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Hygor Haas

ALERT! The thread was created for anyone who loves optimization, combat fun and who wants to use powerful villain for high overpowered and epic adventures! (Players and DM's)
If you do not like this type of material and feel offended, please no toxic post, here is not your place, move on! ;)

Our group was defeated by a villain, we simply ignored the DM's warnings and it was TPK. After analyzing the build of the villain, we realized that we could not defeat him.
All this was the fault of one of our Wizard's group, said the Sorceres are a disgrace and defeat them.
Then the end of the Wizards and their allies began.

BACKGROUND: The birth of the Nameless King was a disaster, his parents were killed by a sudden explosion and snakes covered the baby like a throne. Camponents tried to kill the red-eyed, white-haired baby with an arrow, but a shield of energy blocked the attack (Shield Spell). The development of the orphan baby was a mystery, but he survived without any love and affection alone in the world. His name was Lucius Threvor.
The young red-eyed elf was not in the world around him, he was different from everyone, he felt a hatred ... But he always followed rules strictly, always manipulative and with an intimidating image.
The beginning of the end:
The young elf was taken to necromancy school to understand his power. But, his personality strength and arrogance did not accept the way they learned magic. His inability to learn large numbers of spells and his way of manipulating magic challenged school leaders. Expelled and humiliated by Wizard Balther with 6 powerful undeads around him, he fled the big city and hid in the darkness. Though humiliated, he worshiped the dark and deep eyes of sinister magic.
In the darkness, the chaotic power began to manifest, but he did not surrender, control and mold to his pleasure. After defeating defeating some opponents, he created his first skeleton with his already decomposing body. It was bone-shaped power.

With such power, he ventured into the depths, made powerful Pacts, and acquired powerful eyes that saw in the deepest darkness and powers ever imagined.
The villain loved to hide in the shadows as he watched his Undead devour the invaders of darkness.
When his power reached an unattainable level, he began mortal duels and learned defensive tactics and manipulation, Otherworldly Wings and the power of flying freely began to cause mass destruction.
Now with the bodies of the dead, he brought them back to serve him. Able to manipulate illusions, battle tactics and a legion of undead he destroyed and annihilated the school of necromancy, turning them all into new tools.
With his Temple, the surrogate ability to hide in the shadows and power of destruction he is advancing his troops to the end of those who abandoned him.
After long years, his name has been forgotten and is now known as "Nameless King", the killer of Wizards.

Nameless King​


Nameless King (Divine Soul Sorcerer 17 / Hexblade 3)


Medium humanoid (Wood Elf), Lawful Evil
Armor Class 29 (Shield +3, Robe of Archmagi, Shield Spell, +4 Dex)
Hit Points 145
Speed 30ft, Fly Speed 30ft
8 (-1)
18 (+4)
16 (+3)
8 (-1)
8 (-1)
16 (+3)

Saving Throws Cha+9, CON +9 (Advantage against Spells and other magical effects)
Skills Stealth +20 (+6 Proficiency +10 Pass without trace Spells + 4 dex, Darkness/Invisibility Advantage), Sleigh of Hand +10 (+6 proficiency +4 Dex), others skills doesnt deitaled

Damage Resistance: Ranged attack;
Immunities : Poison, Divination

Senses passive: Perception 15, See invisible
Magic Resistance: The Nameless King has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Ranged Attack Resistence. The Nameless has damage resistence against ranged damage.


The Nameless is an 17th-level Sorcerer and 3rd-level Warlock. Its
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit
with spell attacks).

Cantrips (at will):.Eldrich Blast, Mage Hand, Blade Ward, Prestidigitation, Guidance, Minor Image, Toll of Dead, Melding
1st level (4 slots): Cure Wounds, Shield, Sanctuary, Longstride (feat bonus)
2nd level (3 slots): See Invisible, Silence, Earth Bind, Pass without trace (feat bonus), Alter Self
3rd level (3 slots): Counterspell, Revify, Anime Dead, Major Image
4th level (3 slots): Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Freedom of Movement, Death Ward
5th level (3 slots): Planar Binding
6th level .(1 slot):
7th level (l slot): Teleport
8th level (l slot):
9th level (l slot): Wish

Ranged Weapon Attack (Oathbow): +13 to hit, reach 600 feet, one target. Hit: (1d8 +4 + Purple Worm Posion (DC 19, 42 average damage) piercing damage.

+3 Shield
Robe of The Archmagi
Periapt of Proof against Poison
Staff of Swarming Insects
Purple Worm Poison
Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location

Feature and Spells know:

Some Background Feature
Font Of Magic (17)
MM: Distant Spell
MM: Twin Spell
MM: Heightein Spell
MM: Subtle Spell
Divine Magic
Favor Of The Gods
Empowered Healing
Otherworldy Wings
Pact Magic
Eldritch Spear
Devil's Sight
Pact of the Blade
Hexblade's Curse
Hex Warrior
ASIs: Spell Sniper, Alert, War Caster, Wood Elf Magic
Warlock 4 Spells Know
Sorcerer 15 Spells Know

Don't know about Coffeelock ?

The Villain Active Spells:
Well, the DM was pretty clear. Coffeelock keeps steath and buffs when start an Attack/Defense . This is Coffeelock's signature. Then, Death Ward, Contingency: Teleport, Darkness, Sanctuary, Mirror Image, See Invisible and any other Spell Know. If the spells are over, he returns to his Temple of Gods for Short Rest.

Direct Combat tatic:


The NK and his Simulacrum is flying 1200' way and/or Stealth (+20 Stealth check and advantage, Darkness or Invisibility)

The NK's Attack:
Distant Metamagic + Spell sniper feat + Eldrich Spear (1.200 feet range). If the enemies is close enough, he casts Distant Dimension Door (1.000 feet)
If the enemies is within 600', The Simulacrum casts Distant Earth Bind. If Earth Binded, Silence Spells is devasting against spellcasters. The NK ignores silence effects with subtle spells.
Also, Simulacrum's Distant Silence + NK's Wish: Force Cage (Trapping the enemie and the NK) is devasting
If the enemy tries to use get cover, the villain will be stealth and the Undeads will attack them.
While the NK is steath, it can freely use his illusions and Subtle Enemies Abound, Subtle Earth Bind, Subtle Charm Person, Subtle Command to analyze the active buffs on the target.
Heightein Catapult (No verbal component): It's amazing on the battlefield, you can simply destroy walls, covers and give high damage from invaders while staying stealth. Fantastic.

Feeblemind or any save or suck : NK is protected by Heightein Sanctuary. Also, The Nameless King has acess to Greater Restauration Spell and Staff of Swarming Insects (No button and no concentration! ) and Programmed Illusion.

Globe of Invulnerability: The Simulacrum uses Oathbow (+13 attack roll + Advantage + 1d8 piercing + 4 Dex + 3d6 piercing damage) + Purple Worm Posion (DC 19 or take 42 average damage) = 59 average damage per shot.

Indirect Combat Tatic:


Master of Stealth, Dircord and Illusion:

The NK is able to create multiples Major Images (Permanent) and can use stealth action to move them. Flying Images against enemies unable to fly and if they fly, They will be vulnerable. He also used Wish: Programmed Illusion on condition of being attacked directly. Distant Casting Minor Image is useful to creat panic.
This further hinders the enemy from going on an alpha strike, forcing them to spend their teleports and exposing themselves.
Of course, meanwhile the Undeads are hungry.
The Nameless King can steal material component bag and spellbooks with Stealth and Sleigh of Hand.



The Nameless King and his Simulacrum casts Animate Dead, creating a horde of Undeads. The Nameless King prefer Archers and Low-level Mages:
Archers attack from long range and are always alert with perception checks to detect any approaching enemy.
Low-Level Mages casts Earth Bind and Magic Missales.
Undead don't walk together, they have a space between them, so, they are not an easy target for area spells.
Undeads destroy any cover available on the battlefield, to make the battlefield as open as possible. No places to hide or run away.

The Nameless King is the best Necromancer of the entire game.

Army of Hell:

The villain is extremely efficient when summoning demons, as Lawful Evil villain is extraordinarily organized and tyrant.

Why is he better than the others? Simple, Heightein Metamagic. The powerful fiends have an advantage over magic and are very powerful. At the same cost, the villain has the DOUBLE chance of being successful.
He is extraordinarily stealth and can infiltrate (Alter Self) between them and use Sutble Metamagic while using spells freely, making it impossible for enemies to identify the real villain.

The main tactic of the Fiends is to remove any synchrony between the group, to catch the attention of the group while the villain observes the perfect time of the attack. The fiends mages are efficient for counterspell and magic missiles, they are also invisible.


- Pit Fiend (Meteor Swarm?), focus on flying enemies.
- Arcanaloth:
- Alter self: Duplicate Villain at will, Invisibility at will, Magic Missale at will, MindBlank, Counterspell (Amazing against spellcasters) and others.
- Ultraloth dispel magic at will, Mass Sugestion, Invisibility at will and others
- Couatl: Greater Restauration and suporting


- Do not ignore the villain's defenses. How did you identify the true? How did you bypass Sanctuary? Is your character able to see the enemy? How to perceive the presence of the enemy? How did you defeat the Undead perception checks ? How to know the location or who is the enemy?

- Unearthed Arcane is disallowed (Obviouly).

- Wish dependent on DM approval, does not work.

- Teleport (Chance to fail) + Save of Suck (Counterspell) does not work if you do not respond how you beat the villain's defenses.

- The temple of the gods is very well hidden and its location is not obvious (you need be able to locate it), Mighty Fortress + Temple of the Gods work well together and the entire temple is protected by permanent Wall of Stones. Inside the temple has the most powerful Undeads ever alert. Inside the Temple is a Clone Spell.

- All villain equipment has Instant Summon Spell.



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Hygor Haas

No, it does work.
Our wizard could be a Drow and see through it. Could have See Invisible. Or any of the tricks our sorclock is using
Favoured of the Gods only works on one saving through until he has a short/long rest. Have two wizards use the same tactic.
He has his stats built to min-max, we can build our stats to min-max right back to break him. Additionally his illusions don't matter in this. He's walking over to try and telesteal, he needs to be in place. Just need someone with enough perception to catch him, and we're good. Or, y'know, just go full prepared and coat the ground with something that it'll be clear if he tries to walk in it. Given he's got 8 int 8 wis, its unlikely he'd pick up on it and be obvious.
You only need to win one roll against him to know he's there, and that's all we need.

He still needs to succeed on the counterspell, and he's in metal. Let me point out its entirely viable to burn a much, much higher spellslot on that and just roast him alive in a delicious barbeque

Well, Drow darkvision does not bypass Magical Darkness, so it does not work. See invisible spell has duration and wizards has limited daily spells. Suggestion Spells requires see the target.

2 Wizards attacking together, This is not a problem counterspell works well, just wonder how they will try to ignore Sanctuary and Villain's Illusions?

Staff of Chaming ignores that trick and Greater Restauration too ..

I doubt anyone can see a character with advantage and +26 stealth.

Also, Heat Metal is counterspellable, short range and pretty weak.
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First Post
Hi guys.

This dude is a troll.

(This is now the third thread he's made with this exact build/concept. How many threads dies he need for one topic?)

He's been banned at least three times from GitP, twice for this *exact* thread which he posted last weekend.

His tactics seem to be to post an "invincible" build and challenge people to beat it, then change build/tactics as people come up with ideas that work. He always posts an image in the OP.

Many different examples were shown to work when he posted this last weekend on GitP (notice how he was absent from this forum last weekend? It's cause he was posting over there).

The .odd banned him after one day, and then he made a new account, pretended to be someone else, and kept posting. Mods banned him again and then deleted the thread.

Here's the build that he ended up with over there: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1409119

That's the sheet that JNAProductions managed to create from all the little hints the OP gave, because unlike here he never actually posted a build over there.

Unfortunately for him, he hinted that he posted this over here to, and low and behold here it is. So I'm here to warn you all that this is a troll and he's been banned for doing this exact same thing over here.

Two points of note to recognise him: his English is second language, and he ignores a lot of rules in order to "win."

Here are some other things that made me recognise that he's the same person:

1) similar language in this build compared to the build JNA made (linked above)
2) Removal of metal armor to counter the heat metal idea
3) Addition of protection from poison AND purple worm poison to counter the champion archer build which used poison against him. I'll note that his simulacrum bis now using this exact same idea as the champion which killed him and his Sim in a single round before he had a chance to act.
5) Mention of globe of invulnerability, which was a tactic used to beat him
6) Changing tactics - note how much the build changed from the other thread he posted on En World. He was using earth bind, now he's a necromancer. He was using darkness, now invisibility. Also note that the time difference between his previous thread and this thread perfectly accommodates the time for him to post and get banned (twice) on GitP.
7) Lots of spelling mistakes and grammar errors
8) Always posts a picture with OP
9) Declares "Nope! That doesn't work!" against tactics that work due to his misunderstanding the rules or changing the build.

Heck, in the last thread, he tried to claim that a +3 shield and +3 Armor were not magic items. Or that Dispel Magic is an Attack, and therefore is stopped by sanctuary.

The guy is well known enough on GitP that some of our frequent posters instantly recognised the tactic and called him out as a previously banned user.

And now he's here trying to troll En World with the exact same thing.

Ignore him. Close the thread.

Hygor Haas

Snip noob

This guy is using drugs! What are you talking about, man?
Giant of forum? Wait? Similar Build?? Any Coffeelock build is simular, but, It isn't similar compared to Nameless King.
Look how absurd? Dispel is a harmful spell, so sanctuary works normally. From what seems you who is troll.
Drugs !

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Hi guys.

This dude is a troll.

Two points of note to recognise him: his English is second language, and he ignores a lot of rules in order to "win."

I only read a post or two. My thought was..."Oh, great. Another munchkin who thinks that the English languages' ability to have multiple ways to say something and multiple ways to interpret each of those multiple ways somehow lets him "win" the game". I've been at this RPG thing a long time. I've seen many MANY munchkins, power gamers, min/maxers, whatever you want to call 'em. They are ALWAYS the same. Every. Single. Time. When DM'ing them they start with a big fat smile on their face...thinking they made an 'unkillable/unbeatable' character. The game starts. First time then encounter something they start with their "list of steps to win" (see OP's first post about what spells are cast 'pre-combat' and all that). The second round they move to their second step...and this is where the DM says "Hold on...", reads a thing or two in the books, then says "Er, ok, but that will kill off your [spell/item/ability/action]", and then the munchkin launches into why HE is correct and why the DM is incorrect.

It is at this point that the munchkin usually realizes that if the DM is going to run is game by being an "a-hole" (re: a good DM adjudicating the situation and making a judgement call for the betterment of the continuing campaign and other players at the table), then the other 38 'tricks' he built his character to do just isn't going to work. They then do one of any number of things:

1. Leave in a huff, telling everyone how 'stupid' and how 'crappy' the DM and his players/game is.

2. Give up and start to reply to the DM's questions about anything with "Whatever...I attack with my dagger"; usually in hopes of getting his character killed so that he can spend the next 4 hours of the session doing what he actually enjoys most about the game...optimizing a PC.

3. Get annoyed, but keep playing normally; then use some excuse or just out right tell the DM the game isn't for him so he's quitting.

4. Get annoyed, but after playing 'normally' for the session, be surprised at how much fun he and everyone else seems to have had without such a min/maxed PC. (N.B.: This rarely happens. When it does...KEEP THAT PLAYER! One of my players was like this when I first started playing with him...total munchkin; after playing with me as DM and our group for a few sessions he "got it"; Benefit to the group - excellent knowledge of spells, races, class abilities, etc [mechanics, in other words]).

The OP? I'm gonna say....#3. He doesn't seem overtly hostile to people poking holes in his "build", but he seems to be blind to how "a real campaign works run by a real DM".

So, er...yeah. Thanks for the Troll Alert there mgshamster! :)


Paul L. Ming


This guy is using drugs! What are you talking about, man?
Giant of forum? Wait? Similar Build?? Any Coffeelock build is simular, but, It isn't similar compared to Nameless King.
Look how absurd? Dispel is a harmful spell, so sanctuary works normally. From what seems you who is troll.
Drugs !


This is the third thread you've made on this

Yes, you're being a troll.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Let's not call people names, please. If you're not interested in the thread, it's easy enough to move on. As far as I can see it's perfectly harmless, albeit not in the Optimization forum, which is where it's being whisked off to as we speak.


First Post
There are so many things wrong with the character you've built that indicate you've either missed elements of the rules, or you don't understand them in the first place, but let's start with the most amusing one: You forgot to give the character Aspect of the Moon and spent their invocations on other things, so any would-be slayers just have to wait for them to keel over from exhaustion at avoiding all those long rests.

Hygor Haas

There are so many things wrong with the character you've built that indicate you've either missed elements of the rules, or you don't understand them in the first place, but let's start with the most amusing one: You forgot to give the character Aspect of the Moon and spent their invocations on other things, so any would-be slayers just have to wait for them to keel over from exhaustion at avoiding all those long rests.

Greater Restauration Spell = No exaustion.

The build doesnt need Aspect of the Moon.

Also, I'm open to tips.

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As long as i get to be the frog
The following is the sorcerory point cost of maintining the following villain buffs:

sanctuary - 1440 sorcerory points per 24 hours
darkness/invisibility - 24 sorcerory points per 24 hours
deathward - 18 sorceroy points per 24 hours
mirror image - 4320 per 24 hours
see invisibility - 24 sorcerory points per 24 hours
contingency(revivify) - I'll touch on this one later

That means it takes 5826 sorcerory points per 24hr day to keep up all his buffs all the time. He only has 2 short rest slots that are both at 2nd level. Each hour he can create 4 sorcerory points if he short rests.

He would need 1,456.5 hours of rest to give him one day full of buffs. That equates to 60.6875 Days of rest.

For every year of rest the villain could have right at 6 full days of being fully buffed. It would require 5 years of straight rest to maintain a month of buffs. It would take 60 years of straight rest to maintain 1 years worth of buffs.

This isn't counting any time the villain uses his spells/sorcerory points for anything else. Anytime he uses subtle spell. Any time he uses any spell at all. Any time he spends spell slots on animate dead. (Depending on how many undead he wants this could be a big expense).

The point is if this villain ever long rests they lose all their prestocked sorcerory points and it will take them years to be prepared to venture out again.

The second thing of note is that Simulcarum cannot ever regain expended spell slots. It's right there in the spell description. It's also a 7th level spell. The villain cannot recharge 6-9th level spells without a long rest and if he long rests he will lose all pre-accumulated sorcerory points. Thus taking him years to prepare them again. This makes the simulcarum of limited use to the villain.

Basically half the villains tricks don't work right out the gate because of this. You no longer can keep Pass Without Trace and Invisibility/Darkness up at the same time indefinitely. (Simulcarum will run out of spell slots and can't replenish them).

Also you cannot keep up contingency since it only lasts 10 days and you will not recharge long rest slots and can't recharge level 6+ spells any other way. You cannot keep casting new simulcarums for the same reason.

I'd say your villain is broke beyond repair and you need to go back to the drawing board to figure out what buffs and tricks he can actually keep up indefinitely.

Voidrunner's Codex

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