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(Proposal) Deities: Créan and Z'iu

Rae ArdGaoth

(Proposal) Deities: Créan and Z'iu

The Creator, The Maker, He Who Builds, The Architect, The One

Enworldian Overdeity
Home Plane: Material
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Creation, life, light, the elements, tolerance
Worshippers: None

Créan is the primal force of creation. It has neither true emotions nor conscious thought, it exists purely to exist and to further create. It created the world and all the physical universe, it created the sun and the stars to shed light on creation, it created life to diversify the worlds, and it manifested intelligent life to bring about other, lesser creators. Nobody has ever seen Créan, not even the deities can boast such a claim. It is said that all of creation is Créan's body, and the force that binds things together is Créan's soul. Créan is the driving force that motivates people to come together in communities and to make lasting accomplishments. Créan strives for stability, it approves of cities and kingdoms, be they democracies or dictatorships, especially if they are stable and growing.

Créan is in constant conflict with Z'iu, the primal force of destruction, which is always tearing down the works of Créan. Yet Créan tolerates this, for it is understood that such destruction is necessary as a stimulus for growth and improvement, and thus, further creation. "Without destruction, there can be no creation."

Créan has no temples, all of creation is his temple. Créan has no worshippers, every time a living thing draws breath a prayer for life is answered. Even the very existence of the dominating force of creation is known only to a few extremely knowledgable, divine scholars. These scholars know that the Word of Créan cannot be preached because there is no such thing. Only one unspoken commandment exists, and it beats in the hearts of all intelligent creatures: Create lasting things.

The Elements: They, like all things, are works of Créan. These forces of power were created to be the governing bodies of the universe, and so it is...

Earth - Earth was created to be the foundation of all things, thus earth means life. It is Créan's greatest creation. It is the earth from which crops grow, the earth from which metals and jewels come, the earth on top of which villages, towns, and cities are built, the earth in which the burrowing creatures make their homes. Furthermore, the earth is untouchable by Z'iu, it's very structure is too stable and lawful to be manipulated directly. The earth is Créan's only true fortress against Z'iu, the earth is thus the mother of life. Without earth, there could be no life.

Fire - Fire was created to give light, heat and energy, thus fire means life. The light of the sun grants true sight to the things of the earth, the heat of the sun melts the ice and forms water, the energy of the sun gives the plants strength to live and grow. Fire sheds its light on creation. Without fire, there could be no life.

Wind - Wind was created to be the fuel of fire and living creatures, thus wind means life. The wind carries the vital stuff of life to the lungs of beasts. It carries water from the oceans further inland to allow life to spread everywhere. The wind surrounds the earth, protecting it and its inhabitants from the great void of space. Without wind, there could be no life.

Water - Water was created to be life, thus water means life. All life came from water, all living things are made of water, and therefore they require it to exist. One can go for weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Water makes the plants grow, and the sea thrives with fish for the people to eat. Without water, there could be no life.

"Darkness is the absence of light."
"Wheresoever the light doth shine, thither shall the Maker be."

The Great Destroyer, He Who Tears Down, The Eroder, The Void

Enworldian Overdeity
Home Plane: Material
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Destruction, entropy, void, darkness, the elements (except earth), patience
Worshippers: None

Z'iu is the powerful force of total destruction. It wants nothing but nothingness. It desires for all fire to be extinguished, all wind to stop blowing, all earth to crumble, and all water to dry up. It wants to end all life, to destroy the earth, to put out the sun and all the stars. It even wishes for its own destruction. Z'iu does not seem to physically exist. It is an entity of nonexistence between the stars, the void of blackness that covers the sky at night, the vacuum of space. It is the force that corrupts and corrodes things, the force that causes people, especially humans and evil creatures, to fight silly wars over nothing, to feel envy and wrath, and to destroy things carelessly and lazily.

Z'iu has no worshippers. Z'iu has no temple. Z'iu has nothing, which is exactly what it wants. Those who are aware of its presence in the universe at all are terrifed or overjoyed. Those that are overjoyed soon succumb to the indominatable force that is the Destroyer and either lose their sanity and rampage wildly or kill themselves.

It is in constant conflict with Créan, incessantly tearing down everything that Créan creates. If ever an emotionless power could hate anything, Z'iu hates Créan. Z'iu hates that Créan has so effectively evaded total destruction for so long. It hates that it must use creations, made by Créan, in order to accomplish its goals. It hates that without creation, there could be no destruction. It hates all of creation, all life, all death, all stars and planets, it hates all things. Yet despite all this metaphorical hatred, Z'iu is cool and patient. Z'iu has waited a long, long time for Créan to be annihalated, perhaps longer than forever. Z'iu has all the time in the world, and more...

The Elements: Like all of creation, Z'iu hates the elements. However, Z'iu is not so passionate and wild that it does not understand the power of these tools. It does what it can to accomplish its goals, and if that means using creation to end creation, so be it.

Earth - Earth is impossible for Z'iu to manipulate, thus Z'iu hates earth. Earth is stable and durable. It makes up the foundation of the world. It can be moved with huge amounts of underground fire, eroded by ages of flowing water, and carved by eons of wind, yet Z'iu cannot break off a shard of rock without help from the other elements, and even then, the largest mountain consists of pebbles. Z'iu constantly strives to break up all earth.

Fire - Fire incinerates, consumes, and destroys, yet it creates light and gives energy, thus Z'iu hates fire. It turns to ash anything and everything, yet in the acts of greatest consumption, it burns with a furious light, the opposite of Z'iu's goal. Z'iu constantly strives to extinguish all fire.

Wind - Wind carries all sorts of destruction, yet it cannot be destroyed itself, thus Z'iu hates wind. It blows desert sand, carries lightning, and screams tornadoes and hurricanes. It sinks ships and drowns plants. However, wind itself is seemingly impossible to destroy. It can only be moved or expelled. Z'iu constantly strives to create a vaccuum out of all wind.

Water - Water kills, yet water gives life, thus Z'iu hates water. Water puts out fires and creates darkness, but water puts out fires and stops destruction. Storms thunder and lighnting, hail kills plantlife and ice covers the land, stealing any hope of regrowth, yet storms bring life to places far from any water source and spur growth. Water is the force that rusts iron, carves trenches in mountains, and cuts gashes across continents, yet water is the force that is within all creatures of Créan. Z'iu constantly strives to destroy water.

"Light is the absence of darkness."
"Créan has been creating forever, but before Créan was the Void from whence he emerged. Darkness, as it was in the beginning, and so shall darkness be in the end."
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LEW Judge
Rae ArdGaoth said:

Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE


In order to do this, any would-be clerics destroy themselves to show their loyalty, and thus there are almost no clerics or worshippers. Those that do exist take Z'iu's message a little differently: They believe that they must destroy as much as they can before their own deaths, and they must use weapons (which are creations) as tools to destroy.

A contradiction here? I can't reconcile what you describe with a LN or NG cleric. Destruction is inherently chaotic, and usually evil.

Also, what are the Craft and Renewal domains? If you want to propose a god with such a non-SRD domain, we (or rather "they", since I'm not a Judge) need to approve the domain too.

Rae ArdGaoth

About the domains, they're in the Forgotten Realms CS. I didn't really think about it when I put them in, but in the case that they aren't valid (which they're not), I need some replacements, because they each need 3, at least.

As for the cleric alignments... heh... overlooked those. I just took all the alignments with Neutral as a part of them, but you're right, it doesn't make much sense. I'll fix it.


LEW Judge
Rae ArdGaoth said:
About the domains, they're in the Forgotten Realms CS. I didn't really think about it when I put them in, but in the case that they aren't valid (which they're not), I need some replacements, because they each need 3, at least.

I think it makes sense for a Creator to have all the element domains, and probably Animal and Plant too.

Rae ArdGaoth

Makes sense, true. I don't want to have Crean steal the earth, fire, wind, and water portfolios though. Also, looking at the spells for those domains, plant and animal included, they don't have much to do with the idea or tone that I'm trying to get. I've made some changes to the domains, alignments, etc.

I don't actually expect people to use these for player characters, but I think we need some greater deities for En, and I also love the concept of making vs. unmaking, as opposed to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Which is why I didn't give either of them alignments. I also think that what clerics do exist for either deity would be particularly fanatic and would provide some interesting plot hooks. Just some thoughts.

Knight Otu

First Post
Interesting gods.

As orsal said, we're limiting ourselves to SRD material, Open Gaming Content, and self-made material. That means that FR material is not available. The replacements are ok.

I'm not sure if I'm ok with Z'iu as being neutral, with that outlook...

If Water is Z'iu's favorite tool, shouldn't he have the Water domain as well?

Rae ArdGaoth

Good points. Water does fit, the spells I mean. The hail, the damage, and it gives both deities two elements each. I also changed the alignment of Z'iu. You're right, he's definitely chaotic and probably evil. The evil I don't like as much, because that gives Z'iu, a force of unmaking, a moral code. Destruction is definitely chaotic, but not all destruction is evil. So that one could be debated.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Personally, I don't see how water is a better tool than wind for destruction. It's faster, yes, but same effect. My initial thought was that he'd prefer entropy as a tool for destruction, but that's not really a D&D thing. How about Chaos?


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
By the way, hi. ^^;; I don't have a character in the Character thread yet, but I've been working on an archer to play in here. I've really liked this thing and have been wanting to try it for a while.

Rae ArdGaoth

Jdvn1 said:
Personally, I don't see how water is a better tool than wind for destruction. It's faster, yes, but same effect.
Hmm... Yes, good point, but what I was thinking was that air can't be easily "destroyed." Of course, under that argument, neither can water, but I was thinking that if you "burned" water with fire (Z'iu's best tool of destruction) then it would become a gas, thus... air. And also, wind erosion is a lot slower than water erosion, not to mention that water erosion is more viewable to the common man. You can see the pebbles on the river bed, but the cave in the mountain is not as accessable. I don't know... perhaps the whole elements thing should be dropped or completely revamped. It sounds a bit weak, I admit. I'll think about what to do about that.

Jdvn1 said:
How about Chaos?
I'll assume you're talking about the domains? Because I plum forgot to add Chaos and Evil. Gracias!

By the way, hi. ^^;; I don't have a character in the Character thread yet, but I've been working on an archer to play in here. I've really liked this thing and have been wanting to try it for a while.
Hello! ;) Submit your character and e-mail Nimisgod for approval. Then come on into the tavern, the unspoken law is that you can play your unapproved character in the tavern, just not an adventure. Always glad to have a new member!

Voidrunner's Codex

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