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Short and Sweet [Orsal judging]


If you're reading this, then my link from the Red Dragon Inn worked!
This is "Short and Sweet", an adventure set in the Living ENworld.

Currently playing are the characters
Jaan Saresaar, servant of the Greenman (and a paladin, says Theo, very impressed)
Wilhelm Irontower, Priest of the Fire Sister (he's nice, says Theo...sadly, he appears more impressed with the paladin)
Kith (a real elf, says Theo, nearly as impressed with this as with the paladin)
Setis (a magic kitty, as far as Theo knows)

My goal here would be to provide a story-advancing post daily, without cutting anyone out of actions. This is somewhat subject to the variations of my schedule, but if I'm not posting every other day, please post here and remind me not to be a punk.
I will handle dice rolling here, as it allows me to keep certain secret modifiers secret.
Please put a link to your current character sheet in your .sig files: I think I have everyone's information already, but a little extra precaution never hurts.
I will do my best to answer any questions you ask here.

And now...end of setup, start of story....
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LEW Judge
I can judge this one. (The DM is not the same as the judge, ajanders -- only one of the LEW judging team can be a judge, and even if you were an LEW judge you aren't allowed to judge your own adventure.) My roles include monitoring the thread for any problems, stepping in to adjudicate if needed (very rare), and approving XP awards. Please edit the thread title to say "orsal judging".


To Gwandmothew's House We Go

Theo leads you out of the Red Dragon Inn and inland.
He does his best to be very responsible, looking both ways before crossing the street and holding either Jaan's or Wilhelm's hand as he does.

You head through the commercial district, past one of the outer markets, and into a warehouse and shipping district. As you leave the warehouse, you enter a residential area overhung with willow trees and spreading chestnuts.

The houses here are all apparently old patrician vacation homes and summer retreats, for there are small gardens behind the homes and many beds for planting. At its height, this would have been a very elegant street to walk along.

Sadly, its height is long past. Vines grow up over the stonework, paint is old and worn down to bare wood, and the noble families have long since moved on to districts either more fashionable or less expensive.
Small signs tacked discreetly in windows advise "Rooms to Let", "Glovers and Haberdashers", "Barristers of Discretion" and even the daringly eupehemious "Private Treasure Hunter".

It's not a dangerous place...particularly not for heavily armed adventurers, but it is clearly a place of genteel poverty or industry just beginning.

After a quarter mile, Theo mops his brow and points through a waist-height---well, to grown humans anyway -- it stands just a little over the top of Theo's head and likely towers over Sirtis -- iron fence to a three story house set back a little from the street.

"Gwamma an I live dew."

OOC Note: Please make at least a short post after this so I know everyone got here. Thank you all for your patience and help.
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First Post
Kith stood near the others, marvelling at the amount of wood chopped down to build such elaborate buildings and wondering just how big this city was.

His elvish eyes moved slowly along the length of the house, looking for anything amiss, but he quickly decided that his lack of understanding of the humans made noticing anything but the most obvious highly unlikely.

"We have made good time."


Jaan Saresaar, male human servant of the greenman

Jaan walks with the rest through the city to Theo's house. He has seen a different parts of the city during his time here, but this area he is largely unfamilier with.

The chaos of the gardens affects Jaan strangly. The chaos of the growth reflects the vibrancy and power of the Greenman. But it also reflects a loss of something among the people who live here.

Jaan nods in response to Kith's statement.

"Your Grandmama has a fine house, Theo."


HugeOgre said:
His elvish eyes moved slowly along the length of the house, looking for anything amiss, but he quickly decided that his lack of understanding of the humans made noticing anything but the most obvious highly unlikely.

Kith's keen elven senses make a casual glance nearly the equivalent of a detailed search. Understanding, mind, is a little different.

There is a fishmonger coming down the block towards you.
People have been peeping at you over fences and between curtains for the last eight houses, not with hostility, but with a lot of curiosity.
Theo's house has two dormers on the roof, each with small leaded-glass windows.
One of the panes looks like it has broken out in the left dormer.
This house is neater than many of the others, at least in small details: it looks as if a small boy has been picking up sticks and pulling weeds.
Well, mostly weeds. There's a gap in one of the flower beds where it looks like something was meant to be.
The flower bed by the stone walk to the front of the house has a just a few flowers the color of fresh blood.
The house has a raised porch, with a wooden lattice under it.


LEW Judge
Wilhelm looks at the area with some interest. He carries himself well as he walks, though he prefers to let others lead. His interest is piqued by the crimson hued flowers but he doesn't approach without the party.


Welcome to ENworld and the Living EnWorld, Ralvitz! Glad to have you.
That's the good news.
The bad news is, you don't do either.

This adventure is already full: the players have been recruited in another thread on this message board.

If you would like to be in adventures here in Living EnWorld, you'll need to create a character of your own.

The best way to start with that process is to go here: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=89385
read all the directions, and follow them.

If you get confused by the directions, which is certainly possible, the best place to ask for help is here: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=135451

Best of luck, and we'll see you in the Red Dragon Inn!


First Post
Turning his head back away from the man approaching down the street Kith turned to face the young boy.

A fine house indeed Kith repeated, not sure what constituted a fine house among humans. I say Theo, how long have you and your grandmother lived in this building?

As he waited for the boy to respond his eyes narrowed, trying to remember what the druids of his youth might call the blood red flowers in the yard. Nothing returned to his mind however, and he found his eyes wandering again until they came to rest on the empty pane of glass. Glass was something few elves considered proper for a home, for it represented an even greater barrier between the elf and the land that bore him. Kith knew enough to know that in human cities they often kept criminals out of one's house, but for the moment he said nothing to the group.
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