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[OT] Lotr:FotR is now an Oscar winner

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First Post
Let there be much wailing and gnashing of teeth by Kiwi's, Aussies & Fantasy fans worldwide.

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I've said it before and will say it again. In the minds of the Academy, it's "one-third" of a movie. :(

On the bright side, it's likely to win more oscars in its three years than any other "series" of movies has ever (or possibly will ever) win. :)


First Post

LOTR:FOTR left tied with ABM with four awards apiece. This isn't bad at all. This is great, considering the Academy's hatred of genre films (of any kind) and its long-standing pattern of voting for films that perpetuate the sort of filmmaking that Hollywood stands for. Despite getting :):):):)ed over by the Academy so that it can mollify all sorts of groups and individuals who are too potent to ignore--unlike we geeks--it still came out tied with their poster child.

It's only going to get better from here. This was a victory, folks, not a defeat.


First Post
I wasn’t surprised by tonight’s outcome. With all of the buzz over the last few weeks I knew who was going to win what. It was “Academy Gift Night.” An attempt to make up for past oversights. Unfortunately that meant LOTR and Moulin Rouge didn’t really stand a chance at the big awards. For example,

Randy Newman – Nominated for the 16th time – first win tonight

Ron Howard – Nominated a hand full of times (Backdraft, Apollo 13, etc.) – first win and more times than not, the movie that wins best director also wins Best Picture (at least lately)

Both Halle Berry and Denzel Washington had great performances in “Monster’s Ball” and “Training Day”, but it was clear from all the buzz that the Academy was going to try and make up for a much overdue acknowledgement of the contributions of people of color in the film industry.

Although personally, I would have picked Wil Smith in “Ali” over Denzel. I thought Smith’s performance was better. While Ali might be easy to imitate, he would is very difficult to portray without turning him into some sort of characture of Ali. I thought Smith avoided that pretty well.

Jim Broadbent’s win over Ian McKellan was a complete surprise. I didn’t see “Iris”, so I can’t really comment whether it was deserved, but it must have been a heck of a performance to be better than McKellan’s. McKellan practically carried that movie on his back in some scenes. Broadbent has been in a lot of movies as a character actor, however, (He was in Iris, Bridget Jones’ Diary, and Moulin Rouge this year alone!) and his win kind of felt like a gift too.

Also, I wouldn’t hold my breath for 13 nominations again next year for the Two Towers. While of course there are exceptions (like Godfather II), the Academy doesn’t usually heap praise on sequels (yes, I know they were filmed all at the same time, but it is still a sequel).


First Post
Moulin Rouge is a great film and easily deserved those two awards (and a couple more for which it was not even nominated IMO), I agree that it's a victory for a fantasy movie to win any awards considering the bias, let alone tie for first place (yay!), and how could Memento not win for film editing? The editing in that film was really amazing and incredibly difficult to pull off I imagine.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
DarkCrisis said:
A fantasy movie never has or will win an oscar... a love story type film always wins best picture... its sucks but its true... I felt LOTR got jipped... especially for Ian for support actor and best song...

Did you really think Gladiator was a love story?


Reeks of Jedi
I wouldnt call Gladiator a fantasy movie either... I should have said drama instead of love story... and even then there are the rare exceptions...

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