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pneumatik's WotBS 2 - The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar


The 8th Evil Sage
Continuing the adventure from http://www.enworld.org/forum/playin...g-sky-campaign-saga-1-scouring-gate-pass.html

The road through the Fire Forest of Innenotdar, called the Elfroad, is straight and clear, climbing over hills or dropping into ravines. It's 30 feet wide with burning brush and trees coming right up to the edge. The road is covered in several inches of ash and you leave an obvious trail as you walk.

Throughout the forest are billowing clouds of smoke that limit visibility to about 100 feet. Looking behind you, you also notice that the flames of the forest are stronger at the limits of your visibility, about 100 feet, behind wherever you happen to be. Hollister and Shaylir notice that the fires on your immediate left and right are weaker than they should be. They suspect that you could stand right on the edge of the road and not be burned.
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"Fascinating," says Hollister as the group travels along, quite intrigued by the never-ending fires of the forest. Normally, the flames would have long since burned out, but something kept them going. The young fire mage could only imagine the power required for such an arcane feat.

Shaking off the fascination, Hollister turns his attention to his companions. "Be wary, friends. While I wouldn't expect that we find any normal forest denizens or bandits dwelling amidst the flames, there is always the chance that fire-based creatures have been drawn to this place."


Thy wounds are healed!
"Fire creatures?" Shaylir says curiously. "Like the fire stag from my dream."

[sblock=OOC] Didn't get an answer from my question last thread. Is it ok for my last 30gp (20 now I guess) already be tempered. [/sblock]


First Post
"A fire stag? Hmm..." Hollister trails off as he thinks about the question. After a few moments, he speaks back up. "I suppose anything is possible. Though I was thinking more along the lines of fire elementals, or perhaps fire newts or some such. There are many unnatural creatures in this world with an affinity for flames."


The 8th Evil Sage
Travelling through the Fire Forest while protected by Torrent's stand the heat potions is an interesting experience. You are definitely protected from harm. You're sure of this because with every breath you take you fear you're cooking your lungs. When you open your mouth to talk you can feel your saliva evaporating. You blink and tear more often because your eyes are drying out. But despite the discomfort you remain uninjured. You skin isn't reddened. The heat isn't any more tiring to move in than the mountain cold. While you think about drinking more often you aren't actually any thirstier.

After you've traveled a mile or so into the forest you see a trail leading off the road to your left. Like the road the trail is lined with fiercely burning brush and trees. You suspect that travelling down the trail without getting burned by flames on one side of it or the other will be difficult.

Lying in the trail only a few feet from the road are what look like three humanoid bodies, blackened and charred by fire. They've been scattered and spread about, perhaps by scavengers, leaving the bodies as little more than burnt meat, charred bones, and scraps of what used to be clothes.

You can approach close enough to the bodies to get a good look at them without leaving the road. To touch them you'll need to take a step onto the trail, which may not lead to burns if you're careful about it.

[sblock=ooc]HM: Yes, your gold coins can be tempered in flames. If other party members plan on casting the spell themselves you can also have tempered coins. You've had plenty of notice to adequately plan for this fire forest.

Hollister, after spending a little time in the Fire Forest you're pretty sure fire magic will be enhanced within it. I'll let you know how exactly when you next cast a fire-descriptor spell.

Liiros, by now it's probably late morning. It's the time of day when it's acceptable to stop for lunch but not quite expected (i.e., not quite noon), so if you don't stop now no one can really complain, and most people probably aren't hungry enough to eat anyway.[/sblock]


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Arshen's habitual stern expression deepens to a forbidding scowl as the party travel on into the depths of the Fire Forest. But for that and his red, watery eyes, he gives little sign of discomfiture, enduring the heat and smoke in stolid silence.

He shows little inclination to stop as the bodies come into view, but if the others come to a halt then he joins them. "A fine warning of what awaits those who stray foolishly from the path in such an accursed place as this."


Thy wounds are healed!
"Why would the risk leaving the road?" Shaylir asks curiously. "I could maybe crawl down that path a little ways."


First Post
"You are the smallest," says Hollister, breathing the hot smoky air without discomfort. "If anyone is to risk investigating those bodies, you are the least likely to be burned."


First Post
Liiros Tivaniel, male elf crusader

"If you wish to investigate, go ahead, but I won't bother. If they were foolish enough to wander from the road, it's their own fault. Otherwise, there may be fire-monsters about who dragged the corpses over there perhaps, after slaying the travelers. We shouldn't tarry long, we have a lot of burning forest to trek through and I, for one, would like to get through this horrid place as quickly as possible," Liiros replies.

Looking to Torrent, he asks "Do the potions protect our equipment from catching fire, or no? I would imagine not, given that we drank the potions rather than coating our gear in them...."

The elf considers, for the fiftieth time in this Fire Forest, taking a long swig from his waterskin and splashing the rest on his face. But it would probably just evaporate like the rest of his moisture.

Voidrunner's Codex

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