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D&D 4E MwaO's Frankensteins


A more 'modern' version of Grey Ioun Stone Marker. Basically restructuring for two things:
While it doesn't have the slow/daze thing of Hindering Shield/Overwhelming Impact, it prones at 11th.
Hands of the Titan is insane with Brutal Barrage & Serifal Feywarden & Lasting Frost. As it can trigger two vulnerabilities, to say Thunder & Cold. This gives the build an encounter nova that can easily do over hundred points of damage.

Note, everything should be set up to work at 13th - so Lasting Frost should be replacing Harlequin Style and Cunning Stalker replacing Lashing Flail at precisely 13th. But until you get to 13th, you want Lashing Flail+Harlequin Style. Why?

Because Brutal Barrage does this when augmented 1 at 13th and used twice in the following nova:
(combat starts, moves 8 squares up to target)
On turn:
Minor: Hands of Titan Sarifal
Minor: Serifal's Blessing
Standard: Brutal Barrage
AP: Brutal Barrage
Con(Brutal Barrage)+Cha(Hands of Titan, 4 energy types, Cold and Thunder among them)+5(after 1st hit, Vul to Cold 5)+10(Sarifal's Blessing for Vul 10 Thunder). i.e. 20+25+25+25+25+25+25+25. Or potentially 195 points of damage on 8 hits, but more likely about 149 on 6 hits+about 40% chance of a critical hit for an extra 10 or so. Then on the next round, about 70-75 more with 3 hits and mark some targets. After round 2, do what Grey Ioun Stone Marker normally does...

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Elemental Ioun Stone Marker 4, level 16
Satyr, Battlemind/Fighter, Daring Blade
Psionic Augmentation (Hybrid) Option: Hybrid Power Point Option
Hybrid Talent Option: Psionic Study (Hybrid)
Psionic Study (Hybrid) Option: Speed of Thought (Hybrid)
Akanûl (Akanûl Benefit)
Theme: Sarifal Feywarden

STR 13, CON 22, DEX 9, INT 13, WIS 11, CHA 22

STR 12, CON 16, DEX 8, INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 16

AC: 32 Fort: 31 Ref: 26 Will: 30
HP: 127 Surges: 15 Surge Value: 31

Bluff +19, Endurance +20, Perception +13, Streetwise +19

Acrobatics +5, Arcana +9, Athletics +7, Diplomacy +14, Dungeoneering +8, Heal +8, History +9, Insight +8, Intimidate +14, Nature +12, Religion +9, Stealth +5, Thievery +7

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Sarifal Feywarden Utility: Sarifal's Blessing
Satyr Utility: Lure of Enchantment
Battlemind Feature: Battlemind's Demand
Battlemind Feature: Blurred Step
Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge
Battlemind Feature: Speed of Thought
Bard Feature: Majestic Word
Fighter Attack 1: Brash Strike
Battlemind Utility 2: Psionic Vigor
Fighter Attack 3: Shield Edge Block
Fighter Attack 5: Rain of Steel
Fighter Utility 6: Daring Shout
Battlemind Attack 7: Lightning Rush
Battlemind Attack 9: Iron Tomb
Battlemind Utility 10: Hands of the Titan
Daring Blade Attack 11: Weapon Display
Daring Blade Utility 12: Defensive Posture (Daring Blade)
Battlemind Attack 13: Brutal Barrage
Battlemind Attack 15: Mind Blade
Battlemind Utility 16: Instant Move

Level 1: Melee Training (Charisma)
Level 2: Hybrid Talent
Level 4: Quick Reactions
Level 6: Harlequin Style
Level 8: Flail Expertise
Level 10: Bardic Dilettante
Level 11: Lashing Flail
Level 12: Improved Defenses
Level 14: Lasting Frost
Level 16: Cunning Stalker

Spirit Fetch
Staggering Alhulak +3 x1
Dwarven Scale Armor +3 x1
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier) x1
Amulet of Protection +3 x1
Heavy Shield x1
====== End ======

Striker Paladin
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Guild Stub, level 11
Hamadryad, Paladin, Soul Igniter
Aglarond (Aglarond Benefit)
Theme: Sarifal Feywarden

STR 11, CON 14, DEX 9, INT 12, WIS 21, CHA 21

STR 10, CON 13, DEX 8, INT 11, WIS 16, CHA 16

AC: 26 Fort: 20 Ref: 20 Will: 22
HP: 89 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 22

Diplomacy +17, Insight +15, Nature +19, Perception +16, Religion +11

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +6, Athletics +1, Bluff +10, Dungeoneering +10, Endurance +4, Heal +10, History +6, Intimidate +10, Stealth +0, Streetwise +10, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Sarifal Feywarden Utility: Sarifal's Blessing
Hamadryad Utility: Hamadryad Aspects
Paladin Feature: Divine Mettle
Paladin Feature: Divine Strength
Paladin Feature: Divine Challenge
Paladin Feature: Ardent Vow
Shaman Feature: Call Spirit Companion
Shaman Feature: Spirit's Prey
Shaman Feature: Speak with Spirits
Shaman Feature: Healing Spirit
Soul Igniter Feature: Soulfire
Paladin Attack 1: Virtuous Strike
Paladin Attack 1: Ardent Strike
Paladin Attack 1: Valorous Smite
Paladin Attack 1: Frost of Letherna
Paladin Utility 2: Call of Challenge
Paladin Attack 3: Fortune Spurned Smite
Paladin Attack 5: Hallowed Circle
Paladin Utility 6: Wrath of the Gods
Paladin Attack 7: Astral Thunder
Paladin Attack 9: Crown of Glory
Paladin Utility 10: Guiding Verse
Soul Igniter Attack 11: Soul Flare

Level 1: Battlewise
Level 2: Spirit Talker
Level 4: Mending Spirit
Level 6: Invigorating Spirit
Level 11: Resounding Thunder

Amulet of Protection +1 x1
Dwarven Plate Armor +1 x1
Heavy Shield x1
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier) x1
Vanguard Alhulak +1 x1
Siberys Shard of Radiance (heroic tier)
Magic Holy Symbol +1
Spirit Fetch
Magic Holy Symbol +3 x1
====== End ======
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The 'monk' is. I only got to play the build once in LFR. Made for an interesting experience, but I had a couple of my in-play builds hard at work, so I didn't. Would have liked to have played it more.

The Ranger|Bard seems fun out of combat, but I can't stick to at-wills that much unless there's a lot of mobility attached.


The Ranger|Bard seems fun out of combat, but I can't stick to at-wills that much unless there's a lot of mobility attached.

I hear ya. The major reason I never give Essentials classes the time of day (although I know there can be exceptions to this, too)....


Weird cool Defender/Leader/Controller. Has 3 daily powers that prevent shifts. Has a friendly Zephyr for Concealment. Mark has a reach of 2 and has 2 Zone Defender powers. Freedom Fighter is one of my favorite Paragon Paths - lots of good Defender/Leader qualities.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Warden|Sentinel, level 13
Human, Warden/Druid (Sentinel), Freedom Fighter

Druid Attack 5: Clinging Drones
====== End ======

Just caught that this is a Beast Form power and thus a no go....


I wonder if this necessitates changing your rating for Clinging Drones in the Poachable Powers guide....

Already did - noted that it is Beastform.

MC'ing into Druid for power choices is still arguably the best route to go if trying to get a Druid option. And the various WereX themes allow it regardless.


That Battlemind/Cavalier hits all the defender sweet spots I've begun to look for: excellent MBA from the get go for OAs and granted attacks, great mobility and "zone defense," catch-22 punishment, and ... and, while a small issue overall, this is a big one for me lately ... by being CON primary, it opens up backgrounds beyond Auspicious Fortune (and its variants), for defenders really miss those extra HPs if they don't go the Auspicious Fortune route.


That Battlemind/Cavalier hits all the defender sweet spots I've begun to look for: excellent MBA from the get go for OAs and granted attacks, great mobility and "zone defense," catch-22 punishment, and ... and, while a small issue overall, this is a big one for me lately ... by being CON primary, it opens up backgrounds beyond Auspicious Fortune (and its variants), for defenders really miss those extra HPs if they don't go the Auspicious Fortune route.

Yeah, it ought to be fun - it has a +8 initiative at 1st level, it moves out 7 squares next to opponent(s) who are now in its aura before anyone goes. Cavalier's aura isn't amazing, but two enemies locked into either attacking the Defender without a flank. And it can talk out of combat...

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