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Rich beyond dreams (El Jefe Judging)


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[sblock=Rowan]You get the feeling that there is more going on here than what is happening in open discussion.[/sblock]

[sblock=Phoenix]You get the feeling that there is more going on here than what is happening in open discussion.[/sblock]

[sblock=Lookspring]You get the feeling that there is more going on here than what is happening in open discussion. Further, Uggla seems to be a part of it while Captain Purdy seems to be sincere. You cannot get a feeling of the board members.[/sblock]

Nurglost continues: It seems we have the right group, and since Rowan McTavish has thrown his fate with the others he shall remain. short pause... Captain, you claim the rights to the trade route, and also that your ship was followed by a pirate ship and that you did nothing illegal. Purdy nods Correct Navigator Uggla, you claim to have been kidnapped by these individuals before us and forced to navigate their ship to the island where the trade route is to be established. Yes sir! They are savages the lot of them!!! We have their story, and we have records of an incident the night Navigator Uggla claims to have been kidnapped, although the reports are of 2 little people nothing of a Katara. Let us now hear your story. Where were you the night before you left port aboard Captain Purdy's ship?

ooc:if you fabricate a story make a bluff check, or intimidate if attempting something more... Whatever you feel appropriate.

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Rowan gets increasingly anxious. His newfound friends were on trial, it seemed. He didn't really know them very well. What if they had kidnapped this ugly guy. Rowan himself wouldn't be beyond doing just that for the right amount of treasure.

Rowan has left his shield at the inn, along with his horse and gear. His guisarme gives him comfort in his hand, and his other hand pats his heavy flail to reassure himself.


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Phoenix looks about with some nervousness as she begins to sense something not quite right going on here. She answers Nurglost with conviction. "We were at the Snooty Pig that night, RESCUING Uggla over there. That's what we were hired for. To rescue him because something he knew had gotten him in trouble and his pirate shipmates were soon gonna silence him so he couldn't tell what he knew to anyone. So we helped get him out of the bar and delivered him to our employer while defending ourselves from those that attacked us along the way. After being talked to, he agreed to set sail with us and lead us to the island. Then when we left the island, Uggla had dissapeared. Figured maybe a hydra ate him or something. So we came back to Orrussus and on the way some of Captain Purdy's sailors stole some of me and Looksprings money and fought against us for no good reason besides us trying to keep their thieving fingers off our property. I was under the impression we were here to deal with those issues of theft and assault, but appearently not." Phoenix finishes.


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Lookspring frowns while he contemplates the situation. Think! There is something odd here. You rescued Uggla once, those "friends" of his were going to kill him for letting the cat out of the bag about the trade route. Should I lie? What if they have magic to detect it? I've never been in a human trial room before. Better stick with what I know and hope Phoenix plays along. Oh, and I shouldn't mention the warehouse incident.

Lookspring straightens up, doing his best to look impressively outraged. He clears his throat and speaks up. "Kidnapping he says? A fine thanks for saving that mans life. Captain Purdy had word that this Uggla fellow was piss drunk at a bar and getting himself in trouble. Phoenix and I, along with a fellow named Verrick and these two halfings went down there to make sure he didn't get himself hurt. Sure enough, while he was staggering home these real ugly fellows, seamen of a sort with yellow sashes, assaulted him in the streets. We managed to escape and get Uggla to safety. Uggla said that he thought those fellows were pirates. The Captain took pity on the poor drunkard and offered him a job. There weren't no threats, he was told he could go back and take his chances with them yellow sashes or sail with the Captain for a fair wage. I'd say he got a fair deal. Them yellow sashes meant to have his head, the way they singled him out when they jumped us.

Once he hired on with us, Uggla sailed us to an island, we did some trading with the locals, but when we were ready to leave he had disappeared. Later we were followed by another ship.

I bet those yellow sashes snatched him from under our noses and threatened him so he'd sing a different tune."
Lookspring glares at Uggla, irritation showing on his face at his betrayal. He watches to see if he reacts to the accusation.


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OOC: Diplomacy Check (1d20+0=18)
Appearently Phoenix was showing some cleavage or a good deal of thigh... Can she have a spinning chair to sit on and cross and uncross her legs while she turns from side to side during her interrogation? (Sorry, don't remember the name of the movie, but that image just flashed into my head.)


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Nurglost steps in front of his podium puffing himself up (ooc: this is where you get the oh what have I done to this guy feeling :\ ) So you admit being accomplis to the little people that caused so much trouble that fateful night when evil deeds were done unto the unsuspecting Navigator Uggla.(his speach begins mounting in volume and seeming forcefulness as he continues) This is not the wilds, this is Orrusus fair lawful city, where crime is punished! (now almost shouting although speaking clearly his voice almost resounds off walls to come at you from all directions) We have statements from the vivtim and witnesses, we have the admittance of guilt from the Katara Lookspring. (now seemingly out of control shaking with rage) I accuse you...Lookspring...and you Phoenix...of crimes against the victim and of crimes against this city!!!!!! (now calming a bit) and you Rowan of abiding these criminals and admitting your allegiance to them. Guards seize them and take them away.

Ostler looks unimpressed and not buying it as he calmly replies... What schemes you do plot. The evil here is you. This hastened judgement when our masters are away so that you would try to sway the outcome, we expected some treachery I warn you!

Varrdig replies much to the shock of all within by charging Nurglost hammers in hand seeming to smash the humans skull. The only sounds he makes are his heavy footfalls.

Melubb the halfling appears near the 3 adventurers and shouts Action now! You must exit through that door pointing to a door behind Purdy and take the ship captain with you! We have attempted to aid your exit while we deal with our own evils here. Go quickly from this city a while and when you return inquire the outcome of this court before you make your identity known. Go quickly! As you turn you see guard fighting guard everywhere, many more than you imagined were present when you entered.

The gods of chaos must be watching and smiling at this moment!
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Rowan smiles. A chaotic battle against treacherous city-folk. He whips his guisarme up defensively, ready to smack any hostile-looking person who approaches. He plans to follow the others, but waits for Lookspring and Phoenix to go first. He'll guard the rear.


First Post
Phoenix shakes her head as chaos runs amok in the room. Smiling at their good fortune this day, she turns to see a similar smile on Rowans face. Igniting her mind blade, she says quickly "Let's get outta here, boys. Captain Purdy! C'mon, looks like it's time to weigh anchor and fill the sails. Hope your ship is ready ta go." Moving to the Captains side, she makes her way toward the door that the halfling indicated while protecting the Captain. "And Lookspring, try not to kill anybody we don't have to. Rather not have our list of crimes added to now, wouldn't you say?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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