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RPG Crowdfunding News 114: Things from the Flood, Svilland, Blades & Blasters, Occam’s Razor, The Ja

A Nordic Campaign Setting and a supplement that will bring an alien invasion to your 5th edition campaign? Some old-school city building in the style of Dark Sun? Villainous Victorians? Dark modern day Call of Cthulhu mysteries that might not be as expected? ...and the sequel to one of 2017's biggest games that takes the kids of the 80's and turns them in to teens in a very dangerous 90's. Plus much more! Welcome to this week's RPG Crowdfunding News!

A Nordic Campaign Setting and a supplement that will bring an alien invasion to your 5th edition campaign? Some old-school city building in the style of Dark Sun? Villainous Victorians? Dark modern day Call of Cthulhu mysteries that might not be as expected? ...and the sequel to one of 2017's biggest games that takes the kids of the 80's and turns them in to teens in a very dangerous 90's. Plus much more! Welcome to this week's RPG Crowdfunding News!

Things from the Flood – Sequel to Tales from the Loop RPG by Fria Ligan
(Campaign Ends : Tuesday 9th October 2018; 19:00 UTC)

Tales from the Loop is one of tabletop RPG’s biggest success stories over the last year. Now Fria Ligan and artist Simon Stalenhag are returning to the Loop and continuing the story in Things from the Flood.

It started on Christmas Day in 1994. Dark water suddenly rose from the land, invading our homes and lives. They say it came from the depths inside the Loop. Whatever it was the Flood changed everything. Nothing would ever be the same again.

Rolling forward from 80’s into the 90’s, Things from the Flood takes us in to a decade of change and disaster, a darker time where the stakes are higher.

Things from the Flood sees the players take on the roles of teens growing up in the 90s, trying to balance their everday lives while also trying to solve dark mysteries with their friends. Gone are the childlike tales of wonder and discovery that were explored in Tales from the Loop, and in their place are dark threats in a world where everything is changing, everything is falling apart. You are no kid anymore, and the world is both more exciting and more dangerous. Teenagers can get hurt. Teenagers can even die. The stakes are higher than ever.

“Things are different now.

The world does not seem so innocent anymore.

It’s the ‘90s and the once mighty Loop has been shut down, the experiment abandonded and the land bought by Krafta, a powerful corporation. You are no Kids anymore, but Teens trying to find your way in a decade of change – both within and around you.

The Flood has transformed the once pastoral islands into a dark marshland. Some say that the dark water pouring out of the ground comes from within the Loop itself. Machines are afflicted by a strange virus turning them unreliable and dangerous.

Still, your lives go on as before. You go to school, fall miserably in love, try to do everything possible to fend of boredom. When you hear about other teens going missing, and even turning up dead, you realize its time to gather the group again.

One way or another you fill find out what these Things from the Flood really are.”

You can play Things from the Flood as either an expansion to Tales from the Loop, moving your campaigns timeline forward, or as a standalone game. The book provides everything you need to play – the rules, settings, and mysteries to get you started.

Svilland: The Norse Mythology Setting for DnD 5E by Dream Realm Storytellers
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 4th October 2018; 14:01 UTC)

Svilland is a Norse Mythology inspired D&D 5E campaign setting; it is designed to bring the valour, brutality and drama from Norse tales to your roleplaying games. The game is compatible with 5E, but its theme and dynamics are very different than your usual high fantasy game. Sure, there is magic in this realm, a plenty of it even. Yet, it is given in a way that reflects omens, spirits, runes and Norse deities with their true forms in the mythology. In Svilland you will learn the true meaning of blood, magic, raids, and wrath of the gods.

Before the last three ages of northern folks, Svilland was unknown. However, that three ages have changed the whole world and its people. They were forced to settle in a new land that is surrounded by seas, mountains and Vanir lands.

It all began with the freezing of northern shores and poor harvest from farms during the first era, earlier omens of the incoming Black Winter, and Ragnarok. Then, an ice giant (jotunn) named Odd appeared, he became a cruel tyrant of northern folks. Yet, was impaled by his own half-giant brother, who was gifted with a spear from the god Balder, forged by dvergrs.

Deep within the North Mountains, Odd was imprisoned with powerful runes and large chains. However, fate was cruel and when Balder fell into Helheim by the deeds of Odin’s brother Loki, the spear started to lose its power.

In the beginning of second era, The High Council of seidr was assembled to prevent the Black Winter from gaining more power. In order to do that, Sami seidrs were settled down to the towers of the Ymir’s Lash. And there were two kingdoms who ruled over the mainland: Lands of the Bear King and Kingdom of Eastern Horn. Samis, however, had neither a kingdom nor an established rulership during this era, since they preferred to live in their traditional ways, following the footsteps of their ancestors.

Because of its power weakening, Balder’s spear could no longer contain the might of Odd. The jotunn finally woke up, and power of the Black Winter became even greater and it kept getting stronger and stronger. The High Council of seidr could not manage to contain influence of both Odd and the Black Winter at bay, away from the south.

The Bear King started to think that they could stop the Black Winter only if they sacrifice The High Council of seidr to the gods. In this belief, he marched with his soldiers one night, and sacrificed all of the High Seidr. So began the great conflict; with the seeds of hostility and discord sewn between the Bear King and Eastern Horn.

The third age, which is the age the campaign setting takes place, was started with a war between Eastern Horn and the Bear King. This war divided the land - which was already politically unstable - into three parts: Green Lights of the East, the Nionaem, and the Alsvartr.

Svilland contains different races within all regions. There are 3 main regions and 6 new races, such as the Austris who live in the Green Light of the East Empire, vestris still living in old ways and struggling with the wild, and mithals who are stuck in a conflict between of two rulers of their kingdom.

There are also 38 new archetypes including 14 new domains. You can be a raging Svinfylking (Boar-Skirt), charging his enemies with a mighty axe or be the hand of Odin as a Sacrifice gothi (the cleric) and spread his word.

Also included in the book are over 130 new magical items, tons of monsters, detailed geography of Svilland, including towns, villages, ruins, cities and various climate conditions and geographical features. Five new feats inspired by the real Nordic culture, cults and organizations, and a lot more!

Blades & Blasters : 5e DnD Alien Invasion Rulebook & Bestiary by Seth Tomlinson
(Campaign Ends : Monday 1st October 2018; 22:05 UTC)

I’m sure a few of us over the years have thought about dropping an alien invasion on to our hapless adventurers. I know I’ve played around with the idea a few times, including an encounter with the Daleks in an AD&D game back in the 80’s that didn’t end well.

Well, Blades & Blasters, provides a combined rulebook and bestiary to stage your own alien invasion for your 5th Edition game.

“This project began in early 2017 when I thought to myself in passing, “How cool would it be to design a campaign about an alien invasion in a medieval fantasy setting?” The answer, of course, is: “Very cool.” It wasn’t until several months later that I began putting serious thought into the idea.

A certain popular game master’s book lists some rules and statistics about alien weapons and technology but I knew immediately that the limited information given would not be enough to build a campaign.

I developed lists of weapons, vehicles, technologies, and of course, a rich selection of alien creatures. With these new items came the need for a new set of rules. Together, all of these new additions the core 5th edition rules make up the Blades & Blasters: Bestiary & Rulebook.

Nothing in this book will override the core 5e rules that we’ve all become so familiar with. My goal was not to reinvent the wheel or create a new RPG. I wanted to build something that could easily fit into existing games and campaign settings.”

Occam’s Razor, a collection of scenarios for Call of Cthulhu by Stygian Fox Publishing
(Campaign Ends : Monday 1st October 2018; 16:16 UTC)

Occam’s Razor is a collection of six modern day adventures for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. The adventures, all written by Brain M. Sammons, have a dark tone akin to sows such as True Detective and American Horror Story and, whilst initially seeming to be linked to the Mythos, they may be more, or less, than they seem...

The six adventures are:

Deep and Dark – the investigators find a snuff film on the dark web, but one of a pretty girl getting mauled by a Fishman monster. Did the deep ones mess up and accidentally get filmed in this modern world where everyone has a camera phone or is it something else?

Eye of the Beholder – an art student goes missing while doing late night research in a museum with ties to the local university. Maybe it’s a coincidence that the museum just got in a huge statue from South America of a little-known death god called Thul’Cathul. Yep, total coincidence.

The Watchers – a woman living alone in an apartment in the big city notices that people are watching her. Following her. They even broke into her home. But why? What do they want and how far will they go?

A Whole Pack of Trouble – a group of film school students go to an isolated, abandoned, and reportedly haunted asylum to make a found-footage horror movie and make a fortune? Whatever could go wrong with that? Well, when the filmmakers go missing the investigators will have to find out.

A Cleansing Flame – People are dying by fire. No one knows why and no one knows how. When the latest victim is a friend to one of the investigators and an astronomer who reportedly made a recent discovery of note, it’s up to the investigators to put out these flames.

Visions From Beyond - Tommy is a friend who makes some new friends. That’s nice. Unfortunately those friends have a strange reputation, they get up to some bizarre practices, and then one night Tommy calls one of the investigators in terror, begging for help, then the line goes dead. What’s a friend and an investigator of the Mythos to do?

The Jack Hack Complete: A Dark Victorian role-playing game by John R Davis
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 30th September 2018; 17:30 UTC)

Originally inspired by The Black Hack by David Black, The Jack Hack is a role-playing game of Victorian Villains. “The main thrust of the The Jack Hack as a game is trying to beat the odds in the depravity of late Victorian London. It has a particular focus on the Whitechapel area just before, and around the time of the infamous Jack the Ripper murders. The PCs aren't heroes, but aren't meant to be down-right cruel either. They are trying to get by- but situations, events and adventures keep coming their way.”

There are five books that make up the set, with The Jack Hack Basic Book available individually or part of the set. The physical set comes in a nice boxed set also including character sheets. The five books that make the series are as follows:
The Jack Hack Basic Book
This contains all the rules needed to play and stacks of random tables and adventure seeds. Five classes (The Broken, The Night-Flower, The Cokum, The Disgraced, and The Fine-Wire) are detailed, as well as a two usage dice system (White dice represents ‘outer’ influences, whilst the Black dice represents the ‘inner’ torment you suffer). The book also includes ‘Welcome to Whitechapel’, which details the setting and supplies a host of random tables such as ’20 things found floating in the Thames’ and ’20 things a street vendor may sell you’.

Ripper Fhtagn – A game book of Mythos, Mesmerism and Monsters.
This book adds a supernatural element to The Jack Hack: Areas such as classic gothic of Poe, Victorian Spiritualism. M R James, William Hope Hodgson, and the terrible fear of the unknown throughout Lovecrafts' work. Much of this horror is too difficult to combat martially so the PCs will need their wits and guile to overcome what lies within. Neither physical nor mental wounds heal well in the hospitals and asylums of London at this time. Some entities will have 'stats' so the PCs could stab them in the back or kosh them on the head and run. Or they could just run, hide and then curl up in a ball and sob.

Dead London – A game book of Martian Invasion and Steampunk.
As if things weren't bad enough the Martians have invaded. With the original War of the Worlds as its' source its a chance for our wretched PCs to be a bit more heroic. The Martian invasion has hit London hardest and reduced much of it to its ruin. But there is hope. The strange cloying Red Weed that accompanied the Tripods reacts remarkably with water. In the polyps of the plants the water becomes super ionised and gains massive amounts of energy. A clever few have learnt to harness this phenomena, the Age of Steam Punk has begun. With fanciful weapons and technology the fight back has begun. Or the PCs, the foul villains that they maybe, have found another way to exploit the huddled masses and gain vengeance against the folk who brought them low!

Carved in Flesh – 5 scenarios based around the Whitechapel Murders.
Carved In Flesh contains five mini sandbox adventures, each tied to one of the five Whitechapel Murders and the mystery around Jack The Ripper. The clues, trails, causes, methods, culprits etc. are all randomly generated with a nod to an ongoing major event in the area.

The Great Game – A game book of Anarchists, Political Intrigue and Spies.
Historically the Great Game was a time when the British and Russian Empires struggled for dominance over Central Asia and 'India'. In this release the machinations are carried out in London itself and surrounding areas as the Great Powers of Europe and beyond jostle for dominance, all the while being threatened by the newly empowered masses, in the form of anarchists, liberty and suffrage.

Dortoka: an OSR + PbtA City Module by Sigil Stone Publishing
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 4th October May 2018; 18:00 UTC)

Dortoka is an urban city-building toolkit, setting guide and adventure for Vagabonds of Dyfed, but is equally suitable for any OSR or Powered by the Apocalypse game with minor tweaks.

Dortoka has been inspired by magical post-apocalyptic settings, such as Dark Sun, mixed with fantastical and wild cities, like Lamentations of the Flame Princess’ Vornheim.

The book comes in several sections. The adventure is about fifty pages long and is set around the ruins of a fabled capital in the heart of a glassed desert. The adventure includes Insectoid hives, possessed cities, cruel gladiatorial games, mind-bending expanses of blasted landscape, and more… There is also some Vagabonds-specific information and mechanics - such as a new lineage, new techniques and guidelines on psionics, as well as information on how to bring Dortoka into a new or existing campaign and a handful of setting-specific monsters.

The rest of the book is all about how you can build your version of Dortoka, even as you play. There are quick outlines to help you map out Dortoka – randomizing streets, blocks and landmarks. Advice and techniques for running a city-exploration game as a pointcrawl; focusing on points of interest and the routes connecting them. Loads of tables covering things such as themes, adventure seeds, and descriptor tables and six complete sample wards for each class, including key resources, population and details.

The following campaigns are finishing in the next week

The Far Traveler’s Collection by RavenRook Publishing
(Campaign Ends : Friday 21st September 2018; 07:00 UTC)

“Featuring a Deluxe Edition MMCD with the new Cloak of Protection and the all new Far Traveler's Notebook for D&D and other TTRPGs”

Oblit-O-Tron D6 Dice – Explore the Stars! by Black Oak Workshop
(Campaign Ends : Saturday 22nd September 2018; 23:59 UTC)

“These d6s are 19mm and full of classic sci-fi theme! Explore the far reaches of space with your trusty Oblit-O-Tron D6 at your side!”

The Mineral Point Vampire (Dungeons and Dragons) by Tim Krause
(Campaign Ends : Monday 24th September 2018; 09:21 UTC)

“A 5E Dungeons and Dragons module for 4-6 characters for 4-6 characters, Levels 10 and higher. From Tomorrow River Games.”

Books of Monsters & Legends for IRONCLAW role-playing game by Sanguine Productions LLC
(Campaign Ends : Tuesday 25th September 2018; 03:59 UTC)

“Strange things to fight, and strange stories to learn, for your IRONCLAW tabletop role-playing game.”

BIG 20 by Big 20
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 27th September 2018; 18:03 UTC)

“A fully customizable digital dice roller for tabletop role-playing games. Randomize Anything!”


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If you have a forthcoming Kickstarter, or see one that excites you, please feel free to drop me an email on angus.abranson@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @ Angus_A or on Facebook where I often post about gaming.

Until next week, have fun and happy gaming!

Angus Abranson

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