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Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks: All in a Nights Work (DM: DMDanW, Judge: Renau1g)


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Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks: All in a Nights Work

An Adventure for Levels 1 - 2

Thanks for taking part in this adventure. I hope you all have as much fun playing in it as I know I am going to have running it.

Party Members
Gloom – Shifter Paladin (lvl2) [played by Velmont]
Gellan – Halfling Barbarian (lvl1) [played by RedBeardJim]
Jehad – Gnome Sorceror (lvl2) [played by Ghdeh1] - Dropped out
Thorn – Shifter Fighter (lvl1) [played by Banesfinger]
Zharne – Elf Druid (lvl1) [played by Ozvmandias79]
Minharath – Kalashtar Cleric (lvl1) [played by Tomalak]

I’d like each of you to choose a different color for your characters speaking text. There were some duplicate colors in the Tavern, but for this thread I’d like everyone to have a separate color. White, and really dark colors are not ideal. First come first serve.

Jyles has this color: Jyles Delaurier at your service.
Lord Ogglebottom has this color: Greetings and Welcome...

Treasure Earned:
25 gp each down payment; http://www.enworld.org/forum/5039845-post896.html (150 gp total)

Symbol of Divinity +1, Staff of Ruin +1, Collar of Recovery +1, Bloodcut Hide Armor +1, Bag of coins& gems (600gp); http://www.enworld.org/forum/5206193-post557.html
100gp payment & Time gold;http://www.enworld.org/forum/5222802-post587.html

XP Earned
XP awarded here; http://www.enworld.org/forum/5222802-post587.html

Major Quests:

Minor Quests:
Retrieve stolen package for Lord Ogglebottom. XP found here; http://www.enworld.org/forum/5222802-post587.html

Date Started: 12/29/2009

[sblock=Rules and stuff to know…]
[sblock=Rules and stuff to know…] 1. I would like everyone to use a mini-stat block for their characters. Please include your quick stats in your post on the first post of a new page, on each post in combat, and on the first post where your status has changed. You may also place your mini-stat block in your signature as well.[FONT=&quot]

[/FONT] [sblock=Example mini-stats]
[sblock=Example mini-stats] Kama'zer Anma'giduu- Female Githyanki Warlord 1
Passive Perception: +9, Passive Insight: +9
AC:17, Fort:15, Reflex:14, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers-Viper's Strike, Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord's Favor, Inspiring Word, Telekinetic Leap
Lead the Attack
In combat I will track your hit points and status effects but I'd like you to please do the same in your mini-stats for your own reference.

[/FONT] 2. I’d like you to have a wish list of magic items that your character would like ranging from levels 1 to 7 (don’t worry if a couple of levels are blank) and put it on your character sheet. I will attempt to pick items out of these lists if at all possible.

3. When the group receives treasure it’s going to be up to the party to split it among themselves. Keep in mind that I will attempt to include items off of your wish-lists so although an item may come from a particular PC’s wish list, it is up to the party to decide who gets it.

4. If a spoiler block is labeled for another character, please try not to read it. If one character has certain information, it’s up to him or her to reveal it IC.

5. If you do not post for 2 days, and we are in a skill challenge or combat encounter, I will post for you. I will only use At-Will Powers. If you know you are going to be unable to post for more than 2 days, please let me know.

6. Skill Challenges and Combat encounters;
[sblock=Skill Challenge Rules]
[sblock=Skill Challenge Rules] I hate limiting my players as to what they can and cannot do, so here is how I am going to handle skill challenges.

· Each player describes an action that his character is doing, whether it’s tumbling past a guard or talking with a duke and the skill they feel is appropriate (plus the roll..)

· There will be a primary DC for the challenge set be the DM. If your description and skill choice fit the challenge it will be against the Primary DC. If it seems like a stretch to me, then it will be against a higher DC (the stranger the attempt, the higher the DC).

· If the player gives a particularly good description or role‐plays well, the DM can give him a +2 to the skill check.

· Not all characters will be built for all challenges. If you feel like you do not have anything useful to add to a particular challenge and would do more harm than good, then you can always role-play the situation and attempt to assist another character with their skill check. [FONT=&quot]

[sblock=Combat Rules]
[/FONT][sblock=Combat Rules] We will be using Mal Malenkirk’s combat rules. For those of you not familiar with those rules here is some detail;

· I roll all initiatives. Waiting two days before everyone has had the chance to roll theirs is a waste of time.

· I roll a single initiative for my bad guys and play them all in the same turn. It loses some of the tabletop experience but it plays a lot faster than individual initiative. Occasionally there may be a bad guy or two that acts on its own initiative, but that would be rare.

· I’ll post relevant monster stats so you can determine the outcome of your action. This will be very basic information regarding defences and hit points. If more information is revealed through a successful knowledge check, I will add that information once it is revealed. This way you don’t have to wait for me to tell you if your roll hit, of if the bad guy died and it speeds up the game.

· I don't care in what initiative order you post; your action takes place at exactly the moment you post and as long as you only act once per round, it's all good. You can always edit your post as long as no one else has posted after you – including the DM. If you need to revise your actions for any reason, I will let you know.

The initiative in practice is only relevant once; the very first round.

Let's say initiative is:

Mesa 22
Matlal 17
Tor 12
Montroya 9
Andrec 8
Jarel Karn 5

That means Mesa and Matlal get to act before the BGs. I don't care in what order! If Matlal log in the thread before Mesa, don't wait, act first!

Once they have both acted, I play all of the Bad Guys.

Then everyone act, in whatever order.

It is possible that Mesa and Matlal will log on the thread before Tor, Montroya, Andrec and Jarel Karn have all acted. It doesn't matter, they can act! Once all 6 of PCs have acted (and acted only once, of course!), I run bad guys and then it's once more your turn. That simple.

I repeat; your actions take place when you post. Should you want to delay, then simply wait for the others to post.

It is very common when you play that way for a player to log last in a turn and then be the first to log back after I have updated the fight and played the BGs. This leads to a PC acting almost back to back. It matters little; in the end he still has acted only once in either round.

This saves a lot of time especially because most players can't log on the thread thrice a day to see if it's their turn yet. If you log on at any time after I have run the BGs turn you are free to post without waiting for your buddies to act in order.

Two frequent rules issues arise from this practice:

1 - What about effects that last 'until the end of PC's X turn'?

Often a leader will grant a bonus to someone else 'until the end of the leader's turn'. This will usually be interpreted as 'Until the end of the target's turn' instead. Good old common sense. The target doesn't lose the bonus if the leader acts before him and doesn't gain TWO turns of using the bonus if he manages to act twice before the leader acts again.

2 - What about PCs who purposefully delay taking their turn in order to give a chance to their allies to grant them a free save?

Ongoing damage and others conditions effect occurs at the beggining of your turn. If you know someone might grant you a free save (leaders can often do that) before you act, it may save you damage or avoid a stun effect to purposefully delay taking your turn, giving a chance for the other PCs to help you... That's cool. I don't mind. It just increases the value of team work which is a good thing.

7. Choose the dice roller that works for you. Your options include: Invisible Castle, Dice Room, or CoCo Dice Roller. Please make sure to fill in the campaign name and character name for each roll, I will do the same. If you are using Dice Room then use your character name and the name of this adventure (title above, punctuation and everything) as the room name. In either case highlight the die roll in your post and use the 'Insert Link' button to post a link to your die rolls.
I prefer the CoCo Dice Roller as it is easy to use and in my time using it has never been down (unlike Invisible Castle…..)

8. Out of Character Content: Post out of character content (i.e.: complaints, tactics, mechanics, etc...) in a spoiler with the letters 'OOC' in the title.

9. I will award XP during extended rests (or at least try too if possible).

10. Have fun! If you’re not having fun for any reason, please tell me about it so we can get back on track.

Oh, and most of that stuff above was graciously stolen from other DMs threads. You know who you are and thanks for saving me a lot of work.

So when everyone gets here and checks in (and picks a color) we can get underway....

Oh, and looking for a Judge for this adventure as well. Thanks!
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First Post
[sblock=OOC]Just posting my stat block[/sblock]

[sblock=Zharne Redcloud stat Line]Zharne Redcloud- Male Elf Druid 1
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 14
AC:17, Fort:12, Reflex:15, Will:15 -- Speed:8
HP:31/31 Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:
Initiative +2, Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Wild Shape, Grasping Claws, Swarming Locusts, Storm Spike, Darting Bite,Sweeping Blow, Elven Accuracy, Savage Frenzy[/sblock]


First Post
All character careers have been updated for each character in this adventure.

Please check here to make sure there are no errors.

Enjoy the adventure!

(Self Appointed L4W Archivist)


First Post
As the group is leaving the tavern, a raven lands on the sign above the door, it stares down on you before taking off with a "CAW!".

Judge here. Anxious to watch this one, so why not judge it :)

Let me know if you have any questions/comments. PM's work well if you have a question as I might not read this every day. Good Luck!


First Post
The first to leave the tavern, Minharath has been about his own business in the meantime. He arrives without fanfare just before the sixth bell tolls.

[sblock=status] I'll be keeping my status up-to-date in my signature, and marking the date & time of the most recent change. I will choose my text color after everybody has has a chance. [/sblock]


Thorn makes his way through the twisted streets, following the directions to the Emporium. He looks back nervously at a rather large raven that hops and flutters along the roof-tops, almost as if it were following him.

He arrives at the Emporium early, as he has no place else to go. A large sign above the doorway says "Extraordinary Emporium of Exotic Exports". The bright colours are now weathered and faded.

Upon entering, Thorn's eyes widen. The store were stuffed with so many wonderous items, there was hardly room to walk. Shelves overfilled with bowls of exotic spices, boxes of rare pixy dust, and maps of places he had never heard of. There were cabinets of stuffed specimines and creatures out of his nightmares. Holy symbols hung on a wall, devoted to hundreds of gods. There were even some gems that floated along the roof!

Thorn inched his way through the emporium, careful not to topple down the precarously stacked shelves. He spots a thin, middle-aged gnome behind the counter. After being eye curiously by the gnome, the shifter introduces himself:

"I am Thorn. At your service."

[sblock=Thorn stat Line]Thorn- Male Shifter (Longtooth) Fighter 1
Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 12
AC:17, Fort:16, Reflex:12, Will:13 -- Speed:5
HP:29/29 Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:11
Initiative +5, Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Sure Strike, Reaping Strike, Covering Attack, Longtooth Shifting, Comeback Strike[/sblock]
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First Post
Following the directions that Jyles had given, you make your way through the city. Passing through the Commons you make your way further into the city and down to the Inner Harbor. The area here looks quite different than the outer harbor, which handles the majority of the normal harbor type business. This part of the Inner Harbor looks quite well-to-do, a mixture of businesses lining this particular street, which runs along the waterfront. The streets are clean and the few groups of people you pass by seem finely dressed. By the glances and outright staring of some of the people you pass by it is apparent that a few of you do not fit in here.

You finally reach the address given to you and before you is the Extraordinary Emporium of Exotic Exports. At first glance it appears to be a small three story building with a storefront on the main floor and possibly offices or living space above. Looking closer you can see past the trees and bushes that are on both sides of the building to see a larger warehouse behind that connects to a series of docks. Even then, both the warehouse and docks are nothing like their counterparts down in the outer harbor. A large sign above the doorway says "Extraordinary Emporium of Exotic Exports". The bright colours are now a little weathered and faded from years of exposure.

As you enter the store a variety of strange odors assaults your senses. Along with the exotic scents the store is packed with odd and peculiar items ranging from artwork and sculptures to items that appear almost useful, there was hardly room to walk. Shelves overfilled with bowls of exotic spices, boxes of rare dusts and ointments, and maps of places you had never heard of. There were cabinets of stuffed specimens and creatures out of your nightmares. Holy symbols hung on a wall, devoted to various deities, some of which are familiar but most of them are unrecognizable. There were even some gems that floated along the roof! It would seem that there are imports here from every known corner of the world, and possibly from some parts still unknown.

Behind the counter is a thin middle aged gnome, his bushy head of brown hair peppered with grey, along with is thick moustache. He eyes you curiously, raising one bushy eyebrow as if asking himself a question. He then loudly clears his throat, “ARrghhmm. Yes yes then, what is it I can help you with?” His right eyebrow still raised in a questioning manner.

[sblock=OOC Banesfinger]
I wish I could have gotten this posted a bit sooner. Please edit your post to reflect this (although I did copy a bit of your flavor text into mine - thanks for that)
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First Post
As Gellan walks in, he stifles a sneeze from the cascade of unfamiliar odors filling the room. His eyes watering, he looks around the shop in bewilderment. "So many things...I never imagined so many things."

[sblock="Mini stat"]Gellan Bonesaw - Level 1 Halfling Barbarian
Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 11, Initiative: +3 Senses: Normal
AC: 17, Fortitude: 16, Reflex: 14, Will: 11 -- Speed: 6, Size: Small
HP: 27/27, Bloodied 13, Surge Value 6, Surges left 9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Pressing Strike, Whirling Rend
Second Chance, Whirling Lunge, Whirling Frenzy
Swift Panther Rage[/sblock]


First Post
Jehad creeps through the shop door and looks over some of the more useful merchandise "Quite a collection you have here" He says to the fellow Gnome. "I am Jehad, a sorcerer having come to help you recover your package."

[sblock=Jehad Nightingale stat block]Jehad Nightingale- Male Gnome Sorcerer 2
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12
AC:16, Fort:14, Reflex:14, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP:32/32, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:9/9
Initiative +5
Action Points: 1 <> Second Wind
Powers: Acid orb, Chaos bolt,
Chaos bolt extra,
Thunder slam,
Fade away
Ghost sound
Elemental shift
Chromatic orb


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