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TSR Problematic Faves and Early D&D


Nice post, @Snarf Zagyg. I'll reply to a few parts and address your questions at the end.

More importantly, there is a detour into the idea of "affect theory."

I think this applies in some cases, but don't think it adequately explains most defenses of, say, keeping OA in print. It is a factor in some cases, but not the only one. Secondly, there is an element at play that goes beyond "Yeah, I'm not into what you're into." We've all had the experience of sharing a favorite piece of music or film with someone, who doesn't react the way we hoped; but it is quite another thing to be told that something you enjoy isn't only to someone else's taste, but is racist, and by continuing to use such a product you're perpetuating racism.

There are also issues of censorship, artistic freedom, and inclusivity, which are the elements that I've been primarily concerned with and defending. Speaking for myself, I played new editions when they came out so haven't played 1E since the 80s, so OA has no use to me other than as a keepsake on my 1E shelf, and something to browse through every once in awhile. So my concerns have nothing to do with affect theory and everything to do with censorship etc.

1. Who is offended? Does it matter?

I think your discussion here highlights how perhaps the most important factors aren't really discussed, and perhaps cannot be discussed in the context of forum guidelines. The process of "taking offense" has many factors, but at its root it is psychological. I would also add ideology into the mix, because the commonality of those taking offense seems to be more ideological than it is ethnic or cultural. Meaning, those who share a similar hermeneutical framework (roughly based on critical theory).

Suggesting that the prime factors in who takes offense are the intersectional demographics mentioned--say, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc--is like saying the iceberg is what we can see above water. As we know, the larger part of the iceberg is below water. This is an analogy used in analytic psychology: much/most of who we are is below the surface of conscious awareness.

In the end, it really comes down to the individual, what they take offense to and why--and going below the "surface waters" separating conscious factors and sub-conscious factors. Intersectional demographics play some part, but they are secondary to the individuality--the ideology they adhere to, their past experiences, and their personal psychology.

2. What about facts? Can someone be offended by something if they are wrong?

Some important distinctions you made here, and it also draws upon intention and context. Something said in one context has different meanings than when spoken in another context. Words themselves aren't inherently offensive, it is the meaning they carry and how they are used contextually; in other words, who is using them, how, why, and where.

Relevant to these discussions, there's also the sliding and different contexts of a fantasy RPG and the real world, and to what degree the two relate and whether real world ideology should be applied to fantasy. And, of course, the added element of historicity, which you touch upon here...

3. Can we place the work contextually? Where does it rank in the context of its time? What about for its place?

4. Is the problem the text, or the creator? The act or the intention?

Two important factors that you touch upon are historical context and the nature of art and artists, and whether or not we can or should separate the artist from the art. As you point out, countless artists have had one unsavory characteristic or another, which is exacerbated by applying contemporary ethics to historical figures.

Here's an analogy. We've all know the adage, "vote with your dollar." When we buy food at McDonald's we are indirectly supporting factory farming and de-forestation, as well as as perpetuating the existence of mega-corporations over small businesses. To some extent the same is true of artists; if we pay for a viewing of Annie Hall we are "voting for" Woody Allen.

The analogy breaks down a bit, though, due to the nature of art. But that is a much larger discussion. I would merely point out that if we filter artists of all kinds through an ethical lens, the number of artists that we may feel OK supporting through our "artistic consumption" could narrow down substantially. That is a personal choice. When we give money to McDonald's, we support everything they do in the world; when we give money to Woody Allen, we support him doing art. I would argue that, in this regard, the art itself is the most important factor. We can judge and not like Woody as a human being, yet still enjoy his movies.

In raising the questions, i am not looking to provide a definitive answer, but only to outline some of the issues and thought, especially in regard to older material. I am, and always will be, a fan of OD&D and AD&D; but I also recognize that, as a product of its time, it contains problematic parts and is thus a problematic fave. I can still enjoy it, but I also understand that I cannot enjoy it uncritically.

I would question that last part. "Cannot?" Why not? I mean, like you, I like to know about all of the factors involved, and to make informed choices in what I vote for or "consume," but I question the idea of adding "shoulds" to artistic consumption. What you enjoy in terms of your artistic and hobby life is entirely up to you, as is how you enjoy it (as long as it is within the bounds of law, of course!). I don't have to like it or agree with your take on it, but the experience is yours.

A. Do you have an RPG "problematic fave?"

B. How do you handle it?

I'll answer this in a different way. I don't really see any RPGs as inherently "problematic." I can see why some might be problematic from this or that hermeneutic perspective, but none are really problematic to me--at least none of my favorites! RPGs are games that involve role-acting and imaginative experience; so for me my choice of what I'll play comes down to, "Do I want to inhabit this experience?" I personally have no interest in playing evil characters, for instance, but don't necessarily think it is "problematic" to do so, no more than it is problematic for an actor to play a psychopath.

Art isn't problematic. Art is meant to be provocative, to invoke feelings that we may or may not like. It doesn't have to be, but he very nature of art--as creative expression--is that it has no limits to what can be expressed.

Now one argument that has been made against this that I think holds some water is that D&D is not "pure art." It is a game, that has an audience in mind. Art may have an audience, although I would think that art on its own is about the creative expression itself. In other words, WotC isn't a "true artist" in the sense that they're creating a product that they want people to enjoy, and to be as inclusive as possible. That said, their products are still artistic in nature, so it isn't either/or.

I'm also a big proponent of "rule zero" applied in the broadest possible way. I see D&D as a toolbox of a vast plethora of ideas, tropes and rules, and I get to weave them together however I want, in collaboration with the group I'm playing with. How WotC presents the game will always offer different hurdles as to how I want to play the game. The hurdles are usually very small.

The point being, in a practical sense, it doesn't matter all that much how WotC presents the game--as long as the basic structure is one that I can work with to create the game I want to run. This is relative to other editions and games; so if something else--a different edition or game--better suited my needs, I'd use that.

But here's the most important point, as far as "problematic" stuff and how I handle it. The world is filled with all kinds of problematic stuff, all kinds of moral choices that I have to make on a daily basis. What I do--and what every person does--is make the best decisions I can, learn as I go, and continue forward.

So how I "handle problematic stuff" is use it in such a way that I feel good about, that works for my players, and that we all enjoy. If I pick up an old book and read something like the Goodwife passage, I might think, "Oh, this is interesting and tells us something about Gygax. Boy, have times changed and it is good thing that we continue to evolve." Or something like that. I don't think, "Cancel Gygax!" or throw the book away from me in disgust, or feel deeply wounded. For one, it is an artifact of the past. Secondly, it has nothing to do with me; it is an idea that Gygax has in his head, that he expressed in one of his books.

I think a lot of this comes down to whether we think "change" should be made within or without. It doesn't have to be either/or, but if we focus solely on external change, we end up running into the same problems, again and again. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't change the world for the better or right wrongs when we come to them, but that it should be coupled with inner work--if we really want to see real and lasting change. If we leave the psychological and ideological roots of "taking offense" untouched, we're just going to transfer the same dynamic onto something else. Or to quote Ram Dass, "Wherever you go, there we are."

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Lovecraft was definitely worse than the average racist of his era. I used to buy that he wasn't any more racist than average, but some research led me to things he said in his letters, and I was dissuaded of that.

I've often heard the same regarding Lovecraft's racism, but I'm not sure this really stands up to scrutiny. The treatment of African Americans throughout the United States wasn't so good. Even in the north, blacks were generally paid less for the same work as whites when they could even find places willing to hire them. It's hard to believe today, but the KKK was a mainstream organization in the 20s and 30s. They claimed 4-5 million members at one point, and even if that wasn't true, they were well thought of throughout the country and many of their anti-Catholic anti-immigration rhetoric was very much mainstream at the time. And let's not forget, lynching African Americans was a common occurrence during this period.

I know we like to look back and think it was just a few bad eggs like Lovecraft, but his thoughts on race weren't particularly radical for the time. We had laws to keep Chinese people from entering the country, Ford paid black workers the same as whites but he put them to work doing the worst jobs knowing they wouldn't quit, and the Chicago race riot of 1919 started when a black kid crossed the unofficial line between the segregated beach onto the white section. Compared to the reality, I'm hard pressed to think Lovecraft was worse.

As such, I gave up reading Lovecraft's works themselves, whether or not there was anything particularly racist in them. It just felt too much like giving him a pass; separating the art from the artist doesn't really work for me (and increasingly I find that argument too convenient).

He's dead, so unlike JK Rowling or Orson Scott Card, purchasing his work doesn't support a platform he can do anything harmful from. I don't feel the need to separate the art from the artist. I enjoy his work warts and all though I understand why others are unable to.

But the Cthulhu Mythos are a more complicated question. These other creators using Lovecraft's ideas aren't Lovecraft. Why should their works be condemned for what someone else believed? Isn't it OK for others to use his creations if they're not operating from the same racist POV that Lovecraft did? Heck, as broadly as they're used today, concepts like Cthulhu and the Necronomicon are arguably just part of geek culture now, with a life arguably independent from even the Cthulhu Mythos.

Not just geek culture. Lovecraft had a profound impact on writers like Stephen King and Neil Gaiman and movie director Guillermo del Toro. Heck, King's 2014 novel Revival was very much a Lovecraftian tale. And Lovecraft's influence is seen in everything from movies (Evil Dead) to children's cartoons (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy). HP Lovecraft isn't exactly a household name, but a lot of people have been exposed to his work without even knowing it.

Personally? I haven't decided where I stand. I still have non-Lovecraft Mythos material on my shelves, and a small library of Call of Cthulhu sourcebooks. But every once in a while I wonder if I'm making excuses, and everything Lovecraft invented is fruit of the poisonous tree.

While you're under no obligation to like his works, I'm not sure burying the past is a great idea either. I just accept that he had terrible beliefs and move on from there. I still enjoy many of his stories even though some of the passages make me cringe. The description of the black boxer in Herbert West-Reanimator, oh, boy!

So maybe the "fruit of the poisonous tree" problem doesn't exist with D&D. Or maybe it doesn't matter - one bad apple spoils the whole bunch. I'm obviously inclined towards the former - it helps that Gygax, for all his faults, wasn't as problematic a dude as Lovecraft - but I can understand where people see the latter.

For years people have told me that it's okay to like problematic things so long as we recognize that it's problematic. I've had a lot of good Call of Cthulhu games over the years and I'm hoping for more in the future.


Outside D&D I'm sorry but I love Red Sonja. I do. That doesn't mean I think everything or even really anything in RPGs needs to be like that, but I love Red Sonja and I love barbarians of both (and perhaps other) genders hanging around in skimpy clothes. You guys rock. Keep doing your barbarian thing. Never let them make you wear pants unless you want to!

As I've said before: I like cheesecake, but I don't want it with every meal. Something like Red Sonja isn't a problem just so long as that's not the primary way women are depicted in fantasy games/literature/art.


Alright, this isn't my usual field of discussion, so I'm not very practiced at it. But I feel this needs to be said so here goes.

Framing the issue as one of taking or giving offense is fundamentally mistaken. It's treating these things as if they were school yard insults of no importance beyond violating the bounds of social decorum. That's not why they're wrong to use and by treating it as if that were the real problem it trivializes both the issue and those who try to raise concern over it.

I'm autistic. When people joke about mild lapses in social skills being "autistic" is spreads the idea that that's what autism is. That makes it harder for me to communicate what my actual difficulties are or when I might justifiably need accommodation. And I'm getting off lightly! Every time someone repeats the ideas of certain races being innately prone to violence and brutality, those ideas stick in people's heads. That's how ideas work. And then those people are a little quicker to call the cops instead of trying to talk it out. Or maybe those people are the cops, so they're a little more on edge and quick on the trigger when someone of a "violent race" reaches for their pockets.

The point is that ideas aren't some ephemeral vapor that can't do more than offend someone's delicate feelings. Ideas shape people's actions. Every time an idea is repeated it sticks a little more. And some ideas motivate some really harmful and damaging actions. That's why there's such a push now to fight back against certain old memes like this. They do real, proximate harm to people.


Got a sec now.

I admit, I love Conan stories.

I noticed that my Primeval Thule setting, which I adore, is set on a fantasy Greenland before the last Ice Age. Yet, other than the one black community (the Lomari which are invaders from a far away place) all the inhabitants are described as Caucasian. Actually, ALL the humans and playable humanoids are invaders from other lands and the "native" race of humanoids is the beastmen. It's really hard to unsee after you've seen it. I don't think for a moment it was intentional, but, it really, really is problematic.


I've often heard the same regarding Lovecraft's racism, but I'm not sure this really stands up to scrutiny.

I'm well aware how common racist views were in the 1920s and 1930s. For over a decade, that was how I regarded Lovecraft's racism as well - unfortunate, but sadly not that unusual for his time. But as I learned more, I concluded that even in the context of that era, Lovecraft was still pretty bad.

Here are some examples:

There were a few worse examples that really pushed me over, but I can't find references for them online at this point. Separate his exceptional racism from his works if you wish - certainly many others do - but for me, it was too much.

Now, as I said, the larger Cthulhu Mythos is a different situation... probably. Fortunately the problematic elements of Gygax's work and D&D are much less terrible, and not particularly exceptional for the era, unlike the problematic elements of Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos.
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I'm well aware how common racist views were in the 1920s and 1930s. For over a decade, that was how I regarded Lovecraft's racism as well - unfortunate, but sadly not that unusual for his time. But as I learned more, I concluded that even in the context of that era, Lovecraft was still pretty bad.

I'm not a Lovecraft apologist and I don't believe "it's just the way people were" is ever an excuse but I do think a lot of his American contemporaries would have agreed with a lot of his attitudes and beliefs. i.e. He wasn't that radical for the time. I base this opinion on my graduate work on lynching and American culture in the early 20th century.

There were a few worse examples that really pushed me over, but I can't find references for them online at this point. Separate his exceptional racism from his works if you wish - certainly many others do - but for me, it was too much.

As I said, you're under no obligation to enjoy his work and I can certainly understand why you want to steer clear of it. I warn people who are unfamiliar with his works before they dive in.


Fortunately the problematic elements of Gygax's work and D&D are much less terrible, and not particularly exceptional for the era

I think that's a point to always keep in mind too. And, I'll freely admit to losing sight of this. The problematic elements in D&D by and large aren't anywhere near the truly repugnant end of the scale. Most of it is simply, what did @Snarf Zagyg call it? Sins of Commission or Omission.

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