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Ohio Game Day Report with Pictures


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Although I could only stay for the first event, I really enjoyed myself. Thanks, DanMcS, for your great d20 Modern intro. And thanks to my fellow Shadow Chasers for an often hilarous adventure in and around the buildings of OSU.

Don't forget what we learned, ok?

1. Yes, the portal is bi-directional.
2. Chasing after an elven hero will make you very, very hungry.
3. The giant sloth statue is NOT your enemy.
4. If your geology professor asks you to join a harmless little club, say NO!
5. Throwing a weighted net from the open door of a speeding van is not as hard as it looks.
6. Claiming that you know everything will only cause your companions to ignore everything you say.

And, most important of all,

7. Search the lake. Cthulhu is always hanging around the lake.


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"Insert Title here"
Quartermoon said:
Although I could only stay for the first event, I really enjoyed myself. Thanks, DanMcS, for your great d20 Modern intro. And thanks to my fellow Shadow Chasers for an often hilarous adventure in and around the buildings of OSU.

Don't forget what we learned, ok?

1. Yes, the portal is bi-directional.
2. Chasing after an elven hero will make you very, very hungry.
3. The giant sloth statue is NOT your enemy.
4. If your geology professor asks you to join a harmless little club, say NO!
5. Throwing a weighted net from the open door of a speeding van is not as hard as it looks.
6. Claiming that you know everything will only cause your companions to ignore everything you say.

And, most important of all,

7. Search the lake. Cthulhu is always hanging around the lake.


"Ebyn Knows, oh yes, Ebyn knows. Do you doubt Ebyn's Word??"
- Ebyn St. Claire, Shadow Hunter and general pain in the buttox:)
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You'll have his email address by tomorrow at the latest.

Don't forget that a swift kick to the head (at least when executed by Mei Lin) often deals more damage than a Glock. Running with several arrows penetrating your torso ain't easy. And poking a frightened time traveler with arrows isn't considered good form!! BTW, how was the dinner party?

Lrd Apoc:
Sorry about spelling your username incorrectly earlier -- I've fixed the error. And did you happen to read the fine print on Ebyn's business card? It said, "Narcissistic oaf and self-aggrandizing goofball extraordinaire." :p

Clear Dragon

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Besides, it's not every day you get to roleplay an a**kicking female gnomish barbarian!!

Who can't hold her liquor and wets herself!!

Just repeating what I said in the other thread. Thanks to Crothian for suggesting and doing a lot of the organization. Thanks to the DM's, Mr Fidgit for the Burritos, Whoever brought the Krispy Kremes, and to HAL of MEG for supplying the prizes, and to everyone who came and played with an enthusiasm that was quite contagious. Perhaps everyone who posts could put in a quick blurb about what events they were in and who the played to help those like me who can't remember a name more than 3 seconds after hearing it.


Gramm-O-Fon in Paranoia
Dell the Cleric in Whispering Woodwind
Old Crazy Pete in the Swashbuckling Game


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Re: Ohio Game Day Report

Crothian said:

Lastly, but never least, I want to thank Clay for the bumper stickers that evewryone got and for the Die Roller that was given to one of the DMs.

my pleasure for sure, i hope it was fun, and i am so sorry i missed it.

anyone else who is running a game day feel free to contact em for support :)


The game day was fantastic. The players for my morning Modern game were great, and did such a good job creating character in just that four-hour game session. The Fire Giant game was fun, and quite a lot of it was spent saying "you did how much damage in one round?" to the other players, and laughing as Alex bemoaned the way we mistreated his poor villains. I won a prize for most NPCs detonated :)

The swashbuckling game was a hoot, even though we only got through the first encounter. I didn't know enough french to stay completely in character, so the Captain was stuck exclaiming 'sacre bleu' (which I learned from Beauty and the Beast) and berating the crew. I (my crew was also there) took on a pack of wererats, goblins, and wierd dogs with porcupine quills, and I think we got them all, but more importantly, I did it with panache. And that's what really counts.


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This was a blast! I got to play Paranoia again after I played it the first time about 8 years ago I believe. It is a great way to blow off steam. I had to get things rolling by blowing away our Team Leader in the first 2 minutes for destroying computer property, ashockney didn't seem to mind too much.:D And of course starting the laser battle in R&D (like that wasn't going to happen!) Thanks to Enkhidu for running it and to Piratecat for writing it. I believe Crothian and I wanted to make sure we thanked Piratecat profusely for writing it. Especially for Drac-U-Laa. Yeah.

Thanks for the burritos Mr. Fidgit, didn't really get to talk to you, but thanks anyway!

Hunting Fire Giants was a great time. My Barbarian/Sorcerer worked out well. Of course I made him to kill giants not survive a Slay Living spell from a high powered Mage (if that's what she was). I believe I was the only one to go down, oh well.

I of course enjoyed shooting at everything that moved (well, that didn't really move very fast or stayed in place long enough while I reloaded) in the swashbuckling campaign with my bomblaster and handkegs. I was playing a gnome that had invented gun powder. I was giving them what for!

And thanks to everyone in the last game for waiting while we got Adriaticos. I had it again for lunch yesterday.

Again, this was a blast and we'll most certainly have to do it again! Special thanks to Crothian for organizing!


First Post
Wow! What a great day we had!

Thanks to everyone for making it so excellent.

In Paranoia, it was my pleasure to play Can-O-Bul, the troubleshooting team leader (with a mutant ability to eat ANYTHING, although I restrained myself on the lunchpail...). I have only played Paranoia once before, but I knew we were in for a good time when Fett527 read from the combat rules, "Your ability and skills mean nothing...you tell the GM what you hope to accomplish, and the more entertaining it is, the more likely your GM will allow it to be successful." I can definitely work with that! The hysterics ensued. I particularly enjoyed the "unexpected gunbattle" while in R&D. Can there be such a thing as an "unexpected gunbattle" in a game called "Paranoia"?!?!? P-Kitty should know we were wearing our gas masks, of course! :rolleyes:

I ran the Return to the Hall of the Fire Giant King, based largely on Gary Gygax's fantastic third in the series of Against the Giants Modules. For those unfamiliar, it is a dungeon crawl in the highest sense, particularly in a time crunch like this one-shot. The players did an excellent job, and used very sound tactics throughout, which helped them to keep their heads. In all, 17 Fire Giants, King Snurre, Queen Fruppy, and her pet 12-headed Lernean Pyrohydra Stubby were all dispatched without hesitation or remorse. After a little trouble getting past a Greater Glyph of Slay Living, the party encountered very tough 3rd Edition versions of Eclavdra (Drow Cleric), her undead pets, and Obmi (Dwarven Fighter/Thief). At the conclusion, they emerged victorious, in spite of the difficulty of this encounter. Congratulations to all the excellent players. I hope you enjoyed it!

I was really surprised at how many people in my event commented that this was the first time they had ever played this a high a level in third edition...ever! Wow! That would be a great poll, for anyone who knows how to build one. "What's the highest level you've played in 3rd Edition?"

Krispy Kreme, Chipotle, and Adriatico's Pizza were all excellent! Thanks to Mr. Fidgit and Fett527 for the hookup!

I got some good digital pictures which I'll email to Crothian today from the event so everyone else can see this madcap crew.

I'm looking forward to doing it again sometime!

Good Gaming!


First Post
Wow, I really had a great time and there are many people to be thanked, so let me get started.

1) Thank You Mr. Fidgit for the Burritos, the wife and I love Chipolte's.

2) Thank You Clay for the Dice Roller, it is awesome! I won the award as the best DM*, and I appreciate it very much. (*BY the way Best DM means I rolled higher on a D20 than the other DM's. It is only fitting to give an award for who rolls the highest.)

I will try to post a picture of it here to show everyone.

3) Thank You Crothian for arranging the activities and for the Whispering Woodwinds campaign, my Half-orc bard and I had a blast, before and after the bean incident. Aurora also loved the game although it took her some time to get over her shyness.

I have recieved a copy of the module but I won't read it till we finish the game. I would hate to ruin the illusion of what the flute might do to us.

Best Lines: "Its the shell game, just tell me where the little red ball is and win some gold."

"Its in your belt pouch."

"Ummm....best 2 outta 3?"

4) Thank you creative mountain games for all the wonderful modules , I can't wait to use them.

5) Thank you to all my Swashbuckling players, I had a great time DMing, even if we did only get through one fight...one 2 1/2 hour fight. You guys made an old sea dog's day with your flashy moves and utter destruction of all that was around you.

Great lines: (Besides 'sacre bleu')

"Can I parry with the were-rat?"

"My armor class is 18 plus the were-rat"

"Since they all climbed out, I stay behind and make combat noises and shout back that more thieves have arrived but I can handle them!"

I will also post the characters on-line for those of you who requested a copy of their character, and I will be hoisting part two of the game when next we meet. Maybe we can finish a second fight.

6) Fellowship of the flute, Thank you for helping to create a wonderful party of misfits to adventure with and protect the Bard.

Also Quickbeam if you need a place to crash for the next event, so you don't have to worry about travel time as much, you and friends are welcome to stay with Aurora and myself, we have plenty of room.

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