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(looking for players)>(d20 modern) coreline: Firewalls.

Well, this is me, marcoasalazarm trying to post a new game in here. The game is to be rather simple-D20 Modern/Future with expansion of the Coreline thread (http://www.enworld.org/forum/genera...399-coreline-d20-modern-d20-besm-setting.html ). A simple game of post-apocalyptic conspiracies and insane action.

"They call it the 'Three Stooges Syndrome'. Some term some idiot coined from 'The Simpsons'.

The Syndrome is easy to explain as this: the world is plagued with conspiracies.

Out there, there are ancient conspiracies, new conspiracies, organized conspiracies, chaotic conspiracies.

Conspiracies that cover lots of branches of Mankind's structure, and conspiracies that just plainly effing stupid.

Conspiracies from beyond the stars, or ruled by your granny (or your granny's *pet*).

That want to rule the world or destroy it. That want to use this world as the first step to rule the galaxy, or the multiverse. That want this world (ALL worlds) turned into a smorgasboard or that want us just observed.

In between, people who want to be left alone, and will do anything to stay that way-and in doing so get beaten up by (or beat up) the conspiracies.

All of these people are out there, stepping on each other's toes, killing each other for space, stabbing each other in the back. It is this senseless cycle that creates a state of detente-all conspiracies have power, that is much certain-but none of them are as powerful as they truly want to be.

If several of these conspiracies vanish for good, if they are not replaced or controlled, the power vaccum will make the rest of them barge in-and if the world out there is already bad enough... just imagine what will happen next.

It will make the Vanishing look like a damn Sunday square dance.

We are Firewall. We are one of the conspiracies out there. Our job: to keep the balance. Any way we must.

Because it must be maintained. There is just no other option."


Inspiration: Fringe, The X-Files, Eclipse Phase, Chris Carter's 'Millennium', Torchwood, Checkmate.
Character Level: 6.
Points: 36.
Hit Points: Full. Action Points: From previous level.
Races: All accepted-full backstory requested.
Books: D20 Modern Corebook, D20 Apocalypse, D20 Past, D20 Future, D20 Future Gear, Urban Arcana, D20 Weapon's Locker, Coreline threads.

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When you say "all races", exactly how unusual are you thinking? Awakened animals, sure, but what about Ogres? Or Chain Devils? Min... er... tentacled brain-eaters?

Of all the shows you've described, I've only seen some of The X-Files. I'm guessing, then, that combat takes a back seat?

Voda Vosa

First Post
WOW is what I must say amigo, How did I missed this thread is beyond my understanding.

I want to play.

What about a character of D20 past?? Like a scientist, or even a gangster.

When you say "all races", exactly how unusual are you thinking? Awakened animals, sure, but what about Ogres? Or Chain Devils? Min... er... tentacled brain-eaters?

Of all the shows you've described, I've only seen some of The X-Files. I'm guessing, then, that combat takes a back seat?

For how 'unusual'... well, if it befits the character concept, I have no problem with the race (it would be interesting to see a chain devil or an Ogre trying to be stealthy, as well)-as long as they do not go over CL 6 even with the LA.

As for the X-Files angle... you're playing the conspiracy. Battle will happen, and when it happens those who know how to fight will have their day-but also, well, there's going to be the stealth moments and the intimidation moments and the smooth-talking moments.

Characters from D20 past... sure.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Name: Gunther van Fromoth
Class: Fast 4/ Explorer 2
Starting Occupation: Adventurer
Species: Human
Age: 26 Gender: Male Height: 6'-2" Weight: 170 lbs.
Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black, Skin: pale.

Abilities (Bonus) [Cost]
Strength: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Dexterity: 16 (+3) [8 points +1 @ 4th level]
Constitution: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Intelligence: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Wisdom: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Charisma: 12 (+1) [4 points]

HP: 60 (6d8+12)
Defense: 21= 10+7 [class] +3 [dex] +1 [Leather Jacket]
Initiative: 3= 3 [dex]
Base attack bonus: 4
Speed: 30 feet
Reputation: +3
Action Points: 41

Saving throws:
Fortitude: 7= 4 [base] +3 [con]
Reflex: 8= 5 [base] +3 [dex]
Will: 1= 1 [base] +0 [wis]

Melée: 6= 4 [bab] +2 [str]
Ranged: 7= 4 [bab] +3 [dex]

Colt M1911A1 (.45): Attack +8 Damage: 2d6 Critical: 20 Range: 30' Weight: 4 lbs. Type: Ballistic Size: Small Magazine: 14 (+1 in barrel). Pistol whip: 1d4+str. Carried in concealed carry holster under his left arm (+4 to sleight of hand).

S&W M29 (.44 Magnum revolver): Attack +6 Damage: 2d8 Critical: 20 Range: 50' Weight: 3 lbs. Type: Ballistic Size: Medium Magazine: 6 cyl. Pistol whip: 1d4+str. Carried in concealed carry holster on his right hip (+4 to sleight of hand).

Thompson M1921: Attack +7 Damage: 2d8 Critical: 20 Range: 30' Weight: 10 lbs. Type: Ballistic Size: Large Magazine: 100 drum (+1 in barrel) Rifle butt: 1d6+(str x 1.5).

Knife: Attack +6 Damage: 1d4+str Critical: 19-20 Range: 10' when thrown. Weight: 1 lb. Type: Piercing Size: Tiny. Carries two knives; one in left boot, one in right rear pocket.

Saber: Attack +6 Damage: 1d8+str Critical: 19-20 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: Slashing, Piercing Size: Medium. Carried on left hip.

22-2 (Colt) -2 (Colt) -2 (Thompson)= 16.

Skills: [ranks] (any unmentioned skill is base roll + ability modifier if it can be used untrained)
Balance: 6 [+4]
Climb: 4 [+2]
Decipher Script: 5 [+3]
Disable Device: 5 [+3]
Drive: 4 [+2]
Escape Artist: 5 [+3]
Handle Animal: 1 [+1]
Hide: 6 [+4]
Jump: 4 [+2]
Listen: 4 [+4]
Move Silently: 6 [+4]
Navigate: 3 [+1]
Pilot: 4 [+2]
Profession (tomb raider): 1 [+1]
Read/Write Language: 2 [+2]
Ride: 4 [+2]
Search: 4 [+2]
Sleight of Hand: 7 [+5]
Speak Language: 2 [+2]
Spot: 6 [+6] (starting occupation)
Survival: 6 [+6] (starting occupation)
Tumble: 7 [+5]

Talents:Evasion, Uncanny Dodge I, Trailbazing, Sweep.

Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency (1st level fast), Personal Firearms Proficiency (starting occupation), Dodge (1st level free), Guide (1st level free), Mobility (2nd level fast), Archaic Weapon Proficiency (3rd level free), Point Blank Shot (4th level fast), Track (1st level Explorer), Shot on the Run (6th level free).

Languages: English, Spanish, Cantonese.

Gear: Carrying compacity Light load: up to 58 lbs. Medium load: 59-116 lbs. Heavy load: 117-175 lbs.
Colt M1911A1 4lbs.
Box magazines (x2) 1lb.
Concealed carry holster (x2) 1lb.
S&W M29 3lb.
Speedloaders (x2) 1lb.
Thompson M1921 10lbs. (Kept in car)
Knives (x2) 2lbs.
Saber 4lbs.
Leather Jacket 4lbs.
Binoculars 2lbs. (Kept on car)
Compass 0.5lb

Will work out a background later

Gunther's approved. I like the fact that you gave him a 'Chicago Typewriter' and a saber-it looks cool, I think. Like an old pulp book.

Name: Gunther van Fromoth
Class: Fast 4/ Explorer 2
Starting Occupation: Adventurer
Species: Human
Age: 26 Gender: Male Height: 6'-2" Weight: 170 lbs.
Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black, Skin: pale.

Abilities (Bonus) [Cost]
Strength: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Dexterity: 16 (+3) [8 points +1 @ 4th level]
Constitution: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Intelligence: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Wisdom: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Charisma: 12 (+1) [4 points]

HP: 60 (6d8+12)
Defense: 21= 10+7 [class] +3 [dex] +1 [Leather Jacket]
Initiative: 3= 3 [dex]
Base attack bonus: 4
Speed: 30 feet
Reputation: +3
Action Points: 41

Saving throws:
Fortitude: 7= 4 [base] +3 [con]
Reflex: 8= 5 [base] +3 [dex]
Will: 1= 1 [base] +0 [wis]

Melée: 6= 4 [bab] +2 [str]
Ranged: 7= 4 [bab] +3 [dex]

Colt M1911A1 (.45): Attack +8 Damage: 2d6 Critical: 20 Range: 30' Weight: 4 lbs. Type: Ballistic Size: Small Magazine: 14 (+1 in barrel). Pistol whip: 1d4+str. Carried in concealed carry holster under his left arm (+4 to sleight of hand).

S&W M29 (.44 Magnum revolver): Attack +6 Damage: 2d8 Critical: 20 Range: 50' Weight: 3 lbs. Type: Ballistic Size: Medium Magazine: 6 cyl. Pistol whip: 1d4+str. Carried in concealed carry holster on his right hip (+4 to sleight of hand).

Thompson M1921: Attack +7 Damage: 2d8 Critical: 20 Range: 30' Weight: 10 lbs. Type: Ballistic Size: Large Magazine: 100 drum (+1 in barrel) Rifle butt: 1d6+(str x 1.5).

Knife: Attack +6 Damage: 1d4+str Critical: 19-20 Range: 10' when thrown. Weight: 1 lb. Type: Piercing Size: Tiny. Carries two knives; one in left boot, one in right rear pocket.

Saber: Attack +6 Damage: 1d8+str Critical: 19-20 Weight: 4 lbs. Type: Slashing, Piercing Size: Medium. Carried on left hip.

22-2 (Colt) -2 (Colt) -2 (Thompson)= 16.

Skills: [ranks] (any unmentioned skill is base roll + ability modifier if it can be used untrained)
Balance: 6 [+4]
Climb: 4 [+2]
Decipher Script: 5 [+3]
Disable Device: 5 [+3]
Drive: 4 [+2]
Escape Artist: 5 [+3]
Handle Animal: 1 [+1]
Hide: 6 [+4]
Jump: 4 [+2]
Listen: 4 [+4]
Move Silently: 6 [+4]
Navigate: 3 [+1]
Pilot: 4 [+2]
Profession (tomb raider): 1 [+1]
Read/Write Language: 2 [+2]
Ride: 4 [+2]
Search: 4 [+2]
Sleight of Hand: 7 [+5]
Speak Language: 2 [+2]
Spot: 6 [+6] (starting occupation)
Survival: 6 [+6] (starting occupation)
Tumble: 7 [+5]

Talents:Evasion, Uncanny Dodge I, Trailbazing, Sweep.

Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency (1st level fast), Personal Firearms Proficiency (starting occupation), Dodge (1st level free), Guide (1st level free), Mobility (2nd level fast), Archaic Weapon Proficiency (3rd level free), Point Blank Shot (4th level fast), Track (1st level Explorer), Shot on the Run (6th level free).

Languages: English, Spanish, Cantonese.

Gear: Carrying compacity Light load: up to 58 lbs. Medium load: 59-116 lbs. Heavy load: 117-175 lbs.
Colt M1911A1 4lbs.
Box magazines (x2) 1lb.
Concealed carry holster (x2) 1lb.
S&W M29 3lb.
Speedloaders (x2) 1lb.
Thompson M1921 10lbs. (Kept in car)
Knives (x2) 2lbs.
Saber 4lbs.
Leather Jacket 4lbs.
Binoculars 2lbs. (Kept on car)
Compass 0.5lb

Will work out a background later


For some reason, I have Hellboy stuck in my head when I think of this campaign. This is why I wondered how unusual you wanted your races to be... that is, if you were going for generic fantasy tropes and expected a lot of social interaction.

Should I create a kyton, would you allow me to use Savage Species rules so that I may have a few levels of a Modern class?

Also, I just read your CORELINE thread and realized anything really DOES go in your world. lol I was really excited to see a Goa'uld Staff Weapon as possible gear. I'm also a huge SG fan.
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For Wealth bonus, do we assume that we pass each check for a grand total? And so we assume max starting wealth as well?

Also, what is the ruling on procuring weapons etc requiring licenses or military creds?

Reason: I have a headache, and the only cure is Goa'uld Staff Weapon. lol
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