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OOC - From the Outside


I have just bought a copy of Dungeon World and after an initial read find myself wanting to see it run.

I am thinking 4-5 characters, first level, fantasy setting - something pretty generic. Enworld's To Slay a Dragon is one option. There are also several DW adventures available which are another option. Feel free to add your own suggestions.

Owning a copy of the game is not required. According the wikipedia; The full rules for Dungeon World can be found on the Dungeon World SRD, which appears to be the case.

Any interest?


Update 15 April 2014: So the plan is three players with two characters each for a party of six. Currently, we have one remaining player position available. The setting is still being decided (so there is still room to help shape it). But so far it is trending towards a fairly standard medieval world with a group of fairly non-standard characters; outsiders, outcasts, etc. Check out the rest of the thread if you are interested, or even just curious.

Update 17 April 2014: We now have three. Now all we have to do is decide on what we are doing.
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Just finished a quick readthrough and those are some nice streamlined rules there. I'd be interrested. Say an always dour fighter predicting doom at every turn and yet doing it anyways?

For an adventure, how about Knives in the Dark? Or, if we want to start up a bit above 1st level, The Third Verse in the same series looks really cool.


Hey Binder Fred.

The game does look nice and streamlined. I quite like the look of what I saw.

I had a look at the Adventures that you suggested. I would be inclined to start with the first one at first level. Some good ideas in there. But they looked a bit mixed. One had a ogre living in a temple under a house in a town, from where he apparently emerges at night to steal children. And no one noticed the ogre prowling around town? or the missing children? or the smoke from his fire coming through the floorboards? That been said I get the feeling that the adventures will be pretty quick and dirty, easy come, easy go.


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Haven't read beyond the web-posted blurb on this one (don't want to spoil myself :) ), but yeah, I've generally found that it's a rare, rare module that doesn't require at least some tweaking by the DM.

In this perticular case... Well medieval villages pretty much closed down entirely after dark, each house transforming into a small, barred fortress, so I have no problems with people not having seen the prowling ogre per se (or those seeing him either only catching a glimpse or dying by his hands shortly thereafter). His kidnappings would have to be quick smash-and-grabs into those barred houses, gone with his prey before the neighbourhood can react to the noise. The fire-smoke is a bit more problematic... Is it possible the temple has it's own chimney or a connection to an existing one? Then it's a matter of spotting yet another smoke plume, at night, and identifying it as suspiscious for some reason (i.e. much harder to do). After the first one or two kidnappings, the town SHOULD be litteraly buzing with rumours though, granted -- quickly followed by hurried defense/prevention efforts by parents, first defensive (grouping together, re-inforcing, arming-up), then offensive (militia sweeps during the day and hiring adventurers to patrol at night? ;) ).


In this perticular case...

Hah. That's pretty much the line of thought I followed.

It doesn't look like there is much interest, so it may all be academic anyway. That said, if the players were interested, playing two PC's each is an option. It would allow us to to put together a party of 4 with just 1 more player. I have just finished running two PC's in one game and am in the middle of DCC funnel (in which each player starts with 4 zero level characters). Playing two characters offers an interesting new dimension, and if the game is simple, doesn't add much work.


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
No problems with that. I'll start looking for a second playbook to play.

Re players, Leif was looking for a new game a little while back... Would you be interrested, [MENTION=48762]Leif[/MENTION]?

EDIT= Maybe updating the first post to what's going on (with a copy of the adventure blurb?) and the thread title to include "[RECRUITING]" could help too?
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Yeah, I might be interested, but I don't have as much time free now as I did back then. How about if we each play one spellcaster and one other character? I'll play the cleric if there are no objections. sorry it took me so long to respond. I saw this some time ago, but didn't answer for some unknown reason. Good thing you edited the post where I was summoned!


Maybe updating the first post to what's going on (with a copy of the adventure blurb?) and the thread title to include "[RECRUITING]" could help too?

I went with Checking Interest rather than recruiting because I was wary of committing to a game before getting a sense of commitment to participating. I have been in a couple of OSR/Retro/Variant games that have all died the death of a thousand silences punctuated by weak excuses along the lines that 'my email notifications weren't working'. Really, how hard is it to log in and check your Control Panel or the Playing the Game forum for new posts?

I think two players/four characters is doable (as would be 3 and 6 if it came to that). But again, we get back to the commitment. With just 2 players, it only takes one to fall by the wayside and the game kind of grinds to a halt. Its not about posting rate, 3-4 a week can be sufficient. And I understand that life gets in the way at times. It happens to all of use. Its about making the effort to post when you can, and also to push the game forward with each post.

That said (and off my chest), I would love to give it a go. So if you are still interested (after my grumpy-old-man routine) I will switch the thread title to "Recruiting" and we can look to pick up one more. More players than that and I think we would have to go back to 1 character each. Let me know your preference; max at 3 players/6 characters * or * take more players (say up to 6) and switch to 1 character each at 4+ players.

Meanwhile (and assuming), I was thinking of something along the following lines:

1. A quick description of two character concepts you want to try and how they relate. Usually I don't mind if there are multiple characters of the same class. But in this case I think a different class for each character will give us a better idea of how the game plays.

2. Once we know who we have, we sort out how all the characters relate and why they are working/travelling together.

If we get that far, then I will pick a couple of options for an adventure (feel free to make suggestions), we select one, and then we will kick off.

Over to you.


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Leif: Sure, the cleric spot is yours. Speaking of, don't know if you're aware but Jacob Randolph also made a more 'freestyle' version called the Priest which you might like. His Mage playbook was way too powerful, by his own admission, but this one is rather nice, I think.

Copying his base moves below to give you a taste:

[sblock=Priest starting moves]You serve and worship some deity, who grants you power. Give
your god a name (maybe Helferth, Sucellus, Zorica or Krugon
the Bleak) and define your deity's domain by filling in each answer:
• Controls (the sun, the seas, the skies): ___________________
• Represents (love, death, war, wind): _____________________
• Worshippers (nobles, dwarves, wizards): _________________
• Enemies (demons, undead, heretics): ____________________
• Demands (sacrifices, secrets, victory): ___________________

When you call out for your deity's aid in a time of need, choose a Blessing and roll +WIS.
On a 10+, your deity will intervene on your behalf - the GM will tell you how. On a 7-9,
your deity will grant your Blessing, but you will also need to choose a Requirement.
• Your invocation manipulates the realm your deity Controls.
• Your invocation commands something your deity Represents.
• Your invocation bolsters your deity's Worshippers.
• Your invocation rebukes your deity's Enemies.
• Your invocation is obvious and immediate, drawing attention to you.
• The intervention is subtle or takes a while to manifest.
• Your deity demands something in return. The GM will tell you what.
• The divine experience leaves you dizzy with euphoria (or terror). You take -1 ongoing
to Invoke until you have time to pray quietly for a while.

Divine Ward
When you call upon your deity for protection for yourself or an ally, roll +WIS. On a
10+, grant two of the following effects to the subject of your prayers. On a 7-9, grant one,
and your prayers draw unwanted attention.
• Heal 1d8 damage
• Take +2 Armor forward
• Take +1 forward to Defy Danger
• An approaching enemy is driven back

Lead the Flock
When you preach to a mob, roll +CHA. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a miss,
the mob turns on you. Spend your hold 1-for-1 on the following:
• bring people forward and deliver them to you.
• bring forward all their precious things.
• unite and fight for you.
• fall into a frenzy of emotion: joy, sorrow, or rage, as you choose.
• go quietly back to their lives.[/sblock]
Doghead: Both myself and Leif have a pretty good record of sticking with things, I think (and in Leif's case that's actually quite an understatement :)). If you do go ahead, my vote would be for the "2 characters until we hit XXX players" framework.

RE characters, right now I'm considering the aformentionned dour Fighter for my first character, giant sword included, and maybe a fae Changeling for my second - always concealed under billowy cloak and large hood, with just his beaky nose sometimes falling into the light; voice is a hoarse whisper - with one important tweak if I could? Instead of taking:

  • Pixies: You gain insect wings that allow you to fly.

for his mixed-blood option, I'd like to substitute the homemade:

  • Splinterwaif: Splintery wooden "hairs" poke through your clothing, allowing you to cling to surfaces.
Basically swapping flight for spiderclimb.

What do you think?

(Don't know if you have access to that particulat playbook. If not, let me know and we can work something out.)


So what class would your changeling emulate, BF? Should my 2nd character be a thief or a magic-user? Or maybe I should make my second dude an unusual, quasi-monster-type, too? maybe a centaur quasi-ranger?

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