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D&D 2E Returning to 2e


So, a late night talk about the dndnext playtest, resulted in all of my players and I realizing that we probably had more fun when we played 2e (89-05) than when we played 3.x (05-08) or 4e (08-12). Nostalgia or not, we decided to start a new campaign, using the 2e rules.

Now, I must admit I have lost all my old 2e notes and folders, as they pre-date me going fully digital, so I have no list of houserules and such. I do recall having quite a few...

Anyway, I was just wondering if there was some relevant posts about houserules for 2e around here? Been reading up on Dragonsfoot 2e section, but dont know where else to go and talk about 2e.


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First good luck. I started with 2e and it holds a special place in my hearth.

Few suggestions/rule interpretations on my table.

Max hp at first level the edition is deadly enough at low levels as it is.

Spells do not have to be memorized all at once- it is fine to leave a slot open then spend the time between encounters to fill it in as needed. This came into play mid to high levels when the party needed a knock, dispel magic or remove curse etc. Spend the 10min/spell level (knock will take 20 min of uninterrupted study with the traveling spellbook) and you are good to go. Since casters have fairly limited number of spells to begin with this solved the problem of not having utility spells ready while heightening the danger for the caster (such as running out of combat spells in mid fight) while increasing his problem solving utility.

No 2.5e.

Start with the core 3 books and only once you are comfortable again with the rules contemplate optional things like the complete handbooks. While that holds true on general principle, I have seen people (GMs) who have not gamed for a while try to recapture the past glories and try to jump right back into 10+ sources game only to burn out overwhelmed.

Even if you are not a module GM consider digging into your Dungeon magazine and reading few modules. You may or may not run them but it helps to get into the spirit of things once again.
Some low level examples:
"Visiting Tylwyth" Dungeon 77
"Bad Seeds" Dungeon 79
"Race Against Time" Dungeon 81

Holy Bovine

First Post
So, a late night talk about the dndnext playtest, resulted in all of my players and I realizing that we probably had more fun when we played 2e (89-05) than when we played 3.x (05-08) or 4e (08-12). Nostalgia or not, we decided to start a new campaign, using the 2e rules.

Now, I must admit I have lost all my old 2e notes and folders, as they pre-date me going fully digital, so I have no list of houserules and such. I do recall having quite a few...

Anyway, I was just wondering if there was some relevant posts about houserules for 2e around here? Been reading up on Dragonsfoot 2e section, but dont know where else to go and talk about 2e.


Hey - great idea! While 2E isn't my personal choice (I lurves me some Rules Cyclopedia D&D) I fully endorse the idea of playing any and all editions of D&D.

I would suggest going 'vanilla' 2E at first - you will likely quickly remember your personal houserules as you encounter things that don't work or are a bother to have at the table (to hit adjustment vs. AC chart I'm looking right at you). I would strongly recommend not adding in Skills & Powers as they, to me, added a really unneeded level of complexity to 2E. At least they contributed to my personal disenfranchisement with the system.

Just my 2cp - you might also look at RPGGeek as there is a large pre3E community there.


First Post
my personal disenfranchisement

Deprived of the right to vote, or deprived of power or rights?

Do you mean disillusionment (feeling disappointed as a result of the discovery that something is not as awesome as once [or initially] believed) or disenchantment (to be freed from false belief or illusions)?
I'm actually fairly confused here.


First good luck. I started with 2e and it holds a special place in my hearth.
Thanks, I have a feeling we might need it. So many new (old) weird rules to get used to.

Max hp at first level the edition is deadly enough at low levels as it is.
Yeah, that's pretty much a given. Been considering implementing something a la dndnext for hit points further down the road, as in, you get minimum half hit points rounded down, no matter what you roll.

Spells do not have to be memorized all at once- it is fine to leave a slot open then spend the time between encounters to fill it in as needed. This came into play mid to high levels when the party needed a knock, dispel magic or remove curse etc. Spend the 10min/spell level (knock will take 20 min of uninterrupted study with the traveling spellbook) and you are good to go. Since casters have fairly limited number of spells to begin with this solved the problem of not having utility spells ready while heightening the danger for the caster (such as running out of combat spells in mid fight) while increasing his problem solving utility.
That's an interesting take on it. Will consider it. Inspired by dndnext, I had considered implementing a way to cast such spells as rituals (as in longer casting time) outside of combat. Need to come up with a price though, as it shouldn't just be gold.

Yeah, no thanks, except for a few odd rules here and there.

Start with the core 3 books and only once you are comfortable again with the rules contemplate optional things like the complete handbooks. While that holds true on general principle, I have seen people (GMs) who have not gamed for a while try to recapture the past glories and try to jump right back into 10+ sources game only to burn out overwhelmed.
I think that's really good advice. I have almost been falling into said trap. Ever since we decided to switch back, I have been reading 2e books left and right, trying to figure out what to use. I need to limit myself from the get-go.

Even if you are not a module GM consider digging into your Dungeon magazine and reading few modules. You may or may not run them but it helps to get into the spirit of things once again.
Some low level examples:
"Visiting Tylwyth" Dungeon 77
"Bad Seeds" Dungeon 79
"Race Against Time" Dungeon 81
I am not, but it's another good idea. Thanks for the recommandations.

Hey - great idea! While 2E isn't my personal choice (I lurves me some Rules Cyclopedia D&D) I fully endorse the idea of playing any and all editions of D&D.

I would suggest going 'vanilla' 2E at first - you will likely quickly remember your personal houserules as you encounter things that don't work or are a bother to have at the table (to hit adjustment vs. AC chart I'm looking right at you). I would strongly recommend not adding in Skills & Powers as they, to me, added a really unneeded level of complexity to 2E. At least they contributed to my personal disenfranchisement with the system.
Yep, good idea.

Just my 2cp - you might also look at RPGGeek as there is a large pre3E community there.
That site looks confusing, or maybe I am just too hung over. Will come back once the mind clears up a bit.

On Twitter, I was recommended a podcast called THAC0's Hammer - any of you guys heard about it?


First Post
If I were to go back to 2e I'd do a planning session with my group. 2e had a lot of options some good and some bad. Depending on when in the edition cycle people played could really alter the type of rules they used and their experience with the game. So, I'd sit down with everyone and see what they expect from a 2e game, what character options they feel should be available, and what rule variations they favor. Once I got a feel for that then I'd discuss house rules with them though I admit in 2e we never used many house rules.


If I were to go back to 2e I'd do a planning session with my group. 2e had a lot of options some good and some bad. Depending on when in the edition cycle people played could really alter the type of rules they used and their experience with the game. So, I'd sit down with everyone and see what they expect from a 2e game, what character options they feel should be available, and what rule variations they favor. Once I got a feel for that then I'd discuss house rules with them though I admit in 2e we never used many house rules.

Thanks Cro, all sensible ideas. As I am currently on vacation and won't be back until a couple of days before the campaign is supposed to start, any debate concerning eventual house rules will be done by email. It shouldn't be too hard to agree though, since I was their DM for 16 years in 2e (Yep, same group) and we are usually on the same wavelength. Usually its just a matter of me presenting an issue with the game, and offering a solution, and they are fine with it. My problem is identifying the "problems", since its been so long. But I am sure they will resurface quickly.



First Post
My problem is identifying the "problems", since its been so long. But I am sure they will resurface quickly.

I can see problems being difficult to identify. It is possible that now since you all are older and have more experience gaming that problems with the game you had then you wouldn't see as problems now. And depending on how your tastes may have evolved and changed there could be things that were not problems then that are now.

For instance if players are used to the constant getting abilities of characters in the new games they might not enjoy the character options as much since there are so fewer. I can see people liking a skill system well more then the non weapon proficiencies.

On the flip side I think I could handle the so called too powerful kits like most of the elven ones for instance a lot better now then I could then.

For house rules, I suggest allowing the Mage to get bonus spells based on high intelligence as the Cleric gets from high wisdom. Just take a look at the wisdom table in the PHB and substitute the Mage's intelligence score to determine how many and what level bonus spells are received. We used that one for both 1e and 2e over the years.

Max hit points at 1st level is one we used all the time as mentioned here already.

You'll need to decide if you are using demi-human level limits as is, modifying them or chucking them out altogether.

Aside from the 2e board at Welcome to Dragonsfoot, check out Welcome to PurpleWorm.org!. That is a pretty good 2e site. The forums are fairly active.


Rotten DM
1. max hp at 1st
2. spells are off the cuff as long you have material components needed, Aka like a 3e sorcerer.

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