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M3: Assassin's Knot (Patlin judging)


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As they get out of the carriage, Rinaldo puts his cloak and change his appearance with his hat. He follows Vossinger to the Warship. As the cloacked man get out of the room, Rinaldo take a serious look at him, trying to figure who he is and making sure he won't forget the man.

Graybane... never heard of him yet.

Once the access is allowed, Rinaldo take a look at the room to get a general idea. Once that done, he suggest "Let's take our time to search the place, and be carefull. And don't stop to search a place because another have already taken a look. Better not to miss anything."

OOC: If possible, Rinaldo take 20 to search the room (Search +9), and his suggestion is that everyone help the highest search roll if possible, to give to him a possible +10...

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Velmont said:
OOC: If possible, Rinaldo take 20 to search the room (Search +9), and his suggestion is that everyone help the highest search roll if possible, to give to him a possible +10...

Eanos leans back and takes in the room as a whole first. He's always been better at finding things by instinct than by design. If something in particular catches his eye, he starts his search there, then follow the others' lead and spread out to aid with the wider search of the room.

[OOC: For the scan of the room, Eanos' Spot is +9 (I'm a bit iffy on whether Spot applies here, but I figure it doesn't hurt to have the stat handy if it does). His Search is untrained with no bonus, but Eanos is willing to help out on the hope of an Aid Another bonus.]


LEW Judge
Manzanita said:
“If you have a hooded cloak, you might want to pull it up now.” Vossinger himself follows his advice, taking a purple cloak out and pulling the hood up.

Nurlan has none. (Is the Cloak of Ferdinand hooded? Even if it is, with the monogram he figures he's less conspicuous without it.)

Manzanita said:
“OK. Go on in then,” says the guard to the group. Vossinger motions the party to follow as he enters.

Nurlan follows with the others. (OOC: Is there anyone in there to greet us? If there is, Nurlan would think it rude to start searching the place before discussing the situation with our host(s).)


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Nurlan's cloak has no hood. The monogram is on the inside, though, so it is only obvious on inspection. Hold that search roll. Not to push the pace too much, but I'll continue. Feel free to back up a little with your post. I don't mean to railroad anyone...

Edgar Vossinger bows sharply at the waist immediately after entering. “Sire. I bring you the investigators, led by the Bard I’d told you about.”

Entering the room, the party sees the captain's quarters. It is a small room, but efficiently furnished. Bookshelves line one wall, with tight rails holding the books in place. A hammock hangs across the other wall, with a pillow and neatly folded blanket. A third wall is lined with weapons: A glavie, scimitar, throwing axes, composite longbow, arrows, daggers, a net, and a whip. A desk sits in front of this wall, with a swivel chair behind it. A blood splattered white chalked outline is partially visible behind the desk. At the desk sits an elderly man, his beard and eyebrows mostly white, with hairs sticking out in all directions. He wears a fine quality gray robe, lined with brilliant blue trim, and looks up with interest at the party. In front of him are a handful of what appear to be purple coins.

The party doesn’t have time to inspect the room more at the moment because a second occupant speaks up. The man Vossinger bowed to is a tall, slender man in a rich purple cape, emblazoned with the double-headed eagle of Monemvassia. His purple tunic also carries this symbol. Under his tunic glints blueish gray chainmail.

Knowledge arcane DC 12: [sblock] His armor is made of mithril[/sblock]

The man is devilishly hansome, with shoulder length, finely groomed blond hair, and piercing blue eyes. He strides up, offers everyone a firm handshake, and greets them individually as they enter. “Welcome. I am Medius Jara. Your name? Very glad you’re here. Hello. Nice to meet you. My pleasure. Yes hello.”

He holds each person’s hand until they introduce themselves, Then moves on to the next. I’ll assume everyone gives their real name when asked. Let me know if anyone doesn’t. Feel free to roleplay this part

Spot check DC 14: [sblock] As each of the party introduces himself, the seated man mumbles softly and fingers a coin.[/sblock]

“This is the room where the murder took place. We couldn’t very well leave the body lying here, so it was removed, but its position is indicated here.” He points to the white chalked figure. “The only obvious clue we found was this.”

He holds out his purple-gloved hand to reveal a red leather button.


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Manzanita said:
The man is devilishly hansome, with shoulder length, finely groomed blond hair, and piercing blue eyes. He strides up, offers everyone a firm handshake, and greets them individually as they enter. “Welcome. I am Medius Jara. Your name? Very glad you’re here. Hello. Nice to meet you. My pleasure. Yes hello.”

He holds each person’s hand until they introduce themselves, Then moves on to the next. I’ll assume everyone gives their real name when asked. Let me know if anyone doesn’t. Feel free to roleplay this part

Spot check DC 14: [sblock] As each of the party introduces himself, the seated man mumbles softly and fingers a coin.[/sblock]

[OOC: Spot roll 16+9=25]

"My name is Eanos, Sire," the monk says as he greets the Prince. His eyes flash back to the older, robed man, but he bites his tongue, fights off his scowl, and continues. "An honor to meet you, though one wishes the circumstances were less ... unpleasant."

Manzanita said:
“This is the room where the murder took place. We couldn’t very well leave the body lying here, so it was removed, but its position is indicated here.” He points to the white chalked figure. “The only obvious clue we found was this.”

He holds out his purple-gloved hand to reveal a red leather button.

Eanos raises an eyebrow, perplexed. "And where did you find it?" he asks, hoping context will prove more informative than the clue itself appears to be.


LEW Judge
Manzanita said:
The man is devilishly hansome, with shoulder length, finely groomed blond hair, and piercing blue eyes. He strides up, offers everyone a firm handshake, and greets them individually as they enter. “Welcome. I am Medius Jara. Your name? Very glad you’re here. Hello. Nice to meet you. My pleasure. Yes hello.”

He holds each person’s hand until they introduce themselves, Then moves on to the next. I’ll assume everyone gives their real name when asked. Let me know if anyone doesn’t. Feel free to roleplay this part

"Nurlan Naibi at your service, Your Highness", the bard says. He is a little nervous, trying not to let on how many bad things he has heard about the prince, his family and his associates. With his mind on the task of remaining tactful, he does not notice, um, whatever it is he might have noticed.

Nurlan's Knowledge (arcana): 13+8=21
Nurlan's Spot check: 6+0=6


First Post
As he enters, Rinaldo notes the two person in the room, he quickly take alook at them to have an idea of who they are. As Nurlan present himself, Rinaldo looks seems to be on the man sitting at the desk. (OOC: Spot:22) Then come his turn. He hesitate a moment, but finally, he salute the man, removing his hat and thus, revealing his true face.

"My name is Rinaldo di Senzio, spice merchant and more... it is a pleasure to meet you, Sir."

After everyone have presented themselves, Rinaldo asks "I suppose that the poor man body have been bried by the time, or do we have a chance to take a look at it? And it would be interesting to take a close look at the room, to see if there isn't something more that have been miss. I'm not sure if it will be usefull, looks like many person have come here after the murder."

Knight Otu

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Knowledge Arcane (1d20+9=19)
Spot* (1d20+5=6)
*(I assumed Fareye is within a mile of Ashnar. He's certainly not within arm's reach - he wouldn't have been in the carriage, after all. Not that it helped with the roll. :lol: )
Ashnar positions his cloak to hide the worst of his burn marks (as it propably has no hood), assuming these are the most memorable marks on him, as he leaves the carriage.

"I am Ashnar, an arcanist."


"Greetings Sire, I am Tenebrynn Glimmersight." Tenebrynn says as he notices the armor, but fails to notice whatever else he didnt notice...

Jara is here? he thinks to himself. we are working for the corrupt crown? ah well I suppose it pays the bills. thinking very pragmatically and trying not to look for the absent sword.


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Prince Medius Jara

"We found this button, er, on his body. Not sure where exactly. It fell down when we picked him up. Didn't belong to him, certainly. His body is in Monemvassia. Killed by a blade thrust in the heart."

"As for the room. It is untouched. Virtually no one has been in here since he died. Antagra," he waves his hand at the old man behind the desk, "has checked the place for magic, curses and the like. Found nothing. Perhaps there are other clues. Feel free to search around."

Medius strides to the door and speaks to the guards outside. "All set" he says. "Let's go."

Stepping back into the room, he says, "I'm launching this vessel. Once you have finished your search and had your questions answered, we'll let you out at a military post a few miles north of here. From there, you can take what action you like. Personally, I believe the killer came from Three Rings. Why else would he strike here? You could reenter the town on horseback or by boat, in a group or split up. Or head for Monemvassia or whereever."

"Security is less here." says Vossinger. He shakes his head. "Too bad we couldn't get that additional protection..." He cuts off abruptly as Medius gives him a sharp glance.

Voidrunner's Codex

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