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Monderefal,Azure and Demitri do severe damage to the Rubix cube! (We Hope)


Session Start: Tue Dec 03 10:27:26 2002
Session Ident: #ybfight
[10:27] * Logging #ybfight to 'logs\#ybfight.Psionics.20021203.log'
[10:27] * Darkwolf is now known as Azure
[10:27] [Monderefal] Oj now there's a buffer between logs
[10:27] * Leo_Watching has joined #ybfight
[10:28] [Azure] Azure
[10:28] [Azure] Nat Hits/Total Hits: 11/26
[10:28] [Azure] Hits defeated: 2 (need 55)
[10:28] [Azure] Saved Exp/Saved Yen: 0/0
[10:28] [Azure] Weapons: Sword, raven, Kama,
[10:28] [Azure] +2: lightning, thunder, dragon, east wind, west wind, chimera, manticore
[10:28] [Azure] +3: Phoenix, Heavens, transcendant, Claw, Fang
[10:28] [Azure] +5: Staff, Mighty
[10:28] [Azure]
[10:28] [Azure] Armor: Robes of the black Archmage(+4 hits)
[10:28] [Azure] Shield: Force Shield Ring(+5 hits).
[10:28] [Azure] Accessories: Ring of Supreme Wizardry (+5 hits)
[10:28] [Azure] Powers: PM: Mighty staff, DT, Unholy Warrior, Shove, CS, Unholy Battery(15ki), ST, MotV
[10:28] * Sollir has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[10:28] [creamsteak-away] Grm... soo many powers...
[10:29] * Sollir has joined #ybfight
[10:29] * Sollir is now known as Demitri
[10:29] [Azure] (that's the point)
[10:29] [creamsteak-away] Ok, I give up, I can't memorize this many...
[10:29] [Demitri] Demitri, 'Evader of Truth' 'Deceiver of Trust'
[10:29] [Demitri] Natural Hits 9
[10:29] [Demitri] Hits 25
[10:29] [Demitri] Experience: 43/45
[10:29] [Demitri] Saved Experience: 0
[10:29] [Demitri] Abilities: Undead, Energy Drain, Life Drain, Perfect Master of the Tricky Labyrinth, Unholy Warrior, Unholy Battery (2 Ki), Dirty Trick (x1)
[10:29] [Demitri] Possessions:
[10:29] [Demitri] Armor: Gold Sash (+5 hits)
[10:29] [Demitri] Shield: Mystic Cloak of Illusions (+5 hits)
[10:29] [Demitri] Accessories: Lich's Phylactery (+5 hits)
[10:29] [Demitri] Yen: 12
[10:29] [creamsteak-away] I'll run it
[10:29] [Demitri] Weapons: Dagger, Pendant of Dragon Strength (+4 to Dragon), Rock Shield (+1 to Ruins), Headband of Intellect +4 (+3 to 'Tricky' Attacks), Book of Infinite Spells (Maze: +5 to Labyrinth, Chain Lightning: +5 to Lightning)
[10:29] [Demitri] okies :)
[10:29] [creamsteak-away] but I expect you to tell me what powers apply most of the time
[10:29] [Demitri] okies
[10:29] [Azure] (Kal, you getting the topic or should I?)
[10:30] [creamsteak-away] How do you lock a window in front?
[10:30] [creamsteak-away] in windows that is
[10:30] [Monderefal] damn
[10:31] [Monderefal] I'm 0.5 yen off buying my shield back
[10:31] [Demitri] i'll loan you it
[10:31] [Demitri] remember, i get .5 of your yen later! ;0
[10:31] [Monderefal] Ok thanks , you can get the whole first yen I generate
[10:32] [creamsteak-away] heh
[10:32] [creamsteak-away] Ok, who all isn't ready?
[10:32] [Monderefal] Monderefal, Lord of the Clouds of Heavenly Paradise .
[10:32] [Monderefal] Current Hits: 33 Total Hits: 33
[10:32] [Monderefal] Hits Defeated: 60/90 Saved Experience: 0
[10:32] [Monderefal] Natural Hits: 18 Yen: 0
[10:32] [Monderefal] Armor: Elven Chain Mail of the Holy Liberator (+5 Hits)
[10:32] [Monderefal] Shield: Sacred Mithral Shield (+5 Hits)
[10:32] [Monderefal] Protective Accessories: Heavenly Aura (+5 Hits)
[10:32] [Monderefal] Weapons: Circlet of the Avenging Phoenix (+5 Phoenix, +5 Avenging) , Strawberry Scented Lotus Blossoms (+5 Lotus Moves), Sword Pommelstone (+5 Supreme)
[10:32] [Monderefal] Salvage:
[10:32] [Monderefal] Quest Item: Bronze Whistle (Filled in Dot), Pendant, Glacial Staff (+5 Glacier, Only functional in Rubix Cube), Paladin's Mace (Borrowed from Osberry's Paladin)
[10:32] [Monderefal] Tournament Record: 0-0
[10:32] [Monderefal] ABILITIES:
[10:32] [Monderefal] Perfect Master of the Avenging Phoenix, Expert of the Sword, Holy Warrior,Holy Day, Holy Battery (19/19 Chi), Holy Strike, Master of the Pure Paradise, Master of the Flying Clouds, Master of the Transcendent Heavens (Gang Member of King Jerod), Gang Leader,Strategic Plannerx1
[10:33] [creamsteak-away] I didn't start logging...
[10:33] [Monderefal] "Hello, I'm a walking damage sponge, nice to meet you"
[10:33] [Monderefal] I'm logging
[10:33] [creamsteak-away] fine, if your going to post it
[10:33] [creamsteak-away] hold on gotta copy your stuff and print
[10:33] [Monderefal] I'll even post it too then :)
[10:33] * Demitri wonders why he's helping a holy warrior, but decides not to question what hand fate has dealt recently
[10:34] [Demitri] don't copy Demitri's just yet, since he's leveling soon
[10:34] [creamsteak-away] heh... the cube wants a wax and prime
[10:34] * creamsteak-away is now known as Rubix
[10:34] [Rubix] ok, I got mondy
[10:34] [Rubix] next?
[10:34] [Monderefal] because you're getting double back ?
[10:34] * Azure thinks Demitri is silly...Demitri has helped out a holy warrior before
[10:34] [Azure] Azure
[10:34] [Azure] Nat Hits/Total Hits: 11/26
[10:34] [Azure] Hits defeated: 2 (need 55)
[10:34] [Azure] Saved Exp/Saved Yen: 0/0
[10:34] [Azure] Weapons: Sword, raven, Kama,
[10:34] [Azure] +2: lightning, thunder, dragon, east wind, west wind, chimera, manticore
[10:34] [Azure] +3: Phoenix, Heavens, transcendant, Claw, Fang
[10:34] [Azure] +5: Staff, Mighty
[10:34] [Azure]
[10:34] [Azure] Armor: Robes of the black Archmage(+4 hits)
[10:34] [Azure] Shield: Force Shield Ring(+5 hits).
[10:34] [Azure] Accessories: Ring of Supreme Wizardry (+5 hits)
[10:34] [Azure] Powers: PM: Mighty staff, DT, Unholy Warrior, Shove, CS, Unholy Battery(15ki), ST, MotV
[10:35] [Demitri] (funny to say, Dem is now the weakest of the 3)
[10:36] [Monderefal] only if we pretend he doesn't have the undead powers
[10:36] [Monderefal] :p
[10:36] [Rubix] got Azure
[10:36] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 33/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri'
[10:36] [Demitri] I'm updating Demitri probably next battle
[10:36] [Demitri] but here's his stats currently
[10:36] [Demitri] Demitri, 'Evader of Truth' 'Deceiver of Trust'
[10:36] [Demitri] Natural Hits 9
[10:36] [Demitri] Hits 25
[10:36] [Demitri] Experience: 43/45
[10:36] [Demitri] Saved Experience: 0
[10:36] [Demitri] Abilities: Undead, Energy Drain, Life Drain, Perfect Master of the Tricky Labyrinth, Unholy Warrior, Unholy Battery (2 Ki), Dirty Trick (x1)
[10:36] [Demitri] Possessions:
[10:36] [Demitri] Armor: Gold Sash (+5 hits)
[10:36] [Demitri] Shield: Mystic Cloak of Illusions (+5 hits)
[10:36] [Demitri] Accessories: Lich's Phylactery (+5 hits)
[10:36] [Demitri] Yen: 11.5
[10:36] [Demitri] Weapons: Dagger, Pendant of Dragon Strength (+4 to Dragon), Rock Shield (+1 to Ruins), Headband of Intellect +4 (+3 to 'Tricky' Attacks), Book of Infinite Spells (Maze: +5 to Labyrinth, Chain Lightning: +5 to Lightning)
[10:36] [Rubix] done?
[10:36] [Demitri] yep
[10:37] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 33/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT)'
[10:37] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 33/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD)'
[10:37] [Rubix] Got em'
[10:38] [Monderefal] better put those in since forgetting Demitri's insane kill power would be bad
[10:38] [Rubix] printed and laying out in front of me
[10:38] [Monderefal] Day and Location Rubix ?
[10:38] * Demitri whistles innocently
[10:38] [Rubix] Harm...
[10:38] [Rubix] Hrmph
[10:38] [Rubix] kal, you want to start in 5 or 1?
[10:38] [Rubix] er, MOndy
[10:38] [Rubix] You've got helm on that...
[10:39] [Monderefal] For the sake of the others lets go 1, that way we can do the story stuff I missed
[10:39] [Rubix] Well it will be difficult, my brothers are in the room with me = noise
[10:39] [Rubix] makes thinking more difficult
[10:39] [Demitri] (heh, Demitri my YBA char is what i based that 5th level diviner char off of slightly)
[10:39] [Rubix] EVERYONE, here is the creature that subdued you, I'll assume you accepted that it subdued you
[10:40] [Rubix] Cr 500 Rubix Cube
[10:40] [Monderefal] what powers does it have ?
[10:40] [Rubix] Perfect Master (25 styles)
[10:40] [Rubix] 25 Chi strikes
[10:40] [Rubix] And lotsa toughness
[10:40] [Monderefal] what styles ?
[10:40] [Monderefal] and modifiers
[10:40] [Rubix] the ones your not immune to
[10:40] [Rubix] heh
[10:40] [Monderefal] ok
[10:40] [Rubix] lets not get into it
[10:41] [Demitri] I bet the MAZE could take it ;)
[10:41] [Rubix] Probably, it's eaten way more characters
[10:41] [Demitri] I'm jk
[10:41] [Monderefal] heh
[10:41] [Monderefal] ok I accept it subdued me
[10:41] [Rubix] Alright, introduction... (I have to type since my text is still in the re-editing stage)
[10:41] [Monderefal] how about the rest of you ?
[10:41] [Monderefal] wait a sec would you Cream
[10:41] [Monderefal] Ok guys
[10:41] [Monderefal] do we want a walkthrough
[10:41] [Monderefal] Hints
[10:42] [Monderefal] or No Help
[10:42] [Monderefal] ?
[10:42] [Azure] Glub..Glub...It's eaten me..but I will get back at it
[10:42] [Azure] (note, I only have 2.5 hours...whatever makes it reasonably speedy)
[10:42] [Demitri] I'll take whatever DW decides
[10:42] [Demitri] *nods*, I prolly have less
[10:42] [Monderefal] (Give us a few 1000 XP and we'll take down the cube)
[10:43] [Rubix] well?
[10:43] [Monderefal] um
[10:43] [Monderefal] looks like no help
[10:43] [Monderefal] since thats the quickest
[10:44] [Rubix] "You awaken in a silent and still white room. The walls, cieling, tiles, and gravity are negligable. You can float freely here. The cieling is the only wall that is different, it is fuzzy, crackling with static discharges."
[10:44] [Rubix] North (White), South (White), East (White), West (White) - This is the sterile room that is the location of the ships Medical System Service Computer. (MiSS C)
[10:44] [Monderefal] Day/Location ?
[10:44] [Rubix] Location Holy Ground
[10:44] [Rubix] Day... hrm...
[10:44] [Monderefal] Shrine or Temple ?
[10:44] [Rubix] Day of the Dagger
[10:44] [Rubix] Shrine
[10:45] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Day:Dagger Location:Shrine Monderefal 33/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD)'
[10:45] [Monderefal] "Ok which way goes?"
[10:45] [Monderefal] ?
[10:46] [Demitri] "I suppose west wouldn't hurt, what do you say Azure?"
[10:46] [Azure] "West works"
[10:46] [Monderefal] West it is
[10:46] [Azure] "It's as good as any around here."
[10:46] [Rubix] ;)
[10:46] [Rubix] North (White), South (White), East (White), West (Blue) - There is a copper circle with a face above the Western Exit. (Copper Defense)
[10:46] [Rubix] You enter into a singular white room
[10:46] [Rubix] The door to the west from here is blue, and above it stands a Lion's head... made of bronze
[10:46] [Monderefal] (Not West this time, goes to sector 5)
[10:47] [Rubix] (Kal means 3)
[10:47] [Monderefal] (I mean eventually :p)
[10:47] [Azure] "North?"
[10:47] [Monderefal] "North, sounds good"
[10:48] [Rubix] North (Red), South (White), East (White), West (Blue) - A free floating shapeless goo resides in the center of this room. (White Virus)
[10:48] [Rubix] WHITE (NORMAL) VIRUS
[10:48] [Rubix] CR: 1
[10:48] [Rubix] HITS: 1
[10:48] [Rubix] YEN FACTOR: 0
[10:48] [Rubix] Dirty Trick (x1)
[10:48] [Rubix] Shove (x1)
[10:48] * Monderefal wonders up and punches the virus
[10:48] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[10:48] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The dragon penetrates the clouds; falls below the storm of the feline!
[10:48] [Monderefal] Done
[10:48] [Rubix] lol
[10:48] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[10:48] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The tsunami tracks from the wastelands; redirects the throw of the sands!
[10:48] [Rubix] You score a hit, and the creature disappates into a yellow x-protien
[10:49] [Rubix] x-protien CR 1, 1 hit, reduces all damage by 1
[10:49] [Monderefal] heh, that was overkill :)
[10:49] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[10:49] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The spider terrifyingly scourges the foothills; dodges the touch of the pole!
[10:49] [Monderefal] hmm
[10:49] [Monderefal] HD:Spider
[10:49] [Monderefal] Done
[10:49] [Demitri] technically it should have gone first
[10:49] [Monderefal] (thats ok)
[10:49] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Retreat
[10:49] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The tricky spider dances higher than the rapids; negates the kick of the maze!
[10:49] [Rubix] (how much does it matter? It's alone!)
[10:50] [Demitri] :)
[10:50] [Monderefal] Its doing the Demitri
[10:50] [Rubix] Hrm... intersting...
[10:50] [Rubix] anyone else wanna attack?
[10:50] [Demitri] sure
[10:50] [Azure] Demitri is next
[10:50] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[10:50] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The chimera moves higher than the marsh; dominates the violence of the isle!
[10:50] [Demitri] done
[10:50] [Demitri] oh well
[10:50] [Demitri] 2 pointer anyhoo, I doubt it hits
[10:50] [Monderefal] go Azure
[10:50] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[10:50] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The west wind tramples the swamp; removes the push of the canine! *yen*
[10:50] [Monderefal] gotta make it do 2 points to count
[10:50] [Azure] 3 pointer
[10:51] [Azure] done
[10:51] [Rubix] The xp seems to be destroyed by your combined attacks.
[10:51] [Rubix] may as well...
[10:51] [Monderefal] joy 1/3 of a Hit each
[10:51] [Demitri] (so are we up by 1 exp total from the last 2 battles?)
[10:51] [Rubix] Your combined group gets 1 hit to split ;)
[10:51] [Azure] wow...a third of a hit
[10:51] [Demitri] (.5 is the smallest I thought?)
[10:51] [Monderefal] x-protein = XP
[10:51] [Monderefal] nah
[10:51] [Monderefal] thats for Wicht's systme
[10:52] [Monderefal] not GDs
[10:52] [Demitri] (so we have 2/3 hit so far)
[10:52] [Monderefal] 1/3
[10:52] [Rubix] Demitri doesn't know ;)
[10:52] [Azure] 2 part beastie
[10:52] [Monderefal] destroying XP means you get XP from them
[10:52] [Rubix] the xp simply tries to escape
[10:52] [Monderefal] otherwise you get zip
[10:52] [Rubix] unless... (silence)
[10:52] [Rubix] North (Red), South (White), East (White), West (Blue) - A free floating shapeless goo resides in the center of this room. (White Virus)
[10:52] [Demitri] (ahhhhhh)
[10:52] [Demitri] (ok)
[10:53] [Azure] "Demitri's turn to pick"
[10:53] * Monderefal smashes the virus again
[10:53] [Monderefal] !Mb ybmove
[10:53] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[10:53] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The scorpion slashes on top of the island; shreds the touch of the rodent!
[10:53] [Rubix] !mb ybfake
[10:53] [Monderefal] But it says :p
[10:53] [Rubix] :p
[10:53] * Azure laughs at Monde attacking something that isn't there.
[10:54] [Monderefal] :)
[10:54] [Monderefal] Ah well
[10:54] [Demitri] "Perhaps East this time?"
[10:54] [Monderefal] (yah sounds good)
[10:54] [Azure] "Monde? East works for me.."
[10:54] [Monderefal] (Stay in the white areas)
[10:54] [Monderefal] "East is good"
[10:54] [Rubix] The blue door is locked, you can't seem to open it... at least not Demitri...
[10:54] [Rubix] er east
[10:54] [Rubix] I thought west... duh
[10:54] [Rubix] Ok
[10:54] [Azure] (Why?)
[10:55] [Rubix] North (Red), South (White), East (White), West (White) - There is a copper cube with a face above the Northern Exit. (Copper Defense)
[10:55] [Monderefal] (White=Sector 1)
[10:55] [Demitri] (no key)
[10:55] [Demitri] (I suppose)
[10:55] [Monderefal] (Blue=Sector 3)
[10:55] [Rubix] White = 0
[10:55] [Monderefal] what colour is the northern exit ?
[10:55] [Rubix] Red
[10:56] [Monderefal] "May as well try north"
[10:56] [Rubix] (what tubes you got copies of left? A blue coin and something else?)
[10:56] [Monderefal] (Think Red is sector 1 then)
[10:56] [Demitri] "Very well then."
[10:56] [Monderefal] (I've just got what the Guardian to Sector 5 had)
[10:56] [Rubix] Alright, the door is guarded by a copper Cube face
[10:56] [Rubix] COPPER (WEAK) DEFENSE
[10:56] [Rubix] CR: 2
[10:56] [Rubix] HITS: 3
[10:56] [Rubix] YEN FACTOR: 1
[10:56] [Rubix] Student of the Labyrinth
[10:56] [Rubix] Student of the Dungeon
[10:56] [Rubix] Toughness (x1)
[10:56] * Demitri laughs
[10:56] [Monderefal] "We desire to pass"
[10:56] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[10:56] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The thunder thrusts the forest; wards off the terror of the farm!
[10:56] [Rubix] done
[10:57] [Monderefal] "Unusually violent this one is"
[10:57] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[10:57] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The rat obliterates the foothills; shields against the stab of the tides!
[10:57] [Rubix] "You are the threat that pervaded the high security, are you not?"
[10:57] [Monderefal] "Um, yeah, I wiped out a vampire thing"
[10:57] [Azure] "Dem, show this thing how to really attack."
[10:57] [Demitri] (erm, what do the comps think about undead...)
[10:57] [Demitri] (waitin gfor Monde to say done)
[10:57] [Monderefal] (They want to study them)
[10:58] [Monderefal] Perfect Master of Overkill
[10:58] [Monderefal] Done
[10:58] [Rubix] lol
[10:58] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[10:58] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The oak dances close to the glade; reduces the cut of the farm when it dodges across the aggression of the fortification!
[10:58] [Rubix] yeah, overkill
[10:58] [Demitri] done
[10:58] [Rubix] ahh, just stop
[10:58] [Demitri] 2 damage
[10:58] [Demitri] okies
[10:58] [Rubix] it's not necessary
[10:58] [Rubix] The thing is crushed into its own face instantly...
[10:58] [Rubix] The cube lies on the ground, a red coin and two red tubes can be seen and identified by Mondy
[10:59] [Azure] (You notice there are 2 holes in the wall now..one used to be the door..the other is above the door where the face used to be)
[10:59] [Rubix] Everyone else thinks that these are strange shapes, and hasn't closely inspected them yet...
[10:59] * Monderefal picks them up
[10:59] [Azure] "What are those, Monde?"
[10:59] [Demitri] "Interesting...interesting..."
[10:59] [Rubix] Red Tubes have Square Tips and Triangle shaped holes...
[10:59] [Monderefal] "The currency of this place. Not yen but they trigger doors and devices"
[11:00] [Azure] "Like this one in front of us?"
[11:00] [Monderefal] wow 1 whole Hit Defeated
[11:00] [Rubix] actually 2
[11:00] [Monderefal] "No this door should open now that its guard is dead"
[11:00] [Rubix] er total 1 hit, thats right
[11:00] [Monderefal] 2/3 of one each
[11:00] [Demitri] (1 per person tho total)
[11:00] [Rubix] hehe
[11:00] * Monderefal checks if the door opens
[11:00] [Rubix] It opens
[11:00] [Rubix] the sector inside is on fire
[11:01] [Rubix] It's burning red, orange and extremely volotile
[11:01] [Monderefal] Day/Location ?
[11:01] * Monderefal heads in
[11:01] [Rubix] weaker individuals could die instantly
[11:01] [Monderefal] "Come on guys"
[11:01] [Demitri] "I didn't memorize quench today, but here goes."
[11:01] [Rubix] Dragon/Volcano
[11:01] * Demitri steps inside
[11:01] [Azure] "Looks like home."
[11:01] * Azure follows
[11:01] * Monderefal looks around
[11:01] [Rubix] Inside this room you see two amorphous red blobs, they seem to come towards you
[11:01] [Rubix] Doors to the north east and west are red
[11:01] [Rubix] the door to the south (where you came from) is white
[11:02] * Demitri readies himself to fight
[11:02] * Azure prepares for some serious smackdown
[11:02] [Rubix] Alright fine!
[11:02] [Rubix] Meanies... beating up on petty Virii!
[11:02] [Rubix] RED (FLAME) VIRUS
[11:02] [Rubix] CR: 4
[11:02] [Rubix] HITS: 4
[11:02] [Rubix] YEN FACTOR: 0
[11:02] [Rubix] Dirty Trick (x1)
[11:02] [Rubix] Fist of Fury (x1)
[11:02] [Rubix] Shove (x1)
[11:02] [Rubix] Expert of the Pheonix
[11:02] [Rubix] Expert of the Mighty Dragon
[11:02] [Rubix] x2
[11:02] [Rubix] I'm guessing mond goes first?
[11:03] [Rubix] As he doesn't have a Dt
[11:03] [Demitri] yep
[11:03] [Azure] monde, virii, dem, me
[11:03] [Monderefal] yeo
[11:03] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[11:03] [Rubix] k then
[11:03] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The southern cross unfailingly slaughters the village; shields against the stab of the isle!
[11:03] [Azure] (dang you are getting good moves today)
[11:03] [Demitri] (*nods in agreement*
[11:03] [Monderefal] Perfect Master and Strat Planner
[11:03] [Monderefal] Done
[11:03] [Monderefal] PoF all Shoves and DTs
[11:03] [Rubix] Damage total on that?
[11:03] [Demitri] more than enough
[11:04] [Monderefal] lots
[11:04] [Azure] about twice as much as needed
[11:04] [Rubix] heh... shove shove DT Dt out trying to stop you, I'm sure
[11:04] [Rubix] !mb ybmove virus 1
[11:04] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The tiger destroys the volcano; parries the foray of the barrens!
[11:04] [Rubix] !mb ybmove virus 2
[11:04] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The lotus blossom prances close to the island; wards off the quickening of the elements!
[11:04] [Rubix] location of the day... not much else...
[11:04] [Rubix] FoF x2
[11:04] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[11:04] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The crane devours the ricefield; protects against the tempest of the rodent!
[11:04] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[11:04] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The claw moves from the orchard; grasps the push of the star!
[11:04] [Rubix] grack...
[11:04] [Rubix] done
[11:05] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[11:05] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The crab attacks the wastelands; shields against the offensive of the flame!
[11:05] [Demitri] eh, #2
[11:05] [Demitri] 2 pointer
[11:05] [Demitri] done
[11:05] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[11:05] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The thunder splits the tower; sweeps across the edge of the club!
[11:05] [Azure] 3 pointer at #2
[11:05] [Azure] done
[11:05] [Monderefal] "Overkill squad we are"
[11:05] [Rubix] most definitely...
[11:06] [Rubix] Ok, I admit defeat...
[11:06] [Rubix] They die...
[11:06] [Rubix] but did the xp die?
[11:06] [Rubix] XProtien x4
[11:06] [Monderefal] you want out damage total ?
[11:06] [Rubix] yeah
[11:06] [Demitri] (got to go for a few min, i'll gen my attack now)
[11:06] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[11:06] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The wolf appears within the castle; shreds the throw of the mire!
[11:06] [Rubix] er Xprotien X8
[11:06] [Azure] 5 + monde's attack
[11:06] [Monderefal] 20 all up
[11:06] [Monderefal] for all of us
[11:07] [Monderefal] -however many HP the virii had
[11:07] [Rubix] 4 hits.. 8 doubled...
[11:07] [Azure] you only do 15 monde?
[11:07] [Monderefal] (Didn't use HD and my sword is missing)
[11:07] [Rubix] there were 16 hits needed to wipe everyhing out in one move
[11:07] [Monderefal] that'd make it 25
[11:07] [Rubix] done
[11:07] [Monderefal] well 20 for me
[11:07] [Rubix] You guys gain 8 xp slitted 3 ways
[11:07] [Monderefal] wow
[11:08] [Monderefal] 11/3 of an XP so far
[11:08] [Azure] 2.6 each
[11:08] [Rubix] lol
[11:08] [Azure] well, 6 repeating
[11:08] [Rubix] Demitri, are you gone?
[11:08] [Azure] [19:56] [Demitri] (got to go for a few min, i'll gen my attack now)
[11:09] * Monderefal checks the room for anything of interest
[11:09] [Rubix] I'll assume as such, Mondy and Azure... heat checks are pointless against you.
[11:09] [Monderefal] no they aren't
[11:09] [Rubix] This particular room is simply an inferno
[11:09] [Monderefal] they can do 1 hit of damage
[11:09] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[11:09] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The spider assails the ruins; conceals the chaos of the club!
[11:09] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[11:09] * Azure assists and looks at the exits
[11:09] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The willow burns the temple; removes the pain of the spring!
[11:09] [Monderefal] Done
[11:09] [Monderefal] Oops
[11:09] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Azure Heat Check
[11:09] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The crab invades the ricefield and rains upon the mire; quells the storm of the flower!
[11:09] [Monderefal] is that Sacrilege or blasphemy ?
[11:09] [Rubix] Hrm... Mondy takes a hit... for Blasphemy
[11:10] [Azure] (change day and location Monde)
[11:10] [Azure] (he said dragon volcano earlier)
[11:10] [Demitri] (just go on /o me for now btw)
[11:11] [Rubix] North East West (Red Doors), South (White Door)... this room is baren save for cracks that run across the inferno room.
[11:11] [Rubix] These cracks seem set, apparantly the room gained heat too quickly and shatterend the mysterious metal the cube is made from
[11:11] [Monderefal] ( I just didn't change them because it changes to much)
[11:11] [Rubix] (It does change constantly)
[11:11] [Monderefal] Mortj ?
[11:11] [Monderefal] North ?
[11:12] [Azure] north works
[11:12] [Monderefal] North CS
[11:12] [Rubix] Hrm... you enter a rom occupied by two large boilers. Coiled around the boilers is a huge virus creature. It is surrounded by it's lesser kin. The doors in all directions are red here
[11:13] [Rubix] Boss: Dragon Virus
[11:13] [Monderefal] "Hello boss go"
[11:13] [Rubix] DRAGON VIRUS
[11:13] [Rubix] CR 19
[11:13] [Rubix] Hits 22
[11:13] [Rubix] Yen Factor: 6
[11:13] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Ferocious Claw
[11:13] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Wrathful Fang
[11:13] [Rubix] Master of the Mighty Dragon
[11:13] [Rubix] Master of the Ruby Volcano
[11:13] [Rubix] Toughness (x4)
[11:13] [Rubix] Dirty Trick (x3)
[11:13] [Rubix] Fist of Fury (x2)
[11:13] [Rubix] Shove (x3)
[11:13] [Rubix] x1
[11:13] [Rubix] RED (FLAME) VIRUS
[11:13] [Rubix] CR: 4
[11:13] [Rubix] HITS: 4
[11:13] [Rubix] YEN FACTOR: 0
[11:13] [Rubix] Dirty Trick (x1)
[11:13] [Rubix] Fist of Fury (x1)
[11:13] [Rubix] Shove (x1)
[11:13] [Rubix] Expert of the Pheonix
[11:13] [Rubix] Expert of the Mighty Dragon
[11:13] [Rubix] x4
[11:13] [Monderefal] Can anyone else tell sollir designed that thing ?
[11:13] [Monderefal] which 4 are attacking ?
[11:14] [Rubix] Only 4 opponents can attack at a time, Starting mix is 3 Virus and the Dragon
[11:14] [Rubix] CR of the battle is quite dangerous... 35
[11:14] [Monderefal] k
[11:14] [Rubix] Alright... who goes first? Mondy again :(
[11:14] [Monderefal] (Eradicate the weaklings or target the dragon Azure ? )
[11:15] [Rubix] The virus will try to incinerate its targets, then turn the base organic matter into material for replication... It feeds off of the boilers for energy
[11:15] [Azure] (I would say hit the dragon first...those weaklings dont appear to be that dangerous)
[11:15] [Monderefal] (good point)
[11:15] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[11:15] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The panther bows across the grotto; painfully guards against the foray of the sickle!
[11:15] [Monderefal] *sigh*
[11:15] [Monderefal] Why does my luck always do this ?
[11:15] [Rubix] The boilers have 8 hits, destroying them cripples the dragon for 1d4 rounds
[11:16] [Rubix] Destroying 1 stuns the dragon for 1d4 I mean
[11:16] [Rubix] done?
[11:16] [Monderefal] At the Dragon
[11:16] [Monderefal] Done
[11:16] [Rubix] Now... Virus then Dragon Then Azure?
[11:16] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 1
[11:16] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The diamond weasel drops across the well; negates the drive of the shell!
[11:16] [Monderefal] Flame Virus,Azure, Then Dragon
[11:16] [Monderefal] actually
[11:16] [Azure] virii, me, dragon
[11:16] [Rubix] FoF At Mondy
[11:17] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 1
[11:17] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The fist scourges the sea; reduces the aggression of the sands!
[11:17] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 2
[11:17] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The thunder dodges higher than the clearing; guards against the motion of the sky!
[11:17] [Rubix] Shove Azure
[11:17] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 3
[11:17] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The tsunami brutalizes the glade; conceals the blood of the iron!
[11:17] [Monderefal] (Why do you still carry the shovel staff Azure? Souvenir ?)
[11:17] [Rubix] FoF
[11:18] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 3
[11:18] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The chimera sinuously bashes the rapids; shields against the assailment of the elements!
[11:18] [Rubix] and Dragon
[11:18] [Azure] (yup)
[11:18] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Dragon
[11:18] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The tiger vanquishes the paradise as it powerfully parts the ledge; negates the descent of the flame!
[11:18] [Rubix] FoF
[11:18] [Azure] response to shove: shove dragon
[11:18] [Monderefal] Don't
[11:18] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Dragon
[11:18] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The weasel devastates the pillar; strongly leaps over the tempest of the mountain!
[11:18] [Rubix] done
[11:18] [Azure] true..since he hopped right over me
[11:18] [Azure] I'll take that back
[11:19] [Azure] (shoved beings can shove others)
[11:19] [Monderefal] I take it the dragon was at me ?
[11:19] [Rubix] all was at Mondy
[11:19] [Rubix] Azure was intentionally shoved
[11:19] [Monderefal] well the dragon *poinged*
[11:19] [Rubix] ah... k
[11:19] [Rubix] Mondy takes 4 hits of damage then.
[11:19] [Rubix] Mondy's round
[11:19] * Topic is 'Day:Dagger Location:Shrine Monderefal 33/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD)'
[11:19] * Set by Monderefal on Tue Dec 03 11:36:22
[11:19] [Azure] (dragon takes 1)
[11:20] [Rubix] from who?
[11:20] [Azure] monde
[11:20] [Rubix] no, I don't think so unless its an auto hit
[11:20] [Rubix] is it?
[11:21] [Rubix] oh wait poing
[11:21] [Rubix] forgetful me
[11:21] [Rubix] Alright the Dragon has 21 hits left
[11:21] [Rubix] Mondy is up
[11:22] [Rubix] Am I still here?
[11:22] [Azure] (yes)
[11:22] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 29/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 21 (PMx2,FoF,Shove,DTx3), FV (DT,Sh) FV (DT) FV (DT,Shv)'
[11:22] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 29/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 21 (PMx2,FoF,Shove,DTx3), FV (DT,Sh,FoF) FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT,Shv)'
[11:22] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[11:22] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The tsunami slashes in the midst of the cliff; avoids the edge of the tides as it aggresively conceals the terror of the tree!
[11:23] [Monderefal] At the Dragon
[11:23] [Monderefal] Done
[11:23] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 1
[11:23] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The chain ravages the dungeon; absorbs the cut of the fortification!
[11:23] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 2
[11:23] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The fox flies with the ruins; negates the speed of the rodent!
[11:23] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 3
[11:23] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The claw rides close to the marsh; absorbs the edge of the flame!
[11:23] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Dragon
[11:23] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The southern cross shatters the rapids; grasps the onslaught of the blade!
[11:23] [Azure] (done?)
[11:24] [Rubix] maybe...
[11:24] [Rubix] yes...
[11:24] [Rubix] done
[11:24] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[11:24] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The staff slashes before the island; scatters the push of the ledge!
[11:24] [Monderefal] At the Dragon (Lets make it use its tricks and shoves)
[11:24] [Monderefal] thats my recommendation
[11:24] [Azure] 8 pointer at dragon
[11:24] [Monderefal] but it up to you
[11:25] [Azure] done
[11:25] [Rubix] 1 misses, 2 misses, 3 misses, 4 misses... from my attacks... (can I shove or DT after your move Azure?)
[11:25] [Monderefal] only the dragon can
[11:25] [Azure] (virii cant, dragon can)
[11:25] [Rubix] Dragon goes for the DT
[11:25] [Rubix] Mondy?
[11:25] [Monderefal] hmmm
[11:25] [Monderefal] what say you Azure ?
[11:26] [Monderefal] PoF or not ?
[11:26] [Azure] do it once at least...make it sweat
[11:26] [Monderefal] yah K
[11:26] [Monderefal] PoF:Dragon
[11:26] [Azure] (also CS, please declare targets when attacking..and save the dragon until after I attack)
[11:26] [Monderefal] You can DT or shove again if you want
[11:26] [Rubix] Dirty Trick
[11:27] [Rubix] if you accept it, Mondy is up, correct?
[11:27] [Azure] (up to you on this one...)
[11:27] [Monderefal] yup
[11:27] [Monderefal] hmm
[11:27] [Monderefal] PoF
[11:27] [Rubix] Gra... Shove Azure
[11:28] [Monderefal] hmm
[11:28] [Monderefal] I'll let this one slide
[11:28] [Monderefal] Dragon needs to attack me
[11:28] [Azure] [20:14] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Dragon
[11:28] [Azure] [20:14] [+MechaMeowth] Rubix: The southern cross shatters the rapids; grasps the onslaught of the blade!
[11:28] [Monderefal] ah k
[11:28] [Monderefal] hmmm
[11:28] [Monderefal] he attach any powers to it ?
[11:29] [Monderefal] let it slide
[11:29] [Monderefal] My turn when I fix the topic
[11:29] [Rubix] donezish then?
[11:29] [Rubix] going back to Mondy now?
[11:29] [Monderefal] ok I'm guessing I take a point of damage from the dragon ?
[11:29] [Rubix] oh, yeah 1 point
[11:29] [Azure] who wins monde vs dragon..you said the virii all miss
[11:29] [Azure] (since they can't attack a shoved victim)
[11:30] [Rubix] 1 point against mondy, his round
[11:30] * Rubix thinks this is abnormally difficult compared even to just mondy
[11:31] * Rubix is refering to running this with allthis stuff going on
[11:31] [Rubix] anyway
[11:31] [Rubix] come on now, the round is resolved isn't it?
[11:31] [Azure] yes
[11:31] [Rubix] oh wait, kal's changing the thing
[11:31] [Monderefal] yup
[11:31] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 29/33 (PM,HD,SP,11 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 21 (PMx2,FoF,Shovex2,DTx1), FV (DT,Sh,FoF) FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT,Shv)'
[11:31] [Monderefal] changed
[11:31] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 28/33 (PM,HD,SP,11 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 21 (PMx2,FoF,Shovex2,DTx1), FV (DT,Sh,FoF) FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT,Shv)'
[11:31] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[11:31] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The oak punches the brush; leaps over the kick of the shell!
[11:31] [Monderefal] at the Dragon
[11:32] [Monderefal] Done
[11:32] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 1
[11:32] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The mace slashes underneath the sea; averts the cut of the insect!
[11:32] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 2
[11:32] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The gold manticore demolishes the island; redirects the terror of the blade!
[11:32] [Rubix] FoF
[11:32] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 2 FoF (at mondy everything so far)
[11:32] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The spear severs the labyrinth; parries the rolling of the sands!
[11:32] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 3
[11:32] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The mantis prances within the well; leaps over the beauty of the blade!
[11:32] [Monderefal] (yup)
[11:32] [Rubix] heh... and no shove to rely on for #3...
[11:33] [Rubix] done
[11:33] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[11:33] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The trident tracks over the ruins; calmly dodges the terror of the horn!
[11:34] [Rubix] done?
[11:34] [Azure] thinking.....
[11:34] [Monderefal] Silence=Thought
[11:34] [Azure] done
[11:34] [Azure] (at dragon)
[11:34] [Rubix] !mb YBmove
[11:34] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The scorpion drifts in the midst of the wastelands; grasps the stab of the sky!
[11:34] [Rubix] Dang...
[11:35] [Rubix] done
[11:35] [Monderefal] (it can still shove if it wants too)
[11:35] [Monderefal] ok it can't now
[11:35] [Azure] @?
[11:35] [Rubix] 2 points against Mondy from Virus 2, 2 hits against the Dragon from you two...
[11:35] [Rubix] I think that is right
[11:35] [Monderefal] yup
[11:35] [Demitri] back
[11:35] [Demitri] anything interesting?
[11:36] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 26/33 (PM,HD,SP,11 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 19 (PMx2,FoF,Shovex2,DTx1), FV (DT,Sh,FoF) FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT,Shv)'
[11:36] [Monderefal] (Not really)
[11:36] [Rubix] They are fighting a dragon Virus
[11:36] [Monderefal] (poor virii)
[11:36] [Rubix] its a boss critter... CR 35 total...
[11:36] [Rubix] heh
[11:36] [Demitri] dangit, missed the dragon virus
[11:36] [Monderefal] Its up ^
[11:36] [Rubix] the two of them are more than a match with Mondies armor
[11:36] [Rubix] k, good
[11:36] [Monderefal] its just a red dragon
[11:36] [Azure] "Go Monde"
[11:36] [Monderefal] yah I know
[11:36] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[11:36] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The mantis assails the hells; leaps over the aggression of the storm!
[11:37] [Demitri] am I back for this or no
[11:37] * Monderefal thinks
[11:37] [Rubix] Eh...
[11:37] [Monderefal] At Dragon
[11:37] [Monderefal] Done
[11:37] [Demitri] oh, you're not done yet :)
[11:37] [Rubix] wait till the end of the round Demit
[11:37] [Demitri] k
[11:37] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 1
[11:37] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The lotus blossom tracks across the fountain; fends off the assailment of the fortification!
[11:37] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 2
[11:37] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The chain strikes the ravine; scatters the descent of the lash!
[11:37] [Demitri] (sorry bout that)
[11:37] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 3 (Retreating) (other two against Mondy)
[11:37] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The trident appears within the village; waves away the kick of the abomination! *yen*
[11:38] [Azure] (btw kal, no fof on FV 2)
[11:38] [Rubix] done
[11:38] [Monderefal] yes! A Yen move
[11:38] [Azure] (w00t YEN!!!)
[11:38] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[11:38] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The chain flies from the dungeon; dodges the motion of the bird!
[11:38] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 26/33 (PM,HD,SP,11 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 19 (PMx2,FoF,Shovex2,DTx1), FV (DT,Sh,FoF) FV (DT) FV (DT,Shv)'
[11:39] [Rubix] Yen Factor of the entire group is only 6... (I assume you add it together)
[11:39] [Monderefal] nope
[11:39] [Monderefal] Highest Yen Factor
[11:39] [Monderefal] :)
[11:39] [Azure] Master of the Void! Virus 2! I get its Chain move, it gets my crap move.
[11:39] [Rubix] well still 6
[11:40] [Rubix] not bad
[11:40] [Azure] Perfect mastery! The MIGHTY STAFF strikes the ravine; scatters the descent of the lash!
[11:40] [Azure] at dragon
[11:40] [Azure] done
[11:40] [Rubix] (damage total?)
[11:40] [Monderefal] let me guess you want me to nix its shoves ?
[11:40] [Azure] 5 + 1 + 5 + 2 = 13
[11:40] [Rubix] Dragon..
[11:40] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Dragon
[11:40] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The silver turtle punches the glade; conceals the motion of the horn!
[11:41] [Rubix] hrm...
[11:41] [Rubix] Two ways to go...
[11:41] [Azure] (trying to lure more of them, yes)
[11:41] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Ferocious Claw
[11:41] [Azure] (then let you go in and smite it)
[11:41] [Monderefal] the mods don't stack
[11:41] [Rubix] The Perfect Claw Punches the Glade; conceals the motion of the horn! at Mondy
[11:41] [Monderefal] no
[11:42] [Rubix] ?
[11:42] [Monderefal] the ferocious claw
[11:42] [Monderefal] not the perfect claw
[11:42] [Rubix] ah k
[11:42] [Rubix] ferocious then
[11:42] [Rubix] ;)
[11:42] [Rubix] It's only 4 pointer...
[11:42] [Monderefal] yes I know
[11:42] [Rubix] Ok, How much did Azure do to dragon?
[11:42] [Monderefal] thats why I'm being vengeful soon
[11:42] [Azure] 13
[11:42] [Monderefal] 13 if it doesn't shove her
[11:43] [Rubix] it wouldn't do that after a PM...
[11:43] [Monderefal] why not ?
[11:43] [Azure] wait...14 forgot the default 1
[11:43] [Monderefal] it doesn't stop it
[11:43] [Monderefal] thats a shove
[11:43] [Monderefal] it only takes Azure out
[11:43] [Rubix] oh, Shove Azure
[11:43] [Monderefal] it can shove her and still PM at me
[11:43] [Monderefal] PoF
[11:43] [Rubix] Shove Azure
[11:43] [Monderefal] PoF
[11:43] [Rubix] Dang...
[11:44] [Azure] out of shoves and out of chi
[11:44] [Monderefal] and thats it for both of us
[11:44] [Monderefal] yup
[11:44] [Rubix] Alright it takes 14 hits, and deals 4 to Mondy
[11:44] [Rubix] done with that round methinks
[11:44] [Demitri] (well, I'm glad my bestiary is put to use :))
[11:44] [Rubix] Azure canceled the only good virus attack
[11:44] [Rubix] and Virus 3 was replaced with the Fresh #4
[11:44] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 22/33 (PM,HD,SP,3 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST,MotV),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 5 (PMx1,FoF,DTx1), FV (DT,Sh,FoF) FV (DT) FV (DT,Shv)'
[11:44] [Monderefal] I want to use Holy Light just to see what Demitri does
[11:45] [Azure] (my pm is used and my void is used)
[11:45] [Rubix] oh yeah
[11:45] [Rubix] Demitri in or not?
[11:45] [Rubix] I don't think it's necessary to complicate it mid fight, but if you gusy want it's fine by me
[11:46] [Rubix] :SILENCE:
[11:46] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 22/33 (PM,HD,SP,3 Chi), Azure 26/26 (DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 5 (PMx1,FoF,DTx1), FV (DT,Sh,FoF) FV (DT) FV (DT,Sh,FoF) FV (Out) (DT,Shv)'
[11:46] [Monderefal] Up to you Sollir
[11:46] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[11:46] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The ki-rin quells the ravine; parries the energy of the elements!
[11:46] [Demitri] k
[11:46] [Demitri] in
[11:46] [Demitri] er
[11:46] [Demitri] if you guys are ok with that
[11:46] [Rubix] they are
[11:46] [Rubix] now we continue
[11:46] [Demitri] k
[11:47] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[11:47] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The mace attacks the foothills; waves away the throw of the holy ground!
[11:47] [Monderefal] at Dragon Done
[11:47] [Monderefal] hey Sollir
[11:47] [Demitri] sorry
[11:47] [Monderefal] not yet
[11:47] [Monderefal] :p
[11:47] [Rubix] heh
[11:47] [Monderefal] oh well do whatever now that you've gone
[11:47] [Demitri] at the dragon, done (2 pointer)
[11:47] [Monderefal] thats how it works
[11:47] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 1
[11:47] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The fang falls across the well and terrifyingly destroys the Yang River Bridge; blocks the energy of the wood!
[11:47] [Rubix] at mondy
[11:47] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 2
[11:47] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The phoenix spins facing the ricefield; dodges the rolling of the bird!
[11:47] [Rubix] At Demitri
[11:47] [Monderefal] always always at monde
[11:48] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 4
[11:48] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The unicorn breaks the wastelands; quells the stab of the elements!
[11:48] [Monderefal] Do I have some kind of target on my head?
[11:48] [Rubix] Shove Azure
[11:48] [Rubix] done
[11:48] [Azure] "Yes you seem to have some red circles on your face. I wonder how they got there."
[11:48] [Azure] "You always get the attacks, I always seem to get shoved."
[11:48] [Monderefal] "Probably all these things trying to kill me leaving claw marks"
[11:49] [Azure] (go, no revenge shove this time)
[11:49] [Monderefal] You're up CS
[11:49] [Rubix] hraga?
[11:49] [Rubix] k
[11:49] [Monderefal] go go Dragon thingy ma bob
[11:49] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Dragon
[11:49] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The raven drops atop the shrine; silences the descent of the horn!
[11:49] [Rubix] lol
[11:49] [Rubix] Hrm...
[11:49] [Rubix] At Mondy, Done
[11:50] [Rubix] Mondy scores a hit, Demitri scores a 2 pointer...
[11:50] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 22/33 (PM,HD,SP,3 Chi), Azure 26/26 (DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 2 (PMx1,FoF,DTx1), FV (DT,Sh,FoF) FV (DT) FV (DT,FoF) FV (Out) (DT,Shv)'
[11:51] [Monderefal] do the Virii do damage?
[11:51] [Rubix] er the first one hits monde
[11:51] [Rubix] the second one doesn't hit demitri
[11:51] [Rubix] and the third shoved
[11:51] [Monderefal] it can still attack
[11:51] [Azure] so?
[11:51] [Azure] shove doesn't negate your attack.
[11:51] [Monderefal] to be brutally honest it should attack me
[11:51] [Rubix] er its attack sucked
[11:52] [Monderefal] quote:
[11:52] [Rubix] fine Mondy, it hits you
[11:52] [Monderefal] The unicorn breaks the wastelands; quells the stab of the elements!
[11:52] [Rubix] you happy?
[11:52] [Monderefal] quote
[11:52] [Monderefal] I didn't say it should hit me
[11:52] [Monderefal] I said it should have attacked me
[11:52] [Monderefal] :p
[11:52] [Rubix] lol
[11:52] [Monderefal] but okie dokie I can live with that
[11:52] [Rubix] and its attack sucks
[11:52] [Rubix] lol
[11:52] [Rubix] This fight is right on the corner of dead and over...
[11:52] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 20/33 (PM,HD,SP,3 Chi), Azure 26/26 (DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 2 (PMx1,FoF,DTx1), FV (DT,Sh,FoF) FV (DT) FV (DT,FoF) FV (Out) (DT,Shv)'
[11:52] [Rubix] your up big man ;)
[11:53] [Monderefal] (My recommendation is to leave the other critters to attack us)
[11:53] [Monderefal] otherwise this is to easy
[11:53] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[11:53] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The tiger rends the cavern; protects against the assailment of the tree as it waves away the blood of the stone!
[11:53] [Monderefal] At the Dragon
[11:53] [Monderefal] Done
[11:53] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 1
[11:53] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The east wind destroys the clouds; absorbs the push of the flower!
[11:53] [Azure] (of course, getting good moves always helps)
[11:54] [Rubix] Shove Demitri for Virus 1, it targets Mondy
[11:54] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 2
[11:54] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The kama invades the temple; defends against the storm of the elements!
[11:54] [Azure] (and them spanging off of you doesn't help CS's cause)
[11:54] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 4
[11:54] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The crane illuminates the temple; parts the speed of the grass!
[11:54] [Rubix] done
[11:54] [Leo_Watching] What cause would that be, to kill you all?
[11:54] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 20/33 (PM,HD,SP,3 Chi), Azure 26/26 (DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Dragon Hits 2 (PMx1,FoF,DTx1), FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT) FV (DT,FoF) FV (Out) (DT,Shv)'
[11:54] [Monderefal] precisely
[11:54] [Azure] (yup ;p )
[11:54] [Monderefal] demitri is up
[11:55] [Azure] (1st one poinged btw)
[11:55] [Monderefal] do me a favour and get a good move
[11:55] [Monderefal] the dragon pretty much has to DT
[11:55] [Monderefal] damn Dem is shoved
[11:55] [Demitri] I thought I'm shoved?
[11:55] [Monderefal] looks like its up to Azure
[11:55] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[11:55] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The rat prances with the marsh and in addition it ferociously obliterates Mount Kachi; shreds the efforts of the maze!
[11:55] [Monderefal] bah, I guess I can live with that
[11:55] [Azure] 1 pointer at dragon, done
[11:56] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Dragon
[11:56] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The fist slides over the forest; parries the terror of the insect!
[11:56] [Rubix] ah, crap
[11:56] [Monderefal] Shoulda DT'd
[11:56] [Rubix] Was hoping to luck out and get a good final attack for PM
[11:56] [Monderefal] fair enough
[11:56] [Rubix] done
[11:56] [Azure] yup...well done
[11:56] [Rubix] Dragon takes 1 from Azure, 1 from Mondy, mondy blocks all three virus
[11:57] [Monderefal] there were only 4 virus's all up ?
[11:57] [Rubix] Now all 4 virus are active
[11:57] [Rubix] yeah, all four are here, the dragon is defeated
[11:57] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 20/33 (PM,HD,SP,3 Chi), Azure 26/26 (DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT) FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT,Shv)'
[11:57] [Monderefal] clean up time
[11:57] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[11:57] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The northstar overwhelmingly destroys the atoll; fends off the chaos of the reptile!
[11:58] [Monderefal] At Virus 4
[11:58] [Monderefal] the last one on the line up above anyway
[11:58] [Monderefal] Done
[11:58] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[11:58] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The lightning mangles the foothills; dodges the onslaught of the lash!
[11:58] [Monderefal] (Aim at the one with the shove since you can't shove yourself
[11:58] [Monderefal] )
[11:58] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 2
[11:58] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The crane demolishes the dungeon; drops by the tempest of the maze!
[11:58] [Rubix] Hrm...
[11:59] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 3
[11:59] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The kama assaults the ravine; dodges the offensive of the blade!
[11:59] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 4
[11:59] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The manticore withers the foothills; shields against the onslaught of the iron!
[11:59] [Rubix] Shove mondy
[11:59] [Azure] (wow..one good move after another)
[11:59] [Monderefal] :)
[11:59] [Rubix] done
[11:59] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[11:59] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The hammer strikes the city and aggresively torments the Desert of Gems; shields the throw of the star!
[11:59] [Azure] @?
[11:59] [Demitri] Perfect Mastery!
[11:59] [Monderefal] and I just avoided all of them :)
[11:59] [Demitri] at...., 4, 3, 1, 2
[11:59] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 20/33 (PM,HD,SP,3 Chi), Azure 26/26 (DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT) FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT)'
[12:00] [Monderefal] how much damage Dem ?
[12:00] [Demitri] The tricky hammer strikes the labyrinth and aggressively torments the Desert of Gems; shields the throw of the star!
[12:00] [Demitri] eh
[12:00] [Leo_Watching] BTW, what level is LadyD right now?
[12:00] [Demitri] one sec
[12:00] [Demitri] 1 base+1 life drain+3 known+8 items
[12:00] [Demitri] 13
[12:00] [Demitri] (I dunno, around level 6)
[12:00] [Monderefal] got to do 16 to kill em all
[12:01] [Azure] (done?)
[12:01] [Monderefal] so 1'll live
[12:01] [Demitri] done
[12:01] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[12:01] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The manticore wracks the fountain; dodges the efforts of the lash!
[12:01] [Leo_Watching] g2g now
[12:01] [Rubix] bye
[12:01] [Demitri] cya
[12:01] [Azure] how about that final 3 points...
[12:01] * Leo_Watching has quit IRC (QUIT: )
[12:01] [Azure] at 2
[12:01] [Azure] done
[12:01] [Rubix] thats a 3 pointer?
[12:01] [Azure] 1 + 2 item
[12:01] [Monderefal] Here comes a leaping horde of X-Protein
[12:02] [Rubix] on crack
[12:02] [Monderefal] (ironic no XP for this )
[12:02] [Rubix] Well some of them hit possibly, but not enough to take down anyone...
[12:02] [Rubix] heh
[12:02] [Monderefal] need to work out who they'd hit
[12:02] [Rubix] x-protien x16
[12:02] [Monderefal] they don't take damage if they beat the move
[12:03] [Demitri] eh? Max 4 things per char
[12:03] [Rubix] I took that out for these
[12:03] [Monderefal] XP are an exception
[12:03] [Rubix] otherwise 12 would auto-flee
[12:03] [Demitri] k
[12:03] [Monderefal] shouldn't there be another 19 too
[12:03] [Rubix] though you guys have it hard
[12:03] [Demitri] so we need to do 16 damage in 1 round?
[12:03] [Monderefal] for the dragon
[12:03] [Rubix] Leomon in your group could absorb them all
[12:03] [Rubix] The dragon doesn't apply (like the vampire)
[12:03] [Monderefal] (k)
[12:03] [Monderefal] 32 actually
[12:04] [Demitri] gah, shouldn't have used those PMs I guess
[12:04] [Demitri] oh well
[12:04] [Rubix] yep 32 hits required....
[12:04] [Monderefal] *sigh*
[12:04] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[12:04] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The turtle rides near the peaks; removes the assailment of the sickle when it drops atop the touch of the iron!
[12:04] * Demitri hopes for a lightning and maze attack
[12:04] [Rubix] (just tell me points, I'm not genning moves for them)
[12:04] [Monderefal] Perfect Mastery:Avenging Phoenix,Holy Day,Strategic Planner
[12:04] [Monderefal] Done
[12:04] [Rubix] (16 moves ] my memory)
[12:04] [Rubix] Demitri?
[12:04] [Demitri] (ah, well i'll remember next time)
[12:04] [Demitri] !Mb ybmove
[12:05] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[12:05] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The kama burns the labyrinth; removes the thrust of the flower!
[12:05] [Demitri] WOOT!
[12:05] [Demitri] done 10 points
[12:05] [Demitri] er
[12:05] [Demitri] wait
[12:05] [Demitri] 1+2+5+1=9
[12:05] [Monderefal] 16 here
[12:05] [Demitri] someones smiling on me
[12:05] [Monderefal] 9 from demitri
[12:05] [Monderefal] 25
[12:05] [Monderefal] Azure
[12:05] [Azure] I need how many?
[12:05] [Monderefal] wait
[12:05] [Monderefal] I did 17
[12:05] [Monderefal] forgot the base
[12:05] [Monderefal] 26
[12:06] [Monderefal] 6 pointer
[12:06] [Rubix] You need to deal 6
[12:06] [Azure] only need 6..I can do that
[12:06] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[12:06] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The trident tracks below the grotto; leaps over the rising of the feline!
[12:06] [Monderefal] Full Life Drain
[12:06] [Monderefal] hehe
[12:06] [Azure] yup
[12:06] [Azure] drain the ki
[12:06] [Azure] +5
[12:06] [Rubix] heh
[12:06] [Azure] sneaky trick for run and profit
[12:06] [Azure] 7 pointer
[12:06] [Rubix] run and profit?
[12:06] [Monderefal] 33 CS
[12:06] [Azure] fun
[12:06] [Monderefal] fun and profit
[12:06] [Demitri] =)
[12:06] [Demitri] and I didn't even use a PM :)
[12:07] [Rubix] good nuff, you gain all 35 xp to split, plus 6 yen...
[12:07] [Azure] 11 2/3s
[12:07] [Demitri] 11 2/3 exp?
[12:07] [Monderefal] 11 + 2/3 X{
[12:07] [Azure] and 2 yen
[12:07] [Monderefal] 3 Yen For Dem, 2 For Azure, 1 for Me
[12:08] [Demitri] I forgot
[12:08] [Demitri] after the exp needed for level
[12:08] [Monderefal] 15 1/3 XP for the whole adventure
[12:08] [Rubix] The two boilers remain intact, this extremely hot room is beginning to cool down to normal temperatures
[12:08] [Demitri] once you get over that amount, what do you divide by for extra exp
[12:08] [Demitri] I level
[12:08] [Monderefal] your level
[12:08] [Monderefal] round down fractions
[12:08] [Monderefal] you'd need 4.5 extra for 1/2 an XP
[12:08] [Monderefal] etc
[12:08] [Demitri] k
[12:09] * Azure rests for a moment and recharges
[12:09] [Monderefal] wow, that was pointless
[12:09] [Rubix] :The room is no-longer superheated, and you can see some new scenery in the area:
[12:09] [Demitri] I'll wait a little longer then
[12:09] [Rubix] the heat made all of you squint your eyes as you fought, but now the room is normally visable
[12:09] * Demitri recharges his energy
[12:09] [Monderefal] (We need to find the damn story point but it keeps evading us)
[12:09] [Demitri] btw, check you rmessages CS
[12:10] [Demitri] your*
[12:10] [Monderefal] I need anoter 15 XP to level
[12:10] * Topic is 'Monderefal 20/33 (PM,HD,SP,3 Chi), Azure 26/26 (DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT) FV (DT,FoF) FV (DT)'
[12:10] * Set by Monderefal on Tue Dec 03 12:51:05
[12:10] [Rubix] You can see the computer in between the two boilers/generators is covered by a diamond shell
[12:10] [Azure] 38 here
[12:11] [Demitri] "So...how much do you think is the shell worth?" Demitri smiles
[12:11] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 33/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,MotV,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD)'
[12:11] [Monderefal] Its not for sale
[12:11] [Rubix] There are four slots on the computer
[12:11] [Monderefal] Its sentient
[12:11] [Monderefal] "Are you a diamond guardian ? "
[12:11] [Rubix] each one with a different sybmol
[12:11] [Rubix] X V Triagle and Square
[12:11] * Monderefal puts in the two he has with him
[12:11] [Rubix] Monderfall talks to a diamond glass covering a computer
[12:11] * Demitri wonders if its a Slot Machine
[12:12] [Rubix] lol
[12:12] [Monderefal] "Protocol ? "
[12:12] [Rubix] Monderfall persists at talking to the crystal
[12:12] [Rubix] You had one more cylinder kal
[12:12] [Rubix] it was a silver one that you picked up in sector 5
[12:13] [Monderefal] does it go in any of these slots ?
[12:13] [Monderefal] if so I'll put the dang thing in
[12:13] [Rubix] It could fit into any slot...
[12:13] [Rubix] heh
[12:13] [Monderefal] the one matching its symbol
[12:13] [Monderefal] :p
[12:13] [Rubix] alright, when you put the silver cylinder in, the other two cylinders are knocked out.
[12:13] [Rubix] they just pop out, and the thing seals...
[12:13] * Monderefal also examines the coin thing he got
[12:13] [Monderefal] *weird*
[12:14] [Rubix] Wait... let me figure this out...
[12:14] [Monderefal] sure
[12:14] [Rubix] Ah, yes... you just opened up a permanent seal...
[12:14] [Rubix] The cieling above shifts, and you see a hole form...
[12:14] [Rubix] Gravity in this sector is beginning to be removed...
[12:15] [Rubix] ... Anyone going up, or not?
[12:15] [Demitri] "Just great, what's next...giant space hampsters?"
[12:15] [Monderefal] May as well guys
[12:15] * Monderefal goes up
[12:15] * Demitri follows
[12:15] [Rubix] You make me happy guys ;)
[12:15] [Monderefal] CS are we anywhere near a story point or do we have a talent for avoiding them ?
[12:16] [Rubix] You have PERFECT MASTER OF AVOIDING STORY POINTS down quite well
[12:16] [Azure] upfollows
[12:16] [Demitri] lol
[12:16] [Rubix] actually you skipped... 8 story points coming straight here
[12:16] [Monderefal] *sigh*
[12:16] [Azure] woot ;p
[12:16] [Demitri] oh my
[12:16] [Rubix] heh
[12:16] [Monderefal] god damn it
[12:16] [Demitri] I think its my presence
[12:16] [Monderefal] nah I can't find em either
[12:16] [Monderefal] I think CS deliberately hides them from me
[12:16] [Rubix] Alright, up top you see a room with two large black steel warmechs...
[12:17] [Monderefal] "Protocol ?"
[12:17] * Demitri thinks, "looks like fun, taking them apart should help in my golem research"
[12:17] [Rubix] They sit still, guarding a shiny silver case... labled "Yen"
[12:17] [Rubix] "Assault"
[12:17] [Demitri] (would have been more funny if it was labeled Ney :))
[12:17] [Rubix] Hrm... I hope they don't...
[12:17] [Monderefal] (lol)
[12:17] [Rubix] Demitri GOOD IDEA
[12:17] [Rubix] fine, it's labled Ney
[12:18] [Rubix] :GUARDIAN PROTOCOL 2011:
[12:18] [Monderefal] "How are those weird viral blobs dealt with ?"
[12:18] [Demitri] Could Ney be the highly powerful protoplasmic substance that i've been searching for? Demitri ponders
[12:18] [Rubix] :THERE IS NO VIRUS HERE:
[12:18] [Monderefal] I'm not insane I'm just talking to robots
[12:18] [Monderefal] "What sector is this?"
[12:19] * Azure thinks regardless of what Mondy thinks that Monde is insane
[12:19] [Monderefal] "What sector is directly below"
[12:19] [Rubix] :SECTOR 4, RED:
[12:20] [Monderefal] "What colour is sector 1?"
[12:20] [Rubix] :GREEN:
[12:20] [Rubix] :SECTOR 2 ORANGE:
[12:20] [Rubix] :SECTOR 3 BLUE:
[12:20] [Rubix] :SECTOR 4 RED:
[12:20] [Rubix] :SECTOR 5 GOLD:
[12:20] [Monderefal] *ah*
[12:20] [Monderefal] Freak it
[12:21] [Monderefal] "Sector 0 is White?"
[12:21] [Rubix] :CORRECT:
[12:21] [Azure] "Weapons and ammunitions? That sounds like a place to visit."
[12:21] [Monderefal] "Its got a big guardian mech thats diamond coloured"
[12:21] [Monderefal] "Where is violet sector ?"
[12:21] [Monderefal] "What designation do we have?"
[12:22] [Monderefal] "Meaning ?"
[12:23] [Monderefal] "I feel vaguely insulted"
[12:23] [Azure] "How can we get qualified as Mechs?"
[12:23] [Monderefal] "Anyone want to do anything here or do you want to go to violet sector ?"
[12:24] [Azure] "How do we get higher clearance?"
[12:24] [Rubix] :CHECK YOUR CLEARANCE?:
[12:24] [Monderefal] "Go to sector 5"
[12:24] * Monderefal gets out the coin and shows it
[12:24] [Monderefal] "What clearance is this ?"
[12:25] [Monderefal] (Ahhhhh)
[12:25] [Monderefal] "Energy clearance is obtained in Sector 5 ?"
[12:25] [Monderefal] "Define Safe"
[12:25] [Demitri] (poor, poor CS)
[12:26] [Monderefal] (hehe)
[12:26] [Rubix] (POOR HOW SO? CAUSE I CAN'T WIN?)
[12:26] [Monderefal] "What is the difference between ENergy and Coin clearance?"
[12:27] [Rubix] (it's refering to the Ney)
[12:27] [Monderefal] "May we take the case ?"
[12:27] [Rubix] :NO:
[12:27] [Monderefal] "What does Safe designation mean ?"
[12:27] [Monderefal] (I'm barely holding back my desire to destroy these Mechs)
[12:28] [Demitri] "And How many Units of Energy is required to enter a sector?"
[12:28] [Rubix] :ONE:
[12:28] * Demitri telepathically speaks, [I don't suppose it would hurt to just pay the toll?]
[12:28] [Demitri] (to monde and azure)
[12:28] [Monderefal] What is the price to pass to Violet Sector ?
[12:28] [Demitri] (rary's telepathic bond, so sue me ;) )
[12:29] [Monderefal] [Don't think we have it Demitri)
[12:29] * Azure queues the boss music, "Anyone feel like saccing a pair of mechs?"
[12:29] [Monderefal] [The toll is wasting these two]
[12:29] * Demitri thinks that their danger levels would increase if they did that...
[12:30] [Monderefal] [Actually if we merely proceed into violet area and they attack us ....]
[12:30] [Rubix] Description: These mechs are 6 meters tall, covered in thick grisly black metal...
[12:30] [Demitri] [Flip a coin?]
[12:30] [Monderefal] d2
[12:30] [Azure] Monderefal: (d2): 1.
[12:30] [Azure] "What are you armed with?"
[12:30] [Demitri] (what weapons do they use, can we see or are they retracted?)
[12:30] [Rubix] They have a large club in one hand and a large shield in the other
[12:30] [Rubix] the club is heavily spiked
[12:31] [Rubix] made of a single piece of the hardened metal
[12:31] [Azure] (they have answered every other question...why not that one?)
[12:31] [Monderefal] (they don't understand all questions)
[12:31] [Monderefal] For example:
[12:31] [Monderefal] "How is protocol obtained?"
[12:32] [Rubix] :SECTOR 5:
[12:32] [Rubix] (mondy never quite got to select protocol)
[12:32] [Monderefal] "See, they never actually answer it properly"
[12:33] [Monderefal] [What say we all go to Sector 5 and get some protocol maybe the dratted diamond guardian there can tell us where we get the ability to deal with X-proteins"
[12:33] [Monderefal] ]
[12:33] [Demitri] "Sure thing."
[12:33] [Monderefal] Azure ?
[12:34] -] [Azure] PING
[12:34] [Azure] "That works'
[12:34] [Azure] (sorry, was busy updating character for CS's game)
[12:34] [Monderefal] (Ah sorry)
[12:35] [Rubix] don't forget to max HDs AZURE
[12:35] [Rubix] ;)
[12:35] [Monderefal] Ok CS we all head to sector 5
[12:35] [Azure] (just need a feat)
[12:35] [Monderefal] which means we have to deal with Kraken boy in the way I think
[12:35] [Rubix] lol
[12:35] [Rubix] no kal, there are like 90 ways to sector 5... which is funny to me
[12:36] [Rubix] anyway, I assume you drop down through the cieling into the generator room
[12:36] [Monderefal] *lol*
[12:36] [Monderefal] (I''ll just stick to the path I know)
[12:36] [Rubix] North South East and West are all Red Doors, going anywhere?
[12:36] [Azure] we go back down into the generator room, go the straight path back to where we woke up
[12:36] [Rubix] done
[12:36] [Rubix] no problems there
[12:36] [Azure] then go west to where kal told us not to go west anymore
[12:36] [Monderefal] yup
[12:36] [Monderefal] straight through that door
[12:36] [Rubix] alright, now your all drowning, sorta ;)
[12:37] [Monderefal] yes :)
[12:37] [Monderefal] and now where I went yesterday
[12:37] [Rubix] right... and then if you continue west... hello Kraken
[12:37] [Monderefal] yep thats where we are going :)
[12:37] [Rubix] skipping all interludes:
[12:37] [Rubix] KRAKEN VIRUS
[12:37] [Rubix] CR 8
[12:37] [Rubix] Hits 11
[12:37] [Rubix] Yen Factor: 2
[12:37] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Mighty Whip
[12:37] [Rubix] Dirty Trick (x1)
[12:37] [Rubix] Shove (x3)
[12:37] [Rubix] Toughness (x3)
[12:37] [Rubix] -Battles with 2 Tentacles
[12:37] [Rubix] Tentacles (2)
[12:37] [Rubix] CR 3
[12:37] [Rubix] Hits 4
[12:37] [Rubix] Yen Factor: 0
[12:37] [Rubix] Expert of the Whip
[12:37] [Rubix] Fist of Fury (x1)
[12:37] [Rubix] Toughness
[12:37] [Rubix] x1
[12:37] [Rubix] BLUE (ICE) VIRUS
[12:37] [Rubix] CR: 3
[12:37] [Rubix] HITS: 3
[12:37] [Rubix] YEN FACTOR: 0
[12:37] [Rubix] Chair Shot (x1)
[12:37] [Rubix] Dirty Trick (x1)
[12:37] [Rubix] Shove (x1)
[12:37] [Rubix] Student of the Tundra
[12:37] [Rubix] Student of the Shadowy Glacier
[12:37] [Azure] (half hour left)
[12:37] [Rubix] x3
[12:37] * Demitri smiles
[12:37] [Rubix] heh
[12:37] [Rubix] you might wanna leave then
[12:37] * Demitri loves to see his critters put to use
[12:37] [Rubix] this fight could take a long time
[12:37] [Monderefal] (They go last, damn DT)
[12:38] [Demitri] the tentacles don't
[12:38] [Monderefal] (nope, this won't last half an hour)
[12:38] [Monderefal] Remember Azure and Demitri are last :)
[12:38] [Rubix] Kraken, Tentacle, Tentacle, Virus 1
[12:38] [Azure] (but this is my last fight)
[12:38] [Rubix] k
[12:38] [Demitri] k
[12:38] [Rubix] Alright Tents first
[12:38] [Rubix] after kal sets up the thing
[12:38] [Monderefal] Tentacles,me,Virus,Kraken,Dem,Az
[12:38] [Rubix] going for soda
[12:38] * Topic is 'Monderefal 33/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,MotV,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD)'
[12:38] * Set by Monderefal on Tue Dec 03 13:02:25
[12:38] [Demitri] k
[12:40] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 33/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,MotV,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Tentacle 4 (FoF), Tentacle 4 (FoF), Virus 3 (CS,DT,Shove) Kraken 11 (PM,DT,Shx3)'
[12:40] [Monderefal] ready guys ?
[12:40] [Monderefal] Day and Location CS ?
[12:40] [Rubix] Turtle Ocean
[12:40] [Azure] yup
[12:40] [Demitri] rdy\
[12:40] [Monderefal] k
[12:40] [Monderefal] Tentacles first
[12:40] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Tentacle 1
[12:40] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The hammer slashes on top of the marsh; blocks the motion of the flower!
[12:40] [Rubix] Hrm...
[12:40] [Rubix] Fof
[12:40] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Tentacle 1
[12:40] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The chain scourges the clouds; leaps over the assailment of the reptile!
[12:40] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Tentacle 2
[12:40] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The tiger assails the swamp; parts the throw of the spring!
[12:40] [Monderefal] at ?
[12:40] [Rubix] Hrm...
[12:40] [Rubix] Demitri
[12:41] [Monderefal] k
[12:41] [Rubix] done
[12:41] [Monderefal] #2 at ?
[12:41] [Rubix] Demitri
[12:41] [Monderefal] k
[12:41] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[12:41] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The oak nails the orchard; scatters the throw of the body!
[12:41] [Monderefal] At the Kraken
[12:41] [Monderefal] Done
[12:41] [Monderefal] Virus
[12:41] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 1
[12:41] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The phoenix shatters the wastelands; parries the rolling of the horn!
[12:42] [Demitri] heh
[12:42] [Rubix] At Azure
[12:42] [Monderefal] I wish they'd stop stealing my moves :(
[12:42] [Rubix] done
[12:42] [Monderefal] Kraken
[12:42] [Demitri] my turn
[12:42] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[12:42] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The rat bows higher than the hells; protects against the descent of the wood!
[12:42] [Monderefal] nah
[12:42] [Monderefal] Kraken's turn
[12:42] [Rubix] heh
[12:42] [Demitri] ah k
[12:42] [Monderefal] but you've gone now
[12:42] [Rubix] done
[12:42] [Demitri] whoops, thought that last phoenix was kraken
[12:42] [Monderefal] so make your choice
[12:43] [Monderefal] oh that was CS
[12:43] [Rubix] none, sucks...
[12:43] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[12:43] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The lightning dominates the tower; removes the rising of the tides!
[12:43] [Rubix] but mondy anyway
[12:43] [Demitri] at Kraken
[12:43] [Demitri] 7 pointer
[12:43] [Demitri] done
[12:43] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[12:43] [Monderefal] good bye Kraken
[12:43] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The raven blasts the waterfall; waves away the drive of the storm!
[12:43] * Rubix screams son of a !*!
[12:43] [Monderefal] thats a 3 pointer yes Azure ?
[12:43] * Demitri appropriately attacks the Kraken with a Chain Lightning spell
[12:43] [Demitri] :)
[12:44] [Azure] sneaky trick waterfall!
[12:44] [Azure] at kraken
[12:44] [Azure] 3 pointer
[12:44] [Rubix] Grarg...
[12:44] * Monderefal does not cancel the trick
[12:44] [Azure] but thats only 10
[12:44] [Rubix] Yep... all of 10!
[12:44] [Monderefal] what am I chopped liver ?
[12:44] [Demitri] Monde did 1?
[12:44] [Azure] ah ;p
[12:44] [Monderefal] I've got a 1 pointer
[12:44] [Azure] done
[12:45] [Demitri] we're a deadly combination ;)
[12:45] * Azure has Kal type /tnick chopped_liver
[12:45] [Rubix] 10 points on Kraken, 1 point against Demitri (1 subtracted for his ability)
[12:45] [Demitri] it doesn't count for FoFs
[12:45] [Demitri] since they're seperate attacks
[12:45] [Demitri] I take 2 damage
[12:45] [Rubix] grag...
[12:45] [Monderefal] who missed the Kraken ?
[12:45] [Rubix] you
[12:45] [Azure] you
[12:45] [Monderefal] damn :(
[12:45] [Monderefal] oh well
[12:46] [Monderefal] here comes vengeance
[12:46] * Demitri welcomes the chopped liver to YBA life
[12:46] * Azure has Kal type /tnick chopped_liver
[12:46] [Rubix] oh me
[12:46] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Tentacle 1
[12:46] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The sword punches the clouds; conceals the throw of the flame!
[12:46] [Rubix] At Demitri
[12:46] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Tentacle 2
[12:46] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The kama demolishes the shrine; scatters the roar of the stone!
[12:46] [Rubix] FoF
[12:46] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Tentacle 2
[12:46] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The mace scatters the pillar; negates the drive of the maze!
[12:47] [Rubix] At Azure
[12:47] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 32/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,MotV,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Tentacle 4 (), Tentacle 4 (FoF), Virus 3 (CS,DT,Shove) Kraken 1 (PM,DT,Shx3)'
[12:47] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[12:47] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The fang drops underneath the glacier and flips near the grave; protects against the edge of the field!
[12:47] [Rubix] monde now
[12:47] [Monderefal] at Kraken
[12:47] [Monderefal] done
[12:47] [Monderefal] (weirded move)
[12:47] [Monderefal] hmm
[12:47] [Monderefal] 6 pointer though
[12:47] [Demitri] carry over?
[12:47] [Rubix] heh... doesn't sound too good for a 6 pointer...
[12:48] [Monderefal] Tentacle 1
[12:48] [Monderefal] heh
[12:48] [Monderefal] :)
[12:48] [Monderefal] Done
[12:48] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus
[12:48] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The southern cross quells the tundra; blocks the onslaught of the holy ground!
[12:48] [Monderefal] if Kraken=Crappy then Tentacle 1= Dead
[12:48] [Rubix] Hrm... Shove Monderfal
[12:48] [Monderefal] *Unholy Cheat :p*
[12:49] [Rubix] heh
[12:49] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 32/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,MotV,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Tentacle 4 (), Tentacle 4 (), Virus 3 (CS,DT) Kraken 1 (PM,DT,Shx3)'
[12:49] [Monderefal] Kraken
[12:49] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Kraken
[12:49] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The unicorn prances within the orchard; reduces the efforts of the reptile! *yen*
[12:49] [Monderefal] *heh*
[12:49] [Rubix] oh god...
[12:49] [Monderefal] Good choice to shove :)
[12:49] [Rubix] lol
[12:49] [Rubix] done
[12:50] [Monderefal] shoulda PM'd it so it sounded better :)
[12:50] [Azure] Dem?
[12:50] [Monderefal] yup
[12:50] [Rubix] the mighty whip prances?
[12:50] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[12:50] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The flying trident drops atop the plain; strongly parries the roar of the tides!
[12:50] [Monderefal] beats what its curremt;y got :)
[12:50] [Monderefal] watch out falling tridents
[12:50] [Monderefal] and damn it thats my Modifier
[12:51] [Demitri] at the kraken, carry over tentacle #1
[12:51] [Demitri] done
[12:51] [Rubix] how much?
[12:51] [Demitri] 2 pointer
[12:51] [Rubix] 2
[12:51] [Rubix] Azure now
[12:51] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[12:51] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The tiger speaks from the clearing; quells the throw of the isle!
[12:52] [Monderefal] darn our luck
[12:52] [Azure] i'm not done yet
[12:52] [Monderefal] i know
[12:52] [Monderefal] i just don't like empty space
[12:52] * Monderefal is now known as chopped_Liver
[12:52] * chopped_Liver is now known as Monderefal
[12:52] [Monderefal] hmm
[12:52] [Monderefal] weird
[12:53] [Monderefal] why /tnick ?
[12:53] [Azure] void virus 2: I get: The kama demolishes the shrine; scatters the roar of the stone! 2 pointer at kraken
[12:53] [Azure] (doesn't change your default nick)
[12:53] [Monderefal] ah
[12:53] [Monderefal] ;-
[12:53] [Azure] (that's why regardless of what I nick change I always come in as darkwolf)
[12:53] [Demitri] ah
[12:53] [Monderefal] done azure ?
[12:54] [Azure] I mean tentacle 2 not virus 2
[12:54] [Azure] carry over to tentacle 2
[12:54] [Azure] done
[12:54] [Monderefal] go CS
[12:54] [Rubix] Alright, Demitri's attack hits the tentacle 1 for 1 point on carry over from the kraken.. 2 points carry over to tentacle 2
[12:54] [Rubix] I have something left?
[12:54] [Rubix] no
[12:54] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Tentacle 1
[12:54] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The mantis scourges the ravine; absorbs the rising of the garden!
[12:54] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Tentacle 2
[12:54] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The rat sucker punches the volcano; removes the terror of the field!
[12:54] [Rubix] Both at Mondy
[12:55] [Rubix] done
[12:55] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 32/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Tentacle 3 (), Tentacle 2 (), Virus 3 (CS,DT)'
[12:55] [Monderefal] hmm
[12:55] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[12:55] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The weasel carves the marsh; avoids the speed of the ice!
[12:56] [Monderefal] Strat Planner:Heavens, at Tentacle 2, carry to Virus 1
[12:56] [Monderefal] Done
[12:56] [Monderefal] (I assume another Virus comes in ?
[12:56] [Rubix] for the kraken
[12:56] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 32/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Tentacle 3 (), Tentacle 2 (), Virus 3 (CS,DT) Virus 3 (CS,DT,Sh)'
[12:57] [Monderefal] VirII
[12:57] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 1
[12:57] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The staff rains upon the bluff; shields against the quickening of the isle!
[12:57] [Azure] (dang I should have saved my void)
[12:57] [Rubix] Virus 2 Chair Shots Demitri
[12:57] [Monderefal] Virus 1 is at ?
[12:57] [Rubix] demitri
[12:57] [Rubix] done
[12:58] [Monderefal] and virus 2 still needs a defensive move
[12:58] [Monderefal] Azure can attack it
[12:58] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 2
[12:58] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The phoenix wracks the ruins; dodges the cut of the grass!
[12:58] [Rubix] k
[12:58] [Monderefal] *bah*
[12:58] [Monderefal] I need MotV
[12:58] [Monderefal] Go Dem
[12:58] [Azure] (you have to go after them to void it)
[12:58] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[12:58] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The whip flips on top of the orchard; dances within the quickening of the tides!
[12:58] [Demitri] erm
[12:58] [Monderefal] remember you can't attack Virus 1
[12:58] [Demitri] at Virus 1
[12:58] [Demitri] oh
[12:58] [Demitri] heh
[12:58] [Monderefal] it CS'd you
[12:59] [Azure] (you mean 2)
[12:59] [Azure] (not 1)
[12:59] [Demitri] no, V2 CSed me?
[12:59] [Monderefal] ah drat
[12:59] [Monderefal] you're right
[12:59] [Monderefal] :)
[12:59] [Monderefal] you done ?
[13:00] -] [Demitri] PING
[13:00] [Azure] (Done?)
[13:00] [Rubix] Done?
[13:00] [Monderefal] ARE YOU DONE ? 
[13:00] [Demitri] done
[13:00] [Demitri] 2 pointer
[13:00] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[13:00] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The scorpion slides across the shrine; conceals the offensive of the river!
[13:00] [Demitri] like it matters
[13:00] [Monderefal] heh :)
[13:01] [Monderefal] that must go at the poor staff doofus
[13:01] [Azure] yup..at virus 1 autohit 1 point
[13:01] [Azure] done
[13:01] [Monderefal] ok CS how's it all work out ?
[13:02] [Rubix] ok then... Virus 2 hits for 1 against Demitri... You guys hit for X
[13:02] [Rubix] How much is X?
[13:02] [Rubix] Kal's move in particular
[13:02] [Rubix] one from Azure...
[13:03] [Rubix] 2 from demit
[13:03] [Monderefal] 3
[13:03] [Rubix] 6 hits... that wraps up tentacle 1 and 2...
[13:03] [Rubix] and Dmit hit virus for 2 correct?
[13:04] [Monderefal] wa ?
[13:04] [Azure] dem and my hits were at virus 1
[13:04] [Azure] not tentacle
[13:04] [Monderefal] I only did 3 hits to tentacle 2
[13:04] [Monderefal] and then move to a virus
[13:04] [Rubix] ah... heh
[13:04] [Rubix] ok, then what's left?
[13:04] [Monderefal] 1 Virus 1 from me
[13:04] [Azure] kal to update the topic and move on
[13:04] [Monderefal] 2 to Virus 1 from Dem
[13:04] [Rubix] and 1 virus drops in to fill a slot
[13:05] [Monderefal] 1 to Virus 1 from azure
[13:05] [Rubix] ok Virus 1 is gone
[13:05] [Monderefal] I'll work it out now
[13:05] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 32/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Tentacle 3 (), Virus 3 (CS,DT,Sh)'
[13:05] [Monderefal] Carry to where Azure ?
[13:05] [Monderefal] you have 1 point of damage
[13:06] [Monderefal] but I doubt it'll hit whatever :(
[13:06] [Azure] it doesnt matter..I cant beat any other move
[13:07] * Monderefal changes topic to 'Monderefal 32/33 (PM,HD,SP,19 Chi), Azure 26/26 (PM,DT,Sh,CS,15 Ki,ST),Demitri (Undead) 25/25 (PM,2 Ki,DT,ED,LD) Tentacle 3 (), Virus 3 (DT,Sh) ,Virus 3 (CS,DT,Sh)'
[13:07] [Monderefal] tentacle is up
[13:07] [Monderefal] the Kraken is still fighting
[13:07] [Monderefal] even though its dead :)
[13:07] [Rubix] All things are running away
[13:07] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Tent 1
[13:07] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The southern cross vanquishes the shrine; dominates the stab of the field!
[13:07] [Monderefal] our XP, its running away @_@
[13:07] [Rubix] done
[13:08] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[13:08] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The mantis drifts across the prairie; removes the storm of the mountain!
[13:08] [Monderefal] suckful
[13:08] [Azure] time to break out the punishment
[13:08] [Monderefal] at Virus #2
[13:08] [Monderefal] done
[13:08] [Monderefal] I'll nix whatever :)
[13:08] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 2
[13:08] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The fox strikes the canyon; dominates the quickening of the horn!
[13:08] [Rubix] Shove Mondy
[13:08] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Virus 3
[13:08] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The kama shreds the clouds; quells the aggression of the garden!
[13:08] [Monderefal] well I won't nix that :)
[13:09] [Monderefal] my move sucks
[13:09] [Monderefal] damn
[13:09] [Rubix] Shove Demitri
[13:09] [Monderefal] oh well
[13:09] [Monderefal] PoF
[13:09] [Monderefal] no shoving Demitri
[13:09] [Rubix] done
[13:09] [Rubix] k
[13:09] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[13:09] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The tsunami skillfully quells the hells; negates the thrust of the club!
[13:09] [Demitri] Virus #2
[13:09] [Demitri] 2 pointer
[13:09] [Demitri] done
[13:09] [Azure] (why didn't you PM that)
[13:10] [Monderefal] (Saving for the X-Protein)
[13:10] [Rubix] xp
[13:10] [Azure] (there wont be x-proteins if they run away)
[13:10] [Azure] !mb ybmove
[13:10] [MechaMeowth] Azure: The wolf appears before the paradise; grasps the aggression of the barrens!
[13:10] [Monderefal] *sigh*
[13:10] [Monderefal] STOP STEALING MY MOVES :p
[13:10] [Azure] you have so many to choose from
[13:10] [Azure] 1 at virus 1
[13:11] [Azure] done
[13:11] [Rubix] no virus one I think
[13:11] [Rubix] it's virus 2
[13:11] [Rubix] And 3 points kill it, but Tentacle 2 and Virus 3 escape
[13:11] [Rubix] So... 1 Tentacle, 2 Virus, and 1 Kraken
[13:11] [Rubix] 6 Xp are floating aroudn out there
[13:11] [Rubix] X-Protien x6
[13:11] [Azure] we easily crush them
[13:12] [Rubix] quite true
[13:12] [Rubix] ok
[13:12] [Monderefal] drat it
[13:12] [Monderefal] 14/3
[13:12] [Rubix] 6+8+3=17 xp
[13:12] [Monderefal] ah
[13:12] [Monderefal] tentacle doesn't XP ?
[13:12] [Azure] 5.6
[13:12] [Monderefal] 81/90
[13:13] [Monderefal] this is really ineffective :)
[13:13] [Azure] Hits defeated: 23 (need 55)
[13:13] [Demitri] *nods*
[13:13] [Monderefal] Search the room CS
[13:13] [Monderefal] :)
[13:13] [Rubix] Then you enter the room where Kal disabled a golden shark
[13:13] [Rubix] oh wait... ah...
[13:13] [Rubix] heh
[13:13] [Rubix] damn you
[13:13] [Rubix] !Anger
[13:14] [Monderefal] oh and 2/3s of a yen
[13:14] [Monderefal] heh
[13:14] [Rubix] heh
[13:14] [Monderefal] who wants to miss out ?
[13:14] [Rubix] Ok, this room has a similar computer
[13:14] [Monderefal] 1 yen each Azure and Demitri
[13:14] [Rubix] This computer is sealed in the same way, with four color slots to drain energy cells
[13:14] [Azure] ok..I'm outta here...g'night
[13:14] [Rubix] night
[13:14] * Azure has quit IRC (QUIT: When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the Dragon...you just have to outrun the halfling.)
[13:14] [Monderefal] Cya DW :)
[13:15] [Monderefal] *we shoulda grabbed the ney*
[13:15] [Monderefal] this is no good without more energy that we have
[13:15] [Monderefal] on to sector 5 :)
[13:15] [Rubix] you still have the two tanks that the last machine pushed out after you put the silver tank in
[13:15] [Monderefal] yah, but I need 4 don't I ?
[13:15] [Monderefal] since the 2 didn't do anything
[13:15] * Demitri follows Monderefal
[13:15] [Rubix] now now, making assumptions ;p
[13:16] [Rubix] ok, you enter a room, a shark attacks you (quick and painless)
[13:16] [Rubix] GOLD (HIGH) DEFENSE
[13:16] [Rubix] CR: 6
[13:16] [Rubix] HITS: 8
[13:16] [Rubix] YEN FACTOR: 4
[13:16] [Rubix] Master of the Gold Dungeon
[13:16] [Rubix] Master of the Gold Labyrinth
[13:16] [Rubix] Toughness (x2)
[13:16] [Rubix] x1
[13:16] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[13:16] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The blizzard annihilates the well; blocks the tempest of the crevice!
[13:16] [Rubix] At demitri
[13:16] [Rubix] done
[13:16] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[13:16] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The grasshopper bashes the heavens; parts the violence of the fires!
[13:16] [Rubix] Mondy?
[13:16] [Monderefal] At Guardian
[13:17] [Monderefal] (Shove it Dem ?)
[13:17] [Monderefal] (or let it go ?)
[13:17] [Monderefal] Ah if you want to shove it you can
[13:17] [Demitri] (let go)
[13:17] [Monderefal] Done
[13:17] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[13:17] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The invisible southern cross forcefully rends the fountain; protects against the assailment of the rodent!
[13:17] [Demitri] heh
[13:17] [Demitri] done, 2 pointer
[13:17] [Rubix] wow
[13:17] [Rubix] Hrm... it takes 2 hits from demit
[13:17] * Demitri uses Mordekainen's Magical Bombardement
[13:17] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Shark
[13:17] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The spear penetrates the pillar; shields against the onslaught of the holy ground!
[13:17] [Rubix] done
[13:18] [Rubix] hello?
[13:18] [Monderefal] nice
[13:18] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[13:18] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The rat flips over the temple; fends off the foray of the lash!
[13:18] [Monderefal] who was it attaking ?
[13:18] [Rubix] Demit
[13:19] [Monderefal] Done
[13:19] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[13:19] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The rat strikes within the atoll; protects against the punch of the reptile!
[13:19] [Demitri] done
[13:19] [Demitri] 2 pointer
[13:20] [Rubix] Hrm...
[13:20] [Rubix] It hits Demit for 1 point
[13:20] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[13:20] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The turtle drowns the ricefield; defends against the motion of the storm!
[13:20] [Rubix] is the style of day changed already?
[13:20] [Rubix] or is it still turtle?
[13:20] [Monderefal] um
[13:20] [Monderefal] nah i haven't touched it
[13:20] [Rubix] done either way
[13:20] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[13:20] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The irresistible crab burns the cavern; scatters the pain of the mountain!
[13:21] [Monderefal] Strat Planner: Paradise
[13:21] [Monderefal] Holy Day:Crab
[13:21] [Monderefal] FoF
[13:21] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[13:21] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The west wind attacks the badlands; averts the terror of the abomination!
[13:21] [Monderefal] Done
[13:21] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[13:21] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The panther shatters the beach; silences the stab of the canine!
[13:21] [Demitri] done
[13:21] [Demitri] 2 pointer
[13:21] [Rubix] always with the moves that kill
[13:21] [Rubix] It goes down 100%
[13:21] [Rubix] you gain 3 hits each for xp
[13:22] [Rubix] Now you move into a room with a diamond guardian engraved in the wall
[13:22] [Rubix] The floor and cieling are gold
[13:22] [Monderefal] "Can I acquire a protocol now ? "
[13:22] [Rubix] Yes, please go inside...
[13:22] [Rubix] going?
[13:22] [Monderefal] *yup*
[13:22] [Rubix] mmkay
[13:22] [Rubix] Oh and Sollir, Psionicle got updated
[13:23] [Rubix] now...
[13:23] [Demitri] coolness
[13:23] [Monderefal] Acquire Protocol
[13:24] [Rubix] this will take a second...
[13:24] [Monderefal] k
[13:24] [Monderefal] Diamond Guardian Protocol to be specific :)
[13:25] [Rubix] hrm...
[13:26] [Rubix] ok found it
[13:26] [Rubix] (only one fighter can run protocol update at a time)
[13:26] [Rubix] Pick which one
[13:27] [Rubix] Demitri or Mondy
[13:27] [Rubix] only one can gain protocol at a time
[13:27] [Monderefal] dem ?
[13:27] [Monderefal] what say you
[13:27] [Monderefal] who first ?
[13:28] [Demitri] you can
[13:28] [Monderefal] k
[13:28] [Monderefal] Me
[13:28] [Monderefal] Is this a multiple choice question or totally open ended ?
[13:29] [Rubix] TOTALLY OPEN
[13:29] [Monderefal] (Shouldn't it be one question at a time ?)
[13:29] [Rubix] and start answering them...
[13:29] [Monderefal] lol
[13:29] [Monderefal] fine fine
[13:29] [Monderefal] :)
[13:30] [Monderefal] By subdueing the opponent preferably without killing them
[13:30] [Monderefal] Cleanse it
[13:30] [Monderefal] Ignore it mainly
[13:31] [Monderefal] Tend to go along with it
[13:31] [Monderefal] Good
[13:32] [Rubix] Designation: You have the Defender of Organics Protocol
[13:32] [Rubix] now Demitri
[13:32] [Monderefal] or if you mean YBA power Dirty Trick :)
[13:32] [Monderefal] go Dem
[13:32] -] [Demitri] PING
[13:33] [Monderefal] 4ARE YOU THERE SOLLIR ?
[13:33] [Demitri] yes
[13:33] [Monderefal] sorry
[13:33] [Demitri] lol
[13:33] [Monderefal] thought you were AFK
[13:33] [Demitri] s'ok
[13:33] [Demitri] nah
[13:33] [Monderefal] and bold words show up more :)
[13:34] [Demitri] "I deal with a violent situation by assessing the situation to the best of my ability before dealing with it, through force or influence.
[13:34] [Demitri] "as necessary)
[13:34] [Demitri] "I deal with an infection by destroying it immediately at its source."
[13:34] [Demitri] (sorry, the as necessary was meant to be tacked on to the first one)
[13:35] [Demitri] "I process the laws of the order and control and if logical, follow them, sometimes according to my best interests."
[13:36] [Monderefal] heh you mean bend and twist them beyond recognisability and then follow them to your best interests
[13:36] [Monderefal] :p
[13:37] [Demitri] "See where the Chaos and Anarchy is rooted, put an end to it if necessary."
[13:37] [Demitri] (after all, Demitri's chaos is the only one allowed to exist! ;))
[13:37] [Demitri] "Magic, of course."
[13:38] [Rubix] Hrm... and he gets all but 1 question towards it...
[13:38] [Rubix] You get the designation: ELIMINATOR OF THREATS
[13:39] * Monderefal wonders wth this protocols mean :)
[13:39] [Rubix] Kal, this is the room with the four switches
[13:39] [Demitri] (was that the last question?)
[13:39] [Rubix] Diamond is still locked in the down position
[13:39] * Monderefal asks the Diamond Guardian how the X-proteins are supposed to be handled
[13:39] [Rubix] yes
[13:39] [Monderefal] (I'll do the levers in a sec)
[13:39] [Demitri] (heh, what was your answer, that was an IC response)
[13:40] [Monderefal] *ah well*
[13:40] * Monderefal flips the gold level
[13:40] [Monderefal] Watch out Demitri a big mecha is coming :D
[13:40] [Rubix] The entire room locks down, and red lights flash everywhere around you...
[13:41] [Rubix] You can hear huge metal feet smashing the ground as they tread towards you
[13:41] * Demitri snickers
[13:41] [Demitri] "Very well then."
[13:41] [Rubix] A six pack of cylinders filled to the top with coins come out of the exit below the switch
[13:41] [Monderefal] (Remember CS, Yen and Real Items can only come from monsters)
[13:41] * Monderefal checks out the coins
[13:41] [Rubix] Oh, there are monsters...
[13:42] [Monderefal] *good*
[13:42] [Monderefal] :)
[13:42] [Rubix] If you don't fight your way back to the medical sector...
[13:42] [Rubix] then your dead...
[13:42] [Demitri] (btw, my other IC answer to that last question was, Power in any form that can be harnessed is the greatest power :))
[13:42] [Monderefal] (lol)
[13:42] [Rubix] that would have worked better...
[13:42] [Rubix] heh
[13:42] [Monderefal] heh
[13:42] [Demitri] (afk for just 5 min, sorry)
[13:42] [Rubix] Alright here's the deal
[13:42] [Monderefal] how far off base were my answers ?
[13:42] [Rubix] what are your natural hits combined?
[13:42] [Monderefal] Dem whats your Nat hits?
[13:43] [Rubix] very far off if you wanted to get the Mecha or Diamond Protocol
[13:43] [Rubix] your levels, combined
[13:43] [Rubix] your CR
[13:43] [Monderefal] mine is 18
[13:43] [Rubix] as a group
[13:43] [Monderefal] I need to check Dem's
[13:43] [Monderefal] 27
[13:43] [Monderefal] What I needed to pick :
[13:43] [Monderefal] Study the situation
[13:43] [Monderefal] Order is all important
[13:44] [Monderefal] Infections should be studied
[13:44] [Rubix] heh, yeah basically
[13:44] [Monderefal] Chaos should be eliminated
[13:44] [Monderefal] the greates power is logic
[13:44] [Rubix] you've got it
[13:44] [Rubix] 100%
[13:44] [Rubix] now...
[13:44] [Monderefal] CR 27
[13:45] [Monderefal] as I said before :)
[13:45] [Rubix] Heh... 81 yen in those tubes then...
[13:45] [Rubix] But even for you this could be difficult...
[13:45] [Rubix] really difficult...
[13:45] [Rubix] You were NOT supposed to pull a second switch
[13:45] [Demitri] back
[13:45] [Demitri] sorry
[13:46] [Rubix] I did warn you afterall... nah its fine
[13:46] [Rubix] just being "threatening"
[13:46] [Demitri] my nat hits is 9
[13:46] [Rubix] Ok, only certain doors will be open, so you have to find your way to the center like a maze
[13:47] [Monderefal] (ok)
[13:47] [Rubix] The door to the north opens, as it unseals a mech steps in, full weapons ready to smash you into the wall...
[13:47] [Rubix] CR 20
[13:47] [Rubix] Hits 28
[13:47] [Rubix] Yen Factor: 8
[13:47] [Rubix] Assassin
[13:47] [Rubix] Bounty Hunter
[13:47] [Rubix] Chi Strike
[13:47] [Rubix] Fist of Fury (x2)
[13:47] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Onyx Tower
[13:47] [Rubix] Neovulcanium Armor (+4 Hits)
[13:47] [Rubix] Neovulcanium Shield (+4 Hits)
[13:47] [Rubix] Neovulcanium Tetsu-bo (+4 Onyx/+3 Tower)
[13:47] [Rubix] x1
[13:47] [Rubix] Round 1...
[13:47] [Monderefal] Day and location ?
[13:47] * Demitri has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[13:47] [Monderefal] I go first
[13:47] [Monderefal] actually it goes first
[13:47] [Rubix] (what day was the gold sector?)
[13:47] [Monderefal] Chi Strike
[13:48] [Monderefal] *Dunno*
[13:48] [Monderefal] Never gave one
[13:48] [Rubix] (Hrm... I think Castle... for location)
[13:48] [Rubix] (And Scorpion for Day)
[13:48] [Monderefal] k
[13:48] [Monderefal] :)
[13:48] [Monderefal] its first
[13:48] [Monderefal] I'm second
[13:49] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[13:49] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The fox storms the cemetery; fends off the quickening of the feline!
[13:49] [Monderefal] and dem is third when he's back
[13:49] [Rubix] Chi Strike
[13:49] [Rubix] and PM
[13:49] [Monderefal] at ?
[13:49] [Rubix] Hrm...
[13:49] [Rubix] Probably you, being in the front and all
[13:49] [Monderefal] k
[13:49] [Monderefal] done ?
[13:49] [Rubix] yessir
[13:50] [Monderefal] (I'll just get Demitri to shove it when he comes back :p)
[13:50] [Rubix] heh
[13:50] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[13:50] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The scorpion appears next to the forest; shreds the stab of the field!
[13:50] [Rubix] on a chi strike you can shove?
[13:50] [Monderefal] I can't
[13:50] [Monderefal] Dem can
[13:50] [Monderefal] :)
[13:50] [Rubix] What's the point of a chi strike?
[13:50] [Monderefal] Chi strike only targets 1 person
[13:50] [Monderefal] no idea
[13:50] [Monderefal] to be honest
[13:50] [GrayDoom] it was in yb, must put in yba!
[13:50] [GrayDoom] =[
[13:50] [Monderefal] at Mecha
[13:50] [Monderefal] Done
[13:51] [Monderefal] (I think it was put in to convince some silly player to waste XP )
[13:51] [Monderefal] :)
[13:51] [Monderefal] kinda like PoF
[13:51] [GrayDoom] heh
[13:52] [Monderefal] lalala
[13:52] [Monderefal] here Sollir Sollir Sollir
[13:52] [Rubix] Welp this things going down...
[13:52] [Monderefal] I've got abuseable rules for you
[13:52] [GrayDoom] put out the sollir bait, its a non-proofread, non-playtested rules system!
[13:53] [Monderefal] yah to be useable Chi Strike needs to put a no non-generator power lockdown on everything but fated
[13:53] [Monderefal] also
[13:53] [GrayDoom] it would probly still exclude perfect master too, as that's now somewhat of a sacred cow
[13:53] [Monderefal] you need a DT to freaking use MotV too
[13:53] [Monderefal] which sucks
[13:54] [Monderefal] about a 1/4 of the powers can't be used well without a DT
[13:54] [GrayDoom] just 1/4? =[
[13:54] [Monderefal] *heh*
[13:54] [Monderefal] oh I put in well
[13:54] [GrayDoom] almost every power is dramatically improved by having a DT
[13:54] [Monderefal] sorry
[13:54] [Rubix] lalala
[13:54] [Monderefal] I thought I left out the well
[13:54] [Monderefal] make that 19/20
[13:55] [Monderefal] I wouldn't mind DT so much if there was some other way to go last
[13:55] [Monderefal] The holy warrior restricion is pretty much crippling
[13:55] [Rubix] away briefly
[13:55] [Monderefal] not to mention illogical
[13:55] [Monderefal] I can become an Assassin
[13:56] [Monderefal] but I can't learn a DT
[13:56] [GrayDoom] i sort of like ciaran's proposed idea of an initiative system
[13:56] [Monderefal] yah, it doesn't sound bad
[13:56] [GrayDoom] though at this point
[13:56] [GrayDoom] i think alternating going first every round or two might just be better
[13:56] [Monderefal] I don't mind the idea of absolute alternating initiative either
[13:56] [GrayDoom] if we had an initiatve system, i wouldn't want people to have to purchase 'agility', though
[13:56] [Monderefal] yah, I agree
[13:56] [GrayDoom] i'd favor pluses and minuses to init given to certain powers
[13:56] [Monderefal] heh
[13:57] [GrayDoom] and also based on level
[13:57] [Monderefal] yah
[13:57] [GrayDoom] level = pluses, some powers = pluses, maybe some stuff would multiply, but i'm not too certain about that
[13:57] [Monderefal] I think there should be some way for a holy warrior (No DT) to use MotV
[13:57] [Monderefal] but there isn't atm
[13:57] [Monderefal] its pretty much impossible
[13:57] [GrayDoom] i still dont like the idea of one fighter never going last in a fight, though
[13:58] [GrayDoom] which is one reason i dislike absolute initiative rules
[13:58] [Monderefal] yah
[13:58] [Monderefal] its more valueable in YBA than YB
[13:58] [Monderefal] because of more powers
[13:58] [Rubix] no sollir?
[13:58] [Monderefal] nope
[13:58] [Monderefal] guess i'll have to tackle this myself
[13:58] [GrayDoom] so basically... i feel that init should be able to alternate in a fight, but shouldnt depend just on powers
[13:58] [Monderefal] lay the damage on me CS :)
[13:59] [Rubix] heh
[13:59] [Rubix] Lets see I think it's 11 damage...
[13:59] [Monderefal] I agree GD
[13:59] [Monderefal] ok
[13:59] [GrayDoom] perhaps something like the amount you got higher than your opponent determines how long it takes until alternating rounds
[13:59] [Monderefal] 22/33
[13:59] [Monderefal] hmm
[13:59] [Monderefal] thats not bad
[13:59] [Rubix] I'm all for going to an always alternate system
[14:00] [Rubix] I don't see what the problem with that is
[14:00] [Monderefal] makes holy warriors too equal with their darker brethen :)
[14:00] [Monderefal] thats not allowed
[14:00] [GrayDoom] i just feel taht it should be possible for higher-level fighters to have some small advantage in terms of initiative
[14:00] * Sollir has joined #ybfight
[14:00] [GrayDoom] yeah, gotta keep you holly warriors down
[14:00] [Sollir] er, how many rounds did I miss?
[14:00] [Monderefal] 1
[14:00] [Rubix] none
[14:00] * Sollir is now known as Demitri
[14:00] [Monderefal] where I took 11 damage
[14:00] [GrayDoom] sollir, none, heh
[14:00] [Monderefal] :p
[14:00] [Rubix] well 1 sorta...
[14:00] [Demitri] sorry, my internet provider shot me down
[14:00] [Demitri] I had to reboot
[14:00] [Rubix] heh
[14:00] [Monderefal] I'm gonna beat you to death with a spoon now
[14:01] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Golem
[14:01] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The dragon slashes above the island; leaps over the efforts of the cave!
[14:01] [Monderefal] or use holy light for two rounds running
[14:01] [Rubix] on Monderfal
[14:01] [Rubix] Poing
[14:01] [Rubix] er not poing
[14:01] [Monderefal] ?
[14:01] [Rubix] not here
[14:01] [Demitri] (what? its my dads fault, he uses it for a minute and then it stops working, just as I finish my stereotype quiz too ;))
[14:01] [Demitri] whats init?
[14:02] [Monderefal] Me,It,You
[14:02] [Monderefal] now
[14:02] [Rubix] me kal you
[14:02] [Demitri] and stats of the beastie :)
[14:02] [Monderefal] but CS just went first
[14:02] [Monderefal] its more powerful than I am CS
[14:02] [Rubix] oh
[14:02] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:02] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The unicorn angrily slashes the desert; averts the slash of the barrens!
[14:02] [Monderefal] Perfect Master of the Avenging Phoenix, Strategic Planner:Heavens
[14:02] [Monderefal] Holy Day:phoenix
[14:02] [Monderefal] FoF
[14:02] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:02] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The fist slashes close to the castle; dominates the push of the holy ground!
[14:03] [Monderefal] Done
[14:03] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:03] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The ki-rin drops by the tundra; dominates the tempest of the blade and averts the beauty of the tree!
[14:03] [Demitri] at the golem
[14:03] [Demitri] 2 pointer
[14:03] [Demitri] done
[14:03] [Rubix] hit and hit
[14:03] [Rubix] total points?
[14:03] [Rubix] er no hit on demit
[14:03] [Rubix] sorry
[14:04] [Monderefal] dunno CS need to add
[14:04] [Monderefal] sorry
[14:04] [Monderefal] 1 (base) + 1 (FoF Base) + 1 (Day) + 1 (Mod) + 10 (Weapon) + 4 (Mastery)
[14:04] [Monderefal] 18
[14:04] [Monderefal] 20 total
[14:05] [Demitri] (ooh, I like my stereotype)
[14:05] [Demitri] (I'm a demigod :))
[14:05] [Rubix] That brings it down to 10 hits (sollir didn't connect)
[14:05] [Rubix] You up mondy?
[14:05] [Rubix] or me?
[14:05] [Monderefal] moi
[14:05] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:05] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The nunchaku carves the ruins; shields the roar of the club!
[14:05] [Monderefal] At the Mech
[14:05] [Monderefal] Done
[14:05] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[14:05] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The tiger leaps next to the glade; brilliantly conceals the offensive of the venom!
[14:05] [Rubix] lol
[14:05] [Rubix] done
[14:05] [Demitri] (try the quiz when you have time, the pics it gives are pretty cool, www.mutedfaith.com/quiz/q3.htm)
[14:06] [Monderefal] (Gratdoom have you ever noticed how much better offense is than defense in this game?)
[14:06] [Monderefal] Graydoom
[14:06] [Demitri] aimed at?
[14:06] [Demitri] the golem that is
[14:06] [Rubix] mondy
[14:06] [Monderefal] oh
[14:06] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:06] [Monderefal] I'm a Demigod
[14:06] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The northstar punches next to the canyon; shields the drive of the bone!
[14:06] [Demitri] at the mech
[14:06] [Demitri] 2 pointer
[14:06] [Demitri] done
[14:06] [Monderefal] it doesn't matter which answers I select
[14:06] [Monderefal] always the demigod
[14:06] [Demitri] oh, cool, we both are :)
[14:07] [Demitri] huh?
[14:07] [Demitri] someone has anti hero
[14:07] [Monderefal] heh
[14:07] [Monderefal] I've taken it twice
[14:07] [Monderefal] and I always get demigod
[14:07] [Monderefal] used different answers too
[14:07] [Monderefal] I was in a different mood each time
[14:07] [Monderefal] :)
[14:07] [Rubix] Hrm... Demitri connects for 2.. Kal connects for 1
[14:07] [Rubix] !mb ybmove mecha
[14:07] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The chain shouts underneath the ocean; avoids the thrust of the sky!
[14:07] [Rubix] ha
[14:07] [Rubix] done
[14:07] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:07] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The fox attacks the city; parts the foray of the grass!
[14:07] [Monderefal] FoF
[14:07] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:07] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The hammer slashes the atoll; wards off the energy of the bone!
[14:08] [Monderefal] Done
[14:08] [Monderefal] go Dem
[14:08] [Demitri] http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/showthread.php?threadid=32325
[14:08] [Monderefal] it has 8 hits at the start of this round
[14:08] [Demitri] first poster there has antihero
[14:08] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:08] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The dragon slashes the brush; fends off the efforts of the blade!
[14:08] [Demitri] done
[14:09] [Rubix] 2 pointer demitri... 2 points Kalanyr...
[14:09] [Monderefal] (why don't you PM the thing ?)
[14:09] [Demitri] (ya, its possible to get other ones)
[14:09] [Rubix] 2 points left on it
[14:09] [Monderefal] (ya I know, I just said I always get Demigod)
[14:09] [Monderefal] 4 points left
[14:09] [Demitri] (dunno, it might split up into something else)
[14:09] [Monderefal] I think
[14:09] [Monderefal] :)
[14:09] [Monderefal] (it doesn't ) (only virii do)
[14:09] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:09] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The grasshopper breaks the beach; fends off the aggression of the field!
[14:10] [Monderefal] FoF (Last one)
[14:10] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:10] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The lotus blossom appears higher than the ruins; protects against the motion of the insect as it prances within the pain of the flower! *yen*
[14:10] [Monderefal] (well its *yen*
[14:10] [Monderefal] )
[14:10] [Monderefal] Done
[14:10] [Monderefal] oh and 7 points
[14:10] [Rubix] heh
[14:10] [Rubix] !mb ybmove golem
[14:10] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The fist dances with the shrine; shields against the touch of the bone!
[14:10] [Rubix] oh god...
[14:10] [Rubix] done
[14:10] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:10] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The spear devastates the grotto; mercilessly shields against the motion of the mountain and painlessly averts the thrust of the fortification!
[14:10] [Demitri] (i expect the worst! :))
[14:11] [Demitri] done
[14:11] [Demitri] 2 pointer
[14:11] [Rubix] wow... another 3 points and it's gone... I'm getting sub-par stuff...
[14:11] [Monderefal] Done
[14:11] [Rubix] Ok, your one room north of where you started, the door to the left and the door to the right are open
[14:11] [Rubix] east and west in other words
[14:11] [Demitri] 10 hits of exp each?
[14:11] [Monderefal] hmm
[14:11] [Monderefal] I level
[14:12] [Monderefal] Master of the Supreme Sword
[14:12] [Demitri] dear god that made my sig awfully long
[14:12] [Monderefal] and +1 Hit
[14:12] [Monderefal] thats all
[14:12] [Monderefal] also 4 yen each
[14:13] [Monderefal] and lets see how the equipment splits
[14:13] [Rubix] heh
[14:13] [Demitri] Demitri, 'Evader of Truth' 'Deceiver of Trust' 'ELIMINATOR OF THREATS'
[14:13] [Demitri] Natural Hits 10
[14:13] [Demitri] Hits 26
[14:13] [Demitri] Experience: 4 2/3 /50
[14:13] [Demitri] Saved Experience: 0
[14:13] [Demitri] Abilities: Undead, Energy Drain, Life Drain, Regeneration, Perfect Master of the Tricky Labyrinth, Unholy Warrior, Unholy Battery (3 Ki), Dirty Trick (x1)
[14:13] [Demitri] Possessions:
[14:13] [Demitri] Armor: Gold Sash (+5 hits)
[14:13] [Demitri] Shield: Mystic Cloak of Illusions (+5 hits)
[14:13] [Demitri] Accessories: Lich's Phylactery (+5 hits)
[14:13] [Demitri] Yen: 20.5
[14:13] [Demitri] Weapons: Dagger, Pendant of Dragon Strength (+4 to Dragon), Rock Shield (+1 to Ruins), Headband of Intellect +4 (+3 to 'Tricky' Attacks), Book of Infinite Spells (Maze: +5 to Labyrinth, Chain Lightning: +5 to Lightning)
[14:13] [Demitri] I suppose I'll take the armor
[14:13] [Demitri] what's it called (you posted the creature's stats before I got booted off)
[14:14] [Monderefal] gimme a sec
[14:14] [Monderefal] I'll work out the split
[14:14] [Demitri] k
[14:14] [Monderefal] and paste it
[14:15] [Rubix] CR 20
[14:15] [Rubix] Hits 28
[14:15] [Rubix] Yen Factor: 8
[14:15] [Rubix] Assassin
[14:15] [Rubix] Bounty Hunter
[14:15] [Rubix] Chi Strike
[14:15] [Rubix] Fist of Fury (x2)
[14:15] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Onyx Tower
[14:15] [Rubix] Neovulcanium Armor (+4 Hits)
[14:15] [Rubix] Neovulcanium Shield (+4 Hits)
[14:15] [Rubix] Neovulcanium Tetsu-bo (+4 Onyx/+3 Tower)
[14:15] [Monderefal] thanks
[14:15] [Rubix] I'm an obnoxious hero
[14:15] [Monderefal] 20/20/8/12
[14:15] [Monderefal] drat
[14:15] [Monderefal] we need a 30/30 split which is impossible
[14:15] [Rubix] fits me I guess...
[14:15] [Monderefal] lets see
[14:16] [Monderefal] I'll take the Tower and give you four yen
[14:16] [Monderefal] you want the armour or the shield ?
[14:17] [Monderefal] Sollir ?
[14:17] [Demitri] armor I guess
[14:17] [Monderefal] k
[14:17] [Monderefal] you get the Onyx/The Armour and all 8 yen
[14:17] [Monderefal] I take the Tower/The Shield and 0 yen
[14:17] [Demitri] k
[14:17] [Demitri] how much does the mod sell for?
[14:17] [Monderefal] 8 Yen
[14:18] [Monderefal] oops
[14:18] [Demitri] k
[14:18] [Monderefal] I mean 4
[14:18] [Demitri] k
[14:18] [Monderefal] the tower sells for 6
[14:18] [Monderefal] I overpayed you
[14:18] [Demitri] thanks
[14:18] [Demitri] :)
[14:18] [Monderefal] ah well :)
[14:18] [Monderefal] what doors are there CS ?
[14:19] [Rubix] East and WEst
[14:19] [Monderefal] (And drat It I need to keep tack of sig styles I kill with again
[14:19] [Monderefal] )
[14:19] [Monderefal] *Grab the box of coiny things*
[14:19] [Monderefal] Which way Dem ?
[14:19] [Demitri] (*sighs*, I really like the art of my sig but its too big)
[14:19] [Demitri] "West"
[14:19] [Monderefal] West then
[14:19] * Rubix has quit IRC (QUIT: )
[14:20] [Demitri] (what happened to something with 81 yen or what not?)
[14:20] [Monderefal] ?
[14:20] [Monderefal] I wish :)
[14:21] * Rubix has joined #ybfight
[14:21] [Demitri] wb
[14:21] [Rubix] yep yep
[14:21] [Rubix] decide on a direction
[14:21] [Monderefal] west
[14:22] [Rubix] Went into a room with another guardian
[14:23] [Monderefal] joy :)
[14:23] [Rubix] CR 20
[14:23] [Rubix] Hits 28
[14:23] [Rubix] Yen Factor: 8
[14:23] [Rubix] Assassin
[14:23] [Rubix] Bounty Hunter
[14:23] [Rubix] Dirty Trick (x3)
[14:23] [Rubix] Fist of Fury (x1)
[14:23] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Jade Hells
[14:23] [Rubix] Neovulcanium Armor (+4 Hits)
[14:23] [Rubix] Neovulcanium Shield (+4 Hits)
[14:23] [Rubix] Katana Mass Driver (+4 Jade/+4 Hells)
[14:23] [Demitri] "Fun"
[14:23] [Monderefal] us first
[14:23] [Demitri] Monde, Dem, SHM
[14:23] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:23] [Rubix] k
[14:23] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The rat seeks facing the dungeon; averts the tempest of the horn!
[14:23] [Demitri] SHM not standing for Short Hairy Monkey :(
[14:24] [Monderefal] lol
[14:24] [Monderefal] um crud
[14:24] [Rubix] :angelic look:
[14:24] [Monderefal] Done
[14:24] [Monderefal] Get it a good one Dem
[14:24] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:24] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The kama assaults the foothills; removes the kick of the shell!
[14:24] [Demitri] done
[14:24] [Demitri] (tell me if you want me to shove you)
[14:24] [Monderefal] (Feel free to PM it, I can cancel its tricksO
[14:24] [Demitri] (ver well then :))
[14:24] [Monderefal] you're up CS
[14:25] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[14:25] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The claw slides next to the well; waves away the motion of the crevice!
[14:25] [Rubix] done
[14:25] [Monderefal] at ?
[14:25] [Rubix] 2 hits demitri
[14:25] [Rubix] didn't matter
[14:25] [Rubix] couldn't hit either IMO
[14:25] [Monderefal] ah k
[14:25] [Rubix] your move
[14:25] [Monderefal] so it takes 3 hits ?
[14:25] [Rubix] yeah
[14:25] [Monderefal] k
[14:25] [Monderefal] got it
[14:25] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:25] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The kama sings in the midst of the wastelands; defends against the touch of the wood!
[14:26] [Monderefal] Done
[14:26] [Monderefal] Sucky luck today
[14:26] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:26] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The chimera glides upon the village; blocks the drive of the flower!
[14:26] [Demitri] done
[14:26] [Demitri] (you started out ok)
[14:26] [Monderefal] shoulda shoved it :)
[14:26] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[14:26] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The manticore dodges upon the wastelands; flips facing the rising of the lash!
[14:26] [Monderefal] ok
[14:26] [Monderefal] sucky round
[14:26] [Rubix] Dirty Trick to avoid being the one to suffer the hands of fat
[14:26] [Rubix] fat=fate
[14:26] [Demitri] cant DT
[14:26] [Demitri] after gen'ing a move
[14:26] [Rubix] ah, k
[14:26] [Demitri] only shove
[14:27] [Monderefal] or Chair Shot
[14:27] [Rubix] Well then... Monde hits, but it hits Demitri
[14:27] [Demitri] you can't chair shot after gen'ing a move? or has it been changed
[14:27] [Rubix] (it will consistently target Demitri)
[14:27] [Demitri] k
[14:27] * Demitri smiles
[14:27] [Demitri] "Joy"
[14:27] [Monderefal] CS requires a defense
[14:27] [Rubix] its already gened above
[14:27] [Monderefal] on the boards it'd be impossible to tell
[14:27] [Monderefal] I know
[14:27] [Monderefal] talking to Sollir
[14:28] [Rubix] done
[14:28] [Monderefal] 24 Hits for it at the moment
[14:28] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:28] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The staff flips over the orchard; parries the touch of the grave!
[14:28] [Monderefal] *sigh*
[14:28] [Monderefal] Done
[14:28] [Demitri] poor poor us
[14:28] [Rubix] Hrm... it takes 1 hit from Mondy
[14:28] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:28] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The scythe mangles the temple; unfailingly guards against the speed of the stone!
[14:28] [Demitri] done
[14:28] [Demitri] 2 pointer of course
[14:28] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[14:28] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The whip slides close to the ricefield; conceals the throw of the grass!
[14:28] [Rubix] my lucks worse...
[14:28] * Monderefal says thank you lord of all that is good
[14:28] [Rubix] both hit... it's at 20 hits now
[14:29] [Monderefal] 21
[14:29] [Monderefal] actually
[14:29] [Rubix] ah, k
[14:29] [Rubix] your up
[14:29] [Demitri] lol, if Wicht has this kindof luck we could easily beat him )
[14:29] [Monderefal] you double counted one of my hits
[14:29] [Demitri] ;)
[14:29] [Monderefal] Nah
[14:29] [Rubix] ah k
[14:29] [Monderefal] He has fated
[14:29] [Monderefal] and more Shoves than I have Chi
[14:29] [Demitri] true, but that works only vs. 1 attack
[14:29] [Demitri] heh
[14:29] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:29] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The chimera wracks the shrine; waves away the chaos of the tree!
[14:29] * Monderefal ponders
[14:30] [Monderefal] hmm who's PM does more damage Dem ?
[14:30] [Demitri] yours
[14:30] [Monderefal] k
[14:30] [Monderefal] then I won't risk it
[14:30] [Monderefal] Done
[14:30] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:30] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The tiger strikes below the cavern; dodges the terror of the isle!
[14:30] [Demitri] hrm
[14:30] [Demitri] done
[14:30] [Rubix] Dirty Trick
[14:30] [Monderefal] heh
[14:30] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:30] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The turtle impales the cemetery; averts the gaze of the farm!
[14:31] [Monderefal] Done
[14:31] [Monderefal] "Go Go Gamera "
[14:31] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:31] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The panther swims through the city; leaps over the push of the canine!
[14:31] [Demitri] done
[14:31] [Demitri] gah
[14:31] [Rubix] Hrum...
[14:31] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[14:31] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The ki-rin rends the labyrinth; absorbs the edge of the mountain!
[14:31] [Demitri] lol
[14:31] [Demitri] use your PM
[14:31] [Rubix] Hrm...
[14:31] [Rubix] Yeah sure (to be negated, or such?)
[14:31] [Rubix] PM: Jade Hells
[14:31] * Demitri whistles innocently
[14:32] [Demitri] shoot
[14:32] -] *Demitri* who do you think he'll aim at ?
[14:32] [Demitri] i thought his pm was a weapon, hehe
[14:32] [Rubix] 11 damage if it hits Demitri
[14:32] [Rubix] does it?
[14:32] [Demitri] correct
[14:32] [Demitri] 11 damage
[14:32] [Monderefal] almost certainly
[14:33] [Monderefal] how much you got left Dem ?
[14:33] [Rubix] lets see.. and mondy hits
[14:33] [Demitri] lets see
[14:33] [Monderefal] 20 Hits remaing for it
[14:33] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:33] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The hammer sweeps higher than the dungeon; wards off the terror of the flower!
[14:33] [Monderefal] Done
[14:33] [Monderefal] Go Dem
[14:33] [Demitri] I think 15 remaining
[14:33] [Demitri] I only got hit once
[14:33] [Demitri] methinks?
[14:33] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:33] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The unicorn flies over the rapids; protects against the storm of the sickle! *yen*
[14:33] [Monderefal] yup
[14:33] [Demitri] done
[14:33] [Demitri] yen
[14:34] [Demitri] :)
[14:34] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[14:34] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The fox prances before the glade; dominates the beauty of the bird!
[14:34] [Monderefal] yen factor 8 rocks :)
[14:34] [Rubix] oh god
[14:34] [Demitri] he can't kill me unless he pulls an onyx or hells move
[14:34] [Monderefal] CS's moves do two :)
[14:34] [Demitri] anyways
[14:34] [Rubix] prances...
[14:34] [Rubix] my lucks worse
[14:34] [Rubix] Beuty of the bird though...
[14:34] [GrayDoom] i'm off, good luck to all of you :)
[14:34] [Rubix] Demitri is hit for 1
[14:34] [Demitri] g'night GD
[14:34] [Rubix] cya
[14:34] [Monderefal] Cya GD
[14:34] * GrayDoom has quit IRC (QUIT: The Turtle Moves)
[14:35] [Demitri] 14
[14:35] [Rubix] Mondy hits for 1
[14:35] [Monderefal] 19 left for it
[14:35] [Monderefal] and I'm still a tank at 34
[14:35] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:35] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The mace dances higher than the ravine; drifts close to the kick of the fires!
[14:35] [Monderefal] Done
[14:35] [Monderefal] my god my luck sucks today
[14:35] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:35] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The tsunami tramples the tundra; conceals the terror of the maze!
[14:35] [Demitri] btw Monde, you still have that mace
[14:35] [Monderefal] yup
[14:35] [Demitri] from the paladin
[14:35] [Monderefal] I know
[14:35] [Demitri] PM!
[14:36] [Monderefal] its a 3 pointer but a sucky 1
[14:36] [Demitri] The tricky tsunami tramples the labyrinth; conceals the terror of the maze!
[14:36] [Demitri] done
[14:36] [Demitri] 13 points
[14:36] [Rubix] Dirty Trick
[14:36] [Monderefal] PoF
[14:36] [Monderefal] nah
[14:36] [Demitri] nah?
[14:36] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[14:36] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The west wind sucker punches the dungeon; absorbs the chaos of the sky so it dominates the rising of the pole!
[14:36] [Monderefal] (nah I don't feel like him using DR :)
[14:36] [Monderefal] (nah I don't feel like him using DT :)
[14:37] [Demitri] (ah :))
[14:37] [Rubix] your going to let HRM... Mondy is negated but Demitri hits for all of 13
[14:37] [Monderefal] 6 Hits left to it
[14:37] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:37] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The oak strikes the village; redirects the roar of the wind!
[14:37] [Monderefal] *bout freaking time*
[14:38] [Monderefal] Strat Planner:Heavens
[14:38] [Monderefal] FoF
[14:38] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:38] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The tiger shatters the clouds; protects against the descent of the mire!
[14:38] [Monderefal] Done
[14:38] [Monderefal] 6 Pointer
[14:38] [Rubix] Dirty Trick
[14:38] [Monderefal] PoF
[14:38] [Monderefal] bad boy
[14:38] [Demitri] heh
[14:38] [Rubix] now Demitri
[14:38] [Demitri] actually
[14:38] [Demitri] youo're out of tricks
[14:39] [Demitri] I still have 2
[14:39] [Rubix] that was the third one
[14:39] [Monderefal] yup
[14:39] [Monderefal] but he just used it
[14:39] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[14:39] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The grasshopper charges the swamp; guards against the efforts of the sky!
[14:39] [Monderefal] heh
[14:39] [Rubix] just go already
[14:39] [Monderefal] you shoulda been first this round dem
[14:39] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:39] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The fox punches the fountain; defends against the gaze of the ledge!
[14:39] [Demitri] done
[14:39] [Demitri] first this round? why would I be before you?
[14:39] [Monderefal] *sigh*
[14:39] [Rubix] Hit Hit... It goes down...
[14:39] [Monderefal] Before the Samurai mech
[14:39] [Monderefal] :p
[14:39] [Monderefal] wee
[14:40] [Monderefal] now I can buy expert of the oak this level
[14:40] [Demitri] sorry, thought you meant first for the whole round
[14:40] [Monderefal] which was my goal
[14:40] [Monderefal] :)
[14:40] [Demitri] thought you would aim more for locs since you're a gang leader :p
[14:40] [Monderefal] nah
[14:40] [Monderefal] 3 styles
[14:40] [Monderefal] teacher
[14:40] [Demitri] unless you want teacher too! ;)
[14:40] [Monderefal] yup
[14:40] [Demitri] lol, join both dojo and gang at once
[14:40] [Monderefal] and I'm 2.1/3s of the way there now
[14:40] [Monderefal] :)
[14:40] [Demitri] scary
[14:41] [Monderefal] give me time
[14:41] [Monderefal] and I'll teach everything
[14:41] [Monderefal] um another 10 Hits defeated
[14:41] [Demitri] (won't live that long ;))
[14:41] [Monderefal] lol I know :)
[14:41] [Demitri] mind if I take the loc this time? How much do I need to compensate you
[14:41] [Rubix] The door to the west is open here
[14:41] [Monderefal] can you post the stats CS ?
[14:41] [Rubix] what stats?
[14:41] [Monderefal] Sam Mec stats
[14:42] [Rubix] CR 20
[14:42] [Rubix] Hits 28
[14:42] [Rubix] Yen Factor: 8
[14:42] [Rubix] Assassin
[14:42] [Rubix] Bounty Hunter
[14:42] [Rubix] Dirty Trick (x3)
[14:42] [Rubix] Fist of Fury (x1)
[14:42] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Jade Hells
[14:42] [Rubix] Neovulcanium Armor (+4 Hits)
[14:42] [Rubix] Neovulcanium Shield (+4 Hits)
[14:42] [Rubix] Katana Mass Driver (+4 Jade/+4 Hells)
[14:42] [Monderefal] we need to work the treasure split
[14:42] [Monderefal] thanks
[14:42] [Monderefal] 10 Hits
[14:42] [Monderefal] each
[14:42] [Monderefal] 4 Yen each
[14:42] [Monderefal] 16 Yen = Compensation
[14:42] [Demitri] including jade?
[14:42] [Monderefal] actually thats not right
[14:43] [Monderefal] 5 yen
[14:43] [Monderefal] and not including the Jade
[14:43] [Demitri] k, so overall I subtract 1 yen from my resources
[14:43] [Demitri] and you add 9 yen
[14:43] [Monderefal] the jadw would be an extra 4 Yen
[14:43] [Monderefal] heh
[14:43] [Monderefal] ?
[14:44] [Monderefal] um I think you subtract 5 yen
[14:44] [Monderefal] and I add 13
[14:44] [Demitri] you get the jade, 8 yen from the battle, and then 5 more from me?
[14:44] [Demitri] k
[14:44] [Monderefal] ah you don't want the jade ?
[14:44] [Demitri] i'll get the shield this time then
[14:44] [Monderefal] my mistake :)
[14:44] [Demitri] ah
[14:44] [Monderefal] you are right
[14:44] [Demitri] no, I don't care for mods much
[14:44] [Monderefal] 9 Yen for me, +4 Jade Item and Armour
[14:45] [Demitri] k
[14:45] [Monderefal] ok which doors CS ?
[14:45] [Rubix] Back to the east, or to the WEst
[14:45] [Monderefal] west again
[14:45] * Demitri inscribes the techniques of the machine in his spellbook...
[14:46] [Demitri] "west is fine with me
[14:46] [Monderefal] ( I can afford to buy my sword back again :))
[14:46] [Rubix] Underwater area
[14:46] [Rubix] Your in sector 3 now.
[14:46] [Rubix] The only new door is to the west
[14:46] [Monderefal] well the sword bit of it
[14:46] [Demitri] last battle for me
[14:46] [Monderefal] any sound of feet ?
[14:46] [Rubix] In water?
[14:46] [Rubix] Nah, not really
[14:46] [Rubix] harder to hear when your submerged
[14:47] [Rubix] doors are to the west or to the east
[14:47] [Rubix] east would be backtracking
[14:48] [Rubix] west is unexplored
[14:48] [Rubix] not many options, and your supposed to be in a hurry ;)
[14:48] [Demitri] [[Continue onwards?]]
[14:48] * Demitri doesn't have to worry about breathing
[14:49] [Demitri] Monde?
[14:49] [Rubix] Nothing new to see here, you can see where virus foam is growing, but it isn't a threat yet...
[14:49] [Rubix] The only open door is to the south from here...
[14:49] [Monderefal] south
[14:50] [Monderefal] we really should go back and loot more of these Yen-Mechs
[14:50] [Rubix] Alright, you enter the room with the kraken virus (the biological research lab)
[14:50] [Rubix] the virus is dead of course...
[14:50] [Rubix] There is a guardian here...
[14:50] [Monderefal] I spoke to soon
[14:50] [Rubix] BARBARIAN WAR MECH
[14:50] [Rubix] CR 24
[14:50] [Rubix] Hits 28
[14:50] [Rubix] Yen Factor: 8
[14:50] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Silver Sword
[14:50] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Ruby Pheonix
[14:50] [Rubix] Duralloy Armor (+2 Hits)
[14:50] [Rubix] Duralloy Armor (+2 Hits)
[14:50] [Rubix] Silver Sword (+5 Silver/+2 Sword)
[14:50] [Rubix] Ruby Flamethrower (+5 Ruby/+2 Pheonix)
[14:50] [Monderefal] hmm
[14:50] [Monderefal] wow
[14:50] [Monderefal] It can't PL me
[14:50] [Monderefal] PM me
[14:50] [Monderefal] I'm totally immune
[14:51] [Monderefal] Go me :)
[14:51] [Rubix] who's first?
[14:51] [Monderefal] me
[14:51] [Monderefal] It
[14:51] [Monderefal] Dem
[14:51] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:51] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The faultless west wind punches the atoll as it removes Xiang-Xia Province; blocks the stab of the shell!
[14:51] [Demitri] ooh, nice
[14:51] [Monderefal] *heh*
[14:52] [Monderefal] hmm
[14:52] [Monderefal] I can't PM it
[14:52] [Demitri] strat planner
[14:52] [Monderefal] dratted thing
[14:52] [Monderefal] yah
[14:52] [Monderefal] Strat Planner:paradise
[14:52] [Monderefal] Holy Day:West Wind
[14:52] [Monderefal] FoF
[14:52] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:52] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The wolf swims within the heavens and unfailingly blasts Xiang-Xia Province; dodges the efforts of the field!
[14:52] [Monderefal] um
[14:52] [Monderefal] my luck changed
[14:52] [Monderefal] yes
[14:53] [Monderefal] Done
[14:53] [Demitri] indeed...
[14:53] [Demitri] your luck has changed very very much
[14:53] [Demitri] damage on that manuever?
[14:53] [Monderefal] 6
[14:53] [Demitri] no, totally
[14:53] [Monderefal] ?
[14:53] [Monderefal] 7
[14:53] [Monderefal] total
[14:53] [Monderefal] 2 Base + 2 Mastery + 1 Day
[14:54] [Monderefal] my sword is still gone :(
[14:54] [Demitri] haven't you mastered the heavens?
[14:54] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[14:54] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The kama obliterates the ocean; shields the onslaught of the flower!
[14:54] [Monderefal] yep
[14:54] [Monderefal] 2 + 4 +1 I mean
[14:54] [Demitri] k
[14:54] [Rubix] PM Silver Sword
[14:54] [Demitri] with your sword it would have been 17 heh
[14:54] [Monderefal] yup
[14:54] [Rubix] Against Demitri
[14:54] [Rubix] done
[14:54] [Demitri] (would you perfer me to shove?)
[14:55] [Monderefal] *heh* not like it would use it on me :)
[14:55] [Monderefal] hmm
[14:55] [Monderefal] Up to you
[14:55] [Monderefal] I'm not sure how I'd judge this one
[14:55] [Demitri] *nods*
[14:55] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:55] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The scythe tracks before the cemetery; leaps over the foray of the barrens!
[14:55] [Demitri] heh
[14:55] [Demitri] done
[14:55] [Demitri] it would take about 50 combat rounds for Demitri to die actually
[14:55] [Rubix] Demit takes a hit for 10, the mech with 28 hits takes a hit for 6
[14:55] [Demitri] 16/26
[14:56] [Monderefal] ah yes
[14:56] [Monderefal] forgot your life drain
[14:56] [Monderefal] silly me
[14:56] [Monderefal] I mean dem's energy drain
[14:56] [Monderefal] :)
[14:56] [Monderefal] 22 Hits for the mech
[14:56] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:56] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The northstar tumbles atop the rapids; reduces the aggression of the holy ground!
[14:56] [Monderefal] Done
[14:56] [Demitri] and regeneration, mind you
[14:56] [Monderefal] Good to see my luck is back
[14:56] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[14:56] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The fist skillfully assails the temple; silences the quickening of the sky!
[14:57] [Monderefal] Remember it has precisely 0 tricks
[14:57] [Rubix] PM Ruby Pheonix
[14:57] [Rubix] Demitri
[14:57] [Rubix] Done
[14:57] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:57] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The grasshopper leaps below the foothills; shreds the energy of the sickle!
[14:57] [Demitri] Shove: machine
[14:57] [Demitri] done
[14:57] [Monderefal] I feel sorry for you Dem :(
[14:57] [Demitri] next round :)
[14:57] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:57] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The tsunami devours the peaks; silences the chi of the venom!
[14:57] [Monderefal] hmm
[14:57] [Monderefal] debate
[14:57] [Monderefal] FoF
[14:57] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[14:57] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The lightning thrusts the wastelands; quells the thrust of the flower!
[14:57] [Monderefal] Done
[14:57] [Demitri] (how so?)
[14:58] [Demitri] (i can't really die...)
[14:58] [Monderefal] not sure If I wanted to FoF :)
[14:58] [Monderefal] I think Regen is overpowered all of a sudden :)
[14:58] [Rubix] !mb ybmove Demitri
[14:58] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The tsunami quietly sucker punches the plain; parries the kick of the barrens!
[14:58] [Rubix] done
[14:58] [Monderefal] you are genning moves for demitri ?
[14:58] [Demitri] (lol)
[14:58] [Demitri] against me :p
[14:59] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[14:59] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The willow splits the vineyard; silences the motion of the farm!
[14:59] [Demitri] done
[14:59] [Rubix] Strikes Demitri... Kal hits it in the back for 2 points
[14:59] [Demitri] 15/26
[14:59] [Monderefal] 20 HP for it left
[15:00] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:00] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The spear becomes one with the temple; protects against the chi of the stone!
[15:00] [Monderefal] Done
[15:00] [Monderefal] (my luck simply sucks at times)
[15:00] [Monderefal] go CS
[15:00] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[15:00] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The thunder wounds the forest; absorbs the throw of the elements!
[15:00] [Rubix] at Demitri
[15:00] [Rubix] done
[15:00] [Demitri] (and other times its fantastic :p)
[15:00] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[15:00] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The raven leaps upon the village; dodges the descent of the rodent! *yen*
[15:00] [Demitri] done
[15:00] [Demitri] yen
[15:00] [Demitri] but constant suckiness of moves
[15:01] [Monderefal] heh see if you can get the worlds worst move
[15:01] [Monderefal] it might have Yen+Yen attached
[15:01] [Rubix] It strikes Demitri...
[15:01] [Demitri] :)
[15:01] [Rubix] kal is shrugged off
[15:01] [Demitri] 14/26
[15:01] [Monderefal] yup
[15:01] [Monderefal] still 20 for it
[15:01] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:01] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The turtle moves higher than the castle; leaps over the slash of the blade!
[15:01] [Monderefal] Done
[15:02] [Monderefal] wish that was Tower :)
[15:02] [Monderefal] go CS
[15:02] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[15:02] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The grasshopper vanquishes the orchard; negates the roar of the tree!
[15:02] [Rubix] done
[15:02] [Monderefal] at ?
[15:02] [Rubix] demitri
[15:02] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[15:02] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The mace carves the well; parts the offensive of the grave!
[15:02] [Demitri] done
[15:03] [Monderefal] bout time Dem
[15:03] [Monderefal] :)
[15:03] [Rubix] harm...
[15:03] [Rubix] that worth points or something?
[15:03] [Demitri] 2
[15:03] [Demitri] the usual
[15:03] [Rubix] Demitri hits, and kal is shrugged off
[15:04] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:04] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The foot slashes the clouds; guards against the beauty of the lash!
[15:04] [Demitri] heh
[15:04] [Monderefal] I hate foot moves
[15:04] [Demitri] Monde's fav style
[15:04] [Monderefal] even if that is a decent one
[15:04] [Monderefal] Done
[15:04] [Demitri] I have predicted his char will die to a foot move ;)
[15:05] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[15:05] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The tsunami dances within the wastelands and so it seeks facing the crevice; scatters the foray of the sky!
[15:05] [Rubix] done
[15:05] * Monderefal ponders mastering Foot Style
[15:05] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[15:05] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The scorpion quells the village; guards against the motion of the rodent! *yen*
[15:05] [Demitri] done
[15:05] [Demitri] yen
[15:05] [Demitri] shiny, shiny yen!
[15:05] [Monderefal] hmm
[15:05] [Monderefal] Poor merak
[15:05] [Monderefal] he used a Raven move on Ratasal
[15:06] [Rubix] heh
[15:06] [Rubix] harum...
[15:06] [Rubix] Hits Demitri, avoids all
[15:06] [Monderefal] k
[15:07] [Monderefal] its still at 18
[15:07] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:07] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The raven rides across the foothills; fends off the quickening of the venom!
[15:07] [Monderefal] heh
[15:07] [Monderefal] Done
[15:07] [Rubix] !mb ybmvoe
[15:07] [Demitri] 13/26
[15:07] [Demitri] halfway mark :)
[15:07] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[15:07] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The northstar lies underneath the heavens; avoids the cut of the crevice!
[15:07] [Rubix] done
[15:07] [Demitri] heh
[15:07] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[15:07] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The panther rains upon the cemetery; parries the blood of the maze!
[15:07] [Rubix] demitri (constant)
[15:07] [Demitri] done
[15:07] [Rubix] Demitri hits... the raven fails
[15:08] [Monderefal] um
[15:08] [Monderefal] the raven auto hits
[15:08] [Monderefal] note the style of the mechs location
[15:08] [Demitri] afte rthis I gotta leave
[15:08] [Monderefal] (yup)
[15:08] [Demitri] its at 15 then
[15:08] [Monderefal] 15 Hits it has left
[15:08] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:08] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The claw strikes the city; conceals the offensive of the stone as it absorbs the rolling of the mountain!
[15:08] [Monderefal] Done
[15:08] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[15:08] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The east wind falls with the cemetery; parries the cut of the ledge!
[15:08] [Rubix] done
[15:09] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[15:09] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The turtle slides in the midst of the brush; averts the thrust of the tree! *yen*
[15:09] [Demitri] done
[15:09] [Demitri] shiny...yen
[15:09] [Monderefal] wow 24 Yen
[15:09] [Rubix] heh
[15:09] [Rubix] Dimitri is hit, but Mondy hits
[15:09] [Demitri] worst move in the game, The foot rains upon the paradise as it slides into the tomb of Wicht; devours the blood of the tree!
[15:09] [Demitri] dunno, actually
[15:09] [Demitri] 12/26
[15:10] [Monderefal] lol
[15:10] [Monderefal] its at 14
[15:10] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:10] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The east wind illuminates the vineyard; parries the stab of the iron!
[15:10] [Monderefal] Done
[15:10] * Monderefal waves at Soth's vineyards
[15:10] [Rubix] !MB ybmove
[15:11] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[15:11] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The nunchaku slashes within the badlands; dodges the drive of the flower!
[15:11] [Rubix] ?
[15:11] [Rubix] done
[15:11] [Demitri] (oldie joke)
[15:11] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[15:11] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The lotus blossom drowns the canyon; absorbs the energy of the sands!
[15:11] [Demitri] done
[15:11] [Monderefal] *stop stealing my moves !*
[15:11] [Demitri] (sorry, I don't have master of the void, that's Discord)
[15:11] [Monderefal] (lol)
[15:11] [Rubix] Hrm...
[15:12] [Monderefal] I'd take it but its useless without a DT :)
[15:12] [Rubix] Demitri is hit, and Mondy is shrugged off
[15:12] [Rubix] thi is taking hella long
[15:12] [Monderefal] k
[15:12] [Monderefal] yah
[15:12] [Monderefal] I can't PM it
[15:12] [Demitri] 11/26
[15:12] [Monderefal] and Dem isn't for some reason
[15:12] [Monderefal] :p
[15:12] [Monderefal] its still at 14
[15:12] [Demitri] havne't found a perfect opening :p
[15:12] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:12] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The panther quietly scourges the temple; protects against the speed of the cave!
[15:12] [Monderefal] um
[15:12] [Monderefal] how many FoF have I used ?
[15:12] [Rubix] at least 2 I'm pretty sure
[15:12] [Monderefal] yes
[15:12] [Rubix] could have been 3 but no more
[15:13] [Monderefal] but I need to know if its 2 or 3
[15:13] [Monderefal] I can use 3/fight
[15:13] [Rubix] roll a d2
[15:13] [Rubix] high you used 3
[15:13] [Demitri] I think you did it twice
[15:13] [Monderefal] 2 you you right
[15:13] [Monderefal] I just counted
[15:14] [Monderefal] :)
[15:14] [Monderefal] FoF
[15:14] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:14] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The spider wracks the beach; dodges the energy of the fortification!
[15:14] [Monderefal] Done
[15:14] [Monderefal] Why won't this thing die ?
[15:14] [Monderefal] go CS
[15:15] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[15:15] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The lightning ravages the rapids; absorbs the chaos of the sky!
[15:15] [Rubix] done
[15:15] [Demitri] (twinkin out with red mage is a disgrace...)
[15:15] [Demitri] stop stealing my moves! ;)
[15:15] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[15:15] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The crane flies across the heavens; wards off the stab of the grass!
[15:15] [Demitri] done
[15:15] [Demitri] gar
[15:15] [Monderefal] DEMITRI
[15:15] [Monderefal] :p
[15:15] [Rubix] heh
[15:15] [Rubix] It hits Demitri yet again....
[15:16] [Rubix] And kal... is hit
[15:16] [Demitri] 10/26
[15:16] [Rubix] er not hit
[15:16] [Rubix] deflected
[15:16] [Monderefal] blink
[15:16] [Monderefal] oh ok
[15:16] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:16] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The staff strikes upon the prairie; wards off the tempest of the farm!
[15:16] [Demitri] that lightning move would have allowed me to do 7 damage
[15:16] [Monderefal] Done
[15:16] * Monderefal is glad Azure isn't here
[15:16] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[15:16] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The east wind crushes the desert; parts the blood of the field!
[15:16] [Monderefal] these guardians would crush Leomon
[15:17] [Monderefal] in all of 0.5 of a round
[15:17] [Demitri] hehe
[15:17] [Rubix] done
[15:17] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[15:17] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The fist lies within the fountain; wards off the efforts of the tree!
[15:17] [Demitri] gah
[15:17] [Demitri] done
[15:17] [Demitri] why....why....
[15:17] [Monderefal] Demitri, repeat after me
[15:17] [Rubix] thats why There are so many different barriers between level 5 and level 0
[15:17] [Monderefal] I must generate good moves
[15:17] [Demitri] nah
[15:17] [Demitri] I know what I must do! ;)
[15:17] [Rubix] Demitri is hit, Kal is shrugged
[15:17] [Monderefal] lol
[15:17] [Monderefal] you know to get steal life dem
[15:17] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:17] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The scythe dances atop the ocean; scatters the energy of the blade!
[15:17] [Monderefal] Done
[15:17] [Monderefal] *sigh*
[15:18] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[15:18] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The crane lies on top of the cliff; removes the speed of the wood and lies upon the stab of the tides!
[15:18] [Rubix] few...
[15:18] [Rubix] done
[15:18] [Demitri] "Magic Stone!"
[15:18] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[15:18] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The blizzard appears from the beach; conceals the chaos of the wood!
[15:18] [Demitri] gah
[15:18] [Demitri] done
[15:18] [Monderefal] Kaldorn ?
[15:18] [Rubix] good enough to hit it, and kal lands the hit as well
[15:19] [Demitri] it's like both of your karmic bad luckiness has transferred to me
[15:19] [Demitri] 9/26
[15:19] [Demitri] forgot to update for last round
[15:19] [Monderefal] 11 left for it
[15:19] [Monderefal] !mb yybmove
[15:19] [Monderefal] !mb ybmove
[15:19] [MechaMeowth] Monderefal: The kama charges the grotto; dodges the gaze of the lash!
[15:19] [Monderefal] Done
[15:19] [Rubix] !mb ybmove
[15:19] [MechaMeowth] Rubix: The panther eliminates the volcano; dodges the chi of the settlement!
[15:19] [Rubix] done
[15:19] [Demitri] !mb ybmove
[15:19] [MechaMeowth] Demitri: The crane suddenly sucker punches the clouds; waves away the edge of the horn! *yen*
[15:19] [Demitri] PM!
[15:20] [Monderefal] bout fricken time
[15:20] [Monderefal] oh and another yen
[15:20] [Demitri] The tricky crane suddenly sucker punches the labyrinth; waves away the edge of the horn! *yen*
[15:20] [Demitri] done
[15:20] [Demitri] yep, 32
[15:20] [Demitri] :)
[15:20] [Monderefal] for a total of 32
[15:20] [Rubix] wow
[15:20] [Rubix] heh
[15:20] [Rubix] how many points on your attack demit?
[15:20] [Rubix] Mondy is thrown off...
[15:20] [Monderefal] heh
[15:20] [Monderefal] Dem does more than is needed I'm pretty sure
[15:21] [Rubix] hoping so I am
[15:21] [Monderefal] hmm
[15:21] [Demitri] 13
[15:21] [Monderefal] 12
[15:21] [Monderefal] not counting life drain
[15:21] [Rubix] dead
[15:21] [Monderefal] yay!
[15:21] [Monderefal] one item each
[15:21] [Monderefal] armour and weapon
[15:22] [Rubix] [Rubix] BARBARIAN WAR MECH
[15:22] [Monderefal] I'll take the sword if you don't have a phoenix item already demitri
[15:22] [Rubix] [Rubix] CR 24
[15:22] [Rubix] [Rubix] Hits 28
[15:22] [Rubix] [Rubix] Yen Factor: 8
[15:22] [Rubix] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Silver Sword
[15:22] [Rubix] [Rubix] Perfect Master of the Ruby Pheonix
[15:22] [Rubix] [Rubix] Duralloy Armor (+2 Hits)
[15:22] [Rubix] [Rubix] Duralloy Armor (+2 Hits)
[15:22] [Rubix] [Rubix] Silver Sword (+5 Silver/+2 Sword)
[15:22] [Rubix] [Rubix] Ruby Flamethrower (+5 Ruby/+2 Pheonix)
[15:22] [Rubix] I'm guessin one was a shield not an armor ;)
[15:22] [Monderefal] I'd say its probable
[15:22] [Monderefal] since they stacked :p
[15:22] [Demitri] 12 exp total
[15:23] [Demitri] do you want the sword or flamethrower?
[15:23] [Monderefal] sword
[15:23] [Demitri] k
[15:23] [Demitri] I'll take the shield then
[15:23] [Demitri] 16 yen
[15:23] [Monderefal] and I'll take the armour
[15:23] [Demitri] and 12 exp
[15:24] [Demitri] thanks for DMing CS
[15:24] [Demitri] it was really fun
[15:24] [Monderefal] You gonna be on much longer CS ?
[15:24] [Demitri] next time hopefully i'll have time to start from the beginning and understand it (and find those blasted hidden story points)
[15:24] [Rubix] thats fine
[15:24] [Rubix] kalanyr, we should wrap up
[15:24] [Monderefal] If not I'll say foodnight now, I've got to water some animals
[15:24] [Monderefal] yup
[15:24] [Rubix] I have to finish a short story
[15:24] [Monderefal] ok cya then
[15:24] [Monderefal] goodnight CS :)
[15:25] [Rubix] shouldn't take me too long, I type fast as I think when I'm in the mood
[15:25] [Rubix] alright, um...
[15:25] [Monderefal] yes we have master of the evasive story point
[15:25] [Rubix] I hope you two don't go to any other dungeons
[15:25] [Monderefal] I may be back soon :)
[15:25] [Demitri] g'night
[15:25] [Rubix] I'd like to see you get through the rest of your escape...
[15:25] [Rubix] night
[15:25] [Monderefal] doubt it :)
[15:25] [Monderefal] I may do some weapon buying
[15:25] [Demitri] most likely I won't
[15:25] [Monderefal] but thats about it for me
[15:25] [Rubix] not just you
[15:25] [Rubix] the group
[15:25] [Demitri] altho kal needs to finish an undead groupie off ;)
[15:25] * Demitri has quit IRC (QUIT: "Life is a Side Quest! Seize the EXP!" -Red Mage)

Monderefal Status Update:
<center><table border=2 width=100% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 bgcolor=#336600 bordercolor=#99FF00><tr><td align=center valign=top colspan=2 bgcolor=#00ff00><font color=#006600 size=4 face=verdana>Monderefal the Defender of Organics, Lord of the Clouds of Heavenly Paradise,Gang Member of King Jerod</font></td></tr><tr><td align=left valign=top width=73% bgcolor=#336633><font color=#FFFF00 size=2 face=verdana> "Monderefal, guilt-wracked Holy Liberator and cleric of Correllon Larenthian at your service, good sirs and madams."<font></td><td align=center valign=top width=27% bgcolor=#336633><font color=#000000 size=2.5 face=courier><P align=left>Round: ? Current Hits: 34
Total Hits: 34 <img src=http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=477191 align=bottom height=220>
Image by Vasilis Zikos Gallery </font></td></tr><tr><td align=center valign=top colspan=8 bgcolor=#00CC00><font color=#FFFF00 size=4 face=verdana>"In Corellon's Name!"</font></td></tr><tr><td align=left valign=top width=73% bgcolor=#669966><font color=#FFFF33 size=2 face=verdana>Hits Defeated: 24/95 Saved Experience: 0
Natural Hits: 19 Yen: 20 Yen
Armor: Elven Chain Mail of the Holy Liberator (+5 Hits)
Shield: Sacred Mithral Shield (+5 Hits)
Protective Accessories: Heavenly Aura (+5 Hits)
Weapons: Circlet of the Avenging Phoenix (+5 Phoenix, +5 Avenging) , Strawberry Scented Lotus Blossoms (+5 Lotus Moves), Partially Reforged Holy Sword (+5 Sword,+5 Supreme,+5 Paradise)
Quest Item: Bronze Whistle (Filled in Dot), Pendant, Glacial Staff (+5 Glacier, Only functional in Rubix Cube), Paladin's Mace (+2 Mace) (Borrowed from Paladin)
Eligible Style(s): Oak
Eligible Location(s):
Mass Combat XP Counter: 0
Tournament Record: 0-0
</td><td align=left valign=top width=27% bgcolor=#336633><font color=#FFFF00 size=3 face=verdana>ABILITIES:
<font color=#FF6600 size=2 face=verdana>Perfect Master of the Avenging Phoenix</font>, <font color=#999999 size=2 face=verdana>Master of the Supreme Sword</font>, <font color=#FFFF00 size=2 face=verdana> Holy Warrior,Holy Day, Holy Battery (19/19 Chi), Holy Strike, </font> <font color=#99CCFF size=2 face=verdana>Master of the Pure Paradise,</font> <font color=#FFFFFF size=2 face=verdana> Master of the Flying Clouds,<font color=#FFFF99 size=2 face=verdana> Master of the Transcendent Heavens (Taught), Gang Leader, Strategic Planner</font></font></td></tr></table></center>
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First Post
Uh, Kalanyr? Where in the world did you get enough yen to buy back all of the gear you lost in the 100 Kingdoms scenario? That stuff is really expensive...

- Eric


Yes, I know it is, very very expensive (I still can't afford the +5 Clouds). Lets see now:

As of leaving the 100 Kingdoms I had 13.5 Yen and the following Salvage: Moon's Eye (+1 Silver) (0.5 yen),2 Spears (+1 Spear) (2 x 1 yen), 3 Swords (3x 1 yen) , 3 Daggers (3x1 yen), 1 Barbed Whip (1 yen), Fangs of the Vampire (+2 Fang)

Selling it all netted a total of: 0.5 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1 +2.5 = 12 yen.

Total of 25.5 Yen

Spent 16 Yen on +5 Supreme

9.5 Yen Remaining

3 x Chain Shirt from House of Horrors (I made a mistake here thought they were +3 Hits but they are +2 Hits) = 15 Yen

3x Enchanted Longsword from House of Horrors = 7.5 Yen.

22.5 Yen+9.5 Yen = 32 Yen
Spend 25 on +5 Armour

Leaves 7

Sell +3 Hits armour = 7.5 Yen
Sell Small Sheild = 2.5 Yen
=17 Yen

I thought I had an extra 7.5 Yen here from the +2 Chain Shirts but I don't, so I borrowed 0.5 Yen from Demitri, to buy the shield. I'll deduct 7.5 Yen from my final tally.

In the Rubix Cube
Monderefal acquired the following salvage: +4 Armour (10 Yen), +4 Shield (10 Yen), +2 Armour or Shield can't remember which and it doesn't really matter (5 Yen), +5 Silver/+2 Sword (2.5 Yen+8 Yen),+4 Jade (4 Yen), +3 Tower (6 Yen), 1 Yen from Demitri for not taking a +4 Hells weapon and taking Jade instead, balances the +4/+3 Onyx Tower item split which went the other way, 1 extra yen pays for the extra location cost.) = 46.5 Yen

24 Yen from Yen Moves with Mechs, 1 Yen from Dragon Virus, 71.5 Yen. Spent (20+24x2 on Sword,Paradise and Heavens, Total of 68.

Leaving me 3.5 Yen, ah so I'm 4 Yen short, ok then I won't buy the heavens location, giving me 24 Yen back, pay 4 Yen out of that for the mistake about the Chain Mail, leaves me 20 Yen.

Next goal 28 Yen to get back Heavens and Clouds.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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