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D&D General Portrayal of D&D in Stranger Things 3 -some spoilers


The group I played with pretty much stopped around '86 or '87. We were 15-16, had gotten part time jobs, cars, interested in dating girls, and for some reason, golf.

Picked it up again in college.

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41st lv DM
Not in small town America owned and created by teenagers. IF there were plenty, then I'm sure there would some evidence of it, yes? Instead, what we do have, is evidence like the photo I showed earlier. You didn't order materials online. Didn't exist. If you were lucky enough to have a catalog, it was still 6-8 weeks for delivery. So not only in small town America don't you have access to the materials to begin with, but you also didn't have the shared community of being able to look things up and learn techniques. You also didn't have access to vacuum machines, and engineered materials and paints like you do today.

ST was me. I was the same age, at the same time period, in the same size town.

You're only talking about 1984 USA, not the Dark Ages or some Points of Light D&D setting.
Cars, roads, telephones (and phone books) existed.
The JCPenny & Sears catalogues were readily available.
Specialty catalogues as well (Dad had quite the collection for car parts as his hobby was restoring a '65 Mustang).
Yes, it took more work than an Amazon click, but you could get what you didn't have. And you could also get it faster than 6-8 weeks (UPS & FedEx existed)....

The morale of the story was that at some point you pass your Basic set onto a younger sibling and move onto AD&D. :p

Seriously though, I can see how it could be taken as a negative: That this is a childish thing to grow out of.
But I don't think it was really about that. But rather it was more about 'Coming of Age' in general. Growing apart from the people and interests you grew up with, etc...

As other have mentioned it was pretty accurate to life as well, at certain points people stopped playing. The kid in my group that DM'd all through jr high school stopped playing altogether once we hit high school as he wanted to focus on his studies.

(The rest of us continued to play and were so into it by the end of school that we used the two week study period during our major exams to play D&D everyday for those 2 weeks.) I regret nothing, it was one of the best campaigns I ever played in.


Rotten DM
Also in small town American you had Fabric shop which sold costume patterns. You also had Grannys who ONLY HAD SINGER sewing machines who could be talked into sewing stuff for teenagers. DAMN Sacrosanct makes 1984 sound like 1884.


You're only talking about 1984 USA, not the Dark Ages or some Points of Light D&D setting.
Cars, roads, telephones (and phone books) existed.
The JCPenny & Sears catalogues were readily available.
Specialty catalogues as well (Dad had quite the collection for car parts as his hobby was restoring a '65 Mustang).
Yes, it took more work than an Amazon click, but you could get what you didn't have. And you could also get it faster than 6-8 weeks (UPS & FedEx existed)....

Also in small town American you had Fabric shop which sold costume patterns. You also had Grannys who ONLY HAD SINGER sewing machines who could be talked into sewing stuff for teenagers. DAMN Sacrosanct makes 1984 sound like 1884.

I'm pretty sure at this point neither of you remember what it was like in 1984. Saying you had to mail in orders and wait weeks for delivery isn't trying to make the 80s seem like the 1880s, it was the reality. You didn't have nearly as many shops that sold things you needed to make the costumes, you didn't have local access to specialty shops that specialized in those costumes, you didn't have access to technology or machinery that exist now that are used to make those costumes, you didn't have local access to the the paints, patches, latex, or other materials that are easy to acquire now, the list goes on. I've even provided evidence of what the best costumes of the time looked like (which are much lower quality than a group of 11 year olds in the show apparently created). So far, no one has been able to show a single costume from the 80s that approaches the level of what cosplayers are doing now. In fact, cosplay costumes now are often a lot better than actual movie special effects costumes were in the 80s and those 80s costumes had full costume departments with budgets and live in LA, where they had access to the materials easily on hand. They certainly weren't preteens from small town America.

I'm afraid you're both simply wrong. I anxiously await your evidence that proves what you're trying to argue. Seriously, I grew up in the 80s, and I think you both need to go back and look at what the costumes were like, especially low budget movies from the 80s (because no group of pre teens in small town America is going to have the budget of Ridley Scott...) and costumes from conventions, because all the evidence disagrees with you.

By the way, my mom was a seamstress, and there was no way she was gonna make a bunch of movie quality costumes for us. For one, she'd say "I'm not wasting the time or material on all that nonsense for just one day". Secondly, she didn't access to the materials (official patches and other accessories). Thirdly, you need a lot more than just a home sewing machine to make a lot of those costumes. Fourthly, assuming she would do all of the above, if the local department store didn't carry the fabric, or enough of it (which is likely since small town stores didn't carry several bolts of cloth of the same material because it never sold [supply and demand in a small town], she'd substitute with whatever was there because she sure as heck wasn't ordering it from a catalog "What's that look for! This ghost wrestler or whatever it is costume looks way better with a purple vest and striped pants than that dull brown overalls!"


Rotten DM
Gee Sacrosanct, you mom was mean. My mom show me three times how to thread her Singer. Then as long as I didn't use her good scissors, I could sew what I wanted. (still kicking myself for giving her knee operated Singer to charity). Let see Fall of 1982 Ft Devens Mass, specialty store had some costumes, PX had some fabric. 1984 Ft Ord Calif. Late 1984 West Berlin PX had fabric. And as soon as I learn to use my wife scanner in 20 not so easy steps, I will post my lousy costumes from the era.
PS Your experience means jack compared to others experience.


Gee Sacrosanct, you mom was mean. My mom show me three times how to thread her Singer. Then as long as I didn't use her good scissors, I could sew what I wanted. (still kicking myself for giving her knee operated Singer to charity). Let see Fall of 1982 Ft Devens Mass, specialty store had some costumes, PX had some fabric. 1984 Ft Ord Calif. Late 1984 West Berlin PX had fabric. And as soon as I learn to use my wife scanner in 20 not so easy steps, I will post my lousy costumes from the era.
PS Your experience means jack compared to others experience.

I'm not just giving my experience. I posted photos of the award winning costumes at LA CON from 1984. Nice try though. I am however, anxiously awaiting to see your photos of costumes from kids from the 80s that were modern day movie quality.

That’s how I took it. Will Byers went through some terrible trials those last two seasons. Also, he’s switched from being a player to being a DM. After being trapped in the Upside Down and then possessed, he’s probably in need of some sort of control in his life, someplace safe.

I thought the passing of the red box to Erica was very sweet.

It is perhaps as much a nod to him being... a tad desperate. Look at the past two seasons, what that kid went through.


Chaotic Looseleaf
It was realistic. It was also sad. Dustin bestowing the Basic Set upon Erica was a good save, but seeing Will put it in the donation box* and hearing Mike's half-hearted objection broke my heart.

(*"You fool!" I cried. "Twenty years from now you are going to be so mad at yourself!" :) )

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