• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Spelljammer Spelljammer setting Unlocks on the DMsGuild 8/16!


I only get rpg stuff in pdf format these days, because of price, space, convenience and being nice to the climate. I'm an old fart and nothing will ever compare to reading on paper, but times change.

I even read much of my fiction in ebook format. (But to be honest, only after I discovered that there's a giant treasure trove of old sci-fi and hard to get pulp space opera available :) ).

As to Spelljammer, I have it preordered on Beyond. Very reluctantly, since I want my crystal spheres and phlogiston darnit. But I'm really looking forward to all the fun stuff for the setting on DMs Guild.

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There are a number of different causes for dyslexia (I've had lots of long debates about clasifcation), so exact needs will vary. Which is kind of the point, PDF is hard to change.

A few things that help some dyslexics:

1) Text colour/background colour. Search scotopic sensitivity (AKA Irlen syndrome).

2) Font. Whilst dyslexic-friendly fonts are available, it's usually enough just to avoid fancy fonts. Serifs are a no-no. Ariel is probably the best common font.

3) Text size.

4) Avoid big blocks of text. Have plenty of white (or whatever colour helps) space. Notice how I tend to format my posts?
Thanks! I was unaware of those specifically, but I guess they make sense. I don't know that they necessarily make web content better, but I was more interested in the parameters anyway. It has been about 40+ years since I was "reprogrammed" so I don't have much of an issue with dyslexia these days. But it still crops up every once and a while (or at least that is how I explain it!). Thank you again for sharing!


Ooh, we're talking about pdfs again. I wonder if it will go different than the last 5,000 times it's been discussed. 🙄
I agree. Better we change subjects and discuss adding an arcane half-caster to the game, how to reduce the power of the Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter feats, and the mechanical expression of a full Psion class. (y)


I crit!
I... I have to have this.

aliens in space.jpeg

On Friday the 19th, Beings from Beyond the Horizon brings you 40+ traits to mix and match with 5e races, to make a unique combination of alien beings to explore Wildspace! Written by
& myself, edited by
& cover art by
#dnd5e #spelljammer


Voidrunner's Codex

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