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Lankhmar Box Set for Dungeon Crawl Classics!

Goodman Games have launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a Lankhmar Boxed Set for Dungeon Crawl Classics. The set, due for release in August 2018 if successfully funded, will explore the fantastic swords & sorcery world of Nehwon created by Fritz Leiber through his series of classic novels.

Goodman Games have launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a Lankhmar Boxed Set for Dungeon Crawl Classics. The set, due for release in August 2018 if successfully funded, will explore the fantastic swords & sorcery world of Nehwon created by Fritz Leiber through his series of classic novels.

The Kickstarter, which is running until 26th April, is looking for an initial $20,000 to fund a box set containing at least four books (more may be added through stretch goals), a map and tokens for a new DCC rules mechanic called Fleeting Luck. The initial books will be around 170 pages each and are The Compendium of Secret Knowledge, The Judge’s Guide to Nehwon, Lankhmar: City of the Black Toga and No Small Crimes in Lankhmar, the latter being a 1st level adventure.

DCC RPG is a perfect fit for Leiber’s world and the stories that chronicle it, perhaps more so than any other role-playing game to date. DCC RPG was specifically designed to go back to the classic sword & sorcery stories of Appendix N, the stories that inspired the original fantasy role-playing game, and provide judges and players with the means to replicate the feel of those tales for their own enjoyment. One could say that Leiber and Lankhmar are in the very DNA of DCC RPG, a crucial part of making the game what it is.

Now, thanks to a partnership with the estate of Fritz Leiber, DCC Lankhmar presents the fans of DCC RPG with new role-playing material that comes directly from the tales of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. Herein are new lands to explore, new monsters to battle, unique spells to uncover, and a bevy of optional rules to make your DCC RPG game better reflect the adventures that fill Fritz Leiber’s fiction.

All of us at Goodman Games are delighted by the opportunity to play with Leiber’s most famous creation. His work casts a long shadow over the role-playing game hobby, influencing and informing some of the universal components of the pastime. Every shadowy thieves’ guild, every teeming city filled with fog and danger, every scroll-reading rogue and slyly intelligent wererat skulking through the underworld owes a debt of gratitude to Fritz Leiber. It is safe to say that almost all fantasy cities in RPGs are muddied reflections of Lankhmar, whether or not we recognize it on a conscious level. Everyone involved in the DCC Lankhmar line is thrilled to be able to play in Lankhmar and to figuratively walk its foggy streets after dark. After playing in the shade of the grand city for so long, it is an honor to lay our hands on the very object that has thrown that long and influential shadow.

While the DCC Lankhmar set contains all the basics a judge requires to get his Nehwon-based game running, it is far from a complete compilation of all things Lankhmar! Leiber penned more than forty Fafhrd and Gray Mouser stories, novellas, and novels in his lifetime, incrementally adding to the world of Nehwon. Consider this set a mere aperitif, a sip of a fine vintage to wet your lips before consuming more. Each subsequent release in the DCC Lankhmar line will further explore Nehwon, allowing you to build your campaign piece-by-piece, much as Leiber did his stories. We hope you’ll continue this journey of exploration with us and to further range across the world of Nehwon and delve into the twisting streets of the City of the Black Toga through the lens of DCC Lankhmar!

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It's already funded and has passed the first stretch goal (which was at 2x funding... so not a trivial amount).... which is another adventure. I am in for this KS. We have only played DCC twice so far... but my kids have been asking to play again because it was fun. We have 3 different campaigns going already (2 that are 5e and 1 DCC), and we'll probably be starting Castles and Crusades before long... too many games to play and too little time.


DCC is a quality company and I've e joyed playing DCC. I was surprised by their Kickstarter for a 4th printing core book ran into so many problems and was a year late for fulfillment.

That picture in the new thread about DCC reprinting classic 1e adventures with 5e data included....only Mike Mearls seems to be enjoying the panel.


I backed the 4th printing of DCC. I think they were quite ambitious with the hard cover book. It had the gold edging and then thumb things on the pages and the built in bookmarks. It was worth the wait. Also, they went above and beyond by offering a softcover version while we were waiting for the hard cover. I was a bit worried about a softcover version of a book that is that substantial, but the softcover version is great... very sturdy, yet easy to flip through.

DCC is a quality company and I've e joyed playing DCC. I was surprised by their Kickstarter for a 4th printing core book ran into so many problems and was a year late for fulfillment.

That picture in the new thread about DCC reprinting classic 1e adventures with 5e data included....only Mike Mearls seems to be enjoying the panel.


First Post
I am just wrapping up at GaryCon. I played BECMI, AD&D1e, Star Frontiers, and DCC. Of the games, DCC was probably the most fun (mad props to the young lady who ran it). I will definitely itely be backing this Kickstarter.


Great to hear they went above and beyond. Like most internet posts, we tend to see mainly the more vocal that are having issues.


Star Frontiers? Haven't seen that mentioned in a long time. Had fun playing that back in the 80s... still have all of my SF stuff.

I am just wrapping up at GaryCon. I played BECMI, AD&D1e, Star Frontiers, and DCC. Of the games, DCC was probably the most fun (mad props to the young lady who ran it). I will definitely itely be backing this Kickstarter.


Been here a while...
The only KS I've done with Goodman Games isn't impressing me so far. The "How to Write Adventures That Don't Suck" book was on sale at GaryCon, but the backers haven't gotten pdf copies yet or an explanation about what's going on.


Ships anywhere in the world
Estimated delivery: Jun 2017

Is it June already?

The only KS I've done with Goodman Games isn't impressing me so far. The "How to Write Adventures That Don't Suck" book was on sale at GaryCon, but the backers haven't gotten pdf copies yet or an explanation about what's going on.


The only KS I've done with Goodman Games isn't impressing me so far. The "How to Write Adventures That Don't Suck" book was on sale at GaryCon, but the backers haven't gotten pdf copies yet or an explanation about what's going on.

Was it actually for sale? My understanding was that they were bringing a limited # of copies along for kickstarter backers to pickup if they attended Garycon.

I'm a fan of Goodman Games & DCC and a huge fan of the Lankhmar/Newhon series of Fritz Leiber. So of course I'm in for this kickstarter. I hope it busts through all the listed stretch goals before all is said and done.

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