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Rank your Treks!


Haven't seen all of it and some of it was so long ago it's not fair.

1.DS9 season 1 is OK but it's consistent after that something lacking in all the rest.

2. First Contact. Just a good movie.

3. IV whales and 80'd Spock. Just fun.

4. Abrams Trek. Kind of fun popcorn reboot. Didn't see the other two.

4. Picard. Decent first season, something most Treks lack. Still early days though.

5. STD. Season 1 and 2 were a bit meh but TNG says hi. Season 3 was actually quite good.

6. TNG. Bleah early on and so much filler.

At the bottom is Discovery gave up after 6 or 7 episodes.

ST 1-6, TOS has just been to long since I've seen them I was to young or it's been 25+ years. Haven't seen Enterprise. Nemesis I thought was OK.

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Again, go watch some Shives videos where he lays out the case.
I don't say this to be dismissive of your fondness for this individual but I have no interest in some random dudes opinions on....anything. I form my own opinions about things without regard to what someone else thinks.

Again, please understand I am not stating this as a judgement of your behavior and it is not meant as a personal attack against your or this individual.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Following is the inarguable product of logic, maths, and watching too much Star Trek in my life.

Note that in a combined list of shows and movies, movies lose out. Trek is always better when given room to breathe.
  1. TOS. No question. Without TOS, there is no Trek. Iconic characters, iconic aliens, iconic plots. It's all there from the beginning.
  2. DS9. This is a tough one to put in front of the next; started rough as regular Trek, but arguably the best example of being both subversive and true to "Trek," with the greatest character development.
  3. TNG. I loved it when it aired (must watch!), but ... weirdly, it seems more dated than TOS. Still- Picard. Data. Wesley. Ha!
  4. The Wrath of Khan. First movie entry; best movie. Has there ever been an argument on this?
  5. ST: Beyond. Surprised? The Abrams cast is amazing, and this is the most "Star Trek" of the three nu-Trek movies. Yes, it has some problems (like all Trek movies except Wrath) but it's quite good.
  6. Undiscovered Country. Can old dogs learn tricks? A really good movie that plays into the weaknesses of the aging cast.
  7. Enterprise. So much wasted potential. Such a terrible finale. But some good episodes in there.
  8. The Voyage Home. Whales!
  9. First Contact. The only good TNG movie. Arguably, the only watchable one.
  10. Star Trek (Abrams Reboot). Derivative? Sure! Breaks rules? Yep. Lens flares? You betcha! But great cast, and good time. That's ... something for a Trek movie.
  11. Voyager. It was a Star Trek series. Year of Hell was good.
  12. The Motion Picture. The 70s, man. More 2001 than Trek, it's an experience.
  13. The Animated Series. Fun! But the animation ... it's tough today. After this entry, it gets pretty dire.
  14. The Search for Spock. Not as bad as its reputation. Best of the "odds" of the TOS movies.
  15. Going to the DMV.
  16. ST: Into Darkness. What if we did Khan, but it sucked?
  17. Getting a colonoscopy.
  18. Generations. What if we wasted the cast of TNG, and Kirk? And it sucked?
  19. Getting a root canal.
  20. The Final Frontier. Is it possible to make a movie worse than the worst dreck of the TOS?
  21. Getting into a car accident.
  22. Insurrection. Yes, the TNG folks are happy to make worse movies than the Final Frontier.
  23. Learning that the whole world is the Truman Show, but you're not Truman, you are an extra. Oh, and then you're hit by a bus, but you don't die, and you have years of excruciating rehab.
  24. Nemesis.
No grade yet: Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks
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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means. :D

(With apologies to Inigo Montoya)

Do I not understand inarguable, or do others not understand what is indubitably correct?

People can have wrong opinions about stupid stuff like politics and society, but you need to get yourself right on the important things like ranking your Trek.


I don't?
Hmm, let me consider that for a moment.... Nope, I think there's room for improvement, but I've liked most of it so far.

After rewatched my opinion of it has gone up. And season 3 which was good.

Early TNG is almost unwatchable, Voyager season one Mein Gott didn't make it past the 7th episode iirc.

STD at least is improving each season and the 1st season wasn't that bad with a decent pilot.


I don't?
Hmm, let me consider that for a moment.... Nope, I think there's room for improvement, but I've liked most of it so far.
that's kinda taken out of context. The people who didn't like any of the new shows (and it happens every time), it's tied to not being like what they're used to.


The Good: Wrath of Khan, Deep Space Nine, The Undiscovered Country, First Contact, The Search for Spock, The Motion Picture.

The Ugly: The Next Generation, Original Series, Enterprise, The other TNG movies, The Voyage Home, The Final Frontier.

The Bad: New Trek, Voyager.

When I watched Deep Space Nine again two years ago, I discovered that not only is season 1 decent, season 2 to 4 are actually the best. It all declines very sharply ones stories about Bajoran and Cardassian politics are purged from the show to be replaced by explosions and pew-pew.

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