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Kickstarter Rogue Games launches the Shadow, Sword & Spell 2nd Edition Kickstarter


You hail from a world awash in conflict, danger, and threats. You might be a thief due to your knack for picking the pockets of rich merchants in Gravinia while evading the competition. You might be a raider selling your sword to the highest bidder and fight for any or all as long as the silver flows. You might even hail from mysterious Cal’athar and have an affinity for arcane forces, using them to work spells outside the realm of Man.

Your enemies are many. From hordes of skeletons summoned by necromancers, to slavers seeking to fill their coffers by selling their human goods, to mysteries lurking within mist covered woods, your hero armed with their wits and sword are tested and the outcome is uncertain. All of this stands in your way, challenging you to grab what you can, and make it your own.

Inspired by the writings of Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, and H.P. Lovecraft, Shadow, Sword & Spell is fantasy of a different nature: humanistic. Your heroes seek out to carve their own trail, and the threats they face are outside the scope of humankind.

Shadow, Sword & Spell is set in a world laden with mysteries, magic, and plots. This is a world in which the characters are born and in which they must survive if they are to make a name for themselves. This setting is filled with a smörgåsbord of cultures waxing and waning in power. Various kingdoms, city-states, and regions exist offering the brave, or stupid, numerous challenges. Drawing inspiration from the writers influencing this genre, the world of Shadow, Sword & Spell offers numerous locations teeming with possibilities. This is a world awash in conflict, tinged with magic, and filled with danger.

The stronger you are, the more power you have. Merchants work and scheme to gain more wealth. Nobles work and scheme to achieve power. Priests work and scheme to gain influence. Everyone has an agenda, and often these agendas conflict. Either willingly, or unwillingly, you are dragged into this conflict, and it is up to you to survive. If you can make a tidy profit, then all the better.

Shadow, Sword & Spell is a complete game. Everything you need to play or run it is found between the two covers. By backing this your pledge goes to getting the book ready for a full release into distribution. Backing this project gives you access to the game before anyone else gets it, as well as the ability to get a printed copy ahead of everyone.

So what do you get?

  • Pledge $10 Mercenary: You get a PDF/ePub/Kindle version of the Rulebook, all unlocked PDF Stretch Goals and your name in the book as a backer. 
  • Pledge $45 Conquerer: You get a softcover version of the Rulebook as well as the PDF/ePub/Kindle version, any stretch goals in PDF/ePub/Kindle, and your name in the book as a backer. Shipping is estimated at $15 for U.S. addresses.
  • Pledge $55 Hero King: You get a hardcover version of the Rulebook as well as the PDF/ePub/Kindle version, any stretch goals in PDF/ePub/Kindle, and your name in the book as a backer. Shipping is estimated at $15 for U.S. addresses.

For more information, or to pledge visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ri2/shadowsword-and-spell-2nd-edition

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