• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

OT: So... Who am I gaming with?


First, let me share the information about me that is already available to the general public:

1. My name is not H.M.Gimlord
2. My username when I communicate in e-mail is terrusie
3. I'm 37 years old
4. I live in the Cincinnati, Ohio area in the US.

What's unpublished is that I'm an Engineer, married with two children. I was born in Germany to a missionary family and grew up in suburban Washington D.C. in my mother's home town.

My hobbies are D&D, Singing, Guitar, choral music, and History. My favorite authors are Twain (his essays, not his books) and Hugo, though I'm a huge fan of Tolkien and C.S.Lewis (not just the CoN). I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan of Terry Brooks, but I've read most of the Shanarrah series.

I share THB's lack of tolerance for alcohol, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying a good Guinnes or a glass of riesling every now and then.

I've been playing D&D ever since 1981. 1E Baby! (Yes, I was eight years old). I played Keep on the Borderlands when it was new! This was a bit scandalous given my father's occupation, and the opinion of some in that day and age that D&D was some satanic game, no?

The players who've either read my profile, played in "Land Ho" or read my ancient and neglected blog now know that H.M.Gimlord stands for Hankel Mast Gimlord. The name is a corruption of Hendel from TSoS and Gimli from LoTR. Mast just sounded right when it was stuck between the two. The character is actually a Dwarf Fighter that I rolled up for 2E when I was in college. Mikara Li Mesadh was created by my wife (my girlfriend at the time) during my college days as well, when I introduced her to the game. She's not exactly a fanatic, but at least she's empathetic. I created the whole Avenroc campaign setting back then, played it out with some my wife and some college friends for about three or four encounters, then hung it up and forgot about it (and D&D in general), until 2008, when my 8-year-old son turned to me and said, "Daddy, what's Dungeons & Dragons?" The fire was lit once more!

We bought the core rule set, dusted off Avenroc, converted it to 4E and the rest was history. I converted our unfinished basement into a huge D&D man-cave where I'm currently hosting a tabletop game for my son and some of his friends every other Thursday night. And now his younger brother is showing an interest as well.

I've also become a super art & Photoshop junkie lurker on the RPGMapShare and Dundjinni websites.


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First Post
My real name is John, and I'm 17, but you wouldn't know it by looking at me. It doesn't help that I am in my second year of college though. Living in Miami, lived here most of my life.
Not much else really. I have always played video games to one degree or another, and have always had a slight interest in DnD. read through the Drizzt saga a while ago, which increased that interest further, and when some guys I know from school mentioned that they may have an opening in a campaign, I decided to read up so that I would be prepared. The opening never appeared, but I was still hooked. Looked for a place I could play, and found here.
...I guess there was much else.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Current Favourite:

Awesome bottle! Well ranked too, 66 percentile (72 in its style) on Ratebeer which ain't half bad.

Wychwood Hobgoblin (Pasteurised)

Bet I'd love it.

Here is one of my long standing favorites:

Aprodisiaque. I usually have a pack at home.
Dieu du Ciel Aphrodisiaque

Guiness is by far my favorite 'commercial' beer, I always have a pack on hand, followed by Hoegaarden.

The beer I'd currently say is my favorite is this: Vache Folle (Crazy Cow) A milk based Imperial Stout
Charlevoix Vache Folle Imperial Milk Stout

More than a HM to this close second (I always have a wine sized bottle maturing for special occasions):
Les Trois Mousquetaires G.C. Baltic Porter

Favorite Whites (Wheat Beer):
Dieu du Ciel Blanche du Paradis
Les Trois Mousquetaires G.C. Weizen Impériale 2010

Belgian style: Trois Pistoles
Brewed by Unibroue (Unibrew). These guys started small and are getting big (owned by Sleeman which is owned by Sapporo) yet they still produce awesome beer. This is their best.
Unibroue Trois Pistoles

About the only great 'Maple' beer there is:
Dieu du Ciel Équinoxe du Printemps

Just using Maple as an additive before fermentation doesn't work well; this type of sugar is too 'efficient'; it completely decomposes into alcohol and carbon dioxides, leaving no distinctive taste. So various other techniques can be used to give the beer a slight maple taste but all I have tried were really bad until this one. Get your hand on it if you can, it's awesome.

My guilty pleasure
Boddingtons Pub Ale

I don't want to brag, but when I taste a beer and judge it's great, checking it on ratebeer usually shows I ain't alone amongst beer aficionado thinking the same. But I really love Boddington, yet on this one the beer connoisseur community does not have my back. Never mind. Great pub beer IMO. I noticed that I systematically tend to rank 'honey' beers (those that use honey as a source of additional fermenting sugars) much higher than the rest of the world. They are never my absolute favorites but tend to be valued really highly as light beers to go with BBQs and such.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
I exercise for one reason, 1. The zombie hordes are coming, it's just a matter of when and where. Will your cardio be up to snuff? (Imagine me holding up one finger as I repeat 1. and pointing in a random direction, probably towards the horizon as I talk about the oncoming horde of zombies. It makes for a fun speech.)

Hands down one of the most fun movie I've seen in the past few years. The cardio bit really sold me on the rest of the movie.


First Post
@FourMonos, it's up there with Fight Club, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, How to Train Your Dragon, and the rest of my favorite movies.

Apparently I need to seek out and view this Walking Dead series, that sounds just up my alley.

@H.M.Gimlord, "Daddy, what's Dungeons & Dragons?" is a super warm fuzzy story! Unable to give exp for it though... :( I remember when my parents and grand-parents believed D&D was evil. It was easy to remedy, they were all reading Harry Potter at the time, which was having the same problem. After watching me play one of the D&D video games, they quickly stopped listening to the news about fantasy entertainment.

@Fyrm, I read the Drizz't series too, it was one of my first introductions to D&D.

[MENTION=834]Mal Malenkirk[/MENTION], Great list! I'll have to ask you about regional beers if I ever travel your way!
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'm Dr. stonegod, but I don't know medicine. I live in the US South (but I'm not from there) and teach and do research at a public university. They've even given me some awards for both. I get paid to draw pictures to save the world and teach about video games.

I've played some version of d&d since long before any of my freshman were born. Haven't stopped. I could make the argument that all the video games I play should be tax deducted, but I don't want to draw the IRS' ire.


First Post
Belgian style: Trois Pistoles
Brewed by Unibroue (Unibrew). These guys started small and are getting big (owned by Sleeman which is owned by Sapporo) yet they still produce awesome beer. This is their best.
Unibroue Trois Pistoles

My guilty pleasure
Boddingtons Pub Ale

I really enjoyed Unibroue's La Fin de Monde. The best beer I've had at one time was a Boddington's at an English pub in Spain. I admit there may have been a certain inebration effect, but I have yet to experience the taste and pleasure in any draft beer since.

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