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Pantheon of Deities and Demigods

The purpose of this thread is to catalogue the Pantheon of the Living Enworld. Only approved deities are posted below. To suggest a deity or submit one for approval, please make a new thread with the (Proposal) tag. Please keep all commentary on the deities to their respective proposal threads. This thread will ONLY be used to post deities.

Greater Deities:
Espranachtis, NE Goddess of Corruption
Galatea, NG Goddess of the Waters
Gundar, LN God of the Earth.
Halina, NG Goddess of Fertility, Agriculture and Childbirth.
Halor, CN God of the Sky.
Psergei, NE Goddess of Fire.
Valessa, CG Goddess of Love, Beauty,and the Fey
Zephos, LN God of the Dead, and Shepherds

Intermediate Deities:
Azwan, LG God of War and Nobility
Delanor, LG god of marines, sailors, seagoing merchants and maritime trade.
Gliran, LN god of wizardry and sorcery.
Hyrag, NG god of the sun's healing power and foe of the undead.
Urdiga, NE goddess of undeath and misdirection
Verdante, NG god of natural cycles, plants, and animals.

Lesser Deities:
Amphousa, CE Goddess of Lust, Uncontrollable Urge for Power and Desire
Antonidas, LG god of academics, invention and magic.
Chennet', NG god of weapons, armor, the forge and craftsmen.
Disnomia, LE Goddess of Manipulation, Gradual Measured Assumption of Power and Desire
Geoth, NG god of cooking, hospitability and celebration.
Grendath, CG god of luck, heroism in battle, freedom, and exploration.
Jareth, LE god of gaming.
Kazikazi, CE goblinoid god of vengeance and tunneling.
Lilitu, NE drow goddess of manipulation, trickery and deceit.
Mishtuli, CE drow god of killing for sport and assassins.
Sela, LN god of unity, lasting accomplishments, and stone buildings.
Shural, LN goblinoid god of architecture and reason.
Taka, NE goddess of thievery and dishonesty with one's self.
Taurusk, CE god of war and bloodshed.

Ahrianna, CE goddess of delirium and aberrations.
Ayratha, LN goddess of fire and transformation.
Mongrel, CN god of the lost and dispossessed.
Naberezhny, LE god of tyranny and slavery.
Phyrah, true neutral god of travel, exploration, music, storytelling and quests.
Russna, N goddess of knowledge and language.
Seto, NE god of assassins, death and darkness.
Shurassa, CN goddess of storms and wrath.
Ulura, N goddess of lovers and secrets.

The Cult of Ahrim

As of 12/25/04, the following deities are in the approval queue (vote totals may have changed since then):

One vote short of approval:
Green-eyed Lady

Two votes short of approval:

Three votes short of approval:
Kroggoth (already used in an adventure)
St. Feragon (")


Note: Currently, some links lead to the Heap thread.

Delanor and Gliran Holy Symbols by ukgpublishing
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Antonidas of Drevin
"An-toe-nide-us of drev-inn"
The Old Man, The Quiet One, The Most Distant

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: A goat with a long beard on a blue shield
Home Plane: The Observatorium
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: schools, research, invention, and scribes
Worshippers: wizards, scholarly bards, teachers, and scribes.
Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, NG
Domains: Artifice, Knowledge, Law, and Magic.
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff.

There are two schools of thought on the origins of Antonidas. The First Order believes that he was one of the wizards responsible for the creation of the world on the back of the great enworphant. The other sect, called the Quiet Faith, believes that the world was once part of a much larger sphere of land and water that orbited around a star. The Quiet Faith also believes that Antonidas and the other ancient wizards created the towers and pulled the landmass that makes up the known world together during an age of devastation on this old sphere.

Antonidas' faith has dwindled to a small number. Most who entrust themselves to Antonidas are wizards, teachers, and scholarly clerics that hope to harness greater knowledge and control of magic through faith. The First Order contains some scholarly druids who believe in protecting the sacred lands from any damage that could permanently erode the surface of the world. The Quiet Faith consists of more outgoing and adventurous individuals, mostly wizards and the occasional bard, who seek out relics of the past they believe in.

The most important story to the Quiet Faith is that of the world's creation. The Quiet Faith believes that when the circle of mages convened and pulled the world from its old foundations, it was to flee from the impending doom that had devoured the rest of the planet. Some of this corruption still touched the land that fled, corrupting one of the towers. The corrupted tower became sentient, and seeks to devour the other towers through its control of negative energy. For this reason, the Quiet Faith often become hunters of the undead and other evil.

Another story tells the tale of a control room that controls the Enworphant, and drives the world in search of a new home. It is this belief of the Quiet Faith that most divides them from reconciliation with the First Order, which believes that this world is a divine creation perfect in its own right.
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The Lightbringer, Deathslayer

Enworldian Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A heavy mace with a sunburst behind the mace's head.
Home Plane: Blessed Fields of Elysium.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Portfolio: Lifegiving aspect of the sun, destruction of undead.
Worshippers: Healers, Paladins, those with a grudge against the undead.
Cleric Alignments: NG, LG, CG.
Domains: Glory, Good, Healing, Sun
Favored Weapon: "Brightstrike" (mace, heavy or light).

Hyrag is the patron of the healing arts and a staunch foe of the undead. These dual roles win him worshippers both pacifist and martial in nature. Hyrag's clerics can be found both in metropolitan houses of healing and ancient tombs infested with the undead.

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The Falcon

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Worshipers: Thieves, deceivers, frauds; self-justifiers
Domains: Evil, Trickery, Luck
Favored Weapon: Spiked Chain
Home Plane/Domain: Gray Waste of Hades/The Truth of Lies
Pantheon: Enworldian
Divine Rank: Lesser
Classes: Bard, Rogue, Mercurial Initiate
Portfolio: Thievery, dishonesty with self
Special Possessions: Falcon’s Claw, a dire spiked chain that is capable of stealing memory.
Symbol: A green falcon’s head on dark grey

Taka is the goddess of thievery – be it the theft of physical objects, or something more metaphysical, such as dreams or ideals – as well as the goddess of deceivers, those who deceive others and who deceive themselves. Taka is also known for being the source of a small religion that teaches that belief in the self will lead one to the truth, rather than following a deity.
Physically, Taka appears as a robed human woman, dressed in the garb an assassin would wear while on a job. She is also usually accompanied by a peregrine falcon, which sits upon her left shoulder.

Take only what you can steal without getting caught. Destroy the illusions of those who believe in them fully. The truth is a weapon – use it wisely. Falsehood is also a weapon, but be cautious in its use. True knowledge is something to be kept to the self; but knowledge of what is false is just as important. People believe what they can see; use this fact to your advantage.

The followers of Taka vary wildly, since they always disguise themselves in places where her worship is not openly acceptable – which is almost everywhere. A given temple and its clergy will generally disguise itself as a temple to another deity, though many choose to act as Mortalist temples. They often teach that mortals need not answer to any god, but only to themselves; they should act as they see fit. This teaching attempts to lead followers into a web of self-justification that they themselves created, hopefully leading them away from the worship of deities other than Taka (though the self-justifier is never aware that they are actually following Taka – once they do, they usually turn away from the teachings in question).

In regions where they exist, clergy in the temples will often work closely with mercurial initiates, allowing them to use the temple as a base of operations; this relationship is mutual, as the clergy gains knowledge and information from the initiates, while the initiates gain access to a place where they will be protected.

Takan rites are often incredibly subtle, filled with innuendo and double-meaning. Their purposes are often very obscure; though they may seem good-intentioned at first, their uses are often more sinister.

The legend of how Taka became the goddess of untruth is a relatively well-known one. It is said that, at first, Taka wished to create a race of beings to call her own; however, she lacked the creative energy to do so, and thus mimicked the efforts of the other deities. The other gods disapproved of such mockery, however, who viewed her efforts as an intrusion upon their domains. They punished Taka, and transformed her children into a naturally hideous race, capable of only changing their shape to mimic others: thus were the first doppelgangers born. Angered by this, Taka took the change in her offspring to heart, becoming like them in goal and form, and began her teaching of cognizance of truth and falsehood, reality and illusion; she also began disguising her followers and her clergy, giving them ways to lead the followers of other deities astray, in retribution for what they did to her efforts. Since then, Taka has been at odds with almost all other deities, working with them only so long as it served her needs.

-Created by GnomeWorks
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Enworldian Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Sextant.
Home Plane: Varies. Onboard ship sailing Oceanus.
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Portfolio: Marines, sailors, seagoing merchants and maritime trade.
Worshippers: Marines, sailors, seagoing merchants.
Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, NG.
Domains: Water, Protection, War, and Good.
Favored Weapon: Sprayshard, sabre (scimitar) +3, keen.

Delanor is the patron and guardian of sailors, marines and others that travel the seas. Delanor appears to his followers dressed in the military uniform of the navy of their kingdom. He never wears armor and always has his sabre Sprayshard and a buckler.

Delanor's worshippers make offerings before and after sea voyages and naval battles. The preferred offering is coin from merchants, labor from sailors, or a blood offering (1 hp) from marines.

Delanor Holy Symbol by ukgpublishing


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Lord of Fools, the Laughing Warrior

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: Crossed fingers in front of a field of grey.
Home Plane: Enworld itself.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Portfolio: Luck, heroism in battle, freedom, exploration.
Worshippers: Warriors, adventurers, those in dire straits, bards.
Cleric Alignments: CG,NG,CN.
Domains: Chaos, Good, Luck, Trickery, War.
Favored Weapon: "Glimmerbite" (longsword).

Grendath usually appears as a middle aged man, often a human, sometimes an elf, or as often as not a gnome or halfling.

The Laughing Warrior always seems to have a gleam in his eye, not of madness or malice, but as if he were privy to some great joke that others were unaware of as of yet. Grendath is often revered by Gnomes and Halflings for his nature as a Trickster, using his brain as often as his sword arm. It is said that 'Fortune Favors the Fool', and nowhere else is it more apparent than amongst the Clergy of this wild and daring Deity, his clerics often heard uttering the above quote or 'Do you want to live forever!?!' as they jump pell-mell into danger's maw. Still, Grendath's Faith is a fast growing one, as more and more folk are taking to the life of the Adventurer, creating Grand Stories that seem to please their laughing God to no end.

The Greenman, Keeper of the Cycle

Enworldian Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A Longspear covered with ivy
Home Plane: Wilderness of the Beastlands
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Natural Cycles, Plants, Animals
Worshipers: Druids, Rangers, those who love nature.
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, N, LG
Domains: Animal, Earth, Plant
Favored Weapon: "Verdante's Branch" (Spear, short or long)

Verdante is a god of natural life, of the cycles that bring everything alive, a god of falling rain and blowing winds, a god of beautiful flowers and majestic animals. Verdante teaches that everything has a natural cycle: life and death, good times and bad, sickness and health, all of these are part of the cycles of the natural world. This belief leads to some rather strange druids in Verdante's service, druids who believe that cities are a part of the natural cycle of the wilderness, and so make their way in cities, tending public parks and feeding alley cats. Verdante's followers are known for embracing the changes in their lives, believing each change to be the next phase in their natural cycle, and so his followers are found in all walks of life. Verdante encourages his followers to help others find the beauty in their natural cycle, and to support those who are in a dark part of their cycle. Verdante's followers seek to create a more harmonious world by accepting the changes of natural life, but they will take up arms if those natural cycles are disturbed.

Verdante appears as a roughly human figure composed entirely of plant matter, a man made from nature. His coloration depends on the season of the place where he appears: in summer he is a strong green, in autumn, a regal mixture of gold and brown, winter finds him a collection of branches, not a leaf in sight, and spring brings flowers to his form, making him an explosion of yellows, oranges, and blues, all on a backdrop of green like newly growing grass.
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The Heart of the Forge, Soul of the Ground

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: White anvil on circular field of crimson
Home Plane: Elemental Plane of Fire
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Portfolio: god of weapons, armor, the forge and craftsmen
Worshippers: Dwarves, Craftsmen
Cleric Alignments: Any Good
Domains: Artifice, Good, Fire, Earth
Favored Weapon: "Chennet' Anok" ('Will of Chennet') - greataxe.

Chennet' is a god often invoked by armorsmiths and weaponsmiths in passing, when forge fires blaze out of control, or beards get singed (Ko'vetiye Chennet' - ch'pak na gaven? - Thank you, o forge god - may I have another?). A small sect devoted to this deity resides mostly in dwarven communities east of Orussus, and clerics of the faith (of which there are few, due to mishaps) enjoy benefits related to the manufacture of better tools with which to fight evil, and protection of smiths from common workplace accidents.

Chennet' appears alternately as a dwarf, or in forges as a white-hot mass of molten metal. Chennet' generally communicates to mortals telepathically, but is not above speaking when it suits him. In the pantheon, Chennet' generally looks to assist deities of good alignment whenever possible, crafting legendary weapons and armor for their protection.

Clerics of Chennet' do not have to be dwarves, though most are. But to have the requisite knowledge of him, they generally have to have had exposure to a smithing environment.
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The Searcher

Enworldian Demigod
Symbol: A kite shield bearing a stylized silver falcon or winged flute.
Home Plane: Varies.
Alignment: Neutral.
Portfolio: Travel, exploration, music, storytelling and quests.
Worshippers: Messengers, Adventurers, Bards.
Cleric Alignments: Any neutral.
Domains: Air, Protection, Travel
Favored Weapon: "Swift" a flying shield +3.

Phyrah is one of the Seven Sisters.

A daughter of Verdante, Phyrah is the wind, a seeking goddess, questing endlessly over all the lands. She aids and hinders those who are on journeys, long or short. In her wanderings she has seen and done and learned much and she loves to share the wonders of her travels. She is a tale at the campfire, the wind at your back. She is a great friend of Grendath and the two have shared many adventures together. She often finds herself at odds with Delanor because while many sailors fear the ocean, they love the wind. She treats Chennet' like a favorite uncle and she always brings him a skin of cold, pure water when she returns from her journeys.

Her clerics may be of any neutral alignment and embody the different forms of wind, steady trade winds, unpredictable gusts, spring breezes and storming gales. The goddess loves music, especially flutes, harps and chimes, her temples and shrines are often filled with such music.

The ephemeral, enchanting demi-goddess rarely shows herself to her followers, preferring to whisper on breezes or rage in storms, but when she does she appears as a red-cheeked woman of any race (most commonly halflings and humans) with windblown hair clad in traveler's gear. She is often accompanied by her great, celestial falcon, Kite.
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The Stray Dog

Enworldian Demigod
Symbol: A trotting dog, usually of uncertain breed.
Home Plane: The roads on Enworld.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Portfolio: People without home or ancestry, possessions lacking ownership. Anything or anyone that's been lost.
Worshippers: Gypsies, bastards, orphans and other homeless wanderers who have been left to their own fate. Occasionally rogues and thieves.
Cleric Alignments: Any non-evil, non-lawful.
Domains: Luck, Travel, Trickery.
Favored Weapon: "Hound's Tooth" (bastard sword).

Mongrel is a carefree god. Released from the constraints of relations and responsibilities, he urges his followers, the estranged and disinherited, to make a family of each other and an estate of lost salvage. By their very nature his worshippers live day-to-day on the virtue of their own wits and skills. He can occasionally be found in his earthly aspect, wandering the byways of Enworld as a friendly stray dog.

History/Relationships: Mongrel is the bastard son of Taka and Grendath. Much as she wished to have her race of followers, she desired to have a child all her own. Yet even so, the only god willing to take a chance on her proposal was the risk-taking Grendath. After one hundred and one nights with the God of Fools, the seed within Taka quickened and she bore a child godling. At once, however, the child, born with all the fortunes of Grendath, all the wile of Taka, and an independence all his own, left his mother to wander the mortal realms. Thus he became Mongrel, the Itinerant Bastard, Owner of the Unclaimed, Host of the Homeless, Creator of His Own Fortunes.

Dogma: Mongrel epouses the ability to live by one's own wits, to make use of those things no one else wants and to take hold of opportunities that present themselves. In light of this, Mongrel has no compunctions about claiming that which no one else obviously wants or owns. The outright theft of a necessity to survival or blatantly claimed object is practically a cardinal sin.

Hospitality is another prime doctrine of Mongrel. Though prized possessions are considered the sole property of the owner, "share and share alike" is just as common a saying amongst the Mongrelites as "finder's keeper's". Especially when survival (or celebration) is at stake, sharing is encouraged if not explicitly expected.

Mongrel, as a god of the homeless and wandering, has no shrines or temples. Devotions to him are most often undertaken around a friendly campfire storytelling, a raucous barroom sing-along or a simple mealtime prayer of thanks. Likewise, as a fiercely independent demigod, Mongrelites have no set doctrine, only the Rules of Salvage and the Rules of Hospitality, which have never been written down, and are simply passed along by word of mouth.

Uncle Spider: A patron of the halflings, the being known as "Uncle Spider" is a mythical hero that has ties to Mongrel. Uncle Spider is known among the halflings as a wandering fellow, always with a parable on his lips and the willingness to play a trick on those who take themselves too seriously.

Uncle Spider is, essentially, a slightly more benign facet of Mongrel - a saint of Mongrel that many halflings pay lipservice to. He is not a true "deity" of any sort, although a few halfling clerics dedicate themselves to a life of wandering similar to their patron, Uncle Spider. These clerics are usually well-versed with the "worship" of Mongrel, and essentially derive their power from him.

There are no known clerics of Uncle Spider that are not also halflings.

Clerics of Uncle Spider gain access to the same domains as if they were worshipping Mongrel; they cannot be of an evil alignment, and are usually of a good alignment. They function in all other ways as a normal cleric of Mongrel. Uncle Spider was Chaotic Good.
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