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Dragonlance New Item: Glasses of True Seeing (Dragonlance)

Glasses of True Seeing
Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)

Wire frames made of brass cradle two ruby colored lenses. Looking at the lenses, strange runes form and fade as you watch. The glasses have 6 charges, and will receive 1d4+2 charges at the beginning of each day. If you expend all of the charges in the glasses, they will not operate for 1d4+2 days.

Darkvision 60’ (no charges). The glasses allow the wearer to see as if they had darkvision. This ability does not require attunement. If the wearer already has darkvision, then the glasses extend their darkvision by 60'

Comprehend Languages (1 charge). Allows the wearer to cast Comprehend Languages that lasts for 1 hour. This only works for written languages and allows the wearer to read magical writing (such as from scrolls) as if they were a spellcaster of the same level. This requires attunement to use.

True Seeing (4 charges). This allows the wearer to cast True Sight as the spell.

Wearing these glasses for more than 4 hours a day will cause the wearer to suffer from a splitting headache that lasts until they’ve had a full rest. This headache causes disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
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First Post
I think it would be more in line with other items if, instead of having 1d4+2 charges that resets each day, it has 6 charges, and gains 1d4+2 each day, since that encourages not using it all each day, since you don't know how much you will get back the next day. If it resets, it doesn't do this. Also you could consider making the dark vision part expand the dark vision of creatures that already have it? I like the headache drawback a lot.

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