to eat you simply because they are hungry and they could.

They forget how frail human bodies are to them and have been known to badly maim close friends simply by excitedly hugging or playfully cuffing a humanoid friends arm.

When Odine Gnolls are roused to combat against a powerful foe they attack viciously and if in their own environment will lead foes on a goose chase using sling bolts and javelins to irritate foes from a distance and their natural speed and endurance to lead less manueverable horses and men into traps made for both animals and men; mainly swinging logs, pit traps deadfall traps and falling boulders, they frequently use poisons and diseases if needed but prefer to kill foes outright. At this point they close with foes and strike hard attempting their strongest attacks against the most wounded of foes attempting a kill shot constantly. If at a distance they will throw a spear or if the foe seems doomed, simply leave and come back or soften them up with a few sling bolts or hunting arrows.

After a few hours if the prey isn't dead they'll either attack or attempt communication, if the latter, such 'conversations' can take days, the gnoll will provide food, 'gnoll butter' and water to deal with whatever the survivor needs in order to continue their talk, after a time the gnoll willl either free, befriend or eat the survivor with basically equal chances.

If wounded they will fight through the pain or retreat to relative safety before deploying their 'gnoll butter' to heal slightly and produce a terrible 'aura' effect. They may also use this to nauseate and horrify foes, throwing it at them like a mudball, they use this to their advantage attacking while their foe is weakened.

If killed in combat, they throw themselves at their killers and attack with the last ounce of their strength...

An odine gnoll once bit a into famous knight's arm after he had beheaded the beast on it's way down, clamping to the man's forearm and crushing it, with no priest around and no one of sufficient spellcasting or alchemical prowess to save it, his arm was ampuated, leaving him ruined...
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Adapted from the 2nd Edition AD&D Oriental Adventures class of the same name (Link to the Kensai for the 2nd edition players out there AD&D Character Class: Kensai ), Kensai or Kenseijin, are Monk like masters of a single weapon, they are the single most durable warriors in any given battle. Kensais can take a ridiculous amount of punishment and deal a decent amount of damage in combat. Their lack of versatility is their real weakness and their dedication to a single weapon and no armor is both a blessing and a curse as though it gets more powerful they cannot benefit from most gear without losing most of their class features.

BAB: +1/hd As Fighter
Good Saves: All as a Monk
HD: d10+ Accumulating Hp

Skills: 4+Int as Monk

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial weapons and their Dedicated Weapon which they begin with proficiency in and it's associated weapon type. Kensai are not proficient with any armor.


1: Battlesense/ AC Adjustment, Dedication, Psionic Focus, Psychic Duel, Initiative +1, Fearlessness, Kensai Duel, Perfected Strike 1/day

2: Dedicated Damage +1, Fighter Apotheosis, Perfected Strike 2/day, Accumulating HP 2d10

3: Dedicated Hit +1, AC+1, Stalwart, Perfected Strike 3/day, Accumulating HP 3d10

4: Meditation, Fast Movement, Perfected Strike 4/day, Accumulating HP 4d10

5: Initiative +2, Uncanny Dodge, Perfected Strike 5/day, Accumulating HP 5d10

6: Dedicated Damage +2, AC+2, Potent Critical +1d6, Perfected Strike 6/day, Accumulating HP 6d10

7: Dedicated Hit +2, Fear Aura 1HD, Off Hand Weapon, Perfected Strike 7/day, Accumulating HP 7d10

8: Readiness 1/6th, Perfected Strike 8/day, Accumulating HP 8d10

9: Initiative +3, AC +3, 1d6 Students, Perfected Strike 9/day, Accumulating HP 9d10

10: Dedicated Damage +3, Kensai Whirlwind, Perfected Strike 10/day, Accumulating HP 10d10

11: Dedicated Hit +3, Enchanted Weapon, Perfected Strike 11/day, Accumulating HP 10d10+2

12: AC+4, Potent Critical +2d6, Perfected Strike 12/day, Accumulating HP 10d10+4

13: Initiative +4, Improved Stalwart, Perfected Strike 13/day, Accumulating HP 10d10+6

14: Dedicated Damage +4, Fear Aura 2HD, Perfected Strike 14/day, Accumulating HP 10d10+8

15: Dedicated Hit +4, Perfected Strike 15/day, Accumulating HP 10d10+10

16: AC+5, Readiness (Never Surprised), Perfected Strike 16/day, Accumulating HP 10d10+12

17: Initiative +5, Perfected Strike 17/day, Accumulating HP 10d10+14

18: Dedicated Damage +5, 1d6 Students, Potent Critical +3d6, Perfected Strike 18/day, Accumulating HP 10d10+16

19: Dedicated Hit +5, Perfected Strike 19/day, Accumulating HP 10d10+18

20: AC+6, Sword Saint, Crucible of Endless Pain, Augmented Critical, Perfected Strike 20/day, Accumulating HP 10d10+20

Battlesense/ AC Adjustment (Ex): While wearing no armor, a Kensai becomes attuned to his or her surroundings with an unreal focus. This allows a Kensai to alter their base '10' AC to their Dex score (not modifier) -3. Thusly a Kensai with a 17 Dex would have a 14 Base AC. Their Dex modifier would still increase their dodge AC as would and natural, Insight or deflection AC they may have, however, any armor bonuses they receive either via magic or from actual armor (Mage Armor, Bracers of Armor, or a Breastplate for example) along with magical shield or mundane shield AC (besides a Kensai who's dedicated weapon is a shield or from 2 weapon defense or similar feats) immediately ends this effect reducing their base AC back to 10. Kensai who have less than 13 Dex do not suffer a penalty to AC from this ability. Every 3 levels starting at level 3 this bonus increases by +1.

Dedication (Ex): Kensai start with a masterwork weapon of their choice, they begin play with this weapon alone and cannot use any other weapons, including natural attacks, unless the weapon is forcibly removed from them. If their weapon is destroyed or sundered they have to have it repaired or have a new weapon forged as soon as possible and cannot level up in Kensai until they do so. They must dedicate at least 2 full hours each and every day to their chosen weapon, training religiously, failing to do so will also bar them from levelling up in Kensai until they complete this.

Perfected Strike (Ex): The Kensai's most signature attack, a Perfected Strike is a single melee attack with their Dedicated Weapon dealing maximum base damage and gaining a +20 to hit. This ability can be used 1/day per level of Kensai and only once per round but can be used in conjunction with other attacks.

Psychic Duel (Su): A Kensai may as a standard action against any other 'honorable' opponent (Other Kensai, Monks, Paladins, and Lawfully aligned Fighters and other full BAB classes) have a psychic duel with the opponent. This is resolved as an opposed Intimidate Check, the Kensai gains a +2 Class Bonus on this check and his Dedicated Hit bonus on the attempt, if the opponent fails, they actively do not wish to pursue combat with the Kensai and are treated as Shaken until they successfully hit the Kensai in combat.

The psychic nature of this ability allows it to affect even those immune to Fear effects such as other Kensai and Paladins though they gain a +2 bonus against the effect. A Fighter's Bravery ability and any ability granting a bonus against Fear effects works against this ability. Immunity to mind affecting effects makes one immune to this ability.

Psionic Focus (Su): Kensai learn deep meditative techniques that unlock their latent Psionic potential. This grants them a single Power Point and allows them to psionically focus as a full round action this grants several effects.
Merely having the ability to hold a reservoir of psionic power gives the Kensai special abilities.

If you have a power point pool or the ability to manifest psi-like abilities, you can meditate to become psionically focused. Meditating to psionically focus is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity

When you are psionically focused, you gain the benefit of certain class features. Once you are psionically focused, you remain focused until you expend your focus, become unconscious, or go to sleep.
Expending your psionic focus can be used to power feats or class features but always only powers a single effect and the effect is usually instantaneous

Kensai Duel (Ex): Kensai seek each other out and duel to test their honor and skill. Kensai must duel to level up though this is up to the GM in terms of how often it must be performed.

Initiative Bonus: Kensaijin gain a +1 bonus to initiative at level 1 and a +1 bonus every 4 levels thereafter.

Fearlessness (Ex): Kensai are immune to all non magical Fear effects and can expend their psionic focus to make themselves immune to magical fear effects for 1 minute per class level, this ability remains active even if their psionic focus is reactivated and other abilities are used.

Dedicated Damage: At 2nd level damage with a kensai's Dedicated Weapon is increased by +1, this bonus increases by +1 every 4 levels thereafter.

Fighter Apotheosis: A Kensai is treated as a Fighter of -1 level for purposes of taking Fighter specific feats.

Accumulating Hit Points (Ex): The signature ability of the Kensai is their ability to shrug off literally insane amounts of punishment. at 2nd level and every level thereafter they gain 1 additional HD of extra Hit points, this increases based on the level of the Kensai (Total effective HD rolled is shown including the base Hit dice, 2d10 at level 2, 3d10 at level 3, 4d10 at level 4, etc) until they hit level 10 at which point the bonus is simply increased by +2 per level (10d10+2 at 11th, 10d10+4 at 12th, 10d10+6 at 13th, etc) granting them effectively 155 total d10 +110 in total HP by level 20. Constitution bonuses to HP and HP from feats, favored class levels, and any other effect are only applied once per level. Regardless of extra hp gained, their effective HD for all level based affects and abilities remains equal with their level.

Dedicated Hit: A kensai of 3rd level gains a +1 bonus on his attacks with his Dedicated Weapon, this increases by +1 every 4 levels thereafter.

Stalwart (Su): A 3rd level Kensai may expend his Psionic Focus to break free from Fortitude based attacks with secondary effects and shrug off poisons in much the same way a Rogue can avoid Reflex based attacks with Evasion. This ability allows a new save against a poison the Kensai failed against and allows a Kensai to ignore any secondary Fort based effect if the save was successful.

At 13th level Stalwart improves to allow a successful save to ignore all damage, poison or effects, and a failed save to be treated as a secondary effect much like Improved Evasion.

Meditation (Ex): A Kensai may meditate much like an elf instead of sleeping. During this meditation they need only 4 hours of meditation instead of 8 hours of sleep and remain aware of their surroundings and can retain their psionic focus during the 4 hours though it must be reapplied at the end of the meditation for the next day.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A Kensai cannot be caught flatfooted, and does not lose Dex vs invisible attackers.

Potent Critical (Ex): A Kensai deals an additional 1d6 precision based damage on a successful critical hit. This increases by 1d6 every 6 levels thereafter.

Fear Aura (Su): A Kensai with psionic focus gains a potent fear aura against low level attackers. Any opponent with 1 HD must make a Will Save (DC 10+1/2 Kensai's level + Charisma Mod+ Dedicated Hit bonus) or be panicked fleeing in terror from the Kensai. The Kensai may lower or resume this ability as a free action. At 14th level this ability increases to 2 HD.

Off Hand Weapon: A Kensai may use an off hand weapon of their choice. This can be melee, ranged, magically enchanted, wands, alchemical or whatever they please, however, the Kensai must still use their dedicated weapon in most circumstances and overreliance on their off hand weapon will result in inability to level up in Kensai.

Readiness (Ex): A Kensai is only rarely caught off guard, on any surprise round, they can roll a d6 and only on a roll of '1' are they treated as surprised. Otherwise they may act in the surprise round and are not considered flat footed. At 16th level a Kensai is never caught off guard and may act normally in a surprise round.

Students: A Kensai's subtle ki and reputation draws hopeful students into the Kensai's life every 9 levels 1d6 students find the Kensai hoping to be trained. These are all level 1 Kensai who are treated separately from Cohorts and Followers and level up normally, if they get too strong, they'll leave their master's tutelage to venture off on their own (GM discretion)

Kensai Whirlwind (Ex): One of a Kensai's most feared and signature abilities, a Kensai can in lieu of a Perfected Strike and counting against their Perfected Strike limit can make a single attack with their dedicated weapon against all foes within range of his base movement speed he can reach.

Enchanted Weapon: A Kensai of 11th level can enchant or have their dedicated weapon enchanted.

Sword Saint (Ex): A Kensai of 20th level becomes the embodiment of perfection through dedication to their weapon. They gain an additional +2 to damage rolls and +1 to attack rolls with their dedicated weapon and automatically confirm all critical hits.

Augmented Critical (Ex): The Kensai increases critical threat range with their dedicated weapon by 2 steps (example: from 20 to 18-20) and increase damage multiplier done from critical hits by 1 (example x2 to x3) This ability stacks with the Improved Critical feat.

Crucible of Endless Pain (Ex): The most potent of a Kensai's abilities, The Crucible of Endless Pain allows a Kensai to, by expending, their Psionic Focus to once per encounter make a full round attack against all foes within their base movement speed they can reach, this ability like Kensai Whirlwind uses up a use of Perfected Strike to use.
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The Windrider is a class developed from the Braelani Azata monster, I always liked their wind elemental based attacks and abilities and thought DnD didn't have any kind of dedicated wind based classes or abilities, sure there are certain spells like gust of wind windwall and control winds but beyond those relatively gimmicky spells there really wasn't anything. So, I took the monster, reverse engineered it and made it into a playable PC class. They enjoy early flight, stat increases, great speed boosts, strong HP and Attack bonuses, and nature based spell like abilities, moreover however they gain the Braelani's signature Whirlwind Blast ability allowing them to blast foes with freaking tornadoes.

BAB: +1/hd As Fighter
Good Saves: Good Reflex and Will
HD: d10

Skills: 6 + Int modifier: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge Planes, Knowledge Nature, Perception, Perform Wind Instrument, Sense Motive, Stealth, Survival, Swim

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial weapons, no armor


1: Whirlwind Blast 1d6, DR 1/ Cold Iron or Evil, Fast Movement, Flight 40, Strength of the Azatas (-4), Comprehend Languages (constant), Gust of Wind: At Will

2: DR 2/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 50, Slam 1d6, Charm Person: At Will

3: Whirlwind Blast 2d6, +1 Natural AC, DR 3/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 60, Wind Wall: At Will

4: Adaptable Whirlwind Blast, DR 4/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 70, Strength of the Azatas 2, Spells, Lightning Bolt, Cure Serious Wounds 1/day

5: Whirlwind Blast 3d6, +1 Natural AC, DR 5/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 80, Blur: At Will

6: DR 6/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 90, Expeditious Retreat: At Will

7: Whirlwind Blast 4d6, +1 Natural AC, DR 7/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 100, Strength of the Azatas (Full Power), Wind Form, Lightning Bolt, Cure Serious Wounds 2/day

8: Improved Whirlwind Blast, DR 8/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 110, Know Direction: Constant

9: Whirlwind Blast 5d6, +1 Natural AC, DR 9/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 120, Windrazor (1d6), Swift Gust of Wind, Call Lightning: at will

10: DR 10/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 130, Evasion, Wind Arrows, Lightning Bolt, Cure Serious Wounds 3/day

11: Whirlwind Blast 6d6, +1 Natural AC, DR 11/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 140, Swift Lightning Bolt, Control Winds 1/day

12: DR 12/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 150, Whispering Wind: At Will,

13: Whirlwind Blast 7d6, +1 Natural AC, DR 13/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 160, Lightning Bolt, Cure Serious Wounds 4/day

14: DR 14/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 170, Swift Wind Wall: At Will, Swift Lightning Bolt, Control Winds 2/day

15: Whirlwind Blast 8d6, +1 Natural AC, DR 15/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 180, Wind Armor (Con Mod to Cover AC), Haste: At Will

16: Greater Whirlwind Blast, DR 16/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 190, Lightning Bolt, Cure Serious Wounds 5/day

17: Whirlwind Blast 9d6, +1 Natural AC, DR 17/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 200, Swift Lightning Bolt, Control Winds 3/day

18: DR 18/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 210, Windrazor (2d6), Call Lightning Storm: At Will

19: Whirlwind Blast 10d6, +1 Natural AC, DR 19/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 220, Lightning Bolt, Cure Serious Wounds 6/day

20: DR 20/ Cold Iron or Evil, Flight 230, Azatic Freedom, Whirlwind Mastery, Tempest Strike, Swift Lightning Bolt, Control Winds 4/day, Whirlwind: 1/day

Whirlwind Blast (Su): The Windrider may as a standard action unleash a potent blast of wind at a foe dealing 1d6 points of damage in a 20ft line for every 2 Windrider levels. This damage is increased by 1d6 (DC 10+1/2 Windrider Level + Constitution modifier Reflex Save for 1/2 damage)

Damage Reduction (Ex): Windriders connection to the Azata grants them a damage reduction equal to their class level, attacks by evil beings or with cold iron weapons negates this.

Strength of the Azata (Ex): A windrider's power is derived from the Azata who's blessing makes the Windrider considerably more powerful, able to match the Braelani themselves. They gain all the benefits of being an Azata themselves grainting them: Str +6, Dex +4, and Con +4, +3 Natural AC, Darkvision 60 feet and Low-light Vision, Immunity to electricity and petrification, Resistance to cold 10 and fire 10. and Truespeech (Su) All azatas can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a Tongues spell. This ability is always active.

If a Windrider should ever become anything other than Chaotic Good, this ability immediately disappears and all associated benefits are forfeit and an Atonement must be performed. Additionally this power is lost should the Windrider ever multiclass or leave the class, Windriders once they leave cannot return to the class but keep all abilities gained.

Flight (Ex): A windrider can fly at a speed of 40 feet with good maneuverability, this speed increases every Windrider level by 10 additional feet.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Use the Windrider's Con modifier when calculating the DCs for all Spell Like abilities.

Slam (Ex): A Windrider can make a natural unarmed strike dealing 1d6 points of damage, this is a natural attack subject to all the benefits and negatives applicable.

Natural Armor (Ex): A Windrider gains +1 Natural AC every other level starting at level 2.

Adaptable Whirlwind Blast (Su): Whirlwind Blast can be shot as a 10 ft cone or a short range (25ft +5ft/ 2 levels) bolt as a ranged touch attack, in addition to the standard 20 ft line

Spells: A Windrider can cast a small number of divine spells as a Druid using their Windrider level -4 as their caster level, however they can only cast Air, Sound, Healing, Restoration, and Lightning based spells.

Strength of the Azatas 2 (Ex): Gain an additional +2 to all stats (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha)

Strength of the Azatas (Full Power) (Ex): Gain a further additional +2 to all stats (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha), additionally you are now considered an Azata by all associated parties giving you a +2 Bonus of Diplomacy with Good aligned Outsiders and a +2 Bonus on Intimidate against Evil Outsiders

Wind Form (Su): The Windrider can shift between its humanoid body and a body made of wind and mist as a standard action. In wind form, it functions as if under the effects of a Wind Walk spell. It can make slam attacks and use spell-like abilities in either form. A Windrider remains in one form until it chooses to assume its other form. A change in form cannot be dispelled, nor does the Windrider revert to any particular form when killed (both shapes are its true form). A True Seeing spell reveals both forms simultaneously.

Improved Whirlwind Blast (Su): Whirlwind Blast's range is increased to 40 feet for line and 20 feet for cone attacks and the range of the bolt is increased to medium range (100ft +10ft/level)

Windrazor (Su): All of a Windrider's melee and ranged weapon attacks (including their slam and unarmed attacks) deal an additional 1d6 Slashing damage, this damage is from a magical source and thusly breaks damage reduction/ magic. at 18th level this bonus increases to 2d6

Evasion (Ex): Ignore damage on a successful Reflex saving throw.

Wind Arrows (Su): Windriders can manifest arrows made of pure wind as part of an attack action, these arrows can only be used by the Windrider and immediately dematerialize on impact. For all other purposes they are treated as +1 arrows, at 19th level these are treated as +2 or +1 Thundering arrows at the time the Windrider draws the arrow.

Wind Armor (Su): A deflective envelope of wind surrounds a Windrider at all times granting them a Cover Bonus to AC equal to their Constitution Modifier. This ability can be dropped or resumed as a free action.

Greater Whirlwind Blast (Su): Whirlwind Blast's range is increased to 80 feet for line and 40 feet for cone attacks, and when used as a ranged touch attack now has a long range (400 feet + 40 feet/level)

Whirlwind Mastery (Su): Whirlwind Blast's range is increased to 160 feet for a line and 80 feet for cone attacks, and deals 1 additional damage per dice of damage done. Additionally the Windrider can cast Whirlwind as a spell like ability an additional amount of times per day equal to their Constitution modifier.

Tempest Strike (Su): The ultimate ability of the Windrider, the Windrider can increase the damage of a number of attacks equal to his Con modifier+3 by his Whirlwind Blast damage, these can be ranged or melee attacks and need not be used up all at once. Additionally if the Windrider has an active Call Lighting or Call Lightning Storm active, they can call lighting bolts down with their blows, automatically dealing the damage of the spell with their melee or ranged attacks and using up lighting bolts as if they were using their action to call down lightning bolts normally however these bolts do not deal damage in a 5 ft radius nor do the affect a 30 ft vertical line either.

Azatic Freedom (Ex): The Windrider has proven themselves to be a champion of the ideals of freedom of self determination, allowing him to multiclass or leave the class altogether and even move within on step along the Chaos and Good alignment axis to a maximum of Neutral without losing the benefits of their Strength of the Azata special ability.
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Hey All, a friend requested that I make Carrie from the movie franchise. Here you all go, hope you enjoy. :)

Carrie, CR 13

This young woman is dressed in a gown and would be beautiful if it weren’t for the fact that she’s covered in blood and has a maddened wild look in her eyes. Objects levitate around her and she holds a bloody knife in her hand.

XP: 800
CN Medium Humanoid (Broken Soul)
Init +4, Senses: Perception +11

AC: 25 ( +1 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Dodge, +4 Force Screen) Touch: 15, Flat Footed: 18 (23 Rage)
Hit Dice: 11d6 Wilder, +11 Favored Class, +11 Toughness ( 99 hp 120 in Rage)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +11 (12 in Rage)

Immune: Shaken and Frightened while in Rage
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 5/-, Elemental Resistance 5, Elude Attack +3

Speed 20ft
Melee: Tortuous Touch 2d6 Slashing, 1d6 Dex, Dazed 1d4 rounds (Fort Save negates dex damage and daze)(+9 Touch), or knife 1d3-1 x2 Crit (+7/+2) (1d3+1 (+9/+4) Rage)
Ranged: Psionics or Surge Blast 5d6 (Ranged Touch +9)
Special Attacks: Psionics, Torturous Touch, Agonized Wail, Baleful Gaze, Surge Blast

Str 8 -1 (13 (+1) while Raging)
Dex 12 +1
Con 19 +4 (23 (+6) while Raging)
Int 12 +1
Wis 7 -2
Cha 18 +4
Base attack+5; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats: Toughness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Psionic Meditation, Modified Blast, Deep Focus

Skills: Acrobatics +5, Autohypnosis +11, Bluff +8, Climb +5, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +5, Intimidate +18, Knowledge Psionics +5, Perception +11, Profession Student +5, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +5, Swim +5, and Use Magic Device +5

Languages: Common
Special Qualities: Psionic Focus, Wild Surge, Psychic Enervation, Surging Euphoria +1, Surge Bond, Improved Surge Bond: Raging Surge, Speed Reduction -10, Reduced Concentration -10

Environment: Urban
Organization: Unique

Treasure: NPC Gear, 1d10 Gold

Special Abilities:

Psionics (Sp):

128 Power Points per Day, Carrie cannot use more than 11 power points per manifestation, DCs 10+ Manifestation Level + Charisma Bonus

Carrie can manifest 6 Psionic Manifestations, these are like spells but use Power Points instead of Spell Slots and do not incur Spell Resistance. She can manifest up to 5th Level Manifestations and may use no more than 11 Power Points for single ability. Her Manifestations are as follows:

Force Screen, Mind Thrust, Concussive Blast, Concussive Onslaught, Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Maneuver

-Force Screen:
Level 1 Manifestation, Power Point cost 1

Carrie gains +4 Shield bonus to AC for 11 minutes. For every 4 additional Power Points she uses she can gain an additional point of AC.

-Mind Thrust: Level 1 Manifestation, Power Point cost 1

Carrie can make a ranged touch attack on one creature within 55 feet, if she is successful, the opponent must make a Will Save if successful the damage is negated, if failed the opponent takes 1d10 points of Phrenic Damage per Power Point used, for every additional point, the damage is increased by 1d10 and for every 2 Power Points used the Will Save DC is increased by +1 Base DC 15 (11 Power Points 11d10 DC 20 Will)

-Concussion Blast: Level 2 Manifestation, Power Point cost 3

Range 210 Feet (Medium)

Carrie Creates a blast of Telekinetic Energy that deals 2d6 points of damage without save, cover and concealment are ineffective at blocking this ability

For every 2 power points increase base dice damage dealt by +1 or choose an additional target to affect

(11 Power Points, 5d6 Phrenic, or 4 targets take 1d6)

-Concussive Onslaught: Level 3 Manifestation, Power Point cost 5

Range 840 Feet (Long) 30 ft Radius Burst

Carrie can pummel an area with psychic force dealing 3d6 Phrenic Damage for 11 rounds. As a Standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity Carrie can move this effect to any other area within range costing 4 Power Points. For every 2 Power Points she adds to the Manifestation, she can deal an additional 1d6 damage per round and increase the DC by 1. Fort Save DC 17 for half damage (11 Power Points 6d6 Damage DC 20)

-Telekinetic Force: Level 3 Manifestation, Power Point cost 5

Range 210 Feet (Medium)

Carrie can lift objects or people and move them around as she pleases up to 250 lbs and with a Will Save negating the effect. Once she has a person or object telekinetically controlled she can maintain the power as a concentration check for up to 11 rounds. If an opponent makes it’s save she must remanifest the power to attempt to reestablish telekinetic control. She can drop an opponent or object and grap another every round as a free action.

Alternatively She can grasp multiple objects and send them with a hail of telekinetic force blasting up to 15 foes within 10 feet of one another for basic damage (1 point for light objects, 1d6 points for heavy objects or standard weapon damage for weapons) and by making a ranged attack roll on each target, each object used in such a way has a range of 110 feet and must be grasped from within the manifestation’s range though can be thrown out of it.

Creatures can also be thrown into each other or simply tossed this way and take falling damage in addition to 1d6 damage but get a Will Save to negate the affect.

Unless otherwise noted, the DC for this ability is Will DC 17, for every additional power point added the weight of objects within the field is increased by 25 lbs (400 lbs for 11 Power Points)

-Telekinetic Maneuver: Level 4 Manifestation, Power Point cost 7

Range 210 feet (Medium)

Carrie can attempt to trip, bull rush, disarm, and grapple/ pin foes from a distance for up to 11 rounds. These are resolved normally except the opponent gets no attacks of opportunity or chance to counter and she uses her Manifester level (11) instead of her attack bonus and her Charisma instead of her Strength. No save is allowed on this ability and for every 2 additional Power Points spent she may increase her CMB (or Check) by +1 (+17 for 11 Power Points)

Agonized Wail (Su): As a standard action Carrie can emit an agonized wail that inspires terror in those who hear it. All creatures within 120 feet must succeed at a Will save DC 19 or become Shaken for as long as they remain within 120 feet of Carrie. A successful save renders a creature immune to Carrie’s agonized wail for 24 hours. This is a Sonic Mind affecting Fear effect.

Baleful Gaze (Su): Any creature within 60 feet of a Carrie must succeed at a Fortitude save DC 19 or take 1d4 points of Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity Drain. Whatever the result of the saving throw, the creature cannot be affected by Carrie’s baleful gaze again for 1 minute.

Torturous Touch (Su): Carrie can make a Touch Attack to cause hideous, painful wounds to rip open in the target’s body. This Touch deals 2d6 points of slashing damage and 1d6 points of Dexterity Damage and causes the touched creature to fall prone in a fit of convulsions and be Dazed for 1d4 rounds. A Fortitude save DC19 negates the Dexterity Damage and the convulsive fit.

Elude Attacks (Ex): Carrie can sense incoming attacks and gains a +3 Dodge Bonus to AC

Psionic Focus (Ex): Merely having the ability to hold a reservoir of psionic power points in mind gives psionic characters a special energy. Psionic characters can put that energy to work without actually paying a power point cost—they can become psionically focused.

If Carrie has a power point pool or the ability to manifest psi-like abilities, she can meditate to become psionically focused. Meditating is a full-round action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity.

When she is psionically focused, she can expend her focus on any single Concentration check she makes thereafter. When she expend her focus in this manner, her Concentration check is treated as if she rolled a 15. She can also expend her focus to gain the benefit of certain psionic feats and her Surge Blast power.

Once she is psionically focused, she remain focused until she expends her focus, become unconscious or goes to sleep.

She may still gain psionic focus even if she has depleted all of her power points.

Wild Surge (Su): While Raging Carrie can increase her manifester level by +4 at the cost of a 15% chance to experience Psychic Enervation, she can also expend her Psionic Focus to manifest any psionic manifestation without Power Point cost and with +4 points of free augmentation at the cost of 30% chance of Psychic Enervation

Deep Focus (Su): Carrie can maintain Psionic Focus even while using Psionic Focus based abilities but must replenish her Deep Focus as she would a normal Psionic Focus.

Psychic Enervation (Su): If suffering psychic enervation, Carrie loses the normal amount of power points for manifesting plus an additional 11 Power Points and is Dazed for 1 round without save.

Surge Blast (Su): By expending her Psionic Focus, Carrie may make a ranged touch attack on one opponent within 30 feet dealing 5d6 points of Phrenic Damage. This is a standard action and uses no power points. She may modify her blast in the following ways by also using Power Points. All DCs are 19

1. If She Spends 2 additional power points, her surge blast deals Splash damage, dealing minimum damage to all foes within 5 ft of the initial target.

2. If She Spends 3 additional power points, her surge blast is instead a 5 ft. emanation centered on you and creatures in the affected area gain a Reflex save to take half damage.

3. If She Spends 4 additional power points, her surge blast deals half damage, but damages all creatures in a 30 ft. line without a save.

4. If She Spends 4 additional power points, her surge blast is empowered, dealing 50% additional damage.

5. If She Spends 4 additional power points, her surge blast is a 15 ft. cone effect instead of a ranged Touch Attack and creatures in the affected area gain a Reflex save to take half damage.

6. If She Spends 4 additional power points, her surge blast affects all creatures within a 10 ft. radius of the targeted creature and creatures in the affected area gain a Reflex save to take half damage.

7. If She Spends 6 additional power points, her surge blast is instead a 10 ft. emanation centered on you and creatures in the affected area gain a Reflex save to take half damage.

She can additionally use her Wild Surge to alter her Surge Blast without Power Point cost but with a 15% chance of suffering Psychic Enervation.

Surge Bond: Raging Surge (Ex):

Carrie can Rage as a Barbarian for 18 rounds per day but can only use her Wild Surge ability while Raging, She also gains Fearless Rage and Fueled by Vengeance Rage Powers while Raging making her gain additional rounds to her Rage any time she deals damage to any foe while Raging and making her Immune to the Shaken and Frightened conditions.

Surging Euphoria (Ex):

While using Wild Surge Carrie gains +1 to attack and damage rolls, if she suffers Psychic Enervation, she loses these bonuses until the following round.

Reduced Speed (Ex): Carrie is wracked with torturous anguish leaving her in a state of constant shell shock. She loses 10 feet to all movement speeds

Reduced Concentation (Ex): Wracked with blinding rage and mental pain Carrie loses -10 to all Concentration Checks


Carrie is a beautiful misunderstood girl who manifested psionic powers at a young age. Her terrible upbringing and the viciousness of her classmates have made her into the tortured soul you see here.

Carrie relies on her potent psionic abilities to stomp out all would be foes.

She keeps herself safe with Force Screen and relies mainly on her Telekinetic Force ability to simply lift foes and drop them or throw them off cliffs but doesn’t hesitate to unleash Mind Thrust on tougher foes.

Against those who try to hide or flee she uses Concussion Blast to smoke them out and Concussive Onslaught and Telekinetic Maneuver against groups of tougher opponents disarming them and if possible grappling and pinning foes within the vicinity of her Concussive Onslaught.

She feeds off of her rage, generally staying in a rage and using her free manifestation levels with Wild Surge to hurt any opponent within range with her various abilities keeping her rage fueled.

If out of Power Points or she doesn’t feel the need to use her rage, she uses Surge Blast. If interrupted or injured she will unleash her Broken Soul abilities blasting foes with Agonized Wail ability and always makes good use of her Baleful Gaze ability. If pressed into melee she relies on her Torturous Touch ability and only uses her Knife as a last resort and relies on her albeit meager damage reduction and energy resistance to keep her somewhat safe.
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Dedicated and fanatical warriors, Prana Warriors learn to harness their internal energy as a monk but instead of using it for the cultivation of health and enlightenment, use it to tap into their internal energetic reservoir and use it as fuel to make them far more powerful than their peers. This abuse of the spirit comes with a heavy cost as they begin to age ever faster losing 1% of their total lifespan with every level gained.

BAB: +1/hd As Fighter
Good Saves: All as a Monk
HD: d12

Skills: 4+Int as Monk

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial weapons, Monk Weapons, Firearms, Plasma Weaponry, Proficient with Medium and Light Armor and no Shields


1: Soul of Kindling, Prana Use, Prana Pool, Prana Blast 1d10, Flurry, Damage Reduction 1/-, Area Blast, Unarmed Strike 1d6

2: Movement +10

3: Flight, Constant Training

4: Movement +20, Linear Blast, Barrage, Unarmed Strike 1d8, AC Bonus +1

5: Prana Blast 2d10, Damage Reduction 2/-,

6: Movement +30, Sunderer, Constant Training

7: Dimension Hop

8: Movement +40, Explosive Blast, Unarmed Strike 1d10, AC Bonus +2

9: Evasion, Constant Training

10: Movement +50, Prana Blast 4d10, Damage Reduction 3/-

11: Boost

12: Movement +60, Constant Stream, Haleness, Constant Training, Unarmed Strike 2d6, AC Bonus +3

13: Asunder

14: Movement +70

15: Shadow Image, Constant Training, Damage Reduction 4/-, Prana Blast 8d10

16: Movement +80, Improved Evasion, Charged Blast, Unarmed Strike 2d8, AC Bonus +4

17: Fighting Spirit

18: Movement +90, Swift Area Blast, Constant Training

19: Greater Teleport

20: Movement +100, Natural Immunity, Controlled Blast, Prana Blast 16d10, Unarmed Strike 2d10, AC Bonus +5

Soul of Kindling (Ex): By burning their soul essense they slowly destroy themselves burning themselves out. Every level the Prana Warrior gains reduces their total natural lifespan by 1%.

Prana Use (Su):
Prana Warriors can manifest a number of powerful effects with their mastery of Prana, their own Life Force. He gains a Perfection bonus to AC, Saves, Attack, CMB and CMD equal to his Charisma Modifier. Burning his Life Force away like this makes him age much quicker and he loses 1% of his total max lifespan every level.

Prana Pool (Su): A Prana Warrior gains a reservoir of internal energy he can harness at will. A Prana warrior has an amount of Prana equal to his Charisma Modifier+3 at level 1 and gains his Charisma Modifier, minimum 1, every level added to this reservoir. He may use any number of Prana Points per round but only equal to his level + Consitution Modifier maximum for any one ability.

Prana Blast (Su): A Prana Warrior can unleash blasts of pure Life Energy, these use Prana Points to manifest and can be modified in a number of ways, as the Prana Warrior levels up, he learns new ways to modify his Prana Blast, these attacks deal bludgeoning damage equal to the dice indicated and stack with Prana Effect dealing Aura or Strike Damage with each attack. A Prana Warrior can manifest his Prana Blast in the following ways:

-Prana Blast: Prana cost 1 Prana per dice dealt, cost caps out at 8 dice
The most basic Prana attack, a ranged blast of charged heat, pressure and light. As a Standard Action The Prana Warrior deals 1d10 Bludgeoning Damage +Charima Modifier, at a range of range of 30 feet as a Ranged Touch Attack, every 5th level this attack doubles in power and range. boosting effects can be stacked if applicable, damage can be Maximized for double the Prana spent.

-Barrage: Prana cost 0
The Prana Warrior can opt to use small Prana Blasts in lieu of normal attacks, this use of Prana blast uses no Prana and hits with a Ranged Touch Attack out to a range of equal to base Prana Blast range, but deals damage as an unarmed attack with no Strength Modifier, this cannot be stacked with any other ability except Controlled Blast and Constant Stream.

-Area Blast: Prana cost ½ base Prana Blast
Range: 5 ft radius burst for every 2 levels gained centered on the Prana Warrior
Unleashes a charged aura of Prana that deals half base Prana Blast damage and sends foes hurtling 5 feet per level feet away from the Prana Warrior. A Reflex Save DC 10+ ½ Level +Charisma reduces the damage by half and simply checks targets instead of flinging them backward

-Linear Blast: Cost Base Prana Blast +2 Prana
Range 100 feet +10 ft per level (Medium)
The Prana Warrior can fire his Prana Blast as a Line dealing standard damage or maximum damage for additional Prana cost equal to base Prana Blast costto all foes within range who fail a Reflex save DC 10+ ½ Level +Charisma

-Explosive Blast: Power Point cost 13
Range 400ft +40 ft/level (long) 25ft +5ft/2 levels (Short) radius explosion
The Prana Warrior can trigger a massive explosion at a point of his choosing within a long range dealing standard Prana Blast damage or max damage for base Prana Blast cost to all foes who fail a DC 10+ ½ Level +Charisma Reflex save

-Constant Stream: Power Point cost 1
The Prana Warrior can empower his other Prana Effects to wear down and ignore damage reduction after the first round by concentrating and keeping an unending barrage of attacks upon a single foe. This ability can be used with Barrage and Prana Effect. If his first round failed to deal damage due to Damage Reduction blocking all damage dealt; the following round the damage dealt is deducted from the DR. (if the enemy had damage reduction 100 and you dealt 80 damage, the following round they would only be treated as having damage reduction 20) If the Prana Warrior fails to hit the target at least once per round, the ability must be reestablished starting from scratch.

-Charged Blast: Prana Cost: Base Prana Blast
The Prana Warrior can forego Standard Actions spending the round charging his energy into a single massive attack. Each round the attack is charged, the base Prana Blast dice is added to a single attack and once released it deals all the accumulated damage dice all at once to a target or targets. The blast can be charged to a maximum of ¼ the Prana Warrior’s Constitution Modifier minimum +1 before needing to be fired but can be held, using a standard action, for 1 Prana per round until ready to be fired.

-Swift Area Blast: Prana Cost: Base Prana Blast, or ½ Prana Blast cost
The Prana Warrior can use Area Blast as a swift action for base Prana Blast cost and his base Area Blast can be used as a Move Equivalent Action for ½ Prana Blast cost

-Controlled Blast: Prana Cost: Base Prana Blast +5, or 5 Prana for Barrage
The Prana Warrior can make a standard Barrage, or Charged Prana Blast chase foes and strike unerringly like a magic missile but dealing Prana Blast Damage, still subject to Concealment or Cover and subject to a Shield Spell when used with Barrage

Unarmed Strike (Ex): The Prana Warrior can fight as well as a monk in unarmed combat dealing d6s of damage increasing to 2d10 at 20th level

AC Bonus (Ex): The Prana Warrior gains a small deflection bonus to AC starting at 4th Level and increasing every 4 levels thereafter

Movement Speed Increase (Ex): Every 2 levels while armed in medium or lighter armor and unemcombered the Prana Warrior gains a +10 additional bonus to their movement speed in all movement mediums they have a movement speed in.

Constant Training (Ex): The Prana Warrior constantly does rigorous and grueling exercise and bodily conditioning, at level 3 and every 3 levels he gains thereafter he gains a +2 inherent bonus to 1 physical stat of his choice. He must train 2 full hours every day to receive these bonuses. If he foregoes his training for 2 full months, his Constant Training bonuses are lost and he must train for an amount of time equal to the time spent away from his training to recover these bonuses.

Sunderer (Ex): Prana Warriors of at least 6th level begin to be able to easily damage their environment, all natural attacks they unleash deal double damage to all objects and Hardness is halved against their attacks

Dimension Hop (Su): At 7th level the Prana Warrior becomes very efficient at avoiding incoming attacks and can teleport 25 feet+ 5 feet/2 levels (Short Range) as an immediate action once per round for 1 Prana

Evasion: The 9th level Prana Warrior can avoid reflex based attacks on a successful save.

Boost (Su): As a swift action, at 11th level, The Prana Warrior may sheathe himself in a veil of Pranic Fire increasing his Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Charisma scores by +4 points and double his movement speed for 1 Prana per hour outside of combat and 1 Prana per Round in combat.

Haleness: The 12th level Prana Warrior no longer needs to breathe

Asunder (Su): The 13th level Prana Warrior’s blows are so strong they deal concussive force with each strike. He deals an additional 1d12 points of Force damage per hit, this applies to all melee and Prana based attacks including Prana Effect

Shadow Image (Su): The Prana Warrior of 15th level learns to move so fast he can create an afterimage giving him a single ‘Mirror Image’ duplicate that cannot be fooled by magic or true seeing. As a Free Action costing 1 Prana per round. It is dispelled if hit granting him 50% concealment until dispelled.

Improved Evasion (Ex): A 16th Level Prana Warrior is able to easily avoid most attacks requiring a reflex save. If failed he takes half damage, if successful he takes no damage

Fighting Spirit (Ex): The 17th Level Prana Warrior can gain Temporary HP equal to his Charisma Modifier +1 per level, this can be used as part of a Boost and is a Free Action to use on it’s own. It can be used for a number of rounds equal to 3+Con Mod per day

Greater Teleport (Su): The 19th level Prana Warrior can fold space to reach any area on the current plane it inhabits as a standard action costing Base Prana Blast cost x2 in Prana

Adaption (Su): A Prana Warrior of 20th level can become immune to any natural force it trains it’s body to withstand. If a Prana Warrior spends at least a month training against a naturally occurring effect, (Lava, Fire, Cold, Poison, Disease, Etc) he becomes forever more immune to that effect. Atypical energies (Entropy, Time, Divine Energy, Black Holes, Etc) in addition to Magical Effects cannot be negated no matter how long one spends training against it.
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I have modifier the Prana Warrior for my campaing, essentially giving the Brawler's Cunny and Martial Trainig of the Brawler, the AC bonus and Ki pool of the base monk (but Cha based), reworking the Flurry with the Flurry of the Legendary Monk, giving Inedia and Insomnious and reworking Adaptation with the options gived bt Upper_Krust in my thread of the Environment rules of a black hole (Help for the Environment rules for a Black Hole 3.5E/PF1). What do you think?
Prana Warrior

Dedicated and fanatical warriors, Prana Warriors learn to harness their internal energy as a monk but instead of using it for the cultivation of health and enlightenment, use it to tap into their internal energetic reservoir and use it as fuel to make them far more powerful than their peers. This abuse of the spirit comes with a heavy cost as they begin to age ever faster losing 1% of their total lifespan with every level gained.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d12.

Starting Wealth: 5d6 × 10 gp (average 175 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Starting Age: As a monk.

Class Skills

The Prana Warrior’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Unarmed Damage
AC Bonus
Fast Movement
AC Bonus, Damage Reduction 1/–, Flurry, Martial Training, Prana Blast 1d10 (area and base), Prana Pool, Prana Use, Soul of Kindling, Two Weapon Fighting, Unarmed Strike​
+0 ft.​
Fast Movement​
+10 ft.​
Flight, Constant Training​
+10 ft.​
Ki Pool, Prana Blast (Barrage and Linear)​
+20 ft.​
Damage Reduction 2/–, Prana Blast 2d10​
+20 ft.​
Constant Training, Sunderer​
+30 ft.​
Dimension Hop​
+30 ft.​
Prana Blast (Explosive)​
+40 ft.​
Evasion, Constant Training​
+40 ft.​
Damage Reduction 3/–, Prana Blast 4d10​
+50 ft.​
+50 ft.​
Constant Training, Haleness, Prana Blast (Constant Stream)​
+60 ft.​
+60 ft.​
Inedia and Insomnious​
+70 ft.​
Constant Training, Damage Reduction 4/–, Prana Blast 8d10, Shadow Image​
+70 ft.​
Improved Evasion, Prana Blast (Charged)​
+80 ft.​
Fighting Spirit​
+80 ft.​
Constant Training, Prana Blast (swift Area)​
+90 ft.​
Greater Teleport​
+90 ft.​
Eternal, Natural Immunity, Prana Blast 16d10 (Controlled)​
+100 ft.​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Prana Warrior.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Prana Warrior is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all monk weapons, all firearms, all plasma weapons and with light and medium armors but with no shields.

AC Bonus (Ex)
When unarmored and unencumbered, the Prana Warrior adds his Charisma bonus (if any) to his AC and his CMD. In addition, a Prana Warrior gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every Prana Warrior monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.

These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the Prana Warrior is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
At 1st level, a Prana Warrior gains damage reduction. Subtract 1 from the damage the Prana Warrior takes each time he is dealt damage from a weapon or a natural attack. At 5th level, and every five Prana Warrior levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), this damage reduction rises by 1 point. Damage reduction can reduce damage to 0 but not below 0.

Flurry (Ex)
At 1st level, a Prana Warrior can make a flurry as a unique full-attack action. When making a flurry, the Prana Warrior can make one additional attack at his highest base attack bonus. When using this ability, the Prana Warrior must make these attacks with his unarmed strikes. Unlike a normal full attack, a Prana Warrior cannot make any attacks which would be made at a reduced base attack bonus (a 6th level a Prana Warrior could make two attacks at +6, but not a third at +1), including those granted by feats such as Improved Two-Weapon Fighting.

At 6th level, and every five levels thereafter, a Prana Warrior can make an additional attack at his highest base attack bonus whenever he make a flurry (3 at level 1st, 4 at level 6th, 5 at level 11th, etc.). This stacks with the first attack from this ability and additional attacks from haste and similar effects. A Prana Warrior cannot benefit from other abilities or effects which would grant additional attacks while using flurry except haste effects or the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. When using the Flurry and the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, the Prana Warrior does not take the usually -2 to attack rolls. A Prana Warrior applies his full Strength bonus to his damage rolls for all successful attacks made with flurry. A Prana Warrior may substitute disarm, sunder, and trip combat maneuvers for unarmed attacks as part of a flurry. Flurry count as the flurry of blows class feature.

Martial Training (Ex)
At 1st level, a Prana Warrior counts his total A Prana Warrior levels as both fighter levels and monk levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. He also counts as both a fighter and a monk for feats and magic items that have different effects based on whether the character has levels in those classes (such as Stunning Fist and a monk’s robe). This ability does not automatically grant feats normally granted to fighters and monks based on class level, namely Stunning Fist.

Prana Blast (Su)
At 1st level, a Prana Warrior can unleash blasts of pure Life Energy, these use Prana Points to manifest and can be modified in a number of ways, these attacks deal bludgeoning damage equal to the dice indicated and stack with Prana Effect dealing Aura or Strike Damage with each attack. Unless stated the use of Prana Blast is a standard action. The damage count as magic for overcome damage reduction. A Prana Warrior can manifest his Prana Blast in the following ways:


Prana cost: 1 Prana per dice dealt, cost caps out at 8 dice

The most basic Prana attack, a ranged blast of charged heat, pressure and light. A Prana Warrior deals 1d10 Bludgeoning Damage + Charima Modifier, at a range of range of 30 ft. as a ranged touch attack, every 5th level this attack doubles in power and range. Boosting effects can be stacked if applicable, damage can be Maximized for double the Prana spent.

-Area Blast:

Prana cost: ½ base Prana Blast

Range: 5 ft. radius burst for every 2 levels centered on the Prana Warrior

As a full-round action, a Prana Warrior unleashes a charged aura of Prana that deals half base Prana Blast damage and sends foes hurtling 5 ft. per level feet away from the Prana Warrior. If an obstacle stops the hurled creature before it travels the whole distance, the hurled foe and the obstacle struck each take 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet of distance remaining and the foe is knocked prone in the space adjacent to the obstacle. A Reflex Save DC 10 + ½ Prana Warrior level + Prana Warrior Charisma modifier reduces the damage by half and negate the hurling effect.

At 4th level the Prana Warrior can use the following effects:


Prana cost: 0

A Prana Warrior can opt to use small Prana Blasts in lieu of normal attacks, this use of Prana blast uses no Prana and hits with a ranged touch attack out to a range of equal to base Prana Blast range, but deals damage as an unarmed attack with no Strength modifier, this cannot be stacked with any other ability except Controlled Blast and Constant Stream.

-Linear Blast:

Prana cost: base Prana Blast +2 Prana

Range 100 feet + 10 ft. per level (Medium)

The Prana Warrior can fire his Prana Blast as a Line dealing standard damage or maximum damage for additional Prana cost equal to base Prana Blast cost. All creatures and objects within the area take the damage. A Reflex save DC 10 + ½ Prana Warrior level + Prana Warrior Charisma modifier reduces the damage by half.

At 8th level the Prana Warrior can use the following effect:

-Explosive Blast:

Prana cost: base Prana Blast +4 Prana

Range 400 ft. + 40 ft./level (long) 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels (Short) radius explosion

The Prana Warrior can trigger a massive explosion at a point of his choosing within a long range dealing standard damage or maximum damage for additional Prana cost equal to base Prana Blast cost. All creatures and objects within the area take the damage. A Reflex save DC 10 + ½ Prana Warrior level + Prana Warrior Charisma modifier reduces the damage by half.

At 12th level the Prana Warrior can use the following effect:

-Constant Stream:

Prana cost: 1

The Prana Warrior can empower his other Prana Effects to wear down and ignore damage reduction after the first round by concentrating and keeping an unending barrage of attacks upon a single foe. This ability can be used with Barrage and Prana Effect. If his first round failed to deal damage due to Damage Reduction blocking all damage dealt; the following round the damage dealt is deducted from the DR. (if the enemy had damage reduction 40 and you dealt 30 damage, the following round they would only be treated as having damage reduction 10). If the Prana Warrior fails to hit the target at least once per round, the ability must be reestablished starting from scratch.

At 16th level the Prana Warrior can use the following effect:

-Charged Blast:

Prana cost: base Prana Blast

The Prana Warrior can, as a full-round action, charging his energy into a single massive attack. Each round the attack is charged, the base Prana Blast dice is added to a single melee attack and once released it deals all the accumulated damage dice all at once to a target (or targets if the Prana Warrior can damage multiple creatures with a single melee attack). The blast can be charged to a maximum of ¼ the Prana Warrior’s Constitution Modifier (minimum +1) before needing to be fired but can be held, using a standard action, for 1 Prana per round until ready to be fired.

At 18th level the Prana Warrior can use the following effect:

-Swift Area Blast:

Prana cost: double base Prana Blast, or Prana Blast cost

The Prana Warrior can use Area Blast as a swift action for double base Prana Blast cost and his base Area Blast can now be used as a standard action for base Prana Blast cost.

At 20th level the Prana Warrior can use the following effect:

-Controlled Blast:

Prana cost: base Prana Blast +5, or 5 Prana for Barrage

The Prana Warrior can make a standard Barrage, or Charged Prana Blast chase foes and strike unerringly like a magic missile but dealing the Prana Blast damage. Actually this removes the need for the attack roll. Because of the necessity of finess in the control, this effect has a range equal to half the normal range of Base Prana Blast. The attack is still subject to concealment or cover and is subject to a Shield spell when used with Barrage.

Prana’s Cunning (Ex)
If the Prana Warrior's Intelligence score is less than 13, it counts as 13 for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats.

Prana Pool (Su)
A Prana Warrior gains a reservoir of internal energy he can harness at will. A Prana Warrior has an amount of Prana equal to his 3 + his Charisma Modifier at level 1st and gains his Charisma Modifier (minimum 1), every level added to this reservoir. He may use any number of Prana Points per round but only equal to his level + Constitution Modifier maximum for any one ability.

Prana Use (Su)
Prana Warriors can manifest a number of powerful effects with their mastery of Prana, their own Life Force. He gains a Perfection bonus to AC, Saves, Attack, CMB and CMD equal to his Charisma Modifier.

Soul of Kindling (Ex)
By burning their soul essense they slowly destroy themselves burning themselves out. Every level the Prana Warrior gains reduces his total natural lifespan by 1%.

Two Weapon Fighting (Ex)
At 1st level, a Prana Warrior gains the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he do not meet the prerequisites for it.

Unarmed Strike
At 1st level, a Prana Warrior gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A Prana Warrior’s attacks may be with fist, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a Prana Warrior may make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a Prana Warrior striking unarmed. A Prana Warrior may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.
Usually a Prana Warrior’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but he can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on his attack roll. He has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.
A Prana Warrior’s unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.
A Prana Warrior also deals more damage with his unarmed strikes than a normal person would, as shown above on Table: Prana Warrior. The unarmed damage values listed on Table: Prana Warrior are for Medium monks. A Small Prana Warrior deals less damage than the amount given there with his unarmed attacks, while a Large Prana Warrior deals more damage; see Table: Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage on the monk page (the Prana unarmed strike damage scale like a monk).

Fast Movement (Ex)
At 2nd level, all the Prana Warrior’s speed are faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the Prana Warrior’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the Prana Warrior’s land speed. At 4th level and every two Prana Warrior levels thereafter this bonus increase by 10 ft.

Flight (Su)
At 3rd level, a Prana Warrior can spend 1 Prana as a swift action for gain a flight speed of double his land movement speed for 1 hour (perfect maneuverability).

Constant Training (Ex)
At 3rd level, the Prana Warrior constantly does rigorous and grueling exercise and bodily conditioning: every 3 levels he gains a +2 inherent bonus to 1 physical stat of his choice. He must train 2 full hours every day to receive these bonuses. If he foregoes his training for 2 full months, his Constant Training bonuses are lost and he must train for an amount of time equal to the time spent away from his training to recover these bonuses.

Ki Pool (Su)
At 4th level, a Prana Warrior gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy he can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in a Prana Warrior’s ki pool is equal to ½ his Prana Warrior level + his Charisma modifier. As long as he has at least 1 point in his ki pool, he can make a ki strike.
At 4th level, ki strike allows his unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 7th level, his unarmed attacks are also treated as cold iron and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 10th level, his unarmed attacks are also treated as alignment weapons (same alignment of him) for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 16th level, his unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and bypassing hardness.
At 20th level, his unarmed attacks are treated as epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
By spending 1 point from his ki pool, a monk can do one of the following:
  • Make one additional attack at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack, or
  • Increase his speed by 20 feet for 1 round, or
  • Give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
  • Each of these powers is activated as a swift action.
The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.

Sunderer (Ex)
At 6th level, a Prana Warrior begin to be able to easily damage their environment, all unarmed attack and Prana Blast they unleash deal double damage to all objects and Hardness is halved against their attacks.

Dimension Hop (Su)
At 7th level, a Prana Warrior becomes very efficient at avoiding incoming attacks and can teleport 25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels (Short Range) as an immediate action for 1 Prana. If the Prana Warrior teleport outside the range of the attack or targeting effect, the attack is negated.

Evasion (Ex)
At 9th level, a Prana Warrior can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. If a Prana Warrior makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Prana Warrior is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Prana Warrior does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Boost (Su)
At 11th level, as a swift action, the Prana Warrior may sheathe himself in a veil of Pranic Fire increasing his Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Charisma scores by +4 points and double his movement speed for 1 Prana per hour outside of combat and 1 Prana per round in combat.

Haleness (Ex)
At 12th level, the Prana Warrior no longer needs to breathe.

Asunder (Su)
At 13th level, a Prana Warrior’s blows are so strong they deal concussive force with each strike. He deals an additional 1d12 points of Force damage per hit, this applies to all melee and Prana based attacks including Prana Blast and Effect.

Inedia and Insomnious (Ex)
At 14th level, the Prana Warrior no longer needs to eat or sleep.

Shadow Image (Su)
At 15th level, the Prana Warrior learns to move so fast he can create an afterimage, as a free action costing 1 Prana per round, giving him a single ‘Mirror Image’ duplicate that cannot be fooled by magic or true seeing, giving him 50% concealment.

Improved Evasion (Ex)
At 16th level, a Prana Warrior’s evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Prana Warrior does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Fighting Spirit (Ex)
At 17th level, a Prana Warrior can gain temporary hp equal to his Charisma modifier +1 per level, this can be used as part of a Boost and is a free action to use on it’s own. The temporary hit points last 1 minute per Prana Warrior. It can be used for a number of rounds equal to 3 + Constitution modifier per day.

Greater Teleport (Su)
At 19th level, a Prana Warrior, as a full-round action, can fold space to reach any area on the current plane it inhabits (as a greater teleport spell) costing base Prana Blast cost x2 in Prana.

Eternal (Ex)
At 20th level, a Prana Warrior has overcome all the weakness of his body. He no longer die from old age. If he has penalties to his physical ability scores due to aging, he no longer take those penalties. Physically he returns to the way he was in his prime. He still continue to mentally age, and gain all the benefits to her mental ability scores for advanced age. Effectively, this nullify the Soul of Kindling.

Adaption (Ex)
At 20th level, a Prana Warrior gains resistance* to Terrestrial Hazards: Volcano High temperatures, Arctic Freezing Temperatures, Sea Trench Pressures, Lightning Storms, etc.
At 40 level, a Prana Warrior gains immunity to Terrestrial Hazards and resistance to Stellar Hazards: Surface of the Sun, Outer Space, Extreme Pressure Environments (Planetary/Stellar cores), Heavy Gravity, Cosmic Storms, etc.
At 120 level, a Prana Warrior gains immunity to Stellar Hazards and resistance to Dimensional Hazards: Black Holes, Worm Holes, Quasars, Gamma Rays, Time Storms, etc.
At 320 level, a Prana Warrior gains immunity to Dimensional Hazards and resistance to Universal Hazards: Big Bang (planck) effects, Tears in Reality, Cosmic Cysts, Star Plagues, Collapsing Space, etc.
At 1.000 level, a Prana Warrior gains immunity to Universal Hazards and resistance to Multiversal Hazards: Probability Crack, Logic Paradox, Anti-Maxim, the Pleroma space, etc.
*Resistance is different from immunity and the GM’s is the judge to how they are affected by a given phenomenon (to give an example, Sidereals are resistant but not immune to Dimensional Hazard: a black hole might be used to imprison a sidereal with the high EMF essentially functioning as dead-magic zones).

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