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Savage Worlds Rifts [IC]



Castle Refuge
PA 109 (May 18)/Afternoon
Round 0

OOC: From previously, Alenys has an NG-S2 Survival Pack, backpack, radio communicator, infrared distancing binocular, rebreather, 2 e-clips, TX-5 Pump Pistol, and 12,000 credits.

“I can help recharge, too,” Alenysturathe said. The redheaded teen strode up in a duster and cowboy hat as well. “This is exciting!” She put her pack in the back with the rest of the cargo. She hadn’t taken food, since she could feed on the magic in the ley lines they passed, but she did pack some unhealthy snacks that she enjoyed.



Bennies: 3/3

Hours Left for Human: 8/8 Reset: 6/6 hours
Flaming Scales: 8/8 rounds Reset 10/10m 3d6 fire MD
ISP Regen: 30/30m=1 ISP

[sblock=Alenysturathe Mini-stats]
Alenysturathe Character Sheet

Parry: 7
Toughness (Dragon): 34 (+16 MDC)
Toughness (Human): 17 (+8 MDC)
Wounds: 0
Slow Regeneration: Make a natural healing roll once per day.

PPE: 10/10
ISP: 10/10

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James looks at the food Alenys loads into the car and frowns a bit, "Please no eating in my...are those cheese curls?"

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First Post
The Cless load into their RV like vehicles and make ready to go while the heroes take the lead in the Zone-Ranger. Heading west into the forested mountains of the Ozarks, Castle Refugee is quickly lost from sight under the thick canape of trees. It takes most of the day to slowly drive through the broken wilderness before the land starts to level off and the forest grows thin. Soon open sky and light rolling hills greet the heroes as they make their way onto the Great Plains of the Old American Empire.

There is still a few hours before night fall and so the heroes push on, their speed increased but not to what the old pre-apocalypse days as there are no roads here. While the Zone Ranger could probably manage a lot better speed the Cless RV might shake apart if they post much past thirty miles per hour over the unpaved or graded plains.

By the end of the day the caravan hits an ancient ruined city. Dawn finds a half buried sign claiming the ruins to be that of Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Looking over the old maps this would put the heroes close to the north-central part of the forgotten state.

As the caravan sets up camp for the night (for even here on the plains it is not safe to travel at night for hidden canvases and sink holes litter the landscape), large thunderclouds are brewing in the northwest. One of the Cless comes up to James and says "Some of the folk be worried that them clouds could bring tornadoes and hail. We mights want to seek better shelter, iffin' ye thinks we can find some?"



Castle Refuge
PA 109 (May 18)/Afternoon
Round 0

“Yes! Cheese curls!” Alenysturathe enthused. “Do you want some? I brought plenty to share. And the dwarves gave me drinks.” She started loading lots of bottles of strong dwarven ale into the vehicle.

As they reached the end of the day, Alenysturathe itched a little. “I need to change soon,” she said wriggling in her seat. She could only stay human for eight hours. “Should I do a flyover?” she asked.



Bennies: 3/3

Hours Left for Human: 8/8 Reset: 6/6 hours
Flaming Scales: 8/8 rounds Reset 10/10m 3d6 fire MD
ISP Regen: 30/30m=1 ISP

[sblock=Alenysturathe Mini-stats]
Alenysturathe Character Sheet

Parry: 7
Toughness (Dragon): 34 (+16 MDC)
Toughness (Human): 17 (+8 MDC)
Wounds: 0
Slow Regeneration: Make a natural healing roll once per day.

PPE: 10/10
ISP: 10/10


First Post
"If you hafta change, you hafta change," Squidge said, "But I dunno about a flyover. Might help find a good place, but you're also WAY visible flying around like that. If there's a Coalition patrol anywhere within a mile or two they could spot you. They don't mess around with a dragon sighting. High alert. Maybe a SAMAS squadron deployment."

She stretched and hopped down off the ATV. "Maybe stick to the ground for now."


"Yeah, what she said. We're either in or close enough to CS territory that they might send the flyboys after ya, an' when they see the rest of us they'll go in hard. Sorry." Dawn, with the best will in the world, restricted herself to three cheesy curls, then double-checked the scope on her rifle.

"As for better shelter, let me see if I can find some..." Dawn pulled out the map, comparing it with what she had seen on the trek and what she could see and smell on the wind and horizon.



First Post
Dawn has no problems finding an ancient underground garage where the three vehicles and all the Cless can easily fit into. It takes a bit of time to clear some of the rubble and debris from the ramp entryway but with a dragon its not too difficult. As the last of the group is heading down the storm front blows hard a few miles a way with numerous lightning strikes and a tornado funnel forming in the clouds that slowly reaches for the group.

The garage's roof shakes a bit and dusk falls onto the group but otherwise they are safe from the storm raging outside and are even able to settle down to sleep. With watches set the rest of the night passes uneventfully. In the morning, emerging from the garage, the heroes continue west.

A steady rain lashes the landscape for most of the day and this slows the groups travel that be evening they figure they had only traveled 60 or 70 miles through the muddy plains. As the day got darker they found an ancient warehouse that had most of its' roof still intact to pull into for some amount of security and protection from the elements.

Just as they are getting ready to bed down and set up watches for the night a commotion is heard on the other side of the warehouse; a panic scream and shouting in an unknown tongue is heard as about a dozen blue skinned elf like people appear on the edge of the camp light. They appear to be dressed in simply wood smocks and carrying nothing else. At the sight of the Cless and the heroes some scream again and fall to the ground hiding their faces. Others wave their arms around and start trying to say something again in their unknown language.

As the heroes make ready to approach them, farther back in the warehouse comes an artificially amplified voice that shouts "There they are, Skelbots forward and engage those DBee, Terminate!!!"

Suddenly then a dozen or so skeleton like looking beings appear at the other side of the warehouse and start marching this way!

GM: No one is surprised but you are also at least 100" from where a large group of Coalition Skelbots suddenly are advancing. You would guess around 12 moving this way with various weapons raised. There are probably some forces behind these robots but they are not in sight at this time.
Actions or Plans? The Cless are also panicking. These new DBees are not doing anything really except cowering but they are between you and the Skelbots


"Skelebots. Hate them things. Smell like oil..."

Dawn plans to duck behind a nearby pillar and draw their fire off the new dbees, firing off a burst from her laser rifle at one of them.

"Everyone who ain't a combatant, scatter an' find cover! Everyone else, those things don't hunt on their own, so as you take 'em out be careful that you got your eyes peeled for more people to join the fight!"


James curses under his breath, lifting his rifle. He leveled it and pulled the trigger twice in quick succession, then ran for cover.

OOC: Forgive me if I do this wrong. This is my first fight. There shouldn't be any distance penalties, and I have both Ambidextrous and Two Fisted, so I should be able to do both attacks without penalty, correct? If not, add whatever penalties should be on there.

Shot 1: [roll0]. Damage: see OOC thread.
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First Post
(OOC - You're doing it basically right, but you might want to either roll each dice separately, or use an offsite dice roller that shows each die roll...because Savage Worlds dice explode on their highest result, which can really give benefits. Also, those hit rolls are high enough to give you an additional 1d6 damage on each shot. Well rolled!)

Voidrunner's Codex

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