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New Setting Element, Arcane Society for PC's


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Thanks Fragsie!

Wiki entry up

Anybody can add or fix, it's public.

So far it sounds like 5 total members, if something gets posted somewhere that a member should see, I'll post a link to it here in the OOC of the society.

Veruzak is coming back through from Bacarte to finish filing paperwork with Daunton, he can run into Morvannon, while Kamotz and Vrrsk't are sparring.

Georg can have run into Veruzak on the way to Daunton's clerk for notarizing.

Feel free once you're a member to recruit new members!

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This is definitely something my warlock Cheysuli would be interested in joining, just have to wait until she returns from the Jade Kingdom.


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My warlock, Alek, might want to join this, but because he began an adventure already there isn't a way to do this IC.


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which adventure is Alek in? I can try to talk with your DM and see what kind of IC way to do this we can find.

Morvannon will be easy for me, because he is traveling with my other character so I know he'll eventually end up at the Temple Lauto.

Georg is a little more difficult, because I don't know where he is at all...

when Cheysuli gets back from the Jade Kingdom, The Hanged Man Tavern will have something to trigger a possible recruitment opportunity. (I've got an idea, but don't want to reveal everything yet...)


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Georg's in the tavern, just grab him before my addy starts. With the chaos in the tavern, not sure how long until mine will start/


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Well, Veruzak orignally proposed the society in the tavern before Blight Makes Right started (IIRC), you could just retcon it to say you joined then, offscreen. Or he could wait and find out about it when he gets back to town.


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NPC Igors will be taking care of all of The Arcane Institute of Cipher's business. If you signed up with The Institute for Arcane Ciphers, and did not meet Veruzak, your character met an Igor (ala Terry Pratchet). DM's please feel free to RP this join up if you'd like! If you do I'd love to read it, so let me know where I can find it! (I know I'm awful for not reading every adventure...)

Veruzak may not even know you are a member yet, as he isn't always aware of the roster. (he is an adventurer)

I'm thinking of giving the group some off camera NPC sponsors, maybe even opening a research center on Daunton...

Anybody who has joined or is thinking of joining that has ideas in that vein?
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Love the concept

Very neat, and after a few days of lurking, I'm going to pull together a wizard and dive right in. Of course, I am loathe to join any society that would have me as a member...

Voidrunner's Codex

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