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(Proposal) Let's build the LEW Pantheon!


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Okay, folks, it's time to start accepting new gods for the pantheon. Anyone can create a diety for submission, but please be aware of the following points:

1 - Check the established Pantheon thread so you avoid duplicate portfolios.

2 - No gods more powerful than "Intermediate." We don't want too many greater gods running around.

3 - Follow the format attached to this post and shown below.

4 - Keep the number of domains per god reasonable. Probably no more than 5 domains without a good reason.

5 - Comments are appreciated. All gods are subject to revision before official placement in the pantheon.

6 - If you mentioned a deity previously, please post them again in this thread for convenience's sake.

Here's the template:

The Lightbringer, Deathslayer

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: A heavy mace with a sunburst behind the mace's head.
Home Plane: Blessed Fields of Elysium.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Portfolio: Lifegiving aspect of the sun, destuction of undead.
Worshippers: Healers, Paladins, those with a grudge against the undead.
Cleric Alignments: NG, LG, CG.
Domains: Good, Sun, Healing
Favored Weapon: "Brightstrike" (mace, heavy or light).

Hyrag is the patron of the healing arts and a staunch foe of the undead. These dual roles wins him worshippers both pacifist and martial in nature. Hyrag's clerics can be found both in metropolitan houses of healing and ancient tombs infested with the undead.


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The Angry Dwarf

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: A upright battle axe suronded by flames.
Home Plane: ???.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Portfolio: Chaotic Fighters and Berserkers
Worshippers: Chaotic Fighters, Berserkers, Mostly Dwarves
Cleric Alignments: CG,CN,NG.
Domains: Chaos,Good, War, Strength
Favored Weapon: "Warrior's Heart" (Warhammer).

Ker is the god of those who do not follow the normal path of a solider. Ker's whorshipers thin soliders are constraing themselves by following the chain of command. Ker tells his followers to listen to what their heart tells them to, and give into their rages when they can, to relish the feel of battle. Ker's avatars are always dwarves. His cleric often multiclass as Barbarians or fighters.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
(trasnplanted from the one of the old discussion threads, it was generally well recieved, IIRC)

AKA The two faced God.
Minor enwordian diety

Symbol: depending on the region, a balance scale or a yin-yang like device.
Home Plane:
Alignment: True Neutral.
Portfolio: balance and moderation in all things, 'opposites' as points on a continuum.
Worshippers: philosophers,monks, druids, those who have been harmed by polarized thinking.
Cleric Alignments: true neutral
Domains: Any two domains in opposition or balance
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

Clerics of Janiosen are neutral not out of apathy or an inability to decide, but as an intentional balance between extremes they find equally dangerous. Their mythology tells of a battle of the planes which threatened to tear the material world apart in its fervor. In a rare intervention, the greater gods took the two opposing dieties and forced them into a pocket dimension that could only be opened when one being remained. They believed that either the pair would war for eternity without harming any more bystanders, or one would emerge vitorious but too weakened to do any more damage. Instead, after millenia had passed, the dimension was exited by a single being - the two faced god who had melded their seemingly irreconcilable differences into a balance. This new being sought out other polarized opposites to understand and reconcile until it was truely Janiosen.

[there will likely be a PrC for followers of this diety]

It was suggested that there be a set list of possible domain combinations, which I would suggest as:
Air & Earth
Chaos & Law
Death & Healing
Destruction & Protection
Evil & Good
Fire & Water
Strength & Trickery

However, if someone comes up with homebrew or open content light and darkness domains, etc, I wouldn't want to say there's no way to consider them...

I'd also like to suggest that Janosian clercis be able to spontaneously cast either cure or inflict spells, possibly at -1 caster level...

Kahuna burger


[Just giving this a shot, and thought I'd share - feel free to roundfile:]

The Heart of the Forge, Soul of the Ground

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: White anvil on circular field of crimson
Home Plane: Elemental Plane of Fire
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Portfolio: god of weapons, armor, the forge and craftsmen
Worshippers: Dwarves, Craftsmen
Cleric Alignments: Any Good
Domains: Good, Fire, Earth
Favored Weapon: "Chennet' Anok" ('Will of Chennet') - greataxe.

Chennet' is a god often invoked by armorsmiths and weaponsmiths in passing, when forge fires blaze out of control, or beards get singed (Ko'vetiye Chennet' - ch'pak na gaven? - Thank you, o forge god - may I have another?). A small sect devoted to this deity resides mostly in dwarven communities east of Orussus, and clerics of the faith (of which there are few, due to mishaps) enjoy benefits related to the manufacture of better tools with which to fight evil, and protection of smiths from common workplace accidents.

Chennet' appears alternately as a dwarf, or in forges as a white-hot mass of molten metal. Chennet' generally communicates to mortals telepathically, but is not above speaking when it suits him. In the pantheon, Chennet' generally looks to assist deities of good alignment whenever possible, crafting legendary weapons and armor for their protection.

Clerics of Chennet' do not have to be dwarves, though most are. But to have the requisite knowledge of him, they generally have to have had exposure to a smithing environment.

[If this is at all workable, I stand ready to create a PrC (Brother/Sister of the Forge) and a special domain spell list for Clerics.]
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First Post
dpdx, I really like Chennet'... my one concern is the cleric requirement. Having to slay an evil creature with your self-forged weapon kinda rules out being a cleric of Chennet' at level one. :)
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Registered User
Phyrah, Goddess of the Wind

The Searcher

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: A kite shield bearing a stylized silver falcon or winged flute
Home Plane: Varies
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Travel, exploration, music, storytelling and quests
Worshippers: Messengers, Adventurers, Bards
Cleric Alignments: Any neutral
Domains: Air, Knowledge, Protection, Travel
Favored Weapon: "Swift" a flying shield +3.

A daughter of Verdante, Phyrah is the wind, a seeking goddess, questing endlessly over all the lands. She aids and hinders those who are on journeys, long or short. In her wanderings she has seen and done and learned much and she loves to share the wonders of her travels. She is a tale at the campfire, the wind at your back. She is a great friend of Grendath and the two have shared many adventures together. She often finds herself at odds with Delanor because while many sailors fear the ocean, they love the wind. She treats Chennet' like a favorite uncle and she always brings him a skin of cold, pure water when she returns from her journeys.

Her clerics may be of any neutral alignment and embody the different forms of wind, steady trade winds, unpredictable gusts, spring breezes and storming gales. The goddess loves music, especially flutes, harps and chimes, her temples and shrines are often filled with such music.

The ephemeral, enchanting goddess rarely shows herself to her followers, preferring to whisper on breezes or rage in storms, but when she does she appears as a red-cheeked woman of any race (most commonly halflings and humans) with windblown hair clad in traveler's gear. She is often accompanied by her great, celestial falcon, Kite.
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garyh said:
dpdx, I really like Chennet'... my one concern is the cleric requirement. Having to slay an evil creature with your self-forged weapon kinda rules out being a cleric of Chennet' at level one. :)
Why, thank you, Gary! Why don't we save that requirement for the prestige class, then?


First Post
dpdx said:
Why, thank you, Gary! Why don't we save that requirement for the prestige class, then?

Good idea! :)

FYI for everyone... I'll start moving deities over to the official thread after about a week. I want people to have plenty of chance to comment on them before they go "official."


Living EN World Judge
I'll be adding Info for both Kroggoth (Lesser CE Deity of Wild beasts,Ferals,Savagery etc...)

and Saint Feragon (Minor Deity, ascended Mortal, LG)

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Uriel said:

you know this is really gonna screw with any attempt on my part to introduce the Ferals, a homebrew race of mine similar to the Elfquest wolfriders... :( :p And while I know its weird to critique a god before its fully posted, from participating in your adventures, it doesn't neccassarily make sense to make him a god of beasts ( = int 2 or less = animal intelligence = normally true neutral). "red in tooth and claw" aside, Kroggy strikes me as more a god of Rabies than any normal part of nature.... ;)

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