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Slaves of the Dragon (orsal judging)

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid

To Katherine, Quarion shakes his head. "No, I do not need food, nor should the rest of the group, especially if we are to be traveling in the wilderness. Not only have I lived on my own for 50 years, I have... other means of obtaining food." With that, he pokes his head out the wagon and makes a shrill whistle with his fingers. The sound is oddly familiar and somehow chilling. Soon, a distant response can be heard: the howl of a wolf. The resemblance between the whistle and the howl is uncanny. "Garma will feed us. Or, if you do not like raw meat, you can bring trail rations." He grins slyly.

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Farid looks around, "Well, ah, I'm sure we could cook it if your Garma brought food."


First Post
"Oh, excellent! You have an animal friend as well. I can't wait to meet him! Does he do any tricks?"

To both the druids, Planus asks, "On my last journey to Apple Glade, (Of Eggs and Desires, Post 130) I met a druid for the first time. She came out of the forest after I ran down one of my companion's horses who had escaped. She was an elven woman and turned into a hawk after barely saying two words. Can either of you perform magic like that? It was really quite remarkable. Perhaps one of you knows this woman. I should like to meet her again sometime."

Planus will further describe her appearance and mannerisms, though exaggerating her beauty, skill, and anything else interesting about her, all while making it appear like he was the hero of the story.

OOC: Planus really knows nothing at all about this woman, so feel free to make up a story. I think once an adventure is finished, it is open content.
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First Post
Tyrrette ruffles her feathers on Thanyvan's shoulder. Thanyvan looks to the owl and then back at Planus.

"Maybe my companion here knows something, but she isn't telling, I don't think. I do not know of her, though I do know that there are certain druids out there who are able to take the form of those they protect within their forest. Phyrah has not blessed me as such... Yet."

I will be happy, certainly, to be out of this cramped wagon, but maybe some of these stories could be helpful later on down the road. Thanyvan makes a mental note to pay attention to the talk between his companions.

Rae ArdGaoth

"I have met many a druid in my travels, and I am sure many more than I know have met me. Any forest creature is potentially a druid, as you say. Perhaps I have met her. If indeed I have, I doubt that I would have noticed her... 'beauty.' I tend to measure such characteristics differently than most." He sighs. "And alas, I have not yet reached the level of union with nature to become an animal, even for a short period of time." He looks wistfully to the woods. "Oh, to soar with the eagles and run with the wolves. But such things come with time, and one must allow nature to run her course. So I wait for my chance and am content to simply observe the forest for now." Smiling, he continues to gaze in the direction of the forest. "And speaking of time, we have more pressing matters at hand. How long are we to be cramped inside this tiny construction?"


First Post
Rae ArdGaoth said:
Soon, a distant response can be heard: the howl of a wolf.

The ears on Jack's hound perk up at the sound, and his tail faintly wags.

"Relax, Rover," Jack admonishes his mount. "You can make friends later."


LEW Judge
Veras-Re eyed Jack's mail and shield greedily but he did not speak. He listened to the others talk instead, taking mental notes on each person in the large party.

In particular, he was curious about the half-elf and the elf warrior. They didn't fit any of the stereotypes he had heard back home. Both seemed competent and confident without the supposed flightiness or haughtiness of elvenkind.

He took careful note of the halfling known as Jack as well. His possessions marked him either as a successful adventurer or as a successful thief. Either way, he was a force to be reckoned with. The fact that he had the uncanny ability to slip from Veras-Re's attention was troubling as well.

As for the others, he had no definite opinion of them yet. Druids and clergy (not of Ayratha) were beyond his meager experiences, but he was not curious about them.

The other dwarf, Farid, made him uncomfortable, moreso than most people did. He did not have fond memories of his people.

The human mage was interesting, though he was more curious about how his powers would compare to hers rather than interested in her personally.

He kept his hood down and his milky eyes shadowed, but he was not blind. The black-glass atop his walking staff was still uncovered and through that he could see and hear everything around him.

Knight Otu

First Post
"So, Jack here wanted to scout the village, Rika, Thanyvan and Quarion want to scout the surrounding wilderness, I gather. What about the rest of you?"


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
"Hm," Farid rubs his beard, "I think I would prefer to scout the village and help Jack. Unless I could be better served elsewhere."

Voidrunner's Codex

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