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L2: The Dragon's Maw (Erekose13 judging)


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Throran shakes his head slowly. "this is going to be very bad..." He thinks to himself. With a sigh, he looks to the others. "Well if that is decied, shall we move along?"

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The group gathers on the edge of town. Past the neatly tended fields, and hilly grazing land, they can see the forest. It starts quite suddenly, with tall, thick trees.

Barbaros the Brown breathes deeply of the clean air, and smiles like a child to be outside again. He straightens under his dirty, ragged clothes and shifts nervously. He has been told what you want, and has been threatened with dire consequences should he fail to lead you to the stolen treasure.

"Come." he says softly. "It is past the forest."

Aazwan has decided releasing the prisoner is a bad idea, and he leaves, to head back to Orussus.

OOC: Will he party attempt to secure the prisoner? If so, how? Any particular marching order or precautions?


Leaving the securing of the Barbaros the Brigand to the booming barbarian, Merlis secured his pack and checked his pouch for the materials he would need for his prepared spells.

~Not that I have anything powerful enough to subdue him should he attack while I sleep. Perhaps I can look into warding and binding spells after this trip is over...~

Looking at the others, Merlis forced a smile on his face as he spoke.

"Well then...through the forest we shall go. Hopefully Mister Brown will not cause us the trouble he has caused Master Josef."

[sblock=Marching order]I would prefer the middle please.[/sblock]


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kermis gladly keeps a close eye on the orc. and will walk directly beside him and a little behind. so assuming the orc is in the front kermis will be the second.

occassionally kermis gives the orc a few playful shoves/pats on the back. but he doesnt let him out of his sight.


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The first day's hike is uneventful. The party passes the fields, the farms, and the grazing animals. In the forest, they first travel on animal trails, and meet a couple human hunters. But by days end, signs of civilization have vanished.

Barbaros seems to know where he's going, moving surely through the forest, occationally stopping to dig up some roots or fill his pockets with berries. He talks to himself, it seems, though about half-way through the day, the party realizes he's actually talking to a mangy rat, who seems to live in his tattered clothes.

Near nightfall, he has led the party to a small lean-to by a clear stream. The party is able to fill their waterskins and sit down to a much-welcomed rest.

"Here to stay tonight." says the half-orc. "Usually safe." He curls up in the lean to and closes his eyes. His rat scampers around the camp, cleaning up any dropped crumbs.

Watch order? Precautions? You could gather enough wood to keep a fire going.


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feeling comforatable in the envorinment kermis quickly soaks his face in the cool stream and surveys the area. finding a suitable tree for some some cover he leans against it and stretches. glancing at the group and at the orc he seems to feel pretty secure. "KERMIS TAKE LAST WATCH" he shouts and soon dozes off to sleep.
snoring loudly

ooc - kermis doesnt really seem to concerned. and its nice out here in the wild.
last watch unless someone says other wise somehow.

precautions.....for what?

fire.....bah dont need fire


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It turns out not to matter who takes first and second watch. The night is mostly quiet, though there seems to be no end to the various small noises about them. Small birds and animals scurry about under bushes and over branches. The wind (or something) causes strange noises here and there.

Barbaros tosses and turns fitfully in his sleep. He seems to be afflicted with some skin infection, perhaps due to his days in the dingy cell under the temple. He scratches himself and moans.

After Valan, Kermis is awoken for the fourth shift. He doesn't bother with a fire, but tries to stay alert, sitting, standing or walking about. Unfortunately, he doesn't hear the stealthy approach of danger.

Suddenly from the bushes, a large cat-like form leaps out. It's face seems to be a horrible skull, and an ear-splitting scream fills the night air.

Kermis must make a DC 13 will save or be frightened.

The other four are instantly awakened by the noise.

Initiatives: Kermis, attacker, Merlis, Throran, Valan, Barbaros (<-rolled separately, as I mistakenly didn't include them.)


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taken completly by surprise by the creature, and being unnerved by a fitful dream he had about his village being attacked by a similar creature. the mighty barbarian is filled with fear at the sight of the beast. galncing around nervously for his weapon and not finding it in his reach kermis bolts for some cover behind a nearby tree.

ooc - crap how embarassing rolled a 10.. -1 = 9 :-(

not gonna live this down


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Round 1:

The creature dashes into the clearing as Kermis flees. Seeing Merlis waking up right in front of it, it targets the gnome with its teeth. Fortunately, even the half-asleep wizard is able to avoid the snapping jaws.

Merlis and Throran act next. Then Barbaros and Valen in round 1. Kermis in round 2. He will be frightened for 3 rounds. Thus he will flee for rounds 1-3, then can rush back in rounds 4 to 6. By then the battle should be over, one way or another...

Voidrunner's Codex

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