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Looking for Trouble [Orsal Judging][Concluded]


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Rowan takes the guard by the arm, and subtlely gestures towards Lasair while shaking his head.

"We heard from a reputable source that there were more of those land sharks out there, so keep up your guard. They are tough, though, aren't they. My name is Rowan McTavish. If you need more help with these things, you can send me a message. But I suppose we'll take that up with your lord." He looks about as they walk.

"Say, there wouldn't happen to be any women in your party, would there?"

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Patlin said:
Rinya manages to bring Lucien back to conciousness, though any strong exertion at this point would endanger his life and send him back into dreamland.

ooc: Not sure how I managed it, but you're up...sort of

Rinya helps Lucien mount her horse for the trip to Westmoreland. She mumbles quietly, "Prophetic dragons dropping out of the sky...no good can come of that."


ooc: Rinya's incredible skill in first aid was owing to the DM wanting all players to be able to participate in the dialog if they so chose. :)

"Um, yes." The guard seems to be somewhat confused between Rowan and Lasair's comments. Either that, or he's making a mental note to hide the women and children before Rowan can encounter them, hard to say for sure. ;)

In spite of any confusion, the guard leads you to the remaining members of Lord Westmoreland's party. Lord Westmoreland thanks you cordially for your assistance, and asks you to come with him back to his keep.


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Rowan is happy to accompany General Westmorland back to Vietnam his keep. As he walks, he introduces himself.

"I am Rowan McTavish. I found these characters, except for that one, " he points at Lasair, "in the Red Dragon Inn in Orussus. I guess there's a number of adventurer types who hang out there. They have free beer actually. You should come by sometime. Anyway. If you have more problems with these land sharks, send one of your men, or better yet, one of your women, down to ask for help. We help fight zombies too. And rogue knights named Revenir. Ever heard of him?"

Rystil Arden

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"I am Lasair, Alant. I will be glad to come with you and accept your hospitality," Lasair greets the lord, "It was our pleasure to help in the defeat of the land shark."

'Oh, I hope I don't have to go to another coronation...'

Richard Rawen

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Richard, being the dumb fighter, goes along for the ride.

OOC: Wow... that was some heavy duty posting given the recent slow pacing... I guess Lasair and Rowan are our spokes-folk... *shrug*

Since all the conversation is hours (game time) old, Richard would have liked to ask a few questions:

How many land sharks did the group encounter?
Does the Lord have a healer to help Lucien?
Have there been any rumors of zombies or undead problems in the area?
Roughly what time of day is it... Richard tends to need four squares ya know. =-)

I'd like to add my thanks for the "quickie", it was nice of you to lead us around in the country and try to kill us so we didn't languish in the RDI. (*laughs*)
Seriously the Dragon was cool... though does tend to make for some foreboding future adventures...

Just for kicks, a line or two of IC dialogue:
When they have a moment, Richard will approach Rinya.
"Rinya, I saw how you saved Lucien back there... thanks. I . . . I just don't know anything about battle wounds... or any wounds for that matter." Richard pauses slightly at this point, then rushes on before Rinya has a chance to speak. "I know that's stupid, being a warrior and all, I should know about treating wounds . . ." The large man, clad in metal and bristling with weapons, looks rather childish as he *shrugs*, finally quiet.


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Now that he's somewhat recovered, or at least conscious, Lucien thanks Rinya. "Thank you, m'lady. I really should learn better than to stand toe-to-toe with a foe bigger than me, but when the fighting starts, I just let my instincts take over."


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Unaccustomed to opening up her feelings, Rinya mutters, "Well, Richard, Lucien, I did no less than what you did fo rme when that skeleton felled me in Grandmama's attic. Honestly, I'm not sure what I did beyond bind a couple of wounds. I have no training as a healer. I've just seen...well...more than I care to talk about. I'm just glad we got out of that alive."

ooc: Actually, I was thinking ahead and since Rinya now has a level of ranger I thought it would be worth while to get her a cure wand. Only problem was, Rinya wouldn't have any idea that she could use it. Now that she's tapped into her "inner healer," she'd be willing to give it a try.

Voidrunner's Codex

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