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Redbadge's Campaign (there will be spoilers)


First Post
A Gathering of Minds

GM: I liked the idea of the teaser segment. I let the players pick whichever Ob officer they wanted to roleplay as.

The group of conspirators led by Leone Quital traveled by ship and carriage to an old abandoned mansion on a remote island. There they met Han Jierre, the Sovereign of Danor. Han greeted each person by name while his assistant lit a magic lantern. Beneath the lantern’s light, the dilapidated manse was transformed into an opulent edifice surrounded by guards. Han revealed that the Obscurati officers would be meeting in the Bleak Gate as an added security measure. Han explained that the guards would be performing a security check.

The guards led a large shadowy reptile up to examine the party. The shadowlisk scrutinized each visitor and hissed eagerly when one of the priests traveling with the party was revealed as an imposter. Realizing his illusory disguise had failed, the intruder attempted to flee only to be blasted by the shadowlisk’s withering gaze. After the imposter was reduced to a carbonized silhouette on the manor wall, Han asked the remaining visitors to stay calm while the security breach was sorted out. A group of ghosts emerged from the mansion to take charge of the situation.

The leader of the ghosts, a withered specter named Vicemi Terio, claimed that they would get to the bottom of how the group had been infiltrated. A more personable member of the ghosts came forward, Reed Macbannin. Reed coated his ghostly hand in a blood-like fluid and pulled the intruder out of the burned shadow on the wall, alive if only barely. The guards bound the intruder and carried him away. Reed turned to the party and with a grin said, “Welcome to the Obscurati”.

Some of the group stayed behind to be questioned by Vicemi while Han led the rest into the mansion. Han guided the party through the mansion. Along the way, they encountered many famous people belonging to the conspiracy; the Dwarven oligarch Ramos Zoltan, the Danoran General Shane Wallisonne, Lady Catherine Romana of Risur, and more. Through the rooms of celebrity and veiled paranoia, Han led them toward the west wing. In a vast study at the end of the wing, the party came face to face with the leader of the Obscurati, Nicodemus the Gnostic. “I’m glad you all came. Together we’re going to change the world”.

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First Post
Political Meddling

The adventure opens with the constables at the Governor’s Mansion in Flint. Governor Roland Stanfield is keen to ask the RHC’s help with some problems around the city. He hopes that the constables’ local celebrity and history of problem solving will expedite some local issues. Chief Inspector Stover Delft, on the other hand, is keen to get the constables out of there, so he can brief them on their next official assignment.

Over a buffet table of breakfast pastries, Stanfield has Captain Dale provide an overview of the problems he’d like the constables’ help with. First up, Cauldron Hill has experienced nightly incursions from the Bleak Gate since the golem Borne tore its way out of the mountains shadowy analog in the adjacent plane. Dale’s soldiers have been keeping the monsters contained, but he’s at a loss for how to actually stop the incursions from happening.

Next, the nascent dockers and laborers union has been clashing more frequently with local police, and protests are turning into riots and brawls with greater regularity. With citizens on edge since the golem attack and confidence in local law enforcement at an all time low, Stanfield hopes that the party’s local celebrity and connections with the dockers can help diffuse tensions.

There has been an unusual surge of shipwrecks along the shoals near the Ayres. Without a clear cause, rumors are running rampant of angry sea fey. Stanfield hopes that the party could investigate the possibility because local police are ill equipped to handle an aquatic supernatural threat.

Finally, the revelation of Pemberton’s true nature and goals has led to fallout in Flint. Most of the dragon’s assets in the city have been seized and/or frozen, but Stanfield is concerned about the duplicants the dragon employed in Ber. Stanfield would like the constables to investigate Pemberton’s factories in Flint for evidence of any malicious undertakings and help determine if there are any duplicants loose in the city.

While Stanfield tried to get a feel for whether the constables were considering his request, Delft hurried the party out the door after grabbing a last handful of donuts. Once outside, Delft herded the constables into a large carriage and ordered the driver to take them to the docks. Finally, Delft could brief the party on their next mission. Delft revealed that their search for Leone Quital and Alexander Grappa had gotten a lucky lead. While the months cold trail left by Quital had led to Crisllyir, this morning the RHC headquarters had received a letter from Grappa himself. The letter revealed that the Obscurati would soon be holding a meeting of its highest-ranking members and that Leone was arranging travel for many of the visiting officers. Grappa claimed that if the constables rescued him and helped him secure a new body of his own, he would help them infiltrate the conspiracy’s convocation.

The party discussed their options on the way to the docks. Delft urged them to leave as soon as possible to pursue Leone. The convocation is in roughly two months, and the investigation could take some time. However, several members of the party expressed concern over the issues raised by Governor Stanfield. Maddox raised the possibility that they could have the crew of their ship sail to their intended destination while they stayed to help in Flint. Once the Arboretum reached its destination, they could teleport to it from Flint. This would give them a few days to help out in Flint without losing any time on the investigation. The party agreed to that approach, and Delft was satisfied as long as they remembered that the Ob was their top priority.

GM: The party’s plan was pretty clever. It only gives them time to help get things started in Flint, but they feel it’s better than just running off immediately.


First Post
The Lady and the Liar

Delft dropped the constables off at the docks to make their arrangements and headed back to HQ himself. An unusual sight and an irate first mate greeted the constables when they arrived at their ship. The waters about the Arboretum were teeming with huge schools of fish, and Sorcha, their Hamadryad first mate, stomped down the gangplank to inform them they had a visitor. The party would have to deal with Lady Beshela, Archfey of the Seas.

GM: I don’t think I’ve mentioned the party’s ship crew by name here. I thought it made sense for the RHC to provide a small crew of crack sailors since the PCs aren’t experienced sailors themselves. I’ll go ahead and list them now.

Engineer Adelaide Smith; human female, also the ship’s cook
Engineer Cecilia Jones; human female, has a pet squirrel
Chief Engineer Artair Rana; eladrin male, perennial pessimist
Gunner Geraldine Williams; human female, has a tattoo for each ship she sank during the Yearasol wars (3)
Look-Out Mary Taylor; human female, prone to tavern brawls and missing several teeth
Helmsman Albert Brown; human male, tends to whistle and has sky blue hair
Bosun Sharon Davies; human female, rarely speaks without shouting
First Mate Sorcha Tulach; hamadryad female, never leaves sight of the ship

I generated them all randomly using the population distribution for Risur in the player’s guide and tables of NPC quirks in the 4th & 5th edition DM guides.

Lady Beshela told the constables that she was here to offer her aid. She told the party that she had been an ally of Duchess Ethelyn. The duchess had been afraid of a shadowy force trying to take over Risur. Beshela claimed that she wished to ally with the constables as they had defeated Ethelyn and proven themselves the greater weapon against the darkness. She came to bestow a gift on the constables, a wooden dais that would allow their ship to flit between the real world and the Bleak Gate or Dreaming.

Irony was immediately suspicious. As the party’s expert on the fey, Irony knew that Lady Beshela is famous for her mercurial temper and she certainly isn’t known for handing out gifts. As Irony began to question Beshela’s motives, a boisterous crowd approached the docks led by Rock Rackus. Rock hailed the constables and, to their consternation, proclaimed that he was ready for their next adventure. Before the party could untangle this latest wrinkle, voices in the crowd accused Beshela of sinking Risuri ships and demanded the constables place her under arrest. Maddox and Doran noticed that the rabble-rousing cries didn’t seem to actually originate from anyone in the nascent mob. Irony quickly moved to calm the crowd when yet another uninvited guest appeared, a tatty suit with an old top hat floating above a non-existent head.

Irony recognized the newcomer as the infamous fey trickster Copperhat the Headless. Beshela was clearly not pleased to see the unseen jester. Copperhat asked if the constables really intended to trust Beshela while the Unseen Court was tied up in internal disagreements. Copperhat then cartwheeled over Beshela’s portal pad and teleported it down to the docks where it proceeded liquefy the dock’s masonry. Beshela accused Copperhat of trickery and demanded the party kill him. The constables refused on the grounds that she had obviously been trying to sabotage their ship. Enraged, Beshala hurled insults calling them traitors and servants of shadow. Beshela clearly believed that the constables were in league with the Obscurati.

Irony realized that the only way to get Beshela to listen was to insult her and challenge her to a boasting contest. That would force her, for the sake of pride, to at least listen to their version of events. The constables took turns boasting of their battles against the Obscurati. Beshela boasted of saving the life of Risur’s future king, Aodhan, during the Yearosol wars and bragged about being behind the recent rise in shipwrecks near Flint. The party impressed Beshela with their boasts and insults, and she confessed that she had misjudged the constables. She removed the curse from the portal pad and promised to stop sinking ships near the city as well as come to their aid in the future. Beshela then dove off the side of their ship and vanished into the water.

Copperhat commended the party on a most entertaining show and asked if the constables would hold onto a magic item for him. He pressed a balled up glob of spider web into Kirk’s hands and told him that it would come in handy for dealing with dead bodies. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but I’ve got a knack. I can always smell a corpse in the offing.” Copperhat then draped an arm over Rock’s shoulders and, with a flourish, produced an ornate invitation, claiming that Rackus had been invited to the Unseen Court for some new adventures. The whirlwind of confusion departed as soon as it arrived, leaving the constables to clean up and prepare for their mission.


I'd just like to pipe up and say that I've been lurking here for ages and find this recap a great read!

Also, it seems to be missing a few posts since the big database meltdown. I managed to extract a few from cache, and I'll repost em here so they don't get lost...

Then a mod can fix authorship or isklexi can re-post em...


Constables About Town

posted by Isklexi Monday, 23rd May, 2016, 10:52 PM

The first order of business for the constables was to decide where their destination would be. The intel gathered by the RHC on Leone’s trail pointed to him traveling to Allais Primos, but that was months ago. The party had Irony perform an object reading on the letter from Grappa to determine where the letter came from. Irony received a series of visions on the letter’s journey culminating in witnessing a shady man getting off a train and dropping the letter off at a building with a sign that read “Mirsk Central Post Office”. The constables decided to head straight to the Drakran city of Mirsk rather than chase after Leone’s months cold trail in Crisillyir. The Arboretum could make the trip to Trekhom in a little over 3 days. The constables planned to let their crew handle the voyage and teleport to the ship after helping around Flint. Kirk instructed the crew to make the journey in roughly 4 days, so the party would have time to work in Flint and rendezvous with the ship before it made port in Trekhom. The constables wouldn’t have to worry about the shipwreck problem anymore thanks to their détente with Beshela. That left them to help with Cauldron Hill, the Docker riots, and Pemberton’s factories.

The Constables didn’t really have a workable solution to close the rift atop Cauldron Hill, and they weren’t willing to ask Calaphax for help. They visited Pardwight University and rounded up the professors that specialized in portals and extraplanar magic. The experts had a few educated guesses for ways to seal the rift, but they would need to visit the rift while it was active to collect data necessary to come up with a concrete solution. With Captain Dale’s forces spread thin across the mountain, the constables had to escort the team of researchers to the summit at midnight. The party was able to fend off the undead and keep the expedition safe during their observations. The researchers will still need time to parse through the information they collected and work out the best way to shut down the rift. The constables may yet be called on again to help implement the solution once it’s ready.

The constables took a day to search Pemberton’s factories for anything dangerous. They didn’t find any actual duplicants, but they did find that some of the factories were manufacturing components that could be used to make duplicants elsewhere. The constables left investigating paper trails to the RHC’s forensic accountants after they had confirmed that there was nothing overtly dangerous in the factories. They suggested to Governor Stanfield that the majority of Pemberton’s assets in the city could be auctioned off once RHC personnel had finished collecting evidence. They did ask that one of the factories be set-aside for something of a social experiment to help with the worker riots.

GM: The players brought up a good point in that their characters weren’t really suited to following up on financial records and shipping manifests. They rightly figured that the RHC should have analysts and accountants that aren’t highly trained paramilitary forces for jobs like this. They also convinced Stanfield to ensure that any given industrialist could only buy up one of Pemberton’s factories as an “antitrust” measure. They were mostly concerned about Calaphax’s growing influence (and he did buy one of the factories). They still haven’t really told anyone that he’s a devil though.

Doran talked things over with Thames Grimsley and managed to get a written endorsement from Rock Rackus before he ran off on an adventure (I don’t think he really read what he was signing). The constables came up with a bit of a social experiment to placate the city’s worker union. The docker’s would agree to dial back the protesting (and riots) while the local police would also exercise more discretion. The docker’s union would gain ownership of one of Pemberton’s factories to run and manage as they saw fit. This would act as a proof of concept on how effective running a factory without abusing the workers could be.

The constables managed to set up a framework solution for the problems the Governor had in their three-day window. They didn’t have time to see any of them to completion but left the people of Flint with workable plans in place. The party then teleported to their ship as it came within sight of Trekhom’s port. At least getting through Drakran customs wouldn’t be as taxing as the past three days…
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Tracking Trains

Originally posted by Isklexi on Saturday, 25th June, 2016, 08:35 PM

The constables ran into problems the moment they came into the harbor. Drakran customs officials demanded to search their ship and held them for questioning over their business in Drakr. After an hour or so of arguing and threats of impounding their ship, the constables decided the best way to deal with corrupt officials was to simply bribe them. A few minutes of haggling later, the constables left the customs office with somewhat lighter purses. However, the party didn’t travel very far along the docks before trouble found them.

The constables were discussing their next move in Drakr when they came under fire. Half a dozen riflemen scattered across the docks began firing on the party as six other cloaked assailants closed in, throwing black orbs that exploded in cloying darkness. Doran and Maddox also spotted two snipers on nearby rooftops. The docks erupted in panic as civilians fled the hail of bullets and the constables took cover behind abandoned merchant stalls. Irony quickly realized that the cantankerous customs officials hadn’t just been shaking them down for a bribe; they’d been stalling the party for an ambush!

Doran used the power of his Icon of Avilona to leap atop the nearby buildings and engage a sniper at close range, negating the advantage of his rifle. Maddox and Bellicose returned fire on the shooters along the docks while Rai and Kirk moved to battle the assassins with the blinding grenades. Irony provided tactical support and healing to every constable as called for. The riflemen on the docks were quickly mowed down and Maddox used his grapple beam to attack the second sniper along the rooftops. It took a scant few minutes to turn the tides on their ambushers. Unfortunately, it left the Drakran docks and nearby merchant stalls in smoldering ruins with alarms sounding through the city. Drakran police aren’t known for their restraint or for being particularly reasonable.

GM: This encounter is the repercussion for their contact with Nicodemus in between adventures. He knew they would be coming for Leone eventually and put contingencies in place to ambush them when they started following Leone. This encounter was almost three times larger than the normal ambush encounter outlined in the adventure. The players had their entire day’s worth of combat resources to pull on, so they weren’t really in danger of a TPK, but it certainly put them on the defensive early in the fight.

The constables had little time to decide what course of action to take when a large figure called out to them from a nearby alley. The party was surprised to find an impeccably dressed Minotaur waiting for them in the alley. He claimed to be a friend to Asteron and Shakul and urged the constables to follow him. The party decided to take their chances with him rather than wait around for angry Dwarven law enforcement. As the Minotaur lead them on a circuitous route through the tunnels beneath Trekhom, he introduced himself as Dieter Cadagyr, a Minotaur noble visiting Drakr to negotiate trade on behalf of his family. Irony wasn’t as familiar with Beran politics as she was Risuri, but she did recognize Cadagyr as the ruling family of the third Minotaur city-state, Ursaliña. Dieter led them to an inn in one of the underground Dwarven districts. Dieter’s family had rented all of the rooms in the inn out, so Dieter offered the constables some of the rooms not currently used by him or his entourage.

When questioned about how Dieter knew who they were, he explained that Asteron and Shakul had told him stories about the Risuri constables, and he couldn’t imagine that there were too many people in the world that matched their descriptions and ended up in massive firefights in broad daylight. Dieter went on to explain that Shakul had actually traveled with him on the first half of his trade expedition but had stayed in Crisillyir to wait for the constables. Shakul hadn’t told Dieter how he knew the constables would be heading there, but he’ll probably be annoyed when they don’t show up. Irony used a sending ritual to contact Shakul to confirm Dieter’s story. Shakul replied that Dieter was who he said he was and that it would take him several days to meet them in Drakr. The constables decided to head to Mirsk, the last known location of Leone from Irony’s divination, after the excitement in Trekhom died down and start investigating their quarry’s whereabouts.

GM: In the original campaign story, Dieter isn’t introduced until adventure 11, but a confluence of player choices and my own tweaking of the campaign made this a good opportunity to introduce him ahead of schedule. I’d planned for Shakul to help the party in Crisillyir as El Extrano’s chief intel officer, but they skipped over Crisillyir and went straight for Drakr. I didn’t want them to be without the support of Ber’s spy network in case they made poor choices or the dice turned against them during the investigation, so I needed a way to bring Shakul to them that made sense. I had already retooled the Minotaur’s in Zeitgeist to primarily come from 3 city-states including Ursaliña (which wasn’t originally fleshed out in the earlier material). With Ursaliña actually playing a role in adventure 11, I’ll need to swap out the primary species present from Orc to Minotaur including the Cadagyr family. Dieter made the perfect choice for bringing Shakul back into the adventure because it would make sense for him to know Shakul and introducing his character earlier would help build a connection between the players and Ursaliña for when it comes into play in adventure 11.

Irony and Rai used their magical disguises to ask around the city while the constables prepared to leave for Mirsk. By questioning officials at the rail office, they learned that Leone had purchased and modified two private passenger rail cars. The cars had been equipped with sturdier undercarriages for increased load and the windows along the left side of each car were sealed shut with steel sheets. Since the private rooms were situated along the left side of the rail cars, the party surmised the steel sheets were to deter prying eyes on their private quarters. The constables left by train the next morning, thanking Dieter for his help and wishing him luck with trade negotiations. He in turn thanked them for livening up an otherwise boring trip, but he couldn’t offer them much more in the way of help (something about being allergic to mortal danger).

The party arrived in Mirsk without incident and rendezvoused with their RHC contact in the city. John Salt was the name of their contact. John is an undercover spy that works as an accountant for a mining company in Drakr. He helps monitor shipments of metal ore and goods through Mirsk for the Risuri government. He was a bit flustered to be hosting one of the RHC’s most famous Special Forces units. John got the constables set up in a basement safe house near his apartment. The party started their investigation with a barrage of questions for John. He was able to tell them that modified private train cars aren’t that uncommon in Mirsk. Wealthy Dwarven oligarchs periodically visit Mirsk to keep an eye on their interests in the crucial industrial city. As a manufacturing hub in the heart of Drakr, Mirsk also has rail lines extending to practically every corner of the frigid country. This made the constables’ job much more complicated. Doran was able to question some of the workers at the rail yard and learned that the workers had seen cars modified like Leone’s several times. The cars were always transferred to different trains and left immediately after maintenance unless they arrived late at night and then spent the night in the rail yard before departing first thing in the morning. The cars also left for a different destination each time they passed through the city. Investigation in town revealed that there were periodic sightings of the courier from Irony’s divination but no one had ever seen anyone matching Leone’s description. The constables concluded that Leone likely never left his private train cars and stayed on the move as much as possible.

GM: My players wanted to know if there were any RHC agents in Drakr they could make contact with (like Joe Hobner in Crisillyir). I thought it was reasonable for Risur to have at least a few spies in every major country. Of course, John isn’t a James Bond kind of agent like the party. He’s the more boring real life kind of spy that spends his days pretending to be an accountant while spying on foreign military industrial complexes.

Without any better options, the constables opted to stay in Mirsk and monitor all the trains coming into Mirsk. This required the party to split up and watch each of the train tracks leading into the city. Fortune smiled on the constables because that very evening a pair of cars matching Leone’s pulled into the Mirsk rail yard to spend the night. The two cars were pulled aside and attached to an engine car facing a line exiting the city. The constables could see that there were several human guards staying on and around the cars. With the train prepped for a quick escape, the constables decided that stealth would be paramount in their assault on Leone’s train.

GM: I’d actually made a table to roll on for what city Leone’s train was in. I’d planned on rolling it twice a day (once for a midday stopover and once for where he was spending the night). As it turns out, Fortuna smiled on them and they got the second roll to come up Mirsk. Granted, Mirsk had the highest chance of coming up because the adventure mentioned he passed through there the most. Oh well, the dice are capricious masters, and I’m sure the players won’t be this lucky every time.

The constables gathered at the rail yard and decided to wait until midnight to make their move. The party decided that, after the next guard change, the stealthiest members would move in to eliminate the guards outside the train (Kirk, Maddox, & Bellicose). Between silenced pistols and Kirk’s rapier, they were able to take down the outside guards without raising an alarm. The constables reconvened outside the train and cautiously peered in the windows on the right side of the train to scout. The right side of the train consisted of the hall that ran the length of each car. They were able to carefully plan coordinated strikes to quietly eliminate the guards in the halls. At one point, Irony even used her magic to teleport Kirk inside one of the cars behind a guard. The first car contained two large storage rooms. Inside the storage rooms, the constables found two dormant Bleak Golems. Fortunately, the constables had taken down all the guards before they had a chance to activate the golems. The party decided they couldn’t just leave these dangerous weapons here and Irony performed a teleportation ritual to send each of them to Flint. The second car had more living spaces in it, including Leone’s room. When the constables crept into Leone’s bedroom, they found him hunched over at a desk, reading letters by feeble candlelight. Noting his almost drunken swaying, Kirk called to him in a whisper, asking if it was Grappa. As it turns out, Grappa was indeed in control, being able to do so whenever Leone fell asleep.

GM: The players opted for a more Splinter Cell approach rather than their typical guns blazing MO. They rolled well on their stealth checks and had good plans for it. I can only imagine the amount of paperwork they generate for Stover Delft with all the crazy things they teleport back to Flint. Given the size of the golems, Irony actually had to perform the ritual twice, drawing the magic circle around each golem rather than trying to push them through a portal. They also waited until midnight to even begin their assault, so it made sense for Leone to be asleep at the time. I didn’t feel too bad about skipping a climactic battle because they’d already had a fairly tough ambush in Trekhom.

In a stammering voice, Grappa outlined his plan. During his work for the Ob, Grappa learned of a secret research facility in northern Drakr. The research site was located in the ancient Demonocracy fortress city of Knütpara. More importantly, one of the city’s original residents still lived there, an ancient frost giant lich. The lich had apparently been destroyed during the Clergy’s siege of the city centuries ago, but his phylactery hadn’t been destroyed with him at the time. The lich was able to reform its body, but by the time it did, a glacier had swallowed the city’s ruins, and the lich was entombed in the ice. Knütpara had been a terrifying place, home to all manner of profane experiments carried out by the demons and their servants. Grappa was keenly interested in one specific innovation that came from the terrible city, the ability to rip out a person’s soul and replace it with another. The Demon Lords had used this ritual as a way to reward their favored servants with a form of immortality but also to infiltrate their enemies. Grappa had used a sending spell to make a deal with the trapped lich. In exchange for freedom, he would teach Grappa the ritual. This would allow Grappa to take over Leone’s body permanently and give the constables the perfect way to infiltrate the Ob’s convocation. The constables readily agreed, causing Grappa to stop short after launching into an obviously well rehearsed argument. The constables then handcuffed Grappa (in Leone’s body), relieved him of Leone’s magical items, and had him climb into the Absurdist Web, that they had received from Copperhat the Headless, for safekeeping. They then vacated the rail yard and began preparing for the trek north.

GM: The players have just started exploring the ruins. I'll try to finish catching up the thread soon.


Thanks again Isklexi for the great recap! (and if any mod wants to correct the authorship of those two posts, by all means!)
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First Post
Thanks for reposting the stuff that got lost Eamon. I'm afraid I've fallen behind on updating this thread again. I moved in July and started working on a graduate degree, so I haven't quite worked out the time to draft long posts and prep for the actual sessions just yet.


FYI to those that have followed this story hour in the past, we are still chugging along through this campaign, it's just that Isklexi is really too busy to type out detailed reports on top of prepping for our weekly sessions (and we also play one alternate campaign once a week).

Just last night, we started following the memories of Kasvarina Varal using the Arc of Reida. I think the group is really looking forward to reaching epic levels, though I can say that the group will be ready to close the book on 4th Edition once we finally finish this campaign (ongoing since 2011).

In that time, I've run a subset of the group of through the entire Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition (Pathfinder), we ran portions of other Adventure Paths (Pathfinder's Jade Regent, 5e Hoard of the Dragon Queen), numerous 1-shots and short adventures, the entire Curse of Strahd also ran by Isklexi (just finished the year long campaign a couple of weeks ago), and I'm going to start DMing Out of the Abyss on Saturday.

We are able to accomplish all this by running Zeitgeist on Sunday nights and the alternate campaign (whichever it is) on one of Wednesday and Saturday (occasionally both). We started in person, moved to MapTools when everyone moved away, and switched to Fantasy Grounds once they acquired the 5e license and Maptools stopped being updated.

Easy to see that Zeitgeist is far more epic than any of these. And given the rate at which we have completed each tier (2.5-3 years), Isklexi and I look forward to making our completion post sometime in 2020.

Anyways, thanks for the great campaign [MENTION=63]RangerWickett[/MENTION] and everyone else involved! We haven't given up yet!


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Glad to hear your campaign's still going.

If you or Islexi have any tips for running adventures 6-8, they's be gratefully received.

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