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R2: Rats in a Maze [Manzanita judging]


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ooc: Okay, I've managed to gather cached versions of the first four pages and I will try to compile what I can of the fifth page from my saved e-mail notices. I'll be working on getting everything reposted tonight & tomorrow so we should be back up and running by tomorrow night/Sunday morning. Thank you all for your patience. Also, if any of you lost your characters, I have copies of them from the beginning of the adventure.
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Also, note that Knight Otu posted a text file re: Hired Hands and another re: Rats in a Maze in the general discussion thread, which might help.

Tor is, I believe, fully restored and ready to go.

Knight Otu

First Post
(Sorry to intrude, but can you email me, Dungannon? The group of my Dance of Souls adventure is ready to go to Ravensdale, so I'd like to coordinate that)


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Posts 1-10

Old 04-07-06, 11:50 PM #1

Adventure - R2: Rats in a Maze (Manzanita judging)


ooc: Welcome to my adventure. This is a sequel to R1: Hired Hands. For those of you who didn't play in that adventure, feel free to read through it but try not to use any information you pick up unfairly in your IC role-playing.

I don't follow a set post rate, so don't worry if you miss a day or two. If you are going to be absent for more than a couple of days please post a note letting the rest of us know.

I allow you to do most of your own rolling, provided you use Invisible Castle and post a link to the results. In some instances I will roll for you and may or may not post the results depending on the type of roll. I will post all combat rolls for the NPCs.

I try very hard to avoid using a "deus ex machina" technique, so I will often post short updates and wait for a couple of PCs to post a response before continuing rather than assuming and/or forcing a specific direction.

Please keep OOC chatter to a minimum. If you wish to discuss something or ask me a question in private, you can reach me on AIM (link is under my name on the left) or send me an e-mail at seatownjay-at-gmail-dot-com.

Old 04-07-06, 11:55 PM #2

Those that enter the back room see Ms. LeCroix seated at the head of a good sized table. Four other chairs, two on each side, await the potential adventurers.

Old 04-08-06, 12:41 AM #3

A tanned man with dark hair pushes the door open, a beaming smile on his face. A brooch on his tabard displays a white crescent moon over a silver field.

"Ms. LeCroix? Metrius Pinch. It is a pleasure to meet you. Might I take a seat? Your message sounded most intriguing, I will look forward to hearing how I may be able to help."

Old 04-08-06, 12:51 AM #4

OOC: I should be able to post fairly often 95% of the time. Occasionally work trips etc might mean I can't post for 48 hours or so - I'll let you know in advance if this is the case though. I'm new to PbP, as I am sure will be painfully obvious - hopefully I'll iron out any confusion fairly quickly!

To give fair warning, there is a short period of a couple of days when I'll be at a role playing convention with no net access or even a hint of civilization nearby; 28th April - 1st May. I hope this won't cause any problems?

Old 04-08-06, 01:27 AM #5

The woman stands and returns the smile, seeming to illuminate the whole room. "Good day, Mr. Pinch, please be seated. I do hope you agree to this, a Godly man will be of use. Especially given the current members of the team."

ooc: I'll wait for the others to arrive, if they decide to, before getting into the details.

Old 04-08-06, 02:06 AM #6

Kith entered into the back room and immediately caught sight of the woman he had seen speaking with Joe earlier - presumably his potential employer.

I DO hope this is an honest and worthy endeavor

His eyes descended on the man in the room - a spark of recognition in his eyes as the familiar imagery of his holy symbol caught his eye.

"Well met, cleric of Ulura. You are Metrius Finch, are you not? I am Kith Ra Ei, of the southern forests. I was in the main hall when you entered."

Kith nodded to the cleric, and bowed lower to the woman. "An honor Ms. LeCroix."

With that, Kith took his place at the table, and awaited the rest.

ooc: I should have no problem posting at least once a day.

Old 04-08-06, 04:57 AM #7
Rae ArdGaoth

A bumbling gnome with a large, gnarled staff and clad in light blue walks in, carrying a book. He has a little goatee and straight, blond hair down to his shoulders. He places the book on a chair. Addressing each person present, he says "Ms. Lecroix, I presume? And Mr. Metrius, I saw you enter the Inn just now. And you sir... I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure of making your acquaintance."

"Well, in any case... He stands up straight, as tall as he can, and strikes a gallant pose. He bows deeply, holding his long blue cape back with his hand, then erects. He wiggles his fingers a little bit and little balls of blue light form at their tips. He plays with the light for a moment, seeming to mold it into a little ball. The little magician splits the ball into three and starts juggling them. Then slides them, one by one, in Ms. LeCroix's direction. They turn into tiny blue animals, galloping around her head and back to Fimbus' hands. He grabs the little creatures and squeezes them. Blue sparks burst from his hands, and the creatures are gone. His fingertips retain a slight blue glow; the spell is still active.

He bows again, with another flourish, this one accented by tiny blue sparks. "Fimbus Leyron Aukits Macklerey Gimmons the third, illusionist extraordinaire, at your service, Ms. Lecroix."

Prestidigitation: minor magical effects for one hour.

Character Summary:
Vitals: HP: 7/7, AC: 14

Fimbus prefers to stay out of combat, especially melee. He'll try to talk his way out of a fight first, then he might try an illusory distraction to aid a getaway. If he must, he'll use his light crossbow (+4 attack, 1d6 damage) from a distance, letting others take the front line. He is basically helpless if forced into close quarters, as his weak little arms can barely swing his quarterstaff to any effect (-1 attack, 1d4-2 damage).

Spells Prepared:
0: Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, (Ghost Sound)
1: Mage Armor, Expeditious Retreat, (Color Spray)

Gnomish Spell-like Abilities:
- 1/day: speak with animals (burrowing mammal only, duration 1 minute).
- 1/day: dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation

Old 04-08-06, 07:42 AM #8

An attractive young woman hurries in, dressed simply but smartly with her long brown hair done up in a ponytail. "Hi, everyone! I'm Babette Delacroix. I recognize you guys from the inn," indicating Metrius, Kith and Fimbus, "so that must make you Ms. LeCroix. It's a pleasure to meet you;" Babette says, offering to shake hands. "Given the similarities of our names I can't help but wonder if we're related. I have a great-uncle Antoin Delacroix who lives near Ravensdale, perhaps you know him? He raises hogs. Actually, you probably want to get down to business so let me sit down and I'll shut up."

True to her word, Babette sits down, smiling quietly and patiently waiting to hear Ms. LeCroix's offer.

Old 04-08-06, 09:18 AM #9

Deleted post

Old 04-08-06, 04:03 PM #10

Kith had remained silent when the illusionist first inquired his name, and even now sat observing the two new entrants.

Oh what I would not do for Jaan's ability to sense the motives of others.

"I am sorry; my mind was elsewhere while I waited. I did not mean to be rude. I am Kith Ra Ei, of the southern forests."


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Posts 11-20

Old 04-08-06, 06:29 PM #11

"Babette, Kith, and Fimble, it is a pleasure to meet you all. It is an impressive trick that you have there Fimble!"

Old 04-08-06, 07:25 PM #12

Ms. LeCroix greets everyone by name as they enter. "I'm not familiar with the name Anton Delacroix, but anything is possible," she says to Babette.

Once everyone is seated, the lady begins her proposal. "Thank you for your interest in this matter. My name is Simone LeCroix, and I represent the Merchant Advisory Council of Ravensdale. A recent investigation into a band of highwaymen plaguing the Western Road between Ravensdale and Allimon has uncovered some potentially...disturbing information. The highwaymen were all apprehended or eliminated, but it seems that they may have been working for someone else inside Ravensdale. Your assignment, if you agree, will be to assist our current investigators in identifying and locating this person. You will be working with two men who have proven their mettle to the Council, Gideon Redcloak and Tor Ariathusson. This is a matter of importance, lady and gentlemen. The Council's fear is that this person may be trying to re-establish a Thieves Guild, and that cannot be allowed. Not after they worked so hard to destroy the last one."

[sblock=Kith Ra Ei: ]You notice that Simone gets a mournful, far away look on her face as she says the last sentence. It only lasts a moment and she's right back to her radiant, businesslike self, but it was there.[/sblock]

"Transportation will be provided for you to Ravensdale, and you will be paid a sum of 100 Crowns, regardless of the outcome. If you succeed in identifying and locating the individual or individuals responsible, your pay will be increased to 500 Crowns. Any items of value that you collect during your investigation, barring City property or major artifacts, are yours to keep as you wish. I'm sure you have questions, so feel free to ask them now and I'll answer as best as I can."

Old 04-08-06, 08:12 PM #13

ooc: Patlin & IcyCool, Simone makes the same offer to you before she leaves Ravensdale. I'm assuming you accept.

Old 04-08-06, 09:00 PM #14

ooc: Tor son of Ariathus son of Terrimandinosus will indeed remain at the disposal of the fair city of Ravensdale! Let the thieves and rats cower before his might!

Old 04-08-06, 10:28 PM #15

"Sounds good to me, though I do have one question; what constitutes 'major artifacts?' "

Old 04-09-06, 12:15 AM #16

Simone turns to the young lady, "Any unique item belonging to any church, guild, or major house of the city is deemed an 'artifact' and is subject to immediate return to its rightful owner."

Old 04-09-06, 12:49 AM #17

"I think I can agree to this quest in principle" Kith responded calmly, "though as you indicated, I DO have a great many questions about what has come before. Perhaps someone has taken the time to summarize it in a book or tale?"

ooc: I’ve not even REMOTELY gotten started catching up with the last adventure.

Old 04-09-06, 01:04 AM #18

"Grave news indeed, Ms. LeCroix and I would be happy to help. Did the previous investigation reveal anything that might help us identify this individual, or give us a starting point when we reach Ravensdale?

Also, might I check, you are asking us only to find and identify this person, not to apprehend them?"

Old 04-09-06, 01:41 AM #19

"You may try to apprehend him, or them, if you wish, but that is not required. Simply provide the Council with sufficient information and we will have him arrested by our guards, that is all that is required."

She turns to the monk. "Questions about the previous investigation will be best asked of Gideon and Tor, who you will meet once you arrive in Ravensdale. When all of you are together, I will be able to provide you with the details that we've discovered."

Old 04-09-06, 04:09 AM #20

"Sounds good to me. I think I'm ready to go."


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Posts 21-30

Old 04-09-06, 05:10 AM #21

HugeOgre said:
ooc: I’ve not even REMOTELY gotten started catching up with the last adventure.

ooc: On the last couple of pages you'll find the summary I gave our employer. I'd like to think I was pretty thorough.

Old 04-09-06, 05:11 AM #22

"I too am ready to be on our way, and to hear more about what has already passed" Kith parroted. "I do however need to make one quick stop for supplies before we leave Orussus."

Old 04-09-06, 12:05 PM #23

"If Gideon and Tor can give us more information, then I believe I too am ready, and happy to help."

OOC: Forgot to mention this earlier, but assuming that this is OK, my memorized spells are:

Orisons: Detect Magic, Light, Mending
1st level: Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Charm Person (Charm Domain)

Old 04-10-06, 12:18 AM #24
Rae ArdGaoth

Fimbus is playing with the light at his finger tips absentmindedly, giving his spell only just enough concentration to keep it alive. He listens attentively to their assignment. "Hmm... Ravensdale, eh? How far away is that, two days travel by horse? And we don't have to apprehend anyone, just investigate thoroughly enough, yes? Well, I think that sounds like an excellent deal." He pauses a moment. "And these other fellows, Gideon and Tor, they are... what, warriors? Wizards? I'm sure Kith Ra Ei here will do his best, but if things go wrong and we're thrown into combat with an entire fledgling thieves' guild... Well, just take a look at me," he raises a tiny, scrawny arm, "And you can understand why I might be concerned for our welfare in a combat situation."

Once his questions are answered, he stands up. "Well, I suppose that's all then. I have only the things I am carrying. I can leave right now, if need be. Are we ready to depart?"

Old 04-10-06, 12:38 AM #25

Simone smiles at the gnome, "Don't worry, little one. Tor and Gideon are experienced fighters, and Gideon even possesses some magical ability."

She listens as everyone accepts the offer before continuing. "On behalf of the Council, I thank you for your assistance. There is a small caravan leaving for Ravensdale in the morning. Arrangements have been made for you to accompany it. The trip will take three days, but should be uneventful now that the bandits have been taken care of. You have the rest of today to make any necessary preparations, but you must be at the southern gate by an hour after daybreak to join the caravan. If you have no further questions, I will take your leave. I will see you again in Ravensdale, hopefully once you've successfully completed your task."

Old 04-10-06, 08:40 AM #26

"Only one further question Ms LeCroix. Where should we meet you, or how should we contact you, upon completion of this task?

"Oh, and you mentioned providing more information on what you have discovered once we are with Gideon and Tor - have I misunderstood or is this information with them already?"

Old 04-10-06, 01:52 PM #27

Kith nods in agreement. "Very good questions. I too was just about to ask."

Old 04-10-06, 04:54 PM #28

Ms. LeCroix listens to Metrius' questions patiently, and then sits down before answering. "I would like to wait until all of you are in Ravensdale are with Tor and Gideon before going into the details of what we've discovered. That way we only have to go over it once instead of twice as the two warriors don't have all the information as of yet either. As for contacting me, I can be reached at the Council House. If I'm not available you can leave a message for me at the receptionist's desk."

Assuming that satisfies everyone, she stands again and makes her way out the door. The four of you are left sitting around a table in a back room of the Red Dragon Inn, with less than a day to prepare for a three-day caravan journey to the city of Ravensdale. Your adventuring careers are about to begin in earnest!

Old 04-10-06, 06:00 PM #29

OOC: Gideon is very much interested in more work along these lines, and some things have piqued his interest. Also, as Tor seems to know more about the transformation Gideon is undergoing, he'd very much like to continue working with him.

Old 04-10-06, 07:45 PM #30

"Do we need horses? Or will the caravan let us ride in their wagons?"


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Posts 31-40

Old 04-10-06, 08:54 PM #31

"I would imagine that they would not want us delaying the wagons, so would suspect we will travel in them. I guess we'll know for sure tomorrow morning.

I think perhaps I might spend a quiet afternoon relaxing in the Red Dragon and ensuring that I am fully rested before tomorrow's trip. I might try and see what the talk is about Ms LeCroix, Gideon and Tor as well. If I am needed beforehand, I'll be in the inn."

Metrius smiles and stands. Returning to the Red Dragon, he has a relaxing afternoon, and asks Joe and others in the inn what they have heard of Simone, Gideon and Tor.

Old 04-10-06, 11:04 PM #32

[sblock=Metrius: ]You learn the following from Joe, although he isn't very talkative about his clientele.

Simone LeCroix is an agent of the Merchant Advisory Council of Ravensdale; she's usually assigned to higher outside assistance for matters that are deemed too minor for their usual employees. She's a very attractive, if a little too businesslike, half-elf who has the ability to "charm the skin off a snake, when she's a mind to" according to Joe.

Gideon and Tor are two typical adventurers. They were hired by Simone for the last job she offered. Tor is a warrior through and through and Gideon is a sorcerer, although he has a martial bent to him as well.[/sblock]
ooc: if nobody else has any plans for before you depart, I'll hit the fast-forward button.

Old 04-11-06, 02:09 AM #33

Kith drops by the bazaar on the way to meet up with the rest of the group, but is otherwise ready to leave on time...

Old 04-11-06, 02:50 AM #34
Rae ArdGaoth

Fimble visits a few friends in the tavern, but has no pressing business or shopping to do. He entertains a few children on the street with some spells to pass the time, and meets the caravan at the appointed time.

Old 04-11-06, 07:28 AM #35

Babette has nothing to do before leaving. She'll spend the rest of the day in the RDI and go to bed early so she can get up in plenty of time to meet the caravan.

Old 04-11-06, 05:59 PM #36

The party gathers at the southern gate at the ascribed hour. A small caravan, two wagons and a handful of individual riders, awaits their arrival. The caravan master addresses the group. "Ye must be the passengers we were told 'bout. M'name's Thuron 'n I'm in charge. Y'all can ride in the second wagon if ye want; it's only 'bout half full. Or ye c'n walk. We'll reach Ravensdale in 'bout three days."

After the adventurers settle themselves in, the caravan heads out. The first day passes uneventfully, with everyone watching the passing countryside or taking catnaps in the back of the wagon. Around dusk Thuron calls a halt for the day and the caravaners begin setting up camp for the night.

Old 04-11-06, 06:50 PM #37

Kith scratched his shoulder from where he had been laying in the wagon too long, and adjusted his habit.

"I am left to wonder" he began, addressing no one in particular, "if the wagon team has a regimen for camping in the outlands, and if so how or if we are expected to assist."

Kith stands waiting for input from the rest of the group, but does start scanning the nearby area for a suitable resting spot.

Old 04-11-06, 07:58 PM #38

Babette will ride in the wagon and chat amiably with anyone who'll listen. As they pass various farms she'll comment on them on greater detail than anyone probably cares. Once they stop for the day she'll help with setting up camp.

Responding to Kith; "I expect they'll want us to help keep watch, if nothing else. I can watch early or late, but I do need to get my beauty sleep."

Old 04-11-06, 09:13 PM #39
Rae ArdGaoth

Fimble mostly rides in the wagon. Every now and then he hops down and jogs alongside the caravan for a short distance, but with his little legs he can barely keep up and soon returns to his seat on the wagon. He entertains the travelers with little light shows and whatnot, molding his signature blue light into tiny amusing forms.

When the gang stops, he hops off the caravan and lays out his bedroll. He tries to get comfortable on the hard ground, nitpicking at his bed's wrinkles and fluffs. Eventually he just settles down and lies on his back with his hands behind his head. Eyes closed, he says "I'll grab my winks now, if you all don't mind. I can take the early watch, if that's what we're supposed to do. I do need my sleep, though. It's tough to memorize all those complex arcanalgorithms when I'm busy yawning and keeping my eyelids open, you know? Anyway, good night."

Fimble wants his 8 hours uninterrupted sleep, but I suppose it's not absolutely necessary, seeing as how he only spent one prestidigitation today. In any case, he'll take the last watch, if we're supposed to take watches as travelers on a guarded caravan. =P

Old 04-12-06, 12:04 AM #40

Metrius disembarks the caravan and stretches his muscles, weary from the days travel. "Watches...yes, probably a good idea, you never can be too careful. I'll do my shift, whenever's convenient."

"Before Fimble I guess," he says, looking at his companion, already asleep. "How about Babette and I on first watch - I could use a stretch and walks around the campsite, and Kith on middle watch, if you don't mind? I can take middle watch if you prefer. I assume that some of the others will watch as well, so it should be fine."
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Posts 41-50

Old 04-12-06, 12:20 AM #41

As the caravan members set up camp, Thuron approaches the party. "Y'all are free to set up camp with us, if ye like. I 'pologize for not havin' 'n extra tent for ye." He looks up at the clear sky, "Don't think we'll be needin' one anyhow with this weather. I'd appreciate it if y'all could help out with the watch as well. Not everyone'll be needed, just a couple o' ye for the middle watch."

Soon the wagons are settled, the horses hobbled and fed, bedrolls laid out and cook fires started. The adventurers are invited to sit with the others and share supper. After everyone is fed and the dishes are cleaned, people start lying down for the night. One of the travelers brings out a lute and, vocally accompanied by one of the wagon drivers, performs a couple of songs. Finally Thuron stands up and makes an announcement. "It's been an enjoyable start, boys, but the time for rest has come. Dowse the fires, secure your stuff, and get some sleep. Donte, Trace, you have first watch."

Donte and Trace stand and begin to stroll around the perimeter of the camp while everyone else does as Thuron said.

Old 04-12-06, 12:26 AM #42

"It is a very gracious offer, Thuron, thank you. I would be happy to help with the middle watch."

Having enjoyed the travelers’ music, Metrius curls up to get some sleep before his watch starts.

Old 04-12-06, 04:17 AM #43

ooc: Patlin, did you buy the new chain for Tor? If so, you need to update the character sheet.

Old 04-12-06, 04:48 AM #44

"I have no need for sleep," Kith responded as the group sorted out the watch details, "and with the moon as bright as it is I think my keen elvish eyes will suit the group well for a late night watch. You may call on me then."

With that the elf moved to a nearby tree and placed himself with his back against it before taking up a strange pose.

Not sleeping obviously. I think meditating is the word the rules use. I'll keep an eye / ear out, even if it’s NOT my watch.

Old 04-12-06, 09:11 AM #45

"Well, I'll be no good on the middle watch. Wake me if anything exciting happens."

Babette will lay out her bedroll (preferably towards the center on camp) and go to sleep.

Old 04-12-06, 03:53 PM #46

Dungannon said:
ooc: Patlin, did you buy the new chain for Tor? If so, you need to update the character sheet.
ooc: No, I considered it, but I don't think I'll buy anything else right now. Tor's up to date and ready to go, whenever he meets up with the new blood!

Old 04-13-06, 12:51 AM #47

The companions sleep, nothing disturbing them until Donte wanders over to let Metrius and Kith Ra Ei know it's time for their watch. "Your turn, guys. Wake Dougle 'n Erik in a few hours for the last watch."

Metrius and Kith pass the hours patrolling the perimeter and exchanging small talk. They wake the last two watchers at the appropriate time and return to their bedrolls. Metrius is soon snoring softly while Kith resumes his meditation.

Morning dawns cool and cloudy. Breakfast is hurried as Thuron fears rain today. The camp is quickly packed up and the wagons resume their journey westward. The second day passes much like the first, the only drama coming when they approach Allimon. "We'll not be stopping here this trip, we're passing 'round the place. The Council's in a rush to get ye to Ravensdale and get ye started on whatever job they've hired ye for."

The trip soon becomes tedious, watching the fields and farms pass by. Nothing happens outside the normal routine the second night or the third day, and the adventurers find themselves looking forward to the end of the trip. Midafternoon sees the outskirts of Ravensdale come into view.

As the caravan approaches the city, the newcomers immediately notice it's different from most other large towns. Instead of a large stone wall, Ravensdale is surrounded by a wooden palisade about seven feet high. The wagons enter from the east, a large stable on the left with a general store on the opposite side of the street.

Thuron stops the wagons and makes his way back to the party. "We gotta go to the warehouses to the north. Y'all are suppos'ta go to the Council House. It's just south o' the Market, can't miss it. Good luck with yer job." The group disembarks from the wagon and the caravan makes its way to its destination. Everyone looks around, taking in their first impressions of Ravensdale.

Old 04-13-06, 12:58 AM #48

"Well, I can say this." Kith started, breaking the silence as the group stood in the street trying to gather their bearings. "It doesn’t stink as much Orussus."

Kith fell back into silence, slowly turning in a big circle while he watched the comings and goings of the city folk, and waited for his party to decide on a course of action.

Old 04-13-06, 03:18 AM #49

"We should check in at the Council House. I'm sure the others are waiting for us."

Babette will head for the Council House via the market, asking for directions if needed.

Old 04-13-06, 05:14 AM #50
Rae ArdGaoth

Prepared Spells:
Prepared: (3+1/2+1)
0: Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Message, (Ghost Sound)
1: Silent Image, Disguise Self, (Color Spray)

Fimble yawns and stretches, then says loudly, "Alright, friends! Let's do what we came here to do and get shopping!" He strides off toward the marketplace. On the way he says in a hushed voice, "We're here to undermine a budding Thief's Guild, right? Surely such an organization has planted agents all over the place. We'd be doing ourselves a favor if we entered the council house as discreetly as possible."

He looks around a bit once they reach the market. "Is there a back door to this place?" he asks, referring to the council building. "If we need, I can project an illusion on the House steps as we enter, but I'd rather not draw attention unnecessarily."

What does the Council House look like?

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