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Mysteriously Nameless Tavern


"The pleasure is mine, Harren. Indeed it would appear that you and I may have much in common. I'd be interested in discussing much about arcane theories and the like, but first a meal I think. I need something more than wine to warm me up after being out in that." replies Callen shaking a bit more water out of his robes.

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"I cannot yet speak to the wine," Harren replied to Callen, "but the cider is excellent! I will, of course, be sampling the wine next myself."


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A massive humanoid pushes the tavern door open with authority as the heavy oak portal slams loudly against the wall. A dragonborn enters the tavern and sniffs the air hesitantly. His dull scarlet scales cover his entire body, that is what isn't covered by his gleaming chainmail.

The dragonborn stands at over 6 1/2 feet tall and carries a longsword strapped to his hip, with a few handaxes stuck in his belt loops. His bright gold eyes adjust briefly to the dim light of the tavern and he wipes the rain from his face with a taloned hand.

Walking over to the table with the others, the dragonborn squeezes his massive frame into the seat.

"You'd think they'd make these more accessible for folks like me, I guess we ain't that common around here though are we?" the dragonborn says with a light laugh.

Looking each of you in the eyes, the golden hues glittering in the tavern light, he says "Name's Kriv and I make a living with this. It's good to be out of that accursed rain, I don't know how you fleshies can stand this, I'd imagine it'd be pretty cold on your skin." as he pats his blade, and indicates his scales.


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"Greetings, Kriv!" Harren replies. "My name is Harren. I'm not in the business of it myself, obviously, but I can imagine it's a challenge for any tavern owner to accomodate patrons that range from three to seven feet tall, and occassionaly have tails or other quirks."


ooc: Sorry if this is too weird. I've had this NPC in mind since I read covaithe's description of the five this morning.

An oddity slides through the doorway. It's a hairless grey skinned humanoid with milky white eyes. It nods convivially to the halfling collecting it's mug of cider with a practiced air.

I am Xil'th. Though I enjoy the wonderful sobriquet of Sore Loser if you find my proper name too difficult on the tongue. I am here for my nightly inspection of my orb.

And the cider of course.

It moves over to the bar and stares intently at a small orb set into the wall behind the bar. The orb pulses slightly as the creature approaches.


"Welcome Kriv, and Xil'th. Come dry off, the wine is quite good though my friend Harren here has discovered something in the cider as well if you prefer." Callen says in welcome, sharing the advice on drinks with Kriv as Xil'th has already selected to follow Harren's lead.


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"My thanks for the advice good sir, I desire something a little stronger than cider and that wine looks tempting, I've always had a taste for red wine, reminds me of another dark red liquid I'm used to seeing, from my foes that is." Kriv says somewhat wryly.

OOC - I'm not sure how everyone's takes on dragonborn is based on the PHB, but I plan on playing Kriv as more bestial than maybe others see them. Also, I imagine them as carnivores only (following their draconic nature).


"I've already seen enough blood for my taste, though I imagine that I'll see much more in the days to come; comes with the job description. As a purveyor of the arcane I often find myself chasing rumors into some dark hole or another." replies Callen.


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"Indeed, Callen," Harren agrees, "there's enough trouble in our line of work without having our food and drink remind us of it."

"But I have to ask," Harren continues, "have you heard any good rumors in these parts, Callen? As much trouble as it often involves, I am always eager for that next cave, tomb, or abandoned keep."

Voidrunner's Codex

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