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Proposal: Manual of the Planes


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I'm proposing adding material from Manual of the Planes book to be available for use in L4W. There are some Paragon Paths, Rituals, and Magic Items that look fun. I especially want a Githyanki Silver Sword for Kama'zer someday. :D

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First Post
I like it, pass it on through. More access to fun places and things to do. :D

[sblock=sidenote] I don't know where ENworld and the GSL fall or anything, I'm legally ignorant. :blush:Anyone who could explain that would be much appreciated[/sblock]


First Post
All the DM-side stuff - descriptions of individual planes, NPC's, monsters, etc. - don't need to be reviewed. DM's can start using them in an adventure as soon as a book comes out, since the adventures are all reviewed by judges anyway.

The only things that need voting on are:

- Bladeling race (and Improved Razor Storm feat)
- Paragon Paths
- rituals
- vehicles
- magic items

For the last three, the question is, should PC's be allowed to permanently own them? (By purchasing them or being given them by the DM.) DM's are welcome to place an adventure on a spelljammer without voting here, as long as it's part of the adventure plot and not an item the players get to keep. (The adventure itself needs the regular judge approval, of course.)

Hmm, all the vehicles in Adventurer's Vault were approved, right? Does that mean if I save up all my treasure, one day I can just buy an Apparatus of Kwalish between adventures? It's a bit of a moot point since it's so expensive, but I think we should probably clarify private ownership of vehicles in general.


First Post
I don't see an issue with private ownership of vehicles. If someone wants to be a sky pirate.. giddy-up, but note that the cost of that flying ship is worth a large amount of your PC's expected magical gear and you'll probably be under-powered relative to other adventurer's. Rituals should be fine as well.


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So, any other discussion for this or is it ready for voting on? I can't vote since I'm not a judge, but i thought I'd nudge the thread since PHB2 will be coming up fairly soon and getting this out of the way first seemed prudent. ;)

Don Incognito

First Post
Since our pantheon doesn't have a Bane equivalent, I'll drum something up this week / weekend regarding bladeling origin (if not sooner!). Probably nothing too exotic; they come from a Far Land and worship some sort of deity of conquest and enjoy killing things. Kinda like vikings, now that I think about it.

*goes off to dream about bladeling vikings*


First Post
Since our pantheon doesn't have a Bane equivalent, I'll drum something up this week / weekend regarding bladeling origin (if not sooner!). Probably nothing too exotic; they come from a Far Land and worship some sort of deity of conquest and enjoy killing things. Kinda like vikings, now that I think about it.

*goes off to dream about bladeling vikings*

Hammer of Thor!

Beard of Odin!

I second the new pantheon.:devil:

Don Incognito

First Post
Here's what I have put together thus far.

Far to the north (FAR to the north) is a Far Land called Valhyr, the Frozen Continent. The population is mostly bladeling, but a number of goliaths, half-orcs, goblinoids and dwarves call the continent home. It is mostly a warrior and tribal culture with a few civilized port cities. By and large, the various races band together to combat both the harsh climate and the frost giants, who are a constant threat to the smaller, squishier races. It was a land of danger, but it was relatively stable. Until the day the sky opened up and the angels came.

When angels descended to Valhyr, they brought with them a phenomenon known the "Einherjar". Everyone who knew how to use a weapon, every hunter, every bodyguard, every tribal chieftan, went suddenly and irrevocably insane. The Einherjar cut down everything around them, seemingly only focused on destruction and ruin. Worse still, the angels helped them in their slaughter, leading them in droves across the landscape cutting down everything in their path. Sensing the disarray, the frost giants attacked in force. All of Valhyr was suddenly at war, and the few remaining humanoids not caught up in the bloodlust found themselves in the middle of the conflict. Desparate, they loaded into ships and fled the continent.

That was fourty years ago. Many of the refugee ships found their way to Daunton, where they were welcomed with open arms. Dauntonians sympathized with the Valhyrans; their conflict reminded them of their own flight from Allaria. Every now and then, a new ship arrives in Daunton's port, filled with bladelings and goliaths that were born on the ship and don't even know what they were fleeing from. Einherjar ships appear too, pulling in to Daunton and unloading dozens of blood-crazed warriors intent on killing as many living things as possible before being slain by the local militia.

So that's where bladelings come from. Also goliaths and half-orcs. It's certainly Norse-inspired; they are literally fleeing from Ragnarock.

What do you think?
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