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Office of the Harbourmaster


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"I ain't much fer forms, why don't we just cut to the chase?" Murphy asks, as he leans against the far wall, cleaning his finger nails with the tip of the dagger.

"Very important, forms," grunts the clerk. "Have to know where the money's going."

"Right, right, I hate 'em too," says Captain Torian. "But we gotta keep records. Price o' doin' business.

I think four's enough to get on with. Can't hang around all night waitin' fer more if we want to make the tide. You all just fill those out, an' then if yer all acceptable I'll tell ya what's goin' on."

Need to hit the sack, so I'll post the complete briefing in the morning and get the thread rolling for real. After that I'll try to post at least once a day, although I have a few deadlines at work coming up that may take precendence. I'll try to give you advance warning if I need to miss a day.

The forms are just for flavour - if you don't RP filling them out, I'll just assume it's done to the city's satisfaction unless you specifically state you're not doing it.

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"Very important, forms," grunts the clerk. "Have to know where the money's going."

"Right, right, I hate 'em too," says Captain Torian. "But we gotta keep records. Price o' doin' business.

I think four's enough to get on with. Can't hang around all night waitin' fer more if we want to make the tide. You all just fill those out, an' then if yer all acceptable I'll tell ya what's goin' on."


"Well if it's a must, I s'pose I can do it." Murphy sighs, taking the forms from the others and looks them over.

Name: Murphy Tang
Age: 27
Profession: Adventurer
Kin/Beneficiary: Deceased/Staff of the Hanged Man
Employment: Looking.

"Well that ain't so hard" Murphy says triumphantly as he hands over the forms in triplicate to the Captain. "Now, you were saying?"


First Post
The captain takes the stack of forms and looks over them briefly before passing them to the clerk. "Looks in order," he says. "We 'ave to make sure we don't hire the same people over an' over again, y'see. Th' mayor insists on it - need to spread the work around an' not depend on a single group anymore. In this case, tho' - only four o' ye, we can't afford to turn anyone away." The clerk nods.

"So, here's what's going on..." The captain unrolls a huge nautical chart, covered with lines interweaving in complex patterns that make your head spin. "This here charts the most important of the drifting rocks and isles between here an' the Near Lands - the ones we know about, at least. A few weeks ago, a new island drifted into the sea lanes, around this point here. Nothin' new about that, you chart it an' adjust yer routes, but this one's brought trouble with it. It's shrouded in winter, an' it's playin' havoc with the seas around it."

"To be more precise," interjects Alanax, "The island radiates intense cold, causing the sea around it to freeze. Chunks of ice have broken off and begun drifting on the currents, forming dangerous obstacles. Occasionally, sailors have reported ice chunks as big as ships! And the effect is getting worse - the island is drifting closer to Daunton" -- Captain Torian slashes a line across the map with his charcoal to illustrate -- "and the zone of cold is growing larger as well."

"This is obviously a magical effect of some sort. We've tried to dispel it from a safe distance, but none of our rituals have had any success. We need to land someone on the island to investigate."

"'At's right," says Captain Torion. "Me own ship, the Kraken's Grasp, stands ready with a bold crew. We'll force our way through the ice pack around the island an' land you as close to the shore as we can get, then stand to at a safe length an' wait fer yer signal. Yer job is to find out what's causin' the spell of winter, an' break the spell if possible, or return with enough details fer our weather mages to make a counter-spell if not."

"We've got three an' a half hours to the evening tide, so we've got that long to get affairs in order if we want to set out today - which I recommend. Then it's two days journey to our goal, so I hope you've got the knack of sleepin' on shipboard - wouldn't do to get there faint from exhausting. Har!'

"Any questions?"

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First Post
"Very important, forms," grunts the clerk. "Have to know where the money's going."

"Right, right, I hate 'em too," says Captain Torian. "But we gotta keep records. Price o' doin' business.

I think four's enough to get on with. Can't hang around all night waitin' fer more if we want to make the tide. You all just fill those out, an' then if yer all acceptable I'll tell ya what's goin' on."

The door bangs open as a tall, lithe elf with a burnt cloak, blonde hair and a scar running from the bottom of his jaw up into the hairline of his long golden locks bursts into the room.

You can see the bulge of a quiver and a from under the cloak, and a hardwood lute slung over the front of his tunic, attached with a leather strap somehow.

Ah, sorry! He says, gingerly pulling the door closed.

I heard that the mayor was in need of some... assistance? He trails off seeing the room full of adventurers hunched over... paperwork?

Have I, uh, come to the right place?


First Post
Captain Torion looks up. "Ah, good, a fifth! That'll make things easier - don' wanna be short of manpower. I'm Captain Torion, an' I'm in charge o' the expedition. Ye just missed the briefing, so I'll make things simple - we're goin' to a mysterious island to break a spell of eternal winter." He shoves a form into the newcomer's hands. "Pay's 100 gold apiece. If yer joinin' us, fill that out for our records an' welcome aboard. We leave in three hours. I can fill ye in on what ye've missed on board."

[sblock="OOC"]That's three hours game time, not real-time, of course.[/sblock]


First Post
Murphy will wait around casually pumping the others for information about either themselves, or rumours they've heard, etc.

If he's asked if he needs to make any other preperations he answers "Nope, got everything I need right here" as he flips his dagger casually and his eyes briefly flash a deep purple.


First Post
Janus eye's the new arrival with open curiosity. Then scans the other volunteers.

"We have the making of a fine group, Captain. Your Mayor shall be made proud of your judgement in hiring us."

Janus then, having already completed the paper works chat's with Murphy, telling him of his journey to Daunton on the Sea Mynx. When the others have finished he will pesonally great each warmly in the traditional Harsiv way.
(A deep bow from the waist. The ancient ritual of exchanging of rats has been forsaken due to incidents of plague outbreaks. )


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Larinza looks over the form and quietly fills it out.

Name: Larinza Tsani
Age: 17
Profession: None/Sellsword
Kin/Beneficiary: General Abrahim Tsani of the Imperim (retired)
Employment: Apprihended Hoofchew for the Church of Lauto

"So I suppose that I will be required to purchase winter clothes? or will that be provided?"


First Post
"So I suppose that I will be required to purchase winter clothes? or will that be provided?"

"We've got plenty of furs loaded on the ship for ye, but if ye've any other requests, make 'em now. 'Specially if any of ye have cold weather experience. At these latitudes, we don't usually deal with such extremes."

Murphy, roll Persuasion Diplomacy to find out what your gossiping nets you.
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"You make a good point Larinza, but we will need more than just warm clothes. If this island is truly locked in a state of perpetual winter, we may well need survival gear like climbing gear, warm tents, a halfing cook, sled dogs, sleds, Yeti repellant, skis, snow shoes, aerial reconnaissance images, GPS (Ground Pinpointing Spells), All weather fire starters (Actually thats me) anything I missed?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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