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Star Trek Picard SPOILERS thread


The series is off to a promising start with episode 1. It feels far more like a true continuation of the story of the Star Trek universe than I'd somehow been expecting. Above all, this story feels integrated into the shows and movies in fundamental fashion, with references both large and small that don't feel throwaway or gratuitous.

Whether it's large things like embracing and building upon the continuity established in Star Trek Nemesis and the backstory of the original Abramsverse movie, or references dating back into the TV series (I recognised Bruce Maddox's name, but had to take a trip down Memory Alpha lane to remind myself of the particulars), the story puts down some very strong roots in this first episode.

We finally get to learn who Dahj is - not a Borg as some speculated, but in some fashion Data's daughter, a fully artificial human with a positronic brain. Her apparent death seemed pretty thorough, but even though she does have a sister, I somehow don't entirely believe she's gone. They did a lot to establish the character, and it doesn't feel like they're done with her.

And now the waiting begins. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

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It certainly seemed more introspective than I thought it would...certainly more in line with how the Star Trek universe "feels" than Discovery.

I like how the Romulans have "integrated" into Federation society. It seems as if there is a large faction that is doing the things that we are used to seeing from Romulans, but I'm not sure how large that faction is.

The end of the episode certainly was interesting, and I am really curious to see the implications of the Borg Cube they are using as a starbase.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Loved it. Loved the slower pacing, and the way it let scenes breathe.

They're rebuilding a Borg Cube? Did I understand that right?

Patrick Stewart is finally starting to look old. For the last 30 years, his age hasn't visibly changed, but it's caught up with him now.


They were doing something with the damaged cube.

I just read that the Romulan supernova referenced in the episode is the event that let to the branched timeline of the reboot movies. Does that put Picard in the original timeline? Does anyone know if the Vulcan still exists in the series?


A very strong start, that feels to me how Star Trek should.

I suspect that they're 'mining' the cube, rather than rebuilding it. It's the culmination of the best tech from thousands of assimilated species. That's got to be worth something.


Yeah, it seems most likely that they are reverse-engineering the Borg technology. It will be interesting to see to what purpose, and how far they've got.

I'm also interested to find out the legal status of the operation. They have an ostensibly-human doctor on staff, and the facility appears to be guarded by a minefield rather than a cloaking device, so I don't get the impression that it's clandestine. But is there a link between them and the Romulan assailants who attacked Dahj?


It was a good, slow start.

Hum....so grow a synthetic from a single Data cell. And synthetic's are all twins. Just like Data....and Lore. Humm...so what ever did happen to Lore's body? Maybe each twin is one Data, one Lore...humm.

I guess the Romulans have Borg tech because Nero's ''Mining ship" was a super all powerful dreadnaught because it had Borg tech.

Of course Seven of Nine has all the Borg Tech in her database too.....right? And.....say....ARE we in ''Future Janeways time" now? So does the Federation have the awesome tech now?

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