• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Press Palladium and Virtual Gen Con


We are hustling and arranging and submitting events and lining up interviews and panel talks, online game events and demos, etc., in short order as the deadline is in a few days, July 6th. Hey, Palladium Game Masters, if you would like to participate in running an online game, do game demos, explain and demonstrate combat and other rules, and similar, PLEASE reach out to Palladium by email (genconpalladiumgames {at} outlook.com), Help Desk or phone (734-721-2903). The same goes for our artists, writers and creators. (Many of you already have my direct email and that of our Gen Con coordinator.)

If you are willing to do a YouTube or podcast interview to discuss any fun subject about Palladium’s games, worlds, and sourcebooks, or want to run a game, do a webinar on art, writing, world building, or gaming, PLEASE reach out to us as soon as possible! Thanks! We need your help to have a fun presence at V-Gen Con!

I also hope gamers will support Gen Con. Having to cancel the 2020 Gen Con Indy had to hurt. If you love Gen Con and want to see them able to return at a physical location when all this stuff is over, please support them in any reasonable way you can. We will do likewise.

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