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Recruitment/OOC for Star Trek + Savage Worlds game.


Hi Everyone,

After a briefish return to Dnd-type games over the pandemic, I thought I would try something different in the roleplaying realm. I want to try my hand at some soft Sci-Fi and I thought Star Trek would be a great fit. After looking at the half a dozen Star Trek systems, I thought Savage Worlds would be a great, light (fast, furious, fun) way to do trek and I'm looking to see if I have anyone else interested. The system itself is fairly light (although obviously some adaptation is in order). I'm looking for 4-6 interested players and I do plan on having people run a senior officer and a junior officer/enlisted man to help make sure that people don't get left at the conn.

Star Trek + Savage Worlds game game (WIP)

Savage Worlds, Adventurer's Edition (SWADE)

Recruiting over the next three weeks to see if there is interest (Ideally starting on Feb 15).

In terms of the game, I'm very much married to the regular trek idea but trek has room for multitudes, so I am very open to suggestions there. In terms of Trek I am very much looking for 'classic nu-trek' in the vein of The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. I grew up with that stuff and its very much the sort of Fiction that I am trying to produce (although I still have a lot of love for the Original Series and all the animated versions out there). I want to sort of noodle out the 'where's' with people as we go threw recruitment but we will be starting out as novices unless something really wild get pitched. I may have been reading too many Star Trek generals but I'm really looking forward to this and I hope we can explore and prosper together!


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Steve Gorak

Hey @Tokell32!

Id love to join. I’ve seen all the shows (even the original!), but have never read any materials. I’m open to pretty much anything, as long as my character doesn’t wear a red shirt ;-)

I don’t know the system though, is there an open reference document that I can go through to get an idea of the classes/roles?



Savage Worlds is a generic system, started with a wild weird west setting and they've released settings for basically every genre. Now as we're kitbashing Star Trek and Savage Worlds together, there is not a specific conversion or setting rules to use. That said, the best intro I could find (that's free, you have to sign up to drive thru RPG however) is This one. The system is classless, and basically uses a combination of skills and edges (think feats) to allow people to act.

That said, its still for the default western setting but it is the right edition (they are largely backwards compatible so it can be confusing). All the character stuff will apply (but the setting won't be western). The basic idea behind Savage Worlds (to borrow dnd terms) is that instead of having a fixed dice (d20) and variable DC's it has fixed DC's (generally 4) but a few are different) and variable dice. Instead of having Strength +3 you'll have d10 strength and roll that d10 against the the DC of 4. The game aims to be fast furious fun, fairly mini agnostic (they do measure things in inches and the game can be run with minis or more theatre of mind).

Honestly being strong on Trek is the important thing here. I think everyone will be able to pick up the system as we go (and I recommend the system). As this isn't a published conversion some things will have to be worked out (the rules for race creation, lasers and tech are all in the book but we can talk about things as they go). At worst if you have a strong idea for a character ( Here's a blog with Captain Kirk as a Savage Worlds Character). I guess in addition to your character ideas, did people have a preference for Era, and style (Exploration ship aka Enterprise/Voyageer, Space Station, aka DS9, Speciality Team like Elite Force or Away team video games). Perhaps an idea of villains you'd like to see.

If people were interested something different could be played. (You ever want to found your own klingon house? Perhaps play raider and pirate?). I was sort of expecting a StarFleet Exploration Vessel dealing with some 'episodes' or monster/puzzle/social issue of the week type thing and let anything that develops develop from there. Let me know what you think

I guess one question that would be good to ask is if you guys wanted to have a Playercharacter be the captain or perhaps leave him NPC (to rubberstamp your shenangians) and basically have the rest of the senior officers be the players / Jr officers when needed.

And we still are looking for a couple more players, don't be shy.

Steve Gorak

Very Cool, thank you! I like the claseless system!

So to adhere to the Terek spirit, I imagine there is no magic, but light psionics are ok, right?
I recommend that the captain be an NPC so we don't have a character that bosses other PC's around (unless I'm the captain ;-)

As for the epoch, I think it would be fun somewhere between NCC1701A and B (so still a lot of unknown space), but I'm open to anything.

As for a character, I'm tempted in a psionic leaning vulcan or similar race, but I need to give this more thought. Oh, he'll be wielding a lightsaber (kidding!).

I have to catch up on the system, so thanks in advance for your patience!


Edit: or perhaps a shapeshanger for the character. Otto was dang cool!
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BTW, I found this.

Well I wasn't sure on the rules for posting things like that. That is Explorer's edition which is sort of their Edition 1.5. The rules are largely the same (although there are some differences, skills are a bit more simplified in SWADE, Charisma was made a generic bonus in SWADE, etc). If everyone wants to run explorer's edition I have no issues with that (that was actually the first edition that I played in Savage Worlds) or that's a good enough handbook to use if you don't mind me sometimes saying that , x was updated and is now y.

As for the characters, yeah some light psionics will be allowed for Canon races. I hadn't really considered that sort of intermediate time period but it could be a lot of fun. I'm a bit of a fan of star fleet battles so in terms of Timelines/canon's to consider I'm more tempted to mash things together then anything. Shape changers are interesting (and star trek has quite a few to consider). I like the enterprise A idea not sure about the timeline, I'm also a fan of STO so having a 'Refit Constitution' as a result of the dominion war would also make sense.

Steve Gorak

Fyi, I’ve been binge watching a bunch of videos on YouTube about Savage Worlds. I definitely like the system as it’s not too complicated. I’ll need some help to put everything together but I’ll give it try shortly. FYI, apologies in advance if I disappear for a few days. My spouse is 36 weeks pregnant so D day is any time now ;-)



Well if I'm only getting a couple of players that opens up what we can do in fiction quite a bit. We definitely could do a captain and first officer (with the priviso being that you work together) or even some more political type/not star ship type stuff

So, in terms of elevator pitches:

The Re-fit and Renamed, Recommissioned Refit Enterprise A, exploring into the Beta quadrant and Neutral zone after the Kitomer accords were signed. This would work either as Captain/First officer or bridge crew.

Star Fleet Special Operations in the Early 25th Century. (Basically after the dominion war and after all the TV series, set roughly in 2415, Perhaps based on the STO timeline perhaps not. Less Classic Star Trek so much as an exploration of Star Trek. Special Operations will be a combination of troubleshooting. problem solving and political work that regular star fleet crews had already failed to solve satisfactorily. (sort of a 2 man fireman trouble shooting, spy/diplomat teamup).

Timeline Convergence (also in the Early 25th Century). After the dominion war the universe and the mirror universe begin merging. Neither side knows if its a plot, attack, or simply fate but both the Terran Empire and Star fleet must finally face up to their reflection.

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