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Sean's Picks of the Week (0213-0217) - Traveller, Shaintar, Pathfinder, Numenera, and Magnum Fury!

As you're reading this, I am once again embroiled in the chaos of gaming and schmoozery that is the American gaming convention. In this particular case, it's the much-beloved Genghis Con here in the Denver, CO area. While there's every kind of gaming you can imaging, the Rocky Mountain Savages ensure this is assuredly Savage Worlds territory - and the presence of Shane Hensley, Ed Wetterman, Ross Watson, Carinn Seabolt, Bill "Teh Ebil Bunneh" Keyes, Darrell Hardy, Norm "No Relation" Hensley, and Yours Truly doesn't hurt that idea much. If you ever get a chance to get there, it's well worth it (and a lot less stressful than trying to get a room at Gen Con).

As you're reading this, I am once again embroiled in the chaos of gaming and schmoozery that is the American gaming convention. In this particular case, it's the much-beloved Genghis Con here in the Denver, CO area. While there's every kind of gaming you can imaging, the Rocky Mountain Savages ensure this is assuredly Savage Worlds territory - and the presence of Shane Hensley, Ed Wetterman, Ross Watson, Carinn Seabolt, Bill "Teh Ebil Bunneh" Keyes, Darrell Hardy, Norm "No Relation" Hensley, and Yours Truly doesn't hurt that idea much. If you ever get a chance to get there, it's well worth it (and a lot less stressful than trying to get a room at Gen Con).



Len Pimentel is a very dear friend of mine. He is also a brilliant RPG designer who doesn’t get anywhere near the attention and credit he deserves. Seriously, you folks should know who he is, and I intend to make sure you do. That’s why I’ve partnered with him to bring you the next great superhero game, Prowlers & Paragons: Ultimate Edition, later this year; the original P&P was a sea change for me, personally, where superhero RPGs are concerned, and I think it could be the next Champions, but for the “fast-play, easy-character creation” crowd.

Anyway, this is another one of his masterpieces. Part Apocalypse World Engine**, part Feng Shui, and all kinds of “jump-in-and-kick-ass” fun, it’s perfect for a night’s ridiculous fun or for long-term action-adventure gaming.

(Yes, I am a fan. So be it.)

“I was a 98 pound weakling who used to get sand kicked in my face at the beach. At least, that was until Magnum Fury came along!” ~Nobody Ever Said This

MAGNUM (n): a really big bullet or gun that is awesome and in no way intended to compensate for any unspecified size-related deficiency.

FURY (n): the kind of anger that makes you an unstoppable juggernaut of ass-kickery who can perform heroic feats normal wimps couldn’t even dream of.


A tabletop roleplaying game about action movies, especially those of the 80s and early 90s, Magnum Fury is designed to play the kind of fast combat and intense action scenes action movies are known for. Magnum Fury was heavily inspired by—and pokes a lot of fun at—the action movies and action comedies of the 80s and early 90s, but it can be used to play any kind of action adventure from any genre. It uses a simple set of rules that focus on the heroes and allow you and your friends to imitate your favorite action movies or make up your own. You can create your very own badass action hero in less than a minute, and game prep requires nothing more than a few ideas about how you plan to abuse the heroes.

If you’re looking for someone to blame for Magnum Fury, look no farther than 48 Hours and Another 48 Hours, Above the Law, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, Aliens, The Beastmaster, Beverly Hills Cop and Beverly Hills Cop 2, Big Trouble in Little China, Bloodsport, Commando, Conan the Barbarian and Conan the Destroyer, The Crow, The Delta Force, Demolition Man, Die Hard, Escape from New York, First Blood and Rambo: First Blood Part 2, Flash Gordon, The Golden Child, Hawk the Slayer, Hard to Kill, Highlander, Invasion U.S.A., Kickboxer, The Last Dragon, Lethal Weapon (all of them), Marked for Death, Predator and Predator 2, Raw Deal, Red Sonja, The Road Warrior and Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Roadhouse, Robocop and Robocop 2, Running Man, Tango and Cash, Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day, They Live, Timecop, Total Recall, True Lies, and Under Siege.

(*) – I would have said FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY, but really, no one who’s into this kind of thing is particularly mature, right?

(**) – Finally, somebody came up with an approach to the AWE dice mechanic that I might enjoy.


Traveller fans have reason to be happy these days as they get a whole book of rides of all kinds for their planet-side adventures, and a system with which to craft or upgrade whatever they can imagine.

Universes of science fiction are filled with vehicles ranging from the mundane to the exotic. A starport on a world far beyond the frontier may see a mix of pedal-powered rickshaws, horse-drawn wagons and anti-grav skimmers. A high-tech centralised and industrial world will have skies filled with the anti-grav equivalent of cars, trucks and buses, while its military will be able to deploy armoured tanks who can withstand bombardment from spacecraft in orbit above them. All of these, and many more, can be created with the Vehicle Handbook.

The Vehicle Handbook has been designed to be quick and easy to use, whether your Travellers are looking to quickly upgrade or modify their humble air/raft, or construct a massive battle-ready walker armed with city-crushing weaponry from scratch. Even a large, multi-turreted super-heavy battle tank will not take much longer than five minutes’ work.

The Vehicle Handbook comes complete with an immense catalogue filled with vehicles built using this system, allowing you to dive straight in and begin populating your worlds with vehicles the Travellers can ride, purchase and fight against.


Numenera, it seems, is not insane and expansive enough. Clearly moving towards the Cypher Singularity that entails The Strange and All Things Cypher, here’s the doorway for Numenera players to head into the infinite multiverse.

Head into the Multiverse!

The Ninth World is filled with the bizarre and unexpected. But beyond it, the truly astonishing awaits. Enter a dimension where you exist in three different places simultaneously. A pocket universe that transforms you into living sound. An existence where time carves living beings into separate time streams. Or a world where merely thinking changes reality. How can you even begin to cope with such radically different worlds? Explore Into the Outside and find out!

What will you find when you step into the outside?

  • Ten transdimensional locations. Visit the Banded Bluff, the Endless Abode, the Whispering World, Celerillion, or mysterious Reeval—the source of the Nibovian threat.
  • Multiple modes of dimensional travel. Explore the Sideslip Fields. Pilot the Crystal Ship. Take a ride on the Silent Nyek. Or enter the Grinder of Infinities.
  • New creatures, including the arravelon, the stealthy pariall, the carnivorous color, the time wraith, and the deadly lycidaris, a dimensional locust.
  • Twelve alternate realities, from the Ascension of Kex-Lianish—a world consumed by living crystal—to the Bloom, a vast creature composed of maws that can provide transport you to other dimensions.


I haven’t Picked anything from Jon Brazer Enterprises in a while, but this one absolutely screams “Hey, Pathfinder fans! Want some cool, badass races and other options to supercharge your game? Want hundreds of class options, feats, items, and spells, too? Boom.”

Well, that’s what this says to me, anyway.

From the seas below to the skies above, from the land to the stars, heroes are all around us, and they come in many different forms. Now you can go beyond the common races and play a member of these 12 imaginative races in your game. Delve into each race’s culture and see the world from their unique point of view. Play a character that you have always dreamed of playing, with all-new specific character options tailored to each race’s flavor. Expand your horizons and your gaming experience with these Advanced Races today!

Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Compendium is the essential guide for playing untold numbers of characters. This 254-page supplement features

  • Racial Traits to play 12 different races, plus 60 Alternate Racial Traits, and 49 Character Traits to customize your character for your desired unique play experience
  • 125 New Character Class Options, including archetypes, sorcerer and bloodrager bloodlines, oracle mysteries and shaman spirits, cavalier orders, cleric domains and subdomains, rogue talents, alchemist discoveries, familiars and animal companions, time thief temporal talents, soulknife blade skills, and much more
  • 93 New Feats, including martial arts styles, metamagic feats, combat feats, and feats to enhance your chosen racial traits
  • 84 New Magic Items, Mundane Items, and Technological Items
  • 61 New Spells and Psionic Powers
  • 23 New Deities and Philosophies, reflecting the unique viewpoints and values of each race
  • Details for crafting your unique adventurer, as well as suggestions for GMs on how to incorporate each of these races into your campaign world

Be Heroic With These Advanced Races Today!


Capping off this week with something Shaintar fans have been asking for since the line launched. Here’s the first collection of smaller products for the world, all wrapped up in a nice, printable package for those who want a solid book at the table. Naturally, the opener is a compilation of the various books that comprise the legendary Southern Kingdoms.

(And, yes, I believe they are working on getting it set up for print-on-demand and/or other print options.)


Battles won. Homes saved. Mysteries revealed.

Now things get really interesting! ~ Sean Patrick Fannon, Creator of Shaintar

Many of Shaintar’s heroes have humble beginnings within the Southern Kingdoms – those who have chosen to stand together in the light and stand strong against the forces of evil; whether they be Darkness, Flame or Tempest.

This is the fist anthology to be released and it contains a wealth of detail about the most iconic places in all Shaintar. Contained within this tome are the following guidebooks:

Dwarven Clanhomes – these massive underground cavern seem to show the very mountain’s favor upon this stocky race. Their smith’s are without equal and their miners can sniff gems out that are hidden to all others. Yet, there’s more to the dwarves – a society rich with lore & tradition as much as metal & jewels.

Elvish Nation: The beutiful fae are the artistic ones; their architecture exhibits a deep love of nature. These are the scholars, mages and druids of the land. After all, their long lives allow generations of study. Learn about the Life Bond, a spiritual connection and The Becoming, the greatest punishment of the nation.

Galea: A beacon of equality and created from a desire to flee the horros of the Kal-A-Nar Empire, this country is ruled by a king both strong and fair. Many brave heroes have come from the noble houses – as have many great quests.

Mindoth’s Tower & Archanaya – The Druids & Church of Light have little in common, yet work in concert towards many goals. Each stands in the light and understands that learning and the exchange of ideas are the path to growth.

Olara – Tough, stroung warriors of the north: these dowr soldiers hide souls of great beauty. Ever vigilant, they keep close eyes upon the nations of Shaya’Nor and Kal-A-Nar. These folk are the broad shoulders upon which the strength of the Southern Kingdoms rests.

Serenity – The City of Secrets is at a crossrods in the Wildlands and is a place of intrigue and politics with a dash of religion and trade thrown together. There’s something here for everyone.

The Freelands – The true experiement in personal choice. Each person, group, town & city chooses its own laws in this area and they somehow manage to get along and work together. Guarded by the Freelords of Lone Keep, they remain protected and have a place to look to to defend all their laws.

The Wildlands – There are few settlements, a duchy or two and Kithros: home of the Rangers. The rest of the wildlands contains sparse towns, farmsteads and lots & lots of land to base an adventure in whether you’re looking for swamp, plains, mountains or forest; there’s a bit here for everyone.


I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far. By now, I've run a few Freedom Squadron sessions, and there's a Savage Rifts game in the works for Savage Saturday Night. I hope to get a few games in as well (it seems folks are seriously intent on reigniting my original love for Champions - Scott Field, Michael Surbrook, Michael Satran, Robert Dorf, I am looking at you gents), but I will at least get to see and spend time with some great folks from all around.

Roll some dice! Have some fun!

The Adventure Continues!

Note that I use affiliate links in all my posts as a way to generate additional revenue for my efforts; I make my Picks and other article choices, however, based on the desire to share a wide variety of things with you. Thank you for your support.

Sean Patrick Fannon
Writer & Game Designer: Shaintar, Star Wars, Savage Rifts, much more
Please check out my Patreon and get involved directly with my next projects!

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First Post
The font on the Shaintar book is just fancy enough that I had to scroll down to see how it was actually spelled. The "a," "n," and "r" all look pretty similar. #OldEyesTryHard

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