• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Story Hours Index (Authors, add your own):


Small Beginnings

Title: Small Beginnings
Author: Enk&D'Shai (Enkhidu and dshai527)
Number of Threads: 2

Type: Fantasy (very firmly so!)
System: D&D 3.0/3.5
Setting: Homebrew

Started: June 27th, 2002
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Somewhat Verbose (1000 words at the short end, up to 4000 or so for long ones)
Average Frequency of Installments: Varies - currently one every two months or so

Available for Download? First thread is available in annotated, ready to print PDF.
Style: 3rd person limited, with frequent protagonist changes (the "3rd person hop").

Overview: In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles ... Oh wait, wrong story.

Small Beginnings, and its companion thread The Heroes of Icemist is tale of small town heroics based on the in game exploits of a campaign that started January 2002. Join Theo, Ander, Aurora, Ashrem, Worm, and especially Pack as they discover exactly what it means to be a hero. And maybe have a laugh or two along the way.

Reader Comment:
Rel said:
You folks, both players and DM, should be damn proud of the world you've crafted. You guys raise this hobby to an art form. If you were to ever publish this setting, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Special: Rogue's Gallery Thread.

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Title: X-PATH
Author: Capellan
Number of Threads: 3
1 - Stick Your Citadel Where the Sun Don't Shine
2 - Forge of F.U.
3 - Soviet of Dreams

Type: Humour (black, goofy, suggestive).
System: D&D 3.5e with shotguns added
Setting: The Good Ol' US of A, and some two-bit fantasy world

Started: 15 April 2004
Status: Completed
Average Installment Length: Short-Medium.
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly, more or less

Available for Download? Not currently
Style: 3rd person narrative prose. Thank goodness you didn't ask about Class. We don't have any of that :)

Overview: The WotC Adventure Path meets Pro Wrestlers with Guns. George S. Patton's a lich. Madness ensues. Now with extra Commies!

Reader Comment:

Plane Sailing said:
You are a psychic vampire who is draining my life away. No, really. Each one of your storyhours is a great read and I've got to look at anything with your name on it.
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Title: Q-Ship
Author: Capellan
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Sci-Fi, Humour.
System: Spaceship Zero
Setting: The Solar System

Started: 25 August 2003
Status: Active
Average Installment Length: Short-Medium.
Average Frequency of Installments: Anything from every 2 days to every 3 months.

Available for Download? First two episodes are available in ENworld's Downloads section.
Style: 3rd person narrative prose.

Overview: It is the year 2023. Mankind has come together under the benevolent aegis of the United Earth Government, and has spread throughout the solar system. From the dense jungles of Venus to the dusty wastes of Pluto; from Saturn's rings to the moons of Jupiter; men can be found, living and working for a better tomorrow.

That tomorrow is now.

Deep within Mission City - capital of the UEG - lies the laboratory of Doctor Alois Gustav, mankind's most brilliant mind. The Doctor's latest invention; his greatest ever; is finally complete. The XS-Pathfinder, a new spaceship equipped with the Doctor's experimental Q-Drive, is ready to blast off on its first mission.

What lies beyond the familiar solar system, in the cold reaches of dark space? Is there intelligent life, friendly or foul?

Join the dedicated crew of the Pathfinder:

* Captain John Fury
* the Venusian Princess, S'Ondra
* Doctor Gustav; and
* Archie the Robot

As they throw the switch on the Q-Drive and blast off to adventure!

Reader Comment:

PirateCat said:
I'm spending all my time reading this instead of updating my own.

I mean... err... *thinks fast* every time you update, I'll update!


Title: In Hextor's Name
Author: Capellan
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy.
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Saltmarsh (the 1e version, not the one in DMGII)

Started: 8 January 2003
Status: Complete.
Average Installment Length: Short-Medium.
Average Frequency of Installments: N/A - complete.

Available for Download? In ENWorld's Downloads section
Style: 1st person narrative, in the form of reports to a superior officer

Overview: Kull Redfist, Half-Orc Cleric of Hextor, goes to Saltmarsh. He's not very impressed.

So he fixes things.

(This is not an Evil SH btw. Kull is resolutely - one might even say fanatically - Lawful Neutral.)

Reader Comment:
Lazybones said:
The Kull character is compelling and the format of the entries as reports to a superior is just brilliant. I find that I do not care the slightest what happens to the other characters. I haven't been so focused on one character since Wulf's story hour.


Title: The Ambergate Chronicles
Author: eris404
DM: KidCharlemagne
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy/Steampunk
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Homebrew (Crystalmarch)

Started: 09-23-05
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Medium to Long
Average Frequency of Installments: As I can - I try for weekly.

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd-person, present tense, though through a first-person, unidentified narrator.

Overview: The Ambergate Chronicles are the adventures of two young student wizards and their friends:

Dante of Ambergate (wizard) - strange, sickly Imperial wizard, a student of necromancy; Dante was left as an infant on the steps of the Church of Alioth, the One True God, and raised as devout follower

George Barleycorn (gun mage/rogue) - Mavarran youth with a tendency towards pranks, a smart lad who doesn't apply himself well; has an affinity for guns and Corvus, the trickster god

Ishiro Longshears (monk) - gnomish monk and gardener at Ambergate University

Jade Harkith (druid/rogue) - Elvin druid, part of the entourage of the Elvin ambassador; has an affinity with insects

Serai (psion/thrallherder) - young Murkraali noblewoman with a dark past

Reader Comment:
"I've been re-reading this from the start over the last couple of days, and I'm very glad I did. An excellent story, excellently told." - HalfOrc HalfBiscuit

Special: KnidVermicious renderings of buildings and important objects:



First Post
World of Samardan

Title: World of Samardan
Author: Jason 'Flynn' Kemp (not me, but helping GM out by posting with his permission)
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Sword and Planet (Pulp)
System: UCS / Grim Tales / d20 Modern / d20
Setting: Samardan, a Sword and Planet style setting with grand adventures and heroic actions

Started: 22 March 2006
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly
Available for Download? No (may be in future)
Style: 3rd person narrative prose

Overview: Heroes transported from Earth fight for the freedom of the inhabitants of Samardan

Reader Comment: Fun and dramatic!

Flynn's World of Samardan Blog
Player website: Jonas Solomonas


Title: Seravin’s Tales of the Night Below
Author: Seravin
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.0e and 3.5e
Setting: Empire of Shtara / Homebrew

Started: 26 February 2003
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Short to Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: Bi-weekly

Available for Download? No
Style: Usually 3rd person narrative prose but can vary

Overview: A story version of my players journey through the Night Below Campaign box set. The characters discover that spellcasters of all sorts are being kidnapped. They decide to find out why and stop it.

Reader Comment: “Just wanted to leave a quick note to say that I am enjoying this SH. Your updates are written with a direct style and tempo, which I like.” - Capellan

Night Below - The Heroes and Villains
Night Below Conversion


Title: The Kursis Charter
Author: Morte
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Sci-Fi
System: T20 Traveller
Setting: Gateway 993

Started: 19 Aug 2003
Status: Completed
Average Installment Length: About a thousand words
Average Frequency of Installments: Shamefully rare, but it's finished now.

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, written more like a novel than a game log.

Overview: A bunch of folks in a tramp starship get a charter job, discover something interesting in passing, and set out to get rich off it. They have some troubles along the way...


Community Supporter
Arcanis: Gonnes, Sons, and Treasure Runs

Title: Gonnes, Sons, and Treasure Runs
Author: Michael Tresca
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Living Arcanis, with heavy doses of Freeport and Call of Cthulhu

Started: October 8, 2004
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Short
Average Frequency of Installments: Daily!

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with occasional winks to the underlying mechanics.

Overview: The very world of Arcanis is threatened by an ancient, mad god who once destroyed the elven pantheon. Now he has returned, and sows destruction and chaos across the land, even as the various kingdoms struggle for supremacy. The best hope is the children: sons of kings, half-angels, and even the progeny of a god. Will Kham ever get rid of Fleshripper? Will Quintus and Ilmare ever get together? Will Calactyte ever learn to read? All these questions and more will be answered...eventually.

Henry Lopez said:
GREAT job! You are certainly bringing my little mod to life. I’m glad you’re enjoying it as I am certainly enjoying your prose. I look forward to your next installment.
Special: Character sheets, NPC descriptions, and more
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Ao the Overkitty

First Post
Title: Ruthless Bastards of the Verse
Author: Ao the Overkitty
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Scifi-Western
System: Cinematic Unisystem
Setting: Firefly Verse

Game Started: 20 June 2005 (storyhour lost in server burp and reposted 10 May 2006)
Status: Completed
Average Installment Length: Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: Usually every other week by sunday evening.

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose with script form dialogue, with occasional player comments.

Overview: If you've watched Firely, you've seen the Big Damn Heroes. Well, these ain't them. Ruthless Bastards is a much more fitting title for this group. After all, the nicest member of the crew is the sadistic doctor. Come watch as a bunch of moraless bastards show that, while you can be overly competant in your field and still be terrible at crime. Comedy is usually a strong point, mixed in between their ruthless inefficiency.

Reader comment sniffles: Is it just me or did all of the players want to play Jayne?
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