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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

~ The golems speaks this time. How capital! ~

Respen is completely silent and makes no immediate response to her query. He contemplates two options in his mind, two derivations of the same plan: escape through the teleport circle or through the well opening. Two hours of daylight; this would go better if he had more time. They had not come back for him; for all he knew, they could be dead. Or engaged in battle. Or simply unable to return. He thinks a moment, given the silence in the cavern a chance to settle. He puts away the alchemy/oil bomb, undoing the package carefully. ~ No need for this. ~

If he can’t get past the golem, nothing else matters. If he does, it’s a matter of where. Back to Vega and the tower and try to find a way back to the group, or through the teleport circle back with the party, wherever they went, likely with the golem right behind him. He realizes that he needs time to sort this out. And he is supremely curious. He removes a scroll tube from his backpack and unfurls the parchment with the information he scribbled from Margull’s office regarding the Vampire volume. He recalls Sylvar’s tale about the drow mage and her assassin mate. Respen, opening the rope trick several inches, addresses the ‘voice-in-the-golem' inquisitively, as he might a Lord or Lady; politely with discretion, but nonetheless to the point.

“Your Grace, please pardon my impertinence, but you want me to come down from here? With all due respect, I’ll pass for the moment, but I’ll visit with you, if you’d like. I have no reason to be impolite. I’ve made a bit of a mess, and for that, I apologize for the offense.”
Respen smiles in spite of himself, uncharacteristically impish. “I’ve never spoken to someone through a golem before. It’s…uniquely unsettling, as I’m sure you can imagine. ”

“Might I inquire, at risk of offending you, your Grace, is your name ‘Clare’, and are you the exquisite work of art mentioned in the bard’s song? Serindak’s mate? ”

“The truth is that I came here under the pretense of seeking gold as bounty for the skulls or ears of undead simpletons. Macabre, isn’t it? I didn’t think of it; somebody else did. Your retainers have put away a few lustful and foolhardy adventurers who heeded the call. However, as it happens, my motivation is much more complex. Much more. I came here hoping to obtain information, not bounty. I have no deathwish; my interest is genuine.”

Respen pauses: “Your Grace, would you regale me about Symval? And Lynalla? And Jarren? And Ferrindar? And Xavier? Would you tell me what you know about the ‘True Vampires’, their whereabouts, and this tragic end to which most have come?”

Whatever she says about the true vampires or herself, or Serindak, if anything, he copies down on parchment.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Clare's Response

Respen said:
“I’ve never spoken to someone through a golem before. It’s…uniquely unsettling, as I’m sure you can imagine... Might I inquire, at risk of offending you, your Grace, is your name ‘Clare’, and are you the exquisite work of art mentioned in the bard’s song? Serindak’s mate? ”

For a refresher on Skorane and Clare, see these links:



The golem's blue eyes flicker momentarily, and you hear light laughter coming from the hollow, metallic construct: "Yes, I am Dame Clare, and Serindak is my childe, to be sure, but he has never been, and will never be, my mate. I have never known true love, because I have never met anyone I could completely trust. Every male I have ever trusted has betrayed me. But I thank them all for that, for they taught me that skill quite well, and since that time, I have mastered it even better than they. I do trust Serindak, because he is my childe, linked to me by the dark blood, his fate tied to mine, forever. But that's as far as my trust goes; for example, I'm quite certain that I can't trust you any further than I can throw you, my dear."

Respen said:
"...I have no death wish; my interest is genuine.”

The golem once again rings with hollow laughter. "I do not offer you death, my dear. I offer you LIFE. If you come with me now, I will breed you with my slave, Nelvranda; she's one of the comeliest examples of Drow kind that I have ever encountered. You would experience great pleasure with her, I'm certain of it. You might even fall in love with her, although I can tell you, THAT would be a mistake. She is a treacherous thing, unpredictable, I taught her too well in all things. But that's beside the point; I need your offspring, since I can no longer produce them. Offspring that I can nurture and train from infancy, to become my true family. You and Nelvranda will be mommy and daddy, and I'll be sweet Aunt Clare. And when they are of age, I will bestow upon all of you The Dark Gift, and we can explore eternity together, and take what we desire. Consider my offer carefully, I don't make such offers very often. But I know potential when I see it, and YOU are full of potential, my dear. I've got good instincts, and I always follow them. If you're smart, you will allow yourself to trust my instincts as well. What possible future could you have as an adventurer? Risking your life every day, and for what? A little gold, a little glory, and death at the hands of a Dragon? Or a Demon? Or a Lich in some dirty tomb? What kind of future is that?"

Respen said:
Respen pauses: “Your Grace, would you regale me about Symval? And Lynalla? And Jarren? And Ferrindar? And Xavier? Would you tell me what you know about the ‘True Vampires’, their whereabouts, and this tragic end to which most have come?”

The timbre of Clare's voice changes audibly, but again, laughter echoes from the hollow golem: "Bravo, sweet Respen, you've done your homework. You speak of The Old Ones, the ones of legend. But that's all they are, my dear, legends. I have never met an Old One, and believe me, I have tried; I have spent countless years scrying for them, sending minions out into your world to roam the dark corners, and the forgotten places. Among the Drow, there are legends of the Old Ones living somewhere within The Underdark, but I have scoured the darkness and found nothing. If the Old Ones do exist, their interests lie no longer within this world, for they have seemingly abandoned their connection to it. The term you use, 'True Vampire', shows that you already know much; in their arrogance, they gave themselves that name, for they believe themselves above the rest of us. To tell you the truth, I'd like to meet one of them, and put this moniker to the test. I'd like to see which of us is the 'True' Vampire. I wield a power beyond your reckoning, little mageling, and probably beyond their reckoning as well."

RESPEN: What do you do? What is your response (if any)?
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Aust Thale

Respen Entertains the Offer

~ Either she doesn't know, or she doesn't perceive me significant enough to answer the question. ~

"Your Grace, I must tell you, you are indeed an oak, and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. And your offer is appreciated, if indeed your experience with deceit hasn't colored your perception of how I might perceive it as well. 'Appreciated'; I apologize for the cavalier use of the word. It is among the most life-changing offers I have ever received; forgive me if I am a little incredulous. You barely know me, even if you acquired my name and the fact that I am here. So if you are sincere, I'd continue my questions of you, and I will consider your offer carefully."

"Why did Lynalla kill her brethren? What might possess an immortal for that kind of treachery? I'm trying to understand it. How far, literally and figuratively, would she chase an immortal who survived? And where might that survivor chase her? And while on the subject, I am wondering why you aren't trying to find them? You have resources. You have reach. And you figured out who I was within minutes of my having arrived her. And you can't find these other immortals? Seems like an elf like me leaves small footprints. They make smaller?"

"I'll elaborate on why I ask. I want to know more about them. I ran across someone who appeared to be a window into these creatures. That person disappeared. All of a sudden, exploration as simply a utilitarian exercise gets a splash of cold water in the face. I have a riddle that requires solving. However, I am who I am. Exploring "the Dark Gift", as you refer to it, is indeed temping beyond measure. However, since truth is important to you, I know that I doubt you. I have no reasonable explanation why, except that I chafe at deception myself."

"I will think on your offer, your Grace, but I would prepare you. Although I like the night, I'm not inclined toward living my life underground, nor for that matter obeying orders without question. I would hope that you would release me to my own devices, chasing my shadow with the 'True Vampires'. And anything you wish to impart to assist me in that endeavor would certainly deserve an appropriate bargain."

"If you will not budge on your terms now, and I need to make my decision, then I will do so in the next several hours. I must ponder it for a little while. And yes, I will be contemplating a way out of this as well if I choose to decline it. Again, you value truth, correct?" "

Respen is sufficiently parts respect and caginess to give the drow-vampiress sufficient conversation. He considers her offer sincerely, as well as contemplates his options to get out of the predicament he is in.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
A Conversation With Dame Clare

Respen said:
"...You barely know me, even if you acquired my name and the fact that I am here."

Dame Clare laughs once more: "Hold that thought a moment... Number 7, please tell Kylaendra to come to the study, immediately. Now, where were we? Oh yes, I barely know you. In a way, you are correct, and yet, in another way of speaking, you are also so incredibly wrong. The Orb has told me your name, yes, and imparted, directly into my mind, your history, your importance, your possible destiny... The Orb sees more than just the surface. The only reason that you are not already dead is because The Orb knew who you were. Do you realize how seldom of an occurrence that is? All adventurers believe themselves as destined for greatness, but most of them meet their untimely demise at a young, tender age, or, they lose their stomach for it and retire to a life of mediocrity. Take Mallin Quickblade, for example; that's an impressive name for an adventurer, is it not? His father is a Knight Captain in Queen Mirian's army, did you know that? And his father trained him well; his boy Mallin is an excellent swordsman. But because of Mallin's arrogance, he is now my minion, bound to me by the dark blood, at my beck and call, a trained dog who attacks when I tell him to, and fetches things for me when I need them fetched. When I asked The Orb who Mallin was, do you know what it said? It said, 'no one of importance, my lady.' That's what The Orb does, my dear Respen. It tells me who I need to pay attention to. And right now, my attention is focused on you."

Respen said:
"...And you figured out who I was within minutes of my having arrived here. And you can't find these other immortals?

Dame Clare: "Listen to yourself, you arrogant little wretch. Here I am, being nice to you, telling you of my plans for your greatness, and you have the nerve to insult me? We really need to work on your courtly manners, my dear. If you had said such things to Serindak, he would have drained you into a lifeless husk and devoured your heart and brain. He has this thing about doing that, ever since he heard that The Old Ones did that to each other, to ensure that a given victim remained dead. Serindak has no sense of humor when it comes to manners, nor does he have the patience to think in terms of future consequences. I still have much to teach him. As to your question, the answer is simple, really. With age comes not only power, but wisdom. The Old Ones know how to hide their presence, both in the physical world, and in the Astral. They are able to hide themselves from items of detection, even ones as powerful as The Orb of Errinder. That doesn't mean that I won't find them, it simply means that I haven't found them YET."

Respen said:
"...I want to know more about them. I ran across someone who appeared to be a window into these creatures. That person disappeared. All of a sudden, exploration as simply a utilitarian exercise gets a splash of cold water in the face. I have a riddle that requires solving."

For the briefest of instants, Dame Clare's tone becomes serious, losing all hints of joviality: "You've met an Old One? Kylaendra, my pet. Say hello to Respen. Tell him how happy he's going to be, when he joins my cause. Respen, dear, please don't hurt little Kylaendra, she's no threat to you."

At this point, you hear Dame Clare casting a spell. I will make a Spellcraft check for you.

DC = 15 + Spell Level (9) = 24. Your check = 1d20+13 = 25 (Success)

Dame Clare has just cast Gate

Respen, to your amazement, a gateway of mystical energy, which is like a large window, suddenly appears inside the extra-dimensional space!

000 - Across Planes 001.jpg

On the other side of the window, you see a massive study, the room being about 75 x 75, or thereabouts; the room is dimly lit, with magical torches that burn green in color. The walls of the study are lined with bookshelves, and in the distance, at the other end of the room, you see a desk, which is piled high with books and writing implements. About 15 feet away, in the corner, there is a column-stand, which is about four and a half feet in height, atop which sits a black, glowing sphere about the size of a basketball.

Standing in the background, about 20 feet behind the gateway, you see a stunningly beautiful (CHA 25) female Drow, dressed in an elegant, regal-looking, yet revealing gown, her arms raised above her, as she concentrates on the spell. This can only be Dame Clare herself!


In the foreground, standing directly in front of the gateway, is another female Drow, who is quite beautiful in her own right (CHA 23) and wearing only minimal clothing, the types of under-garments that one would typically wear for sleeping. She wears a blank expression, her eyes glazed-over in the manner of someone who had indulged in too much Laudanum; it is obvious that she can see into your space, because her eyes meet yours, and she smiles becomingly, albeit a hollow, mirthless smile, the smile of someone who has been told to play nice.


Without further hesitation, Kylaendra steps through the gateway, into your space, saying, "Greetings, Respen. I am Kylaendra, and I'm going to be your hostess today." As she finishes saying this, two things happen: the gateway collapses, leaving her stranded here in the extra-dimensional space with you; then she begins to disrobe...

As this is happening, you hear a naughty chuckle from Clare, saying, "Remember, my dear, be nice to her."

000 - Rope Trick Map 001.jpg


W = Trans-dimensional window, through which you are talking to the Golem.
GC = Golem corpse. The reason it straddles two squares is because you have it positioned for quick ejection from this space.
R = Respen (Your square).
K = Kylaendra.

Squares are 5 feet, same as standard tactical grid. This is a 15 x 15 space.

RESPEN: What do you do? If you wish to prevent her from disrobing, or if you wish to interfere with her in any way, you'll need to roll initiative. Otherwise, you need to state your intentions.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
A Walk on the Wild Side

The following took place over our lunch conversation today, where we went ahead and rolled out the next few scenes.
CONTENT WARNING: There's a gruesome scene near the end of this post. I did not enjoy writing it, but it had to be done, because it makes sense for Clare's alignment and worldview. Proceed at your own discretion.


Respen: 21

In a flash of inspiration, Respen realizes what must be going on. ~Her eyes are so glassy... This girl is being controlled somehow... She's been sent to perform a task... Her intentions CANNOT be amorous... Disrobing is a distraction, to shift my focus away from her true intent... but what? She is unarmed. What could she possibly.... SHE'S A BARD! SHE'S GOING TO FASCINATE ME!~

+500 XP to Respen for figuring that out! I didn't expect you to figure it out. Well done.

Respen quickly mutters the words to a Hypnotize spell, hoping to catch her before she can start singing.

Affecting roll: 6 HD = Success (Ky is 6 HD, therefore, she can be affected.)

Dispel Magic vs. Clare's Domination:
Clare's Caster Level = 12; DC = 11+12 = DC 23.
Respen's Caster Level Check = 1d20+8 = 12 (Fail.)

Kylaendra shrugs off Respen's attempt to Hypnotize her, and begins to sing a soft, lilting tune, which is soothing to the senses.

Perform Check = 1d20+15 = 22 (Which becomes the DC)
Respen's Will Save = 1d20+6 = 15 (+2 Elf Racial Bonus) = 17 (Fail.)
Respen is Fascinated.

As Kylaendra's song takes effect, Respen's countenance softens, and his body relaxes, and a soothing wave of calm washes over him.

Kylaendra says, "You should follow me now, back to my bed chamber, where we can be alone."

Will Save = 10 + Half of Bard's Level (3) + Cha Bonus (6) = DC 19.
Respen's Will Save = 1d20+6 = 15 (+2 Elf Racial Bonus) = 17 (Fail.)
Respen falls prey to Ky's Suggestion.
Duration = 1 hour per level (i.e., 6 hours) or until task is completed.

Respen smiles, saying, "Lead the way, my dear," as he gets up and begins to follow her.

Kylaendra climbs down the rope out of the extra-dimensional space, and the golem helps her to avoid stepping on the yellow pad. Respen follows suit, and the golem helps him as well.

Then Kylaendra turns to Respen and says, "Hold my hand." Respen takes her hand, and she says, "Shalistaurimon," before stepping onto the red pad, causing both her and Respen to teleport to Dame Clare's fortress.

Respen and Ky appear in Clare's laboratory, which is guarded currently by Number 7 and Number 11. Kylaendra leads Respen out of the lab, down a long corridor with many doors. The last door on the right-hand side is Ky's, and she opens it, allowing Respen to enter.

GM: Compelled task now complete.

Ky tells Respen to sit on the bed and wait for her, saying that she will return momentarily. Respen, who is no longer compelled, realizes that waiting might not be such a great idea. He intends to act.


Respen: 16

Not realizing that Respen intends to act, Ky opens the door.

GM: Movement Action.

Ky moves her normal movement rate down the hallway (30 ft.)

GM: Double move complete.

Respen steps out into the hallway, and casts Hypnotize once more.

Affecting roll: 4 HD = Fail (Ky is 6 HD, therefore, she cannot be affected.)

Kylaendra, not realizing what Respen has done, says to him, "I told you to wait!";

Respen ignores her however, and follows her down the hall. Ky leads Respen into Clare's study, where the Sorceress herself is waiting. Ky motions to Respen, saying simply, "Here he is."

Clare: "Have a seat, dear Respen."

Respen obeys, not having expected Clare to be so nearby.

Respen: "Look, I know how this works; I know that you are in control of Ky, and that you will soon control me as well, but why not do something novel, just for a change of pace? Why not talk to me first, and let me answer your questions of my own free will?"

Clare laughs mischievously, "Ok, let's try that. You said you'd met one of the Old Ones?"

Respen: "Yes, his name is Margull."

Clare: "The Lord Mayor of Dyvers? That makes sense. Yes, it makes perfect sense; most people think him to be a demon, or at least a Wizard; Indeed, I had thought him to be a Wizard at first, since I could not scry his location, or even sense his presence. But all of my spies told me that he looked so awkward and uncomfortable carrying that big staff of his around. And there was also the issue of his longevity. Now I know why. The staff is a disguise, a prop, designed to mislead the casual observer into thinking that his power comes from the Arcane. Being a Wizard is also convenient for explaining why he stays locked in his tower during the day. All of that studying and research to do, while the good light lasts."

Respen: "Margull comes out during the day. He does so quite often. He does not fear the sun like most of your kind."

Clare (Taken aback): "Oh, really? Then he truly is old. They say the Old Ones can walk in the sun, but I've never seen one of our kind who could actually pull it off."

Respen: "Perhaps he is not of your kind; remember, he considers himself a TRUE Vampire. Perhaps it is more than arrogance. Perhaps there are different SPECIES of Vampires, in the same way that there are many species of Elves. I don't know exactly WHAT Margull is, but I do know that he is powerful beyond reckoning. He has journals, notes, and other literature that I have seen snippets of. From what I can gather, he is not the only one of his kind, although their numbers are few."

Clare: "What literature? Where did you come by such things?"

Respen: "I've been in Margull's tower, inside his private abode. He has an entire library, and lab, just like you. He has a mirror and a globe as well, just as you do," he says, noting the presence of both things in Clare's study.

Will Save = 10 + Half the Vampire's HD (13) + Cha (7) = DC: 30.
Respen's Will Save = 1d20+8 = 22 (+2 Elf Racial Bonus) = 24 (Fail.)
Respen is Dominated.

Clare (Sensing that Respen's will has been crushed): "You belong to me, now."

Respen: "Yes, mistress."

Clare: "So, first things first, shall we? You owe me for the destruction of Number 14. Remove your shirt."

Respen removes his shirt, exposing his bare skin.

Clare picks up a cat-o-nine-tails from a nearby display stand; it is not the kind with metal spikes. Instead, it is the type made of rope, with large knots occurring at regular intervals. The hemp rope is a deep, crimson red, almost black, having soaked up untold amounts of blood over the long centuries of its use.

Clare: "This flail has been in my possession for over 300 years. I use it to bring order to chaos, discipline to the reckless. Stand still, and do not move until I am done."

Clare whips Respen savagely, beating him to within an inch of his life. She shows no emotion while doing so; it is plainly not done for pleasure. This is clearly a business transaction. A repair bill for damaged goods. Nothing more. Clare carries out the beating with cold, calculated efficiency.

New Saving Throw.
Respen's Will Save = 1d20+8 = 22 (+2 Elf Racial Bonus) = 24 (+2 For Infliction of Harm) = 26 (Fail.)
Respen remains Dominated, and endures the beating.

When she is finished, Clare summons Kylaendra, and commands her to heal Respen's wounds. Using her Bardic powers, it takes Ky 2 whole days to accomplish this.

GM: Even after being completely healed, you will always have deep scars on your back. Make a note of this on your character record.

After Respen is fully healed, Clare summons him to her. "You shall spend the next four days with Nelvranda. She is anxious to meet you. You will mate with her as often as she desires it, and when those four days have elapsed, I shall teleport you to Dyvers, where you will enter Margull's tower, take the books and notes you mentioned, and return them here, to me. Is that understood?"

Respen: "Yes, mistress."

Kylaendra leads Respen to another bed chamber; waiting for him is Nelvranda, a comely Drow female (CHA 21) clad much the way that Ky is, that is to say, scantily.


It does not take long for Respen to discover Clare's insidious methodology; Respen: You are Dominated, therefore, you do not hesitate to couple with her; during the four days you are with her, it becomes obvious to you that Nelvranda has not been Dominated; she has been conditioned.

As a Wizard, you understand the effects of Dominate Person; it forces obedience, but the victim remembers the force, retaining their sense of self and personality, and can harbor resentment and loathing toward the user. Nelvranda, however, is happy and content, and thinks the world of Clare. She goes on and on about how great Clare is, and about how much she admires her, and how she can't wait to bear children for Clare to raise and train. You cannot believe that someone who has been enslaved like this would ever be so compliant, until you come to a shocking realization:

Clare has been using Kylaendra's Bardic powers to condition Nelvranda, using Suggestion on her every day (for who knows how long?) to implant the idea of Clare's benevolence within her head, in order to make Nelvranda compliant, and even somewhat complacent. But to what end? You can't be sure.

HOWEVER, the thought occurs to you that Nelvranda might be a good source of information, since she does not feel ill-at-ease in this environment. After all, you have four days to complete your task, which requires a tremendous amount of intimacy. Therefore, talking and asking questions during these proceedings is a matter of course.

GM: You need to come up with a list of any questions you want to ask of her, and post them here.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
GM: NOTE: You met Clare in her lair on Patchwall 16, CY 963. It took 2 days to heal after the scourging. You will stay with Nelvranda for 4 days. Thus, it will be Patchwall 22, CY 963 when you go back to Dyvers. That means, that once we get to that point, this thread will need to be paused until the party catches up to your time frame.

Aust Thale

Respen's Pain, Shame, and Resistance

At every opportunity, Respen will attempt to escape the domination. Based on rules, he should receive a new saving throw attempt after the four (4) days w/ Nelvranda. He really ought to be able to daily attempt to reject the domination given it is all without his consent, and the beating that he took, he is not disposed toward assisting Dame Clare with anything. Domination allows strong control; however, the apparent downside to that strong control is that instructions not only have to be 'reasonable", but uncomplicated as well. That's my appeal on behalf of the character to get a chance to free himself.

That said, during the 1st four (4) days, he will control his emotions and bide his time.

Respen is angry. At Dame Clare for whipping him. At himself for believing he could "luck" his way out of this. For misgauging his party's incursion into the cavern. For not going with his fellow adventurers. This exercise was folly, at least relative to the risk/reward. He feels the scars, made permanent by the evil inflicting them, despite the healing spells of the drow bard. But he keeps his wits about him.

He watches closely all that is around him, taking silent mental notes of the layout of Clare's laboratory, library, and the adjacent living quarters. As he spends his time with Randa and becomes aware of her reinforced magically-induced loyalty to Clare, he asks questions about Clare's relationship with her and Ky. He asks about Clare's comings and goings. He inquires as to where they are (an underground Drow city, or another location). He asks her about Serindak, and whether he is "local".

He also inquires about what she wants from motherhood. What kind of involvement does she believe Clare will provide with the child? He obviously asks about her family, her interests, and any travel she has done away from here. His questions are open-ended, allowing her to share what she will and perhaps catch her off-guard if she provides useful information. He ignores the domination, asking questions as well about other vampiric drow and if there are others who support Clare. Do the powers-that-be in drow society know who she is and what she is doing?

He takes spare time to clean and prepare his gear for the travel he will have to undergo. Perhaps he will be able to escape at some point. Short of domination, he will not accept another beating.

He also looks for literature that might be on bookshelves that might shed light on the drow, or Clare, or the innate drow magic that he read about as an apprentice. He searches for anything that will provide an advantage to him, short or long term.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Respen's Reconnaissance Part One

Respen, reflecting on his situation, seethes with resentment and bitterness at Clare's abuse of him; it occurs to Respen that perhaps Kylaendra shares his resentment of Clare, since she is obviously at Clare's beck and call, and often forced to seduce and control people on Clare's whim.
~Perhaps she could be a potential ally?~

Respen's resentment of Clare because of the beating WILL give him a bonus to future attempts to resist Domination.
Your bonus will be:
(Will Save +6) + (Elf Racial Bonus +2) + (Resentment / Bitterness Bonus +2) = Total Will Save 1d20+10; But your DC is still 30. So you're looking for a Natural 20 on the base die roll, which is hard to do.

Whoops, just realized I made a mistake. Nelvranda's CHA is not 20; it's 21. LOL.

Over the next four days, Nelvranda keeps Respen quite busy; she is so obsessed with the idea of bearing children for Clare, she has obviously developed an extreme degree of Nymphomania.

Her embraces are sensual, intoxicating, and often.

Day One: 1d6+1 = 3 Embraces
Day Two: 1d6+1 = 5 Embraces
Day Three: 1d6+1 = 2 Embraces
Day Four: 1d6+1 = 4 Embraces

Base chance of conception: 10%
Both of you are Elves: +10%
Prolonged "sessions" = +2% (Each time lasting over an hour!)
Multiple "sessions" = +2% per occurrence in a 24-hour period, cumulative.

Day One: Base 22 + ((2)+(2+2)+(2+2+2)) = 34% Chance
Day Two: Base 22 + ((2)+(2+2)+(2+2+2)+(2+2+2+2)+(2+2+2+2+2)) = 52% Chance
Day Three: Base 22 + ((2)+(2+2)) = 28% Chance
Day Four: Base 22 + ((2)+(2+2)+(2+2+2)+(2+2+2+2)) = 42% Chance

These rolls will be kept secret for now, but it looks as if there is a good chance of Respen impregnating Nelvranda.

What Respen discovers is shocking, and bittersweet; he cannot help but feel great empathy for Nelvranda, given what she tells him. "Clare is my oldest sister," she says at one point, "Out of her, Bethanael, and me, I am the youngest. Clare is 328 years old; Beth is 310 years old. I am only 176. Our mother, Matron Jasmina, is 450 years old this year! She is quite beautiful for one as old as she. But then again, we are all beautiful; House Delzeen has always been known for a lineage of stunningly beautiful females. The males in our line have been historically plain-looking, except for our father,
Jerido; he was quite handsome. Clare really loved him; I did, too. But Jasmina made him into a sacrifice, because she thought the kindness he showed to Clare and I was the cause of our weakness... You see, neither Clare nor I was ever cruel enough to suit Jasmina. That's why we weren't asked to join the sisterhood. Only Bethanael got inducted, and only because it was Bethanael's suggestion that Jasmina sacrifice our father. Beth was always so jealous with the amount of affection our father showed Clare and I.

Nelvranda (hereafter referred to as "Nel,") goes on to say that any male Drow that is found to be less than "perfectly cruel" is an abomination in the eyes of Lolth, and the Dark Codex of Lolth's Law commands that such weaklings be put to death. Nel also says that females found to be less than "perfectly cruel" are spared the fate of the males, simply by virtue of their gender. Lolth favors females. But imperfect females are not permitted to join the Dark Sisterhood. They are forced to pursue other passions, and are treated as second-class citizens, although some (like Clare) become powerful enough to regain the respect of society.

"I don't know how she does it," Nel says, "She's always been so kind to me. But the other Drow Matrons fear her. She has the ear of the Queen. If it were not for that, I think Jasmina would have assassinated her long ago. Jasmina is so jealous of Clare; she envies how well she's aged, and how powerful she's become. Clare is the best Golemsmith in Shalistaurimon. She made 4 special Golems out of MITHRIL for the Queen! It is said that over a thousand Dwarves lost their lives for each one. I don't know if I believe that, after all, she's one Wizard, and we're talking about 4,000 Dwarves! Ha ha ha."

Nel goes on to mention, among other things, that Clare is barren, and unable to have children. "Only females who are members of the Dark Sisterhood can inherit titles and houses. To be a Drow Matron, you have to be chosen by the old Matron to become her replacement. Clare and I weren't worthy, so it's Bethanael who will inherit Matronship of the House. But poor little Beth has never been able to have a female child; she's had 4 males, and three of them have died. Her fourth male child left Shalistaurimon to live on the surface world, much to Beth's eternal shame. When she found out, she executed 472 of her slaves in a fit of rage."

Nel continues, "But Clare and I have a plan; Beth is not aging well, and even when she inherits House Delzeen, she won't rule it for long. Clare won't act directly against Beth; her "imperfect cruelty" won't let her. As much as Clare loathes Beth, she won't harm her. But she DOES intend to wait her out. Clare says that the best hope for House Delzeen lies in its youth; I am far younger than either Clare or Beth. And even though I cannot inherit the House, if I can manage to conceive female heirs, and if those heirs are admitted into the sisterhood, THEY will be able to inherit. Clare says that my children will just be coming of age around the time that Beth should be on her death bed. Thus, the hope for House Delzeen lies with the issue of my womb. Clare says I have a great destiny, not to rule, but to be the mother of those that will. And as the Esteemed Mother of House Delzeen, my place in Drow society will be uncontested. Clare says that she can train my children to be ruthless, and I believe her. Clare's cruelty may not be perfect, but she can be downright diabolical when she puts her mind to it. I'm so lucky to be her sister; to Clare, if you're not family, you're the enemy. And her enemies have never fared well."

Things Respen has noticed:

1) Nel seems to be unaware of Clare's undead nature.

2) Nel does not seem cruel at all; she does seem self-centered, and she does talk condescendingly toward Respen, whom she refers to alternately as her "Man Elf," or her "Pillow Pet," and she asks Respen more than once how it feels to know that he'll never be a ruler, that he'll always be a lowly male, unworthy of honor. But there is also a sweetness to her that surfaces at times, and she talks a lot about what a wonderful husband Respen will make, and about how the two of them will make a wonderful couple. Her treatment of Respen reminds him of Vale's treatment of Gus.

3) Despite what has transpired, Dame Clare does indeed seem "less cruel" than anyone who would execute 472 slaves, or sacrifice their husband to their dark goddess.

4) Kylaendra is nowhere to be seen for the four day period; you suspect that she has been commanded to leave you and Nel alone together. But occasionally, you hear faint music coming from down the hall, and you realize that the voice that is making that music is most certainly Ky's.

5) Respen realizes something: If Clare can indeed train Nel's children to be ruthless enough to join the Dark Sisterhood, and if what she told you about giving all of you the Dark Gift is true, then there is one aspect here that Nel is unaware of; as the vampiric children of Clare, Nel's daughters will be Clare's to command, which will make Clare the "power behind the throne" of House Delzeen. "Dame" Clare would then be "Matron Clare," for all practical purposes. And a clan of several vampires in control of a Drow noble house is likely to reign without peer in Drow society. It's the ultimate power play. And Clare stands to not only become a Matron, but quite possibly, even QUEEN.


Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
A few other quick details that Respen discovers:

Clare's small, "Manor House + 3-Tower" fortress is adjacent to the manor house of House Delzeen, but it's in its own, walled-off courtyard. Nel's bed chambers are in the main house. Clare and Ky also live in the main house.

The first tower is where the "disposable" slaves (i.e., Clare's food) are kept.

The second tower is where Clare's lab is.

The third tower is Serindak's lair.

Serindak is not "local"; he's off on some sort of errand for Clare.

The way-station beneath Skorane was built by Clare, but it isn't hers. One of the other Drow houses (Nel didn't say which one) paid her to create the Teleportation Circles, so that they could more easily facilitate their dealings with Nosnra and the other Giant leaders, with whom they have struck up a partnership and alliance.

Clare is looking for something, but Nel doesn't know what. She suspects that it's an artifact. It's somewhere in The Underdark, near Shalistaurimon. It's a good guess that Serindak's errand is related to this ongoing search.

Voidrunner's Codex

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