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(Proposal) All things Ieranth - The Hex Lord


LEW Judge
Sparky said:
I have this to add to the domain ability: Cursing someone's luck is a standard action and requires a noticable gesture or look. It does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Since it's just a nasty gesture, maybe it should be a free action. Though, since it significantly affects the target, maybe it should provoke attacks of opportunity. And saves? Any? None?

I've always thought of a AoO as being for the kind of action you have to let your defenses down to do. It doesn't matter whether the target is significantly affected -- quite the contrary. If you fire a ranged weapon, your target normally wouldn't get an AoO because he/she/it is out of range, but someone else might.

By that standard, I don't think an AoO would be appropriate.

Also, no save. The target can still avoid the effect by making whatever roll would be needed twice. You can think of the second roll as the equivalent of a saving throw. If there were also a saving throw, then the target would need to make up to three rolls, and need to succeed at roll #1 (the first attack roll or skill check) and either roll #2 (the save) or roll #3 (the reroll of roll #1) -- and that's much more complicated than we need to make this.

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Knight Otu

First Post
Hmm, the current incarnation of the Doom domain ability is a somewhat weakened doom spell, unless I'm missing something (though they'd stack). So, with Creamsteak's range suggestion, this should be ok, I think.


Well, it could also be swapped around a bit so that it's a better ability, but not a free action. The thing is, I havn't seen Sparky around here ina long while, so I'm not sure if we can push either of these proposals through. They both seem good, but without the original person, should we really push them through?


Registered User
Sparky's here -- er... I'm here. Keeping a low profile these days. And yes, round 1 of Ceramic DM is over. A bye for me. So round 2 will be the real test.

Like I said elsewhere, let me know what changes you want and I'll get busy making them.

Knight Otu

First Post
I would approve the deity in the following format:
(Oh, and once the Ceramic DM is over, Sparky, could you look over this thread?;))
Sparky said:
The Hex Lord, Doom King, Grim

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: The Evil Eye or a "bad luck" charm
Home Plane: Demi-plane, The Tower (also The Stone of Spite)
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Portfolio: Curses, spite, accidents; failed endeavors.
Worshippers: Those who wish harm upon others; those who have failed and pity themselves or blame others.
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, CE.
Domains: Evil, Destruction, Doom.
Favored Weapon: Intelligent, dancing net, "Spider".

Ieranth is the god of bad luck, ill fate and accidents. He is the god of destiny gone awry. He is not a well-liked god, but if you want someone taken down a notch or two - for real - prayers to him may prove fruitful. Few ever admit to venerating Ieranth, but his name is invoked in whispered hisses across the breadth of Enworld. Ieranth himself is spiky and easily given to offense - he holds at least one long-standing grudge against all in the pantheon except Hyrag. Few know why the Hex Lord's wrath does not fall upon Hyrag, but the god and his followers enjoy a certain amount of freedom from the machinations of the spiteful Ieranth. It is forbidden for clerics of Ieranth to use the magics granted them to harm a follower of Hyrag, this is one of the few iron-clad tenets of Ieranth's dogma.

Followers of Ieranth form loose cabals and worship in secret. They tend to be ambitious and paranoid and as a result these cabals are constantly forming and dissolving. Rites almost always involve scrying, plotting, muttered incantations and the invocation of local luck taboos - breaking mirrors, spilling salt and so on.

Ieranth spends most of his time holed up in his heavily-defended tower stronghold nursing his wounded pride and plotting revenge against those who have wronged him or his adherents. Those who encounter Ieranth rarely see him coming. He always appears clad in a long black robe with a deep cowl. His hair is white and wispy, as is his fine, neatly trimmed goatee. His eyes have hourglass shaped pupils, like those of a goat.

Doom Domain Proposal:
Granted Power: You gain the power of ill fortune. Once per day, as a free action, you can curse a single creature's luck. The target, which must be within 60 feet, suffers -2 to all checks, saves and attack rolls for 1 round per cleric level. Cursing someone's luck is a standard action and requires a noticable gesture or look. It does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Doom Domain Spells
1 Doom
2 Darkness
3 Bestow Curse
4 Control Water
5 Unhallow
6 Animate Objects
7 Control Weather
8 Earthquake
9 Soul Bind


You know, if we really wanted to be nasty, we could use the Immediate Action rules from the Psi-Handbook (I believe). Maybe it's a little bit too magic the gathering-esc then though. Basically, you could activate it when it's NOT your turn, so long as your not flatfooted.

By the way I Approve of Knight Otu's incarnation.

Rae ArdGaoth

Is Sparky still around? I hesitate to pass another deity through after Patlin's "close the pantheon" thread, but this deity is finished and 1 vote away from approval. If Sparky's still playing in LEW, I'll vote yes. If not, I'll vote no.

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