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Level Up (A5E) Level Up: An Art Preview

Here's a quick look at just some of the diverse art you will find in the Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition hardcover rulebooks. Some of these are from the Core Rulebook, and others are from the Monstrous Menagerie. Halfling (Erik Davis-Helm) Tiefling (Erik Davis-Helm) Ranger (Mark Bulahao) Aboleth (Kim Van Deun) Faerie (Egil Thompson) Cambion (Yihyoung Li) Hobgoblin (Vinicius...

Here's a quick look at just some of the diverse art you will find in the Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition hardcover rulebooks. Some of these are from the Core Rulebook, and others are from the Monstrous Menagerie.


Halfling (Erik Davis-Helm)


Tiefling (Erik Davis-Helm)


Ranger (Mark Bulahao)


Aboleth (Kim Van Deun)


Faerie (Egil Thompson)


Cambion (Yihyoung Li)


Hobgoblin (Vinicius Wemeck)


Basilisk (Sade)


Chimera (Guilherme Sommermeyer)


Behir (Guilherme Sommermeyer)


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Ok I Will try refracting it.
Monster Art usually implies a monster manual-like book. I was just worried the 5e monsters and cr's would not be compatible with the advanced version as a GameMaster/DungeonMaster I don`t like giving up my options to and what are skill and class options are for players for me are Monster and environment effects and so on. I love to see variation after all I spend a lot on third party monster books and adventures so easy adaptability for monsters and existing 5e and therefore adventures is important so my player can have more agency in these adventures with "level up" and their new "Toy" without me as a DM giving up my story for them to have a few more.

I like the art except the chimera doesn't hide my sweet spot neither das the 5e art the pathfinder art hits it more in the case of that monster but that is tast for you^^)
Right, okay. They ARE making a Monster Manual-type book. One that will be compatible, so you're good. You'll probably like it even, if you like 3rd party monsters. (Though maybe you won't like all of the art. Show your players different art if that's the case!) All is well.


Right, okay. They ARE making a Monster Manual-type book. One that will be compatible, so you're good. You'll probably like it even, if you like 3rd party monsters. (Though maybe you won't like all of the art. Show your players different art if that's the case!) All is well.
jup, love to get my hand on that book when it is done I mean you can never have enough versions of monsters especially lower-level ones! This is why I like Nord games "Revenge of the Horde" never can have enough different goblins makes combat interesting!


do we need new art if it is compatible with 5e?
This is a new book Would you prefer it resemble a novel without any arf and just text?

And even if it is compatible we with official D(D5e, the art in the core books is property of WIZARDS of thet Coast (new logo in text form).

I rarely play D&D of any sort anymore, but I am definitely pledging for this. I just want to own it, in case I ever get the chance to play 5E (or variants) again.


A suffusion of yellow
Why would we not want new art? New art is awesome. Still the same D&D no matter what.

Sure, why not? (That is rhetorical, not an accusation that you object in any way).

As an aside: To my shame, it took me awhile to understand 'race-bending' in media. For example, I objected to Tuvok (the black Vulcan on Star Trek Voyager). Not because of racism (at least not in my mind) but because I felt that Star Trek aliens looked too human as it is, and them having the same diversity as real world humans made them less alien to me. It took many years for me to realize that the real-world consideration of POC actors getting more roles was far more important than fantasy (or sci-fi) 'races' all looking similar, and in fact, the fictional races were FAR MORE INTERESTING because of it. (Fictional races, in particular on TV, are still far too good-looking, but that's another type of diversity to tackle down the road.)

Your Tuvok comment is interesting to me since I take the entirely opposite view, especially for Star Trek. Having a whole planets population being only one skin tone makes it too artificial (which is fine if thats the premise eg Stargate) but there appears to be convergent evolution occuring across the Star Trek Universe so that practically all aliens tend to become Humanoids and if thats the case then we should also see the same kinds of diversity across Vulcans and Klingons etc.

that Alien diversity in aliens makes them more realistic - and relevantly the same kind of diversity should apply to demihuman populations too


Your Tuvok comment is interesting to me since I take the entirely opposite view, especially for Star Trek. Having a whole planets population being only one skin tone makes it too artificial (which is fine if thats the premise eg Stargate) but there appears to be convergent evolution occuring across the Star Trek Universe so that practically all aliens tend to become Humanoids and if thats the case then we should also see the same kinds of diversity across Vulcans and Klingons etc.

that Alien diversity in aliens makes them more realistic - and relevantly the same kind of diversity should apply to demihuman populations too

I eventually came to that idea too. If they're all gonna look like humans, why not have as much variety as humans (more even, would be better). In that same vein, other problems aside, I like how Picard has used all sorts of styles for their Romulans, from old-school to Next Gen to Kelvinverse-looking make-up jobs. It makes ALL the versions cannon, AND makes for an implied variety to their looks. (They did a similar thing in Discovery Season 2, where they made Klingon clans that looked like Star Trek VI, Next Gen, and their own Disco versions, but with hair. The best way to fix a retcon, IMO, is to make it not a retcon, but an addition to the lore.

Level-up is like THAT.


Game Designer
For me, these pieces are it and miss. I'm not fond of some, but some are great. I agree with a previous poster that this might be my favorite rendition of an Aboleth.


Art is a fickle thing and having having art that applies to the potential buyers of the book even more so. Do I expect every piece to be on par with a WOTC book, not really cause that would be a huge expense. I am enjoying the article and now the art pieces so I’m eagerly awaiting this when it comes out.

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