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Let's Get Weird!

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Oh another was the Iron Gods campaign i ran. I gave one player a magic dagger that let him rerell any D20 but he had to roll on a modified wild magic table.

By the end he was a blue skinned, armadillo plated clone of another player with no shadow who was cursed to eternally wear a magic chicken suit.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
I add science-fantasy stuff to my "normal" D&D fantasy world. Some players pick up on it, some don't. A "wand of blasting" that's a laser gun. A "sealed metal dungeon" with a dead crazy-looking monster in a throne which is in fact a Yithian (see cthulhu mythos) captain in a dimensionally-shifted ship that is either super buried or phased into rock.

@Reynard can you elaborate on that Doom Trooper assault team thing? I can't tell if you're talking about the DOOM soldier from the games, or Doom Troopers from star wars, or what. Why you did it, what happened, etc.


@Reynard can you elaborate on that Doom Trooper assault team thing? I can't tell if you're talking about the DOOM soldier from the games, or Doom Troopers from star wars, or what. Why you did it, what happened, etc.
Specifically from the DOOM games. It was literally just a random encounter in Avernus. In some other Prime, assault troopers make leaps into Hell in the ongoing battle for Mars. The PCs were fighting some demons and the troopers dropped in and started shooting everyone.

aramis erak

My last T2K campaign, using 4e, had a perfect storm of encounters that were the result of the random encounter deck. It put it in "«BLEEP»ING HARD MODE!!!".
It's worth noting that I did NOT reshuffle the deck; I shuffled it once, and drew only as called for. They got all the hardest encounters in the deck early on, and the resulting losses of gear and body parts were a major drain on capabilities.
Note also, the deck had been thoroughly shuffled, and the hardest encounters aren't adjacent in a shipping-order deck anyway.
This resulted in some very odd story situations... a radioactive cloud - they aim for a nearby barn. Reduces the rads... but half the party got radiation sickness.
Then the next card was radioactive rain - so two shifts in a row.
I was concerned that the radiation was a TPK waiting to happen.

It's not out of genre, but it is a case of a perfect storm. I wasn't unaware of the possibility, but the odds were "reality distortion field" level. Especially since, when they had backup, they didn't get the hard encounters. They were complaining about it, too.


My last T2K campaign, using 4e, had a perfect storm of encounters that were the result of the random encounter deck. It put it in "«BLEEP»ING HARD MODE!!!".
It's worth noting that I did NOT reshuffle the deck; I shuffled it once, and drew only as called for. They got all the hardest encounters in the deck early on, and the resulting losses of gear and body parts were a major drain on capabilities.
Note also, the deck had been thoroughly shuffled, and the hardest encounters aren't adjacent in a shipping-order deck anyway.
This resulted in some very odd story situations... a radioactive cloud - they aim for a nearby barn. Reduces the rads... but half the party got radiation sickness.
Then the next card was radioactive rain - so two shifts in a row.
I was concerned that the radiation was a TPK waiting to happen.

It's not out of genre, but it is a case of a perfect storm. I wasn't unaware of the possibility, but the odds were "reality distortion field" level. Especially since, when they had backup, they didn't get the hard encounters. They were complaining about it, too.
I'm not sure this counts as "weird." If mutants or zombies or Skynet showed up in T2K, that would be "weird."


CR 1/8
PCs aimed to loot a small ruin in the desert, but found it to contain nothing but a spiral stair that led upward for several hundred feet, much higher than the squat pyramid itself. They followed it upward and exited into a history museum in the late 1930s, at the exact moment that a squad of occultist Nazi spies were stealing an artifact called the Black Sky Ankh. The mummy prince in the display case was pretty irate on account of being awakened at the dual intrusions and having his stuff stolen. Three-way fight ensued.


PCs aimed to loot a small ruin in the desert, but found it to contain nothing but a spiral stair that led upward for several hundred feet, much higher than the squat pyramid itself. They followed it upward and exited into a history museum in the late 1930s, at the exact moment that a squad of occultist Nazi spies were stealing an artifact called the Black Sky Ankh. The mummy prince in the display case was pretty irate on account of being awakened at the dual intrusions and having his stuff stolen. Three-way fight ensued.
Sounds like a blast! What game?

Voidrunner's Codex

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