• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Level Up (A5E) Level Up Monstrous Menagerie Private Playtest!


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Trouble with spending discipline? Sounds familiar... hahaha!

Just withdraw cash and put it in en envelope and write "A5E kickstarter" on it.

That way you will have it in reserve and it's harder to spend money that you do not have on your account balance on some stupid things in the meantime.

Ofc, you always have option to spend the cash if there is some dire emergency :/
It's more the final line, there, than anything else.

In my family we have a saying: "If things are going well: just wait."

Last year we had to replace the transmission of one of hubby's work vehicles (Postal Worker) which wiped out about 2 months worth of saved up salary. This year we had to put another $1500 into the same vehicle to replace all the brakes, rotors, two tires, one wheel, the list just goes on and on... Not to mention the right-hand steering/pedal modifications.

Everything'll be going fine for 2-3 months and then BAM! one of the cars is out of commission or someone needs dental care or some other $1k+ expense jumps out at us from nowhere.

Things have been fine for just under 2 months, and I have the cash to throw at a kickstarter. So right around the next corner...

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Hey! I'm the lead writer of the upcoming Level Up bestiary, the Monstrous Menagerie. We're looking for a handful of enthusiastic game masters to be part of a closed beta playtest of Level Up monsters.

If you're the game master of a gaming group and have time to test a few monsters in the coming month, reply here or PM me! I'm looking for people who can sign an NDA and provide feedback that will directly shape the Level Up game - and get a credit in the published book.

We welcome playtesters using either the latest public Level Up playtest documents or using standard 5e D&D rules - the monster book should be perfectly usable with both.

We're excited to hear from you and looking forward to your contribution to the game!
I can totally help do that.

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