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Pathfinder 1E Prepping for Pathfinder: Council of Thieves (spoilers!)


Then we got to the climax of the entire adventure path: What would General Vorune decide? What was the fate of Westcrown?

It came down to a die-roll. With modifiers based on how the characters had done through the entire adventure path and the final adventure in particular. The group rolled the d20 - getting a 19 - and I looked up the result in the book...

Yeah. To hell with that.

Do you mind me asking what their fame and popularity was? (will be running this soon so it's good to know).

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Eternal Optimist
Do you mind me asking what their fame and popularity was? (will be running this soon so it's good to know).

As far as I could tell, they had a 25 Fame and and about 23 Popularity. And they spent about 16 Fame points on various quests (not for rerolls, but to get full effects of quests).

Looking at it now, I think I've made a mistake on the calculation - it should be +75 on the final Fame check (+25 Fame, +23 Popularity, +9 unspent fame, +8 aid another, +4 nobles, +6 charisma). With a 19, that's 94 and just into the second best option (rather than second worst). I probably left out 5-10 points as I was calculating it on-the-fly in the session.



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The Pit Fiend was almost a TPK. They did not find the item so that the Pit Find would be staggered so he had full attacks. Each PC at some point was brought into negative hit points Then with the Pit Fiend soul keeping it alive that really frustrated the players as they had a difficult time overcoming that.


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Now we are into politics and it has been going well. I've set up Judges for each District and this group is going to be selecting the new Mayor. But first they have to select a Duxotar (the original one died in the Mayor house explosion) from one of the four Duratos. The group is divided on which one they want to see get the job and it is complicated by one member of the party spreading rumors of one them being an Andoran spy and the rest of the party thinking they need to support that Duratos because of the rumor.

One member of the party want to be Mayor and other members of the group want to support a washed up Bard who happens to be another party member's father.

While this is going the Knights of the Dawn, our group name for the Children of Westcrown, has been growing in number. One of the group has taken Leadership and is using his followers to spread word about the group. There are a ton of complications about to happen to them it's going to be a lot of fun!


Eternal Optimist
...and Crothian's group is going pretty far afield now! :) Sounds fun, if a lot of work for Crothian the DM!



Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I think that's one thing that's particularly interesting about using a set location - like a major city - for a campaign. It's easy to branch out into persistent side plots.
For example, one of my group's halfling PCs came to Westcrown looking for The Chosen One (this also happens to be the halfling ranger/barbarian cosplaying gigolo, for those of you who have seen my other posts on the topic). He selected another halfling PC to be the object of that quest and has been steering the group into involvement in halfling emancipation. So they encountered and joined the Bellflower Network (see the Faction Guide for details).
I've also had a couple of appearances of Whitechin the goblin the sewers (I made him a summoner). And the local neighborhood the PCs live in had a resurgent protection racket gang move in - I think had that lead into PC connections with the old guard of the Council of Thieves (rather than the coup faction).
I had even planned on a potential romantic relationship between impressionable young actress Calseinica Nymmis and the PC playing Larazod - who happened to be the female gnome witch (but with by far the best charisma of the group). But the witch player wasn't interested in it and fixed Calseinica up with a more suitable paramour closer to her own age... and species.

The PCs are currently trying to bring the nobles together and are pushing to make Eirtein Oberigo the next mayor. Having already been captured and left to starve by the Drovenge siblings, he's not too keen on being that publicly in charge so he's resisting.


First Post
That sounds cool. I really enjoy having a campaign in one large city. I've done it many times before in the Thieves World setting so that was the main reason I picked this as the first AP I would DM.

Last week the group dealt some with the politics. I think they are starting to remember what it means to be in a Crothian game. Ironwolf ran Kingmaker for about 20 months so they had a break from what it meant to be in one of my games and I really hadn't had the opportunity to put my own personal spin on much in the AP. They needed to see who they wanted to support as Duxotar. There are four candidates, the four Duratos as written up in the books. Each has good points and bad points and there was no obvious choice. I did that on purpose an it worked to well as we had inter party arguing. They settled on Saria because they talked to her. Each of the Duratos I was going to make like able and well spoken.

Then we moved on to the first parts of book 5. We ended after they dealt with the mess up by the Maggot tree. The combat wasn't tough just lots of guys and once the group started to use area effect things it made the battles a lot easier. Plus they placed Displacement on the main fighter and they helped better then they thought it would.

One of the PCs decided to start his own business so he's been dealing with that. The succubus from book 4 is still with the group as she is not stupid and has not provoked the PCs to kill her which is frustrating for the PCs. I'm thinking about being an ass and really making her an archon of some kind. And this week they will deal with Walcourt and maybe some of book 6 time permitting. I expect to finish before the end of the month and I'm surprised we stretched it out that long.


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We are going to finish this in two session (tonight and next week). I'm going to have Ecarrdian approach the Knights of Dawn (our name for the Children of Westcrown) and blatantly tell them a version of his plan. He's going to tell them he is raising an army but it is to defend the city from a devil invasion; an invasion in response to the PCs killing the Pit Fiend. This way he is setting himself up to be the hero by cleaning up the clumsy mistakes of the PCs and it might just be believable enough for the players to think they screwed up somehow because in all honestly it's a familiar feeling for my players.

We are going to deal with some of the modular encounters like the undead Bastards of Erebus and the Vampire Thesing. We might deal with the Hell Knights but I'm not sure the PCs are care if they survive or not. They might deal with Chammady but I think I'll need to remind them of what they know about her. And then the final confrontation with the devils invading and Ecarrdian's plan for ultimate power coming to realization.

Assuming we get through all of that there is going to be a five year or so downtime narrated by the players. They can give their characters happy ending if they chose or not. But after that time we are going to get the band back together or part of it as not all the characters may be doing this and seek a way to destroy Morrowfall by taking it back to the city of its creation which coincidentally is also the climactic end of the Serpent's Skull AP. Basically, I'm going to take 10th level characters on the Serpent's Skull AP.

Nicolas Sturla

First Post
hello, do u still check this post? i hope so. listen, im DMing mother of flies right now, and im trying to prepare for the last chapter. Are you sure u have to use the table from the bestiary to understand the stats of counsil captains? the table seem more for monster than humans. Either way i see your point about the wrong stats for NPCs,. the thieves are CR 3 and acording to the table they should be CR 4 or 5. Dis u cheack the stats of the other mayor villains?

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